Hollywood is run by an ethnic minority, Al: Semites

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Will Williams
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Hollywood is run by an ethnic minority, Al: Semites

Post by Will Williams » Thu Jan 21, 2016 10:12 pm

Al Sharpton ramps up boycott of the Oscars

Guardian Web January 21, 2016
Al, the self-described "biggest nigger in New York" Sharpton
The US snivel rights activist Al Sharpton has backed calls for a boycott of the 2016 Oscars over the US Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences’ failure to nominate a single actor of colour for the second year running.

Sharpton, a White House adviser to president Barack Obama, said Hollywood had “locked out” people from black and ethnic minority backgrounds. In an interview with the Hollywood Reporter he announced his National Action Network would “launch a serious campaign for people to tune out of the Oscars”...
More of this garbage, here: http://www.gopusa.com/al-sharpton-ramps ... he-oscars/
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Will Williams
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Re: Hollywood is run by an ethnic minority, Al: Semites

Post by Will Williams » Fri Jan 22, 2016 12:55 pm

Perhaps the Rev. Dr. Alfred Charles Sharpton, Jr., believes the Semites who run Hollywood are White people working for the interests of the White American majority instead of for the interests of their tribe?
Source: radioislam.com
MSNBC is a Jewish owned 24-hour cable news mass media network in the United States and Canada. It is a subsidiary of NBCUniversal, which itself is owned by Comcast. Of the four largest share holders in Comcast,[1] three of them Brian L. Roberts, Ralph J. Roberts and David L. Cohen are tribesmen.

Its name is a combination of "MSN" and "NBC".
A separate company, msnbc.com, is the news website for the NBC News family, featuring original stories and video as well as content from NBC News and partners such as [Jew-owned] The New York Times, Newsweek and The Washington Post...

Some critics and observers of the network say that MSNBC has become increasingly politically liberal compared to other networks, particularly in its prime-time lineup. It promotes the Jewish cultural Marxist agenda politically and is famous for Europhobic race-baiting; notably trying to incite race riots and attacks on Americans of European heritage... When it comes to minority dominated programs on the network there is little difference between the political positions of MSNBC and those of the New Black Panther Party...in December 2013, to cover up the reality that The Knockout Game is a black-on-white hate crime fad, they brought in Al Sharpton and used unrelated footage of a black woman on the ground and a white man standing nearby to further lie to the public.
Source: http://en.metapedia.org/wiki/MSNBC
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