“Flat Earth” Idiocy Warning

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Helmut Stuka

“Flat Earth” Idiocy Warning

Post by Helmut Stuka » Mon Sep 19, 2016 1:46 am

I write hereby to warn intelligent White Nationalists about a discrediting and demoralizing ideological poison which has been making the rounds in some quarters.  My purpose here on White Biocentrism is to give a general alert such that others may be cautious—moreso than I was, at any rate.

The notion is that the Earth is flat, and a Jewish Ball Earth Conspiracy is being promulgated by NASA and/or Freemasons (depending on whom you ask).  I wish that I were joking.  Unfortunately, it is a grave matter when the “Flat Earth” idea is being slimed onto people who raise facts against the Holocaust hoax, or say that a Judeo-Masonic conspiracy is indeed controlling the world.  In so far as I have ascertained, the seeds of this notion were planted around 2014–15; and a campaign therefor has grown substantially in 2016.

N.b. that this is even occurring in venues which do not advertise Flat Earth beliefs up-front.  I am aware that the Internet is rife with obvious wackos in plenty; I would not waste your time or mine to inform you thereof.  Moreover, I would not wish to draw more attention to this, except that it is already too late to simply ignore.  The Jewish media spin it as you may expect; and damage is being done, for example:

My experience is with a site which regularly reruns articles by Dr. William Luther Pierce, Dr. Revilo P. Oliver, and also various Third Reich German National Socialists.  They also publish some other excellent material, about everything from the genocide of Germans to Aryan art.  I did not know about the proprietor’s Flat Earth beliefs until I had been there almost two months.  It hit me fully in the face when “Flat Earth” was tossed into Internet radio broadcast, which started with an interview of a German revisionist who had been recently raided by police.  A lengthy comment-section argument ensued over “Flat Earth”, on a webpage headlined with this “Holocaust denier’s” photograph.  “Flat Earth” seems to be raised only occasionally, and at the worst possible moments.  Inferences are left as an exercise to the reader—but caveat lector.

Being rather NS-oriented, I myself have met ridicule in real life along the lines of:  “So, you love Adolf Hitler, think White people are going extinct, and Deny The Holocaust.  Why, you must also believe that the Earth is flat—hah, hah!”  As a practical propagandist, I don’t take this as a joke:  I know how damaging it can be when somebody gains publicity for important issues, draws in good people—then literally claims that the Earth is flat.  And as an admirer of great Aryan achievements, I will vehemently oppose anybody who scorns and belittles Dead White Men such as Aristarchus, Copernicus, Galileo, and Kepler.¹

(¹ I am well aware that White people have known the Earth to be round since time immemorial; and the only real debate was between the heliocentric theory of Aristarchus, versus the Aristotelian/Ptolemaic idea that a perfectly spherical Earth was the centre of the universe.  Also that Aryan Galileo described the principle of relativistic motion as pertains to a moving Earth in Dialogo sopra i due massimi sistemi del mondo (1632), 273 years before the Jew Einstein.  I pick on Aristarchus, so as to emphasize how advanced White Western thinking has been for millennia.)

For my part, as an antidote to this nonsense, I find myself turning the notorious NASA shill and Ball Globe Conspirator, Dr. William Luther Pierce—a Doctor of Physics who did some of his graduate studies at NASA’s JPL, and once dreamed of becoming an astronaut.  Dr. Pierce deliberately sacrificed his enjoyable and lucrative job as a senior research physicist in the aircraft division of Pratt and Whitney, so he could fight for White survival against the Jewish menace.  I admire his example.  And though most people here already know the biographical facts I have just recounted, most of the public does not.  Thus I have worked Dr. Pierce’s scientific credentials into my talking points, and suggest that others who encounter “Flat Earth” should do likewise.

Helmut Stuka

Re: “Flat Earth” Idiocy Warning

Post by Helmut Stuka » Mon Sep 19, 2016 1:54 am

Since the Jew-run media have been having orgasms over the mix of Hitler, “Holocaust denial”, Judeo-Masonic conspiracies, and Flat Earth, I made the following public education infographic.  This version is remade for WB folks with a generic Life Rune good for both NS and NA, and some other differences; the original flies the Swastika.  (Print Quality)
Flat-Earth B.o.B. versus Dr. Wernher von Braun:  Equals?
Flat-Earth B.o.B. versus Dr. Wernher von Braun: Equals?
black_flat_earth-512x663.png (235.95 KiB) Viewed 5434 times


Re: “Flat Earth” Idiocy Warning

Post by JoeofKek » Mon Sep 19, 2016 2:09 am

I think (((Sinead McCarthy))) is the main one pushing this flat earth bullshit. Renegade Media, stay the hell away from them.

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Wade Hampton III
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Re: “Flat Earth” Idiocy Warning

Post by Wade Hampton III » Mon Sep 19, 2016 7:36 pm

MD Capital Market Research said...

Yes, the Flat Earth 'movement' is entirely disinformation. My response to them
has been "If you want to prove the Earth is flat, I will donate money to send
you to Antarctica to prove it. Go scale the ice wall and photograph what is
beyond it, and we will finance your return from Antarctica (but not before you
have proof of the ice wall's end)."


None have taken me up on it. Why not? All that glory, just waiting to be grabbed!
Think of how much you will help humanity and how many hits your You-tube channel
will get, the man who "proved we live on a plane"!
flat-as-hell.JPG (45.12 KiB) Viewed 5384 times

Helmut Stuka

Re: “Flat Earth” Idiocy Warning

Post by Helmut Stuka » Tue Sep 20, 2016 2:37 am

Wade Hampton III wrote:MD Capital Market Research said...

Yes, the Flat Earth 'movement' is entirely disinformation. My response to them
has been "If you want to prove the Earth is flat, I will donate money to send
you to Antarctica to prove it. Go scale the ice wall and photograph what is
beyond it, and we will finance your return from Antarctica (but not before you
have proof of the ice wall's end)."


None have taken me up on it. Why not? All that glory, just waiting to be grabbed!
Think of how much you will help humanity and how many hits your You-tube channel
will get, the man who "proved we live on a plane"!
Thank you, Mr. Hampton.  It is refreshing to see some intelligence, after having unexpectedly wound up in the middle of threads where people are armchair-diagnosed with Asperger’s for insisting that the Earth is round.  This—on sites which have memory-holed their own Flat Earth material which proudly advocates, quoting verbatim, “anti-intellectualism at its best”.

Yes, it is an obvious disinformation campaign; and those who have followed “leaks” will immediately recognize that Flat Earth discussion threads tend to bear the fingerprints of covert online opinion manipulation methods.  My primary concern is that there are sites essentially drawing people into a trap:  You sign up for the likes of Dr. Pierce and Dr. Oliver, and then find your name and your face suddenly associated with Flat Earth.  That is what happened to me.

I myself would not even bother challenging anybody to prove that the Earth is flat.  The whole charade is beneath dignifying with argument!  But on grounds that historical falsification must be stopped, I did challenge a bald assertion that German National Socialists were not only “believers in the Spherical Model” (quote, unquote).  I promised that if I were shown even one authentic scientific document actually published by a reputable scientist in Germany 1933–45 which proposes that the Earth is flat, then not only would I publicly apologize, but also I myself would advocate whatever it says.  I felt confident in promising this, because I trust German scientists and Third Reich censors; it is not unlike demanding that somebody produce an authentic document signed by Dr. Pierce stating that the Earth is flat, the moon is made of green cheese, the Germans gassed six million Jews, miscegenation is a virtue, and White men are inferior to Congoids.

My comment issuing this challenge on the pertinent thread was deleted by the moderator, although it lives on in my blog.

Helmut Stuka

Re: “Flat Earth” Idiocy Warning

Post by Helmut Stuka » Tue Sep 20, 2016 2:51 am

In gratitude to you folks at White Biocentrism for the fresh air, I have prepared a Dr. Pierce version of the public education infographic.  It is actually offensive to see these two together on one page; but I already did it to a man who built moon rockets, so Dr. Pierce (wherever he is) should not take it the wrong way.  Note that I do these because, as a practical propagandist, I understand that glitzy graphics can sometimes have more real-world impact than long, abstruse essays with impeccable reasoning.  So feel free to wave this in the face of anybody who claims to be a “White Nationalist” while advocating “Flat Earth”—just to show them what they really are, in terms they can understand (print quality):
Black B.o.B. vs. Dr. William Luther Pierce
Black B.o.B. vs. Dr. William Luther Pierce
black_bob_vs_dr_pierce-512x720.png (281.26 KiB) Viewed 5369 times
Moreover, channeling my own personal hero Dr. Goebbels (who in fact kept a very round globe in his office at the Propagandaministerium), I see a golden opportunity to turn this disinformation campaign around with a counterattack:
  • All men are created equal, just like the Earth is flat.
  • Jews are White, just like the Earth is flat.
  • It is perfectly natural for Blacks and Whites and Yellows to cross-breed into one big mudpie, just like the Earth is flat.
  • “Gender” is a “social construct”, just like the Earth is flat.
  • Homosexuality is normal and healthy, just like the Earth is flat.
  • National Alliance members are terrorists who want to murder everybody, just like the Earth is flat.
  • Adolf Hitler had gas chambers at Auschwitz, just like Saddam Hussein had weapons of mass destruction—just like the Earth is flat!
...&c., &c.  I could do these all day (and have made some other suitable graphics, but I don’t want to spam WB with bunches of cute pictures).

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C.E. Whiteoak
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Re: “Flat Earth” Idiocy Warning

Post by C.E. Whiteoak » Tue Sep 20, 2016 8:39 am

Thank you for putting that together, Helmut. An excellent refutation of the "flat Earth" cranks. I am not sure if they are simply kooks or deliberate disinformation artists.

Helmut Stuka

Re: “Flat Earth” Idiocy Warning

Post by Helmut Stuka » Tue Sep 20, 2016 12:57 pm

C.E. Whiteoak wrote:Thank you for putting that together, Helmut. An excellent refutation of the "flat Earth" cranks. I am not sure if they are simply kooks or deliberate disinformation artists.
Thanks for the support, C.E. Whiteoak.  As to the question of motive:  I don’t think that every person who does dumb things is on the payroll, so to speak; and I doubt that simple kooks would run (or could even read) WLP and RPO articles.  Thus may I add a third, overlapping possibility:  Professional disinformation artists are manipulating reckless¹ “rebels without a cause”, the latter of whom have otherwise attached themselves to what are to-day the most socially rebellious causes they can find:  “Racism”, “anti-Semitism”, Adolf Hitler, &c.

(¹ I note too that certain well-known Flat Earthers have publicly defended marijuana—a harmless little plant, which also did wonders for the Cultural Marxist hippie movement with its usual effects of unlimited paranoia, distorted thinking, susceptibility to suggestion, and terribly poor judgment.)

For a damage check, I have been quietly soliciting opinions on this from the “other side”.  The following is from an intelligent White person who is a doctrinaire racial egalitarian, but not the usual knee-jerk hater.  I sigh with regret about the real chances of actually bringing over such an individual; but nevertheless, I think it is important to show foremost that racial nationalists are neither murderous monsters, nor drooling imbeciles, nor raving insane.  Well, I showed my interlocutor some of the pertinent Flat Earth materials; and after the gales of laughter had subsided, this was the response:
Somebody from “the other side” wrote:My impression?  Those people enjoy being mean and willfully obtuse.  It makes them feel powerful, elite, and subversive to isolate themselves in echo-chambers of incendiary nonsense, fling impotent bile at the world, and eat their own excrement.
With some bitterness, I found myself thinking that those words have the insight which comes with the fresh eyes of an outsider.  Hmmm, rebels for the sake of rebelling.  I can see how in contradistinction to principled, disciplined² fighters, negative recreants who just enjoy lashing out can be easily “nudged” in some very destructive directions.  (Somewhat misappropriating the term “nudge” from different but related published literature on mass manipulation.)  Thus with categorization of various Flat Earth pushers necessarily left as an exercise to the reader, I propose that some of the Flat Earthers are well-calculated disinformation agents planting the seeds of the poison—which is then lapped up and spread not only by real crazies, but also by eager dupes who care about nothing more than showing off how they rebel against everything.

(² Noting herewith that one of my favourite NS anecdotes recounts how one time, at the memorial for HJ Quex (Herbert Norkus), Dr. Goebbels personally ordered a column of SA marchers to ignore the large rocks being thrown at them (and him)—and they obeyed.  But don’t get me wrong:  I also enjoy the stories about the SA turning the tables and beating the Red mobsters to a pulp, as they did when so ordered by intelligent and strategically insightful leadership.)

On that last point, I drafted a satire last week about how Alternative Mathematics unveils THE TRUTH about what the NASA/NIST/&c. Conventional Number Theory (CNT) told you in school about 2 + 2 = 4 (and 0.999… = 1; do you see the hidden 666?).  Question everything!  Why, the Roman court historian Josephus³ recorded that the Jews invented mathematics; it must be a conspiracy, like Einstein’s relativity is part of the Ball Earth Conspiracy!  Moreover, I read somewhere⁴ that an unidentified Nazi professor once declared to an unnamed American journalist that if the Führer says twice two is five, then so it is.  Take the red pill!

(³ For the satire-challenged:  Josephus was a Jewish liar.  The only reason why anybody gives him credence is that Christians are unwilling to attack the same Jew who, curiously enough, also provided the only ostensibly independent, almost-contemporary evidence for the existence of historical Jesus.  The Jews invented mathematics, exactly like Einstein invented relativity and Big Brother invented the helicopter.  Which is my point.)

(⁴ Yes, I actually read this—in a book written by a Jew, of course:  The Ominous Parallels by the Jew Leonard Peikoff, designated intellectual heir of the Capitalist Jewess Alisa Rosenbaum (a/k/a “Ayn Rand”).  I presume that similarly reliable sources were the basis for the actual Flat Earther claim that German National Socialists questioned the “Spherical Model”.)

The satire almost wrote itself, because nine-tenths of its text was copied, pasted, and then adapted from actual “White Nationalist” Flat Earth materials.  I set it aside because upon review, I realized that it could be misread as ridiculing the idea that there is, in fact, a Judeo-Masonic global conspiracy.  I think this also clearly demonstrates how badly “Flat Earth” poisons the well of public discussion about anything it touches.  That is why though I don’t tilt at windmills, I have been taking this facially ridiculous nonsense seriously—not as a serious argument, but as a serious propaganda threat.

Whereas I am fairly certain that Dr. Pierce was a believer in Conventional Number Theory, and just too simple-minded to ever question it.

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