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Will Williams
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Post by Will Williams » Wed Apr 27, 2016 9:53 am

deracinate - verb de·rac·i·nate \(ˌ)dē-ˈra-sə-ˌnāt\

transitive verb
1: uproot
2: to remove or separate from a native environment or culture; especially : to remove the racial or ethnic characteristics or influences from

deracination \(ˌ)dē-ˌra-sə-ˈnā-shən\ noun

Used in a sentence: There are some sick goddamned deracinated white people out there, usually Christians, who will deny their own race
If Whites insist on participating in "social media," do so on ours, not (((theirs))). Like us on; follow us on ᛉ

Mike G

Re: Deracinate

Post by Mike G » Wed Apr 27, 2016 11:11 am

This is a good word that we should use. There was an article posted on Nat Van taken from The New Order website that was very good about this word and subject.

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Will Williams
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Re: Deracinate

Post by Will Williams » Wed Apr 27, 2016 1:05 pm

Good. How 'bout finding that and putting it up here, Mike.

I always liked miscegenationistic -- a word with 18 letters one can throw out around the water cooler to impress folks with. It sends them scurrying to their Funk & Wagnalls to learn it means race-mixing. :lol:
If Whites insist on participating in "social media," do so on ours, not (((theirs))). Like us on; follow us on ᛉ

Mike G

Re: Deracinate

Post by Mike G » Wed Apr 27, 2016 1:26 pm

I am on my phone now so it is not as viable to repost the article. I will post ot later.

P.s. I really like that word lol.

Mike G

Re: Deracinate

Post by Mike G » Wed Apr 27, 2016 4:18 pm

A New Word for Your Vocabulary List: ‘Deracinated’

by James Harting

Scholars tell us that there are more words in English than in any other language. Estimates run between 600,000 and 1 million words. (Swahili, in contrast has 20,000 words.) Most of these words are technical terms, and no one is expected to know every word in the English language.

But here is a word that has been around since 1599, and that White people should commit to memory and start using: deracinated.

Here is one dictionary’s definition of “deracinate”:

1: uproot

2: to remove or separate from a native environment or culture; especially: to remove the racial or ethnic characteristics or influences from

“Uproot” is the original sense of the term, but it is the second definition that is of more use today: someone is deracinated who has been drained of their essential racial or ethnic characteristics, leaving only the outward appearance of their racial identity.

Think of it in relation to the word “decaffeinated.” A cup of decaf coffee looks and tastes like the real thing, but there is something important missing. A deracinated White man is superficially White: he looks White, dresses White, speaks with a White accent and cadence – but inside, he has been drained of the values and characteristics that make White people unique. He is without race in any meaningful sense.

A man who is deracinated feels no organic connection to the racial community to which he belongs biologically. He does not feel himself to be White, and he does not possess a sense of kinship with other White people. Traditional White cultural forms hold no special appeal to him. In consequence, he is comfortable cheering on Negro athletes or bouncing up and down to Negro musical rhythms. In choosing a mate, he may or may not select a White woman: in fact, he often finds a perverse attraction in non-White females: White woman are so “boring” to him, whereas their dusky-hued counterparts are “exotic.” Immediate sexual attraction will be more important to him than the racial identity of his offspring.

Those who are deracinated are easy prey to ideologies and belief systems that are hostile to White interests, such as liberalism, conservatism, capitalism, Marxism, globalism, and mainstream Christianity. As one National Socialist put it: “Stand for your race or you will fall for anything!”

A deracinated White man may have the intelligence of a White man, but he lacks a White man’s character. He is quick to make excuses and to cast the blame for his failures on others. His sense of loyalty is often attenuated, and it is always conditional. He is quick to condemn the actions of his ancestors: he feels no more connection to them than he does to his fellow Whites living today. He rarely gives any thought to generations to come, and thinks of the future only in terms of his personal “legacy,” that is, the reputation that he seeks to enjoy among other deracinated Whites and racial aliens.

If we look around in public life today, we can find no better example of a deracinated White male than Jeb Bush, the Republican governor of Florida and would-be US president. Donald Trump has castigated him for having “low energy,” but his problem is really much worse than that. Bush is the personification of White weakness and mediocrity. It is not just his Mexican wife and mestizo children who give him away, nor his commitment to international capitalism and multiracial non-culture. No, his whole manner and public persona announces, “I am a man without race; I am devoid of any positive White characteristics or values.”

In contrast to the deracinated man, there is the man of strong race: the proud White Man. He is conscious of his racial identity, and he feels himself to be a part of a community of White people. He is knows who his ancestors are, and take pride in their deeds. His children are of the same race that he is, because he chose a White woman as his mate. He is familiar with White cultural forms, and participates and enjoys them. He dresses likes a White man, speaks like a White man, and has only fellow Whites in his circle of close friends. He carries himself with confidence, and when he gives his word, you know that he is going to keep it. In defeat as well as victory, he takes responsibility for his actions.

If Jeb Bush is an example of a deracinated White male, then James K. Polk is the exemplar of an American White Man of strong race.

Polk (1795-1849) was the 11th president of the United States, from 1845 to 1849. Under his brief presidency, he oversaw the establishment of the US Naval Academy and the Smithsonian Institution, as well as the issuance of the first US paper stamps. But what he is best remembered for is his audacious and aggressive foreign policy, thus expanding the US from the frontier region of the Mississippi to the Pacific Ocean. He annexed Texas, and won a lightning war against Mexico, which resulted in a further 500,000 square miles being added to the nation. He then established the Oregon Territory by negotiation with the British government. By diplomacy and by war, he increased the land mass of the US by a third, and turned it into a continental power that spanned North America from the Atlantic to the Pacific.

All this was done in furtherance of the ideal of “Manifest Destiny,” which held that it was ordained that the White race would occupy and settle the whole expanse of the continent, from one ocean to another – even if that meant taking it away from the Indians and Mexicans who also claimed the land.

Polk was a self-made man, who did what he felt was needed to be done for his race and nation, with no apologizing or bowing to the pressure of his enemies. Bush in contrast, is weakness and privilege personified.

White Men like Polk – men of strong race – are the ones who built this country and made it great. It is through the likes of deracinated White males like Bush that it is going to hell.

National Socialism, embodied in the United States by the NEW ORDER, will return this country to greatness, by reaffirming its White racial roots, and by placing its government once again into the hands of men of strong race – and banishing weak, deracinated White males from the national stage forever!


A White Man of strong race


Wannabe president and deracinated White male

Benjamin Bice

Re: Deracinate

Post by Benjamin Bice » Thu Apr 28, 2016 12:00 am

Will Williams wrote:deracinate - verb de·rac·i·nate \(ˌ)dē-ˈra-sə-ˌnāt\

transitive verb
1: uproot
2: to remove or separate from a native environment or culture; especially : to remove the racial or ethnic characteristics or influences from

deracination \(ˌ)dē-ˌra-sə-ˈnā-shən\ noun

Used in a sentence: There are some sick goddamned deracinated white people out there, usually Christians, who will deny their own race
Thanks for that word, Will. As a writer, I am always looking up the meanings of obscure words or words that are not commonly used in modern day American English. Expanding one's vocabulary really helps for creative writing. You have just added a new world to my arsenal that I never encountered before.

Benjamin Bice

Re: Deracinate

Post by Benjamin Bice » Thu Apr 28, 2016 12:09 am

Will Williams wrote:Good. How 'bout finding that and putting it up here, Mike.

I always liked miscegenationistic -- a word with 18 letters one can throw out around the water cooler to impress folks with. It sends them scurrying to their Funk & Wagnalls to learn it means race-mixing. :lol:

It never ceases to amaze how many people have no idea what that word means. Idiot leftists who think that they are "smart" and "educated" love to throw out the word "misogyny" or "misogynistic". Then when the word "miscegenation" gets thrown at them, they just blink in obfuscous and blank incomprehension. Then I'm like "Well, I thought you considered yourself smart."

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Will Williams
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Re: Deracinate

Post by Will Williams » Fri Apr 29, 2016 1:06 pm

Benjamin Bice wrote:
Will Williams wrote:Good. How 'bout finding that and putting it up here, Mike.

I always liked miscegenationistic -- a word with 18 letters one can throw out around the water cooler to impress folks with. It sends them scurrying to their Funk & Wagnalls to learn it means race-mixing. :lol:
It never ceases to amaze how many people have no idea what that word means. Idiot leftists who think that they are "smart" and "educated" love to throw out the word "misogyny" or "misogynistic". Then when the word "miscegenation" gets thrown at them, they just blink in obfuscous and blank incomprehension. Then I'm like "Well, I thought you considered yourself smart."
Ben, I had to look up 'obfuscous'. You say the leftists blink in it but I couldn't figure out what you meant. I know obfuscate, an excellent word to describe what leftists do to confuse or make something more difficult to understand, but couldn't make the leap to picture people blinking in obfuscous. Throwing in that word struck me as superfluous affectation -- another good word -- when your "they just blink in blank incomprehension" said it all.

James Harting's article is excellent. He is in the very top rank of writers on our side -- always clarifying, never confusing.
If Whites insist on participating in "social media," do so on ours, not (((theirs))). Like us on; follow us on ᛉ

Benjamin Bice

Re: Deracinate

Post by Benjamin Bice » Sat Apr 30, 2016 1:01 am

Will Williams wrote:
Benjamin Bice wrote:
Will Williams wrote:Good. How 'bout finding that and putting it up here, Mike.

I always liked miscegenationistic -- a word with 18 letters one can throw out around the water cooler to impress folks with. It sends them scurrying to their Funk & Wagnalls to learn it means race-mixing. :lol:
It never ceases to amaze how many people have no idea what that word means. Idiot leftists who think that they are "smart" and "educated" love to throw out the word "misogyny" or "misogynistic". Then when the word "miscegenation" gets thrown at them, they just blink in obfuscous and blank incomprehension. Then I'm like "Well, I thought you considered yourself smart."
Ben, I had to look up 'obfuscous'. You say the leftists blink in it but I couldn't figure out what you meant. I know obfuscate, an excellent word to describe what leftists do to confuse or make something more difficult to understand, but couldn't make the leap to picture people blinking in obfuscous. Throwing in that word struck me as superfluous affectation -- another good word -- when your "they just blink in blank incomprehension" said it all.

James Harting's article is excellent. He is in the very top rank of writers on our side -- always clarifying, never confusing.
unnecessary, especially through being more than enough.

Aha! Point well-taken. But more to the point, I can just sometimes be condescending toward leftists. I can't help it.
(P.S., Thank you for reminding me of that word. I hadn't seen or heard it used in a very long time and almost forgot about it. The only problem with looking about 10,000 English words that are not all that commonly used is that I forget about 5,000 of those 10,000.LOL!)

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Wade Hampton III
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Re: Deracinate

Post by Wade Hampton III » Sat Jan 14, 2017 2:20 am

Miscegenation - Don't Fund Me!
Inspired By The Jew
Inspired By The Jew
miscegenation-2.jpg (42.95 KiB) Viewed 10251 times ... 33738.html

Hit her in the bank account! Then she can look for
financial support from "the Black community." I hear
Kentucky Fried Chicken is hiring!

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