Dr. Pierce analyses usefulness to Alliance of the Internet

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Will Williams
Posts: 4521
Joined: Sun Jul 28, 2013 9:22 am

Dr. Pierce analyses usefulness to Alliance of the Internet

Post by Will Williams » Tue Nov 19, 2013 5:39 pm

Commentary by Dr. Pierce to his members in August 1998 internal National Alliance BULLETIN:

Staying In Touch

In the past four years the Internet has grown from practically nothing to our single most powerful medium for reaching the public with our message.

At our two sites -- http://www.natvan.com and http://www.natall.com -- we offer a very large quantity and variety of materials in text, audio, and image files: nearly 100 megabytes of information capable of providing literally hundreds of hours of reading and listening to interested members of the public, free of charge. We are adding to this material almost on a daily basis.

Parts of our material are available in German, French, and Swedish as well as English. On an average day about 6,000 visitors avail themselves of information from our sites. It is estimated that this year more than 80 million people around the world will have access to the Internet, and this audience is growing at a rate of about 30 percent per year. Furthermore, the Internet audience is a cut above the general population -- i.e., the television audience -- in socioeconomic and intelligence levels. Joe and Jill Sixpack are far less likely to be serious Internet users than are professionals, executives, academics, and university students.

Unfortunately, however, as the number of people using the Internet has grown, the average quality of the users inevitably has declined, and certain pathologies have developed in association with Internet usage. One sees evidence of this most often in Usenet, an Internet adjunct consisting of so-called "discussion groups," where anyone can join -- or eavesdrop on -- discussions on virtually any subject. Theoretically, discussion groups might seem like a wonderful idea; an opportunity for everyone to have his say on an equal basis, without Jewish censorship. People can say what they really think about the government, about race, about the Jews, or about anything else. And many people do.

The reason people are willing to say what they think on Usenet is that they can do so anonymously. Miserable cowards, who would never dare challenge the Politically Correct party line in real life, do so in discussion groups without fear, because no one knows who they are or where they live. This feature has a terrific attraction for a type of person, who is unable to cope with the real world but can feel himself a hero in cyberspace. It also has an attraction for many with an excessively verbal personality, who are hypnotized by any flow of words, especially their own. It has long been my observation that people who talk the most do the least, and Usenet has picked up a following of ineffective people: losers and non-copers who like to talk.

For a while the Alliance had a Cybercell, whose members would participate in discussion groups in an organized way, dominating the discussions. The theory behind this activity was that most people have no strong convictions and have weak, feminine natures. They will adopt as their own whatever party line seems to have the strongest support: whichever side in a debate is able to shout down its opponents will be able to sway the crowd toward its position. The theory seemed to work well enough, and the Cybercell made its presence felt in many discussion groups, one at a time -- although it is by no means certain that our success in shouting down our opponents had any lasting effects on other discussion-group participants.

Eventually I decided that it did not behoove the Alliance to continue to participate in discussion groups, and the Cybercell was disbanded. The reason for this decision was the total lack of self-discipline in the discussion groups. Of course, members were free to continue participating in discussion groups on an individual basis if they wished.

In the real world people understand that their words have consequences and that they must therefore choose them with a certain amount of care. What other people think of them will depend to a large degree on what they say, and almost no one wants to be thought a fool. Furthermore, in the real world careless talk can result in one getting punched in the nose or worse. It is for this reason that our race developed, through the evolutionary process, the value we place on politeness and decorum; down through the ages our politer ancestors got into fewer unnecessary fights and were more likely to live long enough to father children than were their peers who shot off their mouths too recklessly. In cyberspace, however, none of these considerations apply for most of the people involved in discussion groups. Their behavior is very close to infantile, and their talk is foolish indeed. Discussions very often degenerate into name-calling and tantrums. Even some Alliance members succumbed to this general atmosphere of indiscipline and began swapping insults with their opponents. The general level of debate sank so low that I decided discussion-group activity was too undignified for us to continue participating; better to let someone else become the undisputed mud-wrestling champion of the topless-bar circuit.

Since the disbanding of our Cybercell I have continued to sample the activity of discussion groups occasionally, and I have detected another pathology, in addition to the indiscipline and lack of dignity. There is a loss of contact with the real world in these groups. It is as if the words being spewed by all concerned have some claim on reality of their own. Perhaps one should not be surprised by such a development on the part of people who have grown up believing that the world shown to them on their television sets is more "real" than the real world.

One change which should go a long way toward restoring a little self-discipline and contact with reality to Usenet discussion groups would be a tag attached to every posting, with the poster's real name and address something like caller-ID for telephones. Such a development would send about 98 per cent of current discussion group participants scurrying back in to their closets and substantially raise the level of the discussions, much in the way Caller ID cut the number of telephoned death threats to the National Office to virtually zero. Since such a development is quite unlikely, however, discussion groups will remain for the foreseeable future much like playground sandboxes filled with spoiled, hyperactive four-year-olds, many of them suffering from motormouth disease.

Since most of the people the Alliance is interested in are mature and receptive enough to respond negatively to this childish, and undisciplined, and unrealistic environment and are therefore not likely to spend any time in discussion groups, it is really questionable whether or not an Alliance member can serve any useful purpose at all by participating in these groups.

If Whites insist on participating in "social media," do so on ours, not (((theirs))). Like us on WhiteBiocentrism.com; follow us on NationalVanguard.org. ᛉ


Re: Dr. Pierce analyses usefulness to Alliance of the Intern

Post by Cosmotheist » Tue Jun 10, 2014 10:01 pm

Hello Folks,

An interesting article, but, I think that Dr. Pierce was missing the point and had abandoned the cybercell idea
a little prematurely. The "self-discipline" required was really only of those that represented the World-view of
the NA and of Cosmotheism. It is advertising and marketing. Ignore the childish rants of the peons and go on.

Astute folks will ignore them as well, and you might attract the serious people that Dr. Pierce was looking for
by putting out good and serious information out to the masses in those discussion groups. Not all participants
are childish and there are many times the number of "lurkers" reading posts as there are those shooting their
mouths off in cyberspace.

There are those that are using this medium of the internet to get information out that otherwise would be
never covered by the Jewish Mass Media. By keeping the standards of the propaganda very high regardless
of where on the internet it is being presented will attract those with the serious idealism and talent that is
needed. We should revisit those tactics once we have the man and women power to do so again.

There are "targeted" discussion groups where "our messages" would be more welcome than in some others.
It is up to us to have the "discipline" and to develop the "skills" to get our messages out effectively to them.

Best regards,

Earth, with "C"'s surrounding it from
both sides, and protecting it, our only
home for now, with our "Cosmotheism".

David York

Re: Dr. Pierce analyses usefulness to Alliance of the Intern

Post by David York » Wed Jun 11, 2014 12:42 am

I kind of get a sense of Pierce was talking about when i look at the Stormfront.org forum, where thousands or users post daily and discussion threads can go on for 30 or so pages. There just too many people talking about different topics that you can't even keep up with. Also when you post something your post gets buried at the bottom of the list before anyone responds. I think Stormfront.org attracts way too many people and all these people do is just talk about stuff which ultimately leads to no real world activity or activism. It seems like a place for people who have internet access to vent and rant about their real life problems. Another thing about Stormfront.org is that it is nothing more than a message forum, it's not an organization and it doesn't have any goals or plans of action, it's simply there to allow people to talk about different topics, and for some reason the founder of this website, Don Black seems to solicit thousands of dollars in donations from his members just to keep the message board going. For one thing i didn't know how it costs $10,000 a month to maintain a simple message forum, and secondly, i don't think this message forum accomplishes anything real for White nationalism. Another point is that there are so many different perspectives within the white pride members of stormfront, such as Christianity vs atheism, and a lot of other things which people there seem to disagree on and argue over. Stormfront seems to want to attract quantity over quality, and i personally think the National Alliance (under Pierce) was a much better organization for the promotion of white self determination. i also think white bio centrism is a better forum than stormfront because although there is a smaller volume of activity, there is more opportunity to be heard by someone and i think the people that used to run the National Alliance and were members of it were good quality people. I also look forward to seeing a reconstituted National Alliance forming, with people like Kevin Alfred Strom and Will Williams at the helm. Strom has proven his dedication to the white race and he and Will Williams have had close personal ties with Dr. Pierce. Strom has also had ties with Dr. Revilo Oliver and his long running resume as a member of the White Resistance is largely unparalleled.

Maybe you are somewhat correct Cosmotheist, about Pierce being a little harsh on the usefulness of the Internet. While he is correct that a lot of people who post do so only because they are protected under the anonymous nature of these forums, I agree with you that it is still useful in attracting some serious people, dispensing information, and having serious discussions.


Re: Dr. Pierce analyses usefulness to Alliance of the Intern

Post by Cosmotheist » Wed Jun 11, 2014 8:27 am

DanielOlj79 wrote:I kind of get a sense of Pierce was talking about when i look at the Stormfront.org forum, where thousands or users post daily and discussion threads can go on for 30 or so pages. There just too many people talking about different topics that you can't even keep up with. Also when you post something your post gets buried at the bottom of the list before anyone responds. I think Stormfront.org attracts way too many people and all these people do is just talk about stuff which ultimately leads to no real world activity or activism. It seems like a place for people who have internet access to vent and rant about their real life problems. Another thing about Stormfront.org is that it is nothing more than a message forum, it's not an organization and it doesn't have any goals or plans of action, it's simply there to allow people to talk about different topics, and for some reason the founder of this website, Don Black seems to solicit thousands of dollars in donations from his members just to keep the message board going. For one thing i didn't know how it costs $10,000 a month to maintain a simple message forum, and secondly, i don't think this message forum accomplishes anything real for White nationalism. Another point is that there are so many different perspectives within the white pride members of stormfront, such as Christianity vs atheism, and a lot of other things which people there seem to disagree on and argue over. Stormfront seems to want to attract quantity over quality, and i personally think the National Alliance (under Pierce) was a much better organization for the promotion of white self determination. i also think white bio centrism is a better forum than stormfront because although there is a smaller volume of activity, there is more opportunity to be heard by someone and i think the people that used to run the National Alliance and were members of it were good quality people. I also look forward to seeing a reconstituted National Alliance forming, with people like Kevin Alfred Strom and Will Williams at the helm. Strom has proven his dedication to the white race and he and Will Williams have had close personal ties with Dr. Pierce. Strom has also had ties with Dr. Revilo Oliver and his long running resume as a member of the White Resistance is largely unparalleled.

Maybe you are somewhat correct Cosmotheist, about Pierce being a little harsh on the usefulness of the Internet. While he is correct that a lot of people who post do so only because they are protected under the anonymous nature of these forums, I agree with you that it is still useful in attracting some serious people, dispensing information, and having serious discussions.
Yes, Daniel, Stormfront is "Big Tent" and has many of those other "bad qualities" that Dr. Pierce had described.
That said, the WB forum is for more serious and responsible and quality discussions, but, many more people do
visit Stormfront and other discussion sites. Again, there is opportunity there to put our message out there well,
but, only if we "ourselves" have the discipline to "do it right" and not get involved in any "low-brow mud-slinging".

Our job is to attract the "best and the serious" from such websites to our own WB one with good advertising and
good marketing all within our own "quality" posts at Stormfront and at other discussion groups.

Dr. Pierce should have recognized how useful the internet can be in influencing and getting our message out there
in whatever forums available. The key is high quality information and our own discipline in avoiding useless debate.
Just because some others are "low-brow" doesn't mean that we should let them lower our own selves by getting into
the mix with them. Just present good information and reasonable thought then leave it to others to decide.

Thanks. :D

The key to our own success in this as in anything in life is "self-discipline" and keeping the goal of any such efforts
always in mind: Getting the word out with "high-quality" information that also "inspires" our people to "do the right
thing" and by "leading by example".

Best regards,

Earth, with "C"'s surrounding it from
both sides, and protecting it, our only
home for now, with our "Cosmotheism".

David York

Re: Dr. Pierce analyses usefulness to Alliance of the Intern

Post by David York » Wed Jun 11, 2014 3:20 pm

Thanks Cosmotheist, those are some inspiring words. I think you are absolutely right, if we conduct ourselves in a self disciplined way and avoid the sophomoric arguments that many big tent message forums usually are notorious for, we can probably attract a higher quality level of people. If we engage in mudslinging like you say, we will look like low lives and won't be taken seriously. I personally don't really seek to try to go to other sites like stormfront.org and try to bring over new recruits to this site, I really don't have time to do that sort of thing, and my feeling is that William Pierce's work and his organization reached a lot of people during his time when he was alive, and probably even after his time. So that being said I think like minded people who agreed with William Pierce's message would naturally gravitate to this website, because in my opinion, the founders of this website are the same people that embodied the true essence of what the National Alliance used to be under Pierce (not under Eric Gliebe). So in other words, if there are people out there that identified well with William Pierce when he was still alive, to me the logical progression would be to come to this website and participate on this forum, and eventually when the reconstituted National Alliance comes in to being, then they should support that organization both financially and morally as they did in for the original Alliance that Pierce led.

Going back to the usefulness of the Internet, I think everyone can agree that it is the most useful tool in communicating with our people and trying to reach new people. I myself started listening to the National Alliance, and Pierce's ADV broadcasts towards the last 4 years of his life , from 1998 to 2002, so for me I don't know where I would be today in terms of wisdom to the world's situation if it hadn't been for those ADV broadcasts that Pierce was doing every Saturday in those days. That was definitely a turning point in my life, and without the Internet that wouldn't have been possible. So yeah I believe the Internet is still a useful tool to reach our people and help them understand what is going on in the world, however I noticed that there is a pretty big trend in other WN or right wing programs to give inaccurate information and lead people towards dead ends. For instant there are the phony patriots, like Alex Jones, the people that won't address the Jews or Zionism, and those Christian Identity people. All of these alternative website/organizations can lead people who are looking for answers to reach the wrong conclusions, and some of them I think even use this movement to intentionally deceive and exploit our people. Pierce was by far the most honest of all the other WN people, especially during the late 90's and early 2000's there weren't that many alternative websites as there are now.

Anyway yeah I consider this web site and community to be among the top brass of the WN cause. It is for the most part run in a way which honor's Pierce's legacy and preserves his message. People like Kevin Alfred Strom and WIll WIlliams are among the members of the National Alliance when Pierce was the Chairman, and they are doing a wonderful job of continuing his legacy. I am sure there are others that I haven't named, but honestly I do not know them on a personal level, but I do recall Kevin Strom's work from the days of Pierce, and I find that his message is the same as what William Pierce was advocating

Best Regards,
Daniel 8-)

David York

Re: Dr. Pierce analyses usefulness to Alliance of the Intern

Post by David York » Fri Aug 01, 2014 4:45 am

Cosmotheist wrote: Yes, Daniel, Stormfront is "Big Tent" and has many of those other "bad qualities" that Dr. Pierce had described.
That said, the WB forum is for more serious and responsible and quality discussions, but, many more people do
visit Stormfront and other discussion sites. Again, there is opportunity there to put our message out there well,
but, only if we "ourselves" have the discipline to "do it right" and not get involved in any "low-brow mud-slinging".

Our job is to attract the "best and the serious" from such websites to our own WB one with good advertising and
good marketing all within our own "quality" posts at Stormfront and at other discussion groups.

Dr. Pierce should have recognized how useful the internet can be in influencing and getting our message out there
in whatever forums available. The key is high quality information and our own discipline in avoiding useless debate.
Just because some others are "low-brow" doesn't mean that we should let them lower our own selves by getting into
the mix with them. Just present good information and reasonable thought then leave it to others to decide.

Thanks. :D

The key to our own success in this as in anything in life is "self-discipline" and keeping the goal of any such efforts
always in mind: Getting the word out with "high-quality" information that also "inspires" our people to "do the right
thing" and by "leading by example".

Best regards,

Earth, with "C"'s surrounding it from
both sides, and protecting it, our only
home for now, with our "Cosmotheism".
Greetings Cosmotheist,

I am revisiting this topic after a month or two of participating on Stormfront.org. One observation I've made about the Stormfront gang is that they seem to be pretty hostile to other pro-white organizations such as this one. Some of the posters there still praise Doctor Pierce, but when it comes down to this new reconstitued version of the National Alliance, the members there act like they don't want to hear it. In fact there are a couple of posters there that have been long time Stormfront members who actively slander the current leadership of the new reconstituted National Alliance. I get this feeling that there are several long time Stormfront members, who have been posting there for a decade or more, and seem to send out this vibe that Stormfront is their house and only pro-Stormfront comments are welcome, while any posts that invite users to visit whitebiocentrism get burried. There are some quality posters there that make intelligent posts, but there are also a large number of so called White Nationalists who spend a lot of time arguing with eachother. What ends up happening is the senior members come out of the fold and pull rank to get moderators to delete posts which they don't like. So while there is some degree of pro-white coverage of news and events, there is also a group of posters who consider themselves to be the elite of Stormfront and they are more interested in playing politics and promoting their own egos above promoting the pro-white cause. Most of these top members seem to be genuinly devoted to Stormfront and doing fund raisers for stormfront instead of trying to promote White Unity across the Internet. I would also say that the majority of the posters on Stormfront are of low intellect and generally when you engage them in logical debates, they resort to name calling and slandering to defeat your points. So I don't think there would be much success in getting any members from Stormfront to join Whitebiocentrism, unless they are already knowledgable of what whitebiocentrism is and what it stands for. There are also members on SF who hold their loyalties to only certain prominent White Activists from the past such as Bob Whitaker. I once posted a comment where I quoted something from one of Willaim Pierce's ADV broadcasts and some Bob Whitaker fanboy was trying to discredit WIlliam Pierce and praise Bob Whitaker as someone who has done more for advancing the white racialist movement. I was pretty offended by this, but I let that slide becasue otherwise it would of just decended into an name-calling argument.

So in general I think there is certain level of higher thinking here at WB, and for the most part the people on this forum agree with eachother and share most of the values that Pierce promoted. I find that some of the posts on this forum are much more stimulating than the postings on Stormfront, and Stormfront threads are much too long winded with lots of infighting and members playing politics with the moderators and even the founding member.


Re: Dr. Pierce analyses usefulness to Alliance of the Intern

Post by Cosmotheist » Sat Aug 02, 2014 8:08 am

Daniel wrote:
Greetings Cosmotheist,

I am revisiting this topic after a month or two of participating on Stormfront.org. One observation I've made about the Stormfront gang is that they seem to be pretty hostile to other pro-white organizations such as this one. Some of the posters there still praise Doctor Pierce, but when it comes down to this new reconstitued version of the National Alliance, the members there act like they don't want to hear it. In fact there are a couple of posters there that have been long time Stormfront members who actively slander the current leadership of the new reconstituted National Alliance. I get this feeling that there are several long time Stormfront members, who have been posting there for a decade or more, and seem to send out this vibe that Stormfront is their house and only pro-Stormfront comments are welcome, while any posts that invite users to visit whitebiocentrism get burried. There are some quality posters there that make intelligent posts, but there are also a large number of so called White Nationalists who spend a lot of time arguing with each other. What ends up happening is the senior members come out of the fold and pull rank to get moderators to delete posts which they don't like. So while there is some degree of pro-white coverage of news and events, there is also a group of posters who consider themselves to be the elite of Stormfront and they are more interested in playing politics and promoting their own egos above promoting the pro-white cause. Most of these top members seem to be genuinely devoted to Stormfront and doing fund raisers for stormfront instead of trying to promote White Unity across the Internet. I would also say that the majority of the posters on Stormfront are of low intellect and generally when you engage them in logical debates, they resort to name calling and slandering to defeat your points. So I don't think there would be much success in getting any members from Stormfront to join Whitebiocentrism, unless they are already knowledgable of what whitebiocentrism is and what it stands for. There are also members on SF who hold their loyalties to only certain prominent White Activists from the past such as Bob Whitaker. I once posted a comment where I quoted something from one of Willaim Pierce's ADV broadcasts and some Bob Whitaker fanboy was trying to discredit WIlliam Pierce and praise Bob Whitaker as someone who has done more for advancing the white racialist movement. I was pretty offended by this, but I let that slide becasue otherwise it would of just decended into an name-calling argument.

So in general I think there is certain level of higher thinking here at WB, and for the most part the people on this forum agree with eachother and share most of the values that Pierce promoted. I find that some of the posts on this forum are much more stimulating than the postings on Stormfront, and Stormfront threads are much too long winded with lots of infighting and members playing politics with the moderators and even the founding member.
Greetings Daniel,

Thank you for your astute observations of SF and I have seen much there that you did describe.
Our task there is just to put up "signposts" where all those there that "do resonate with us" can
contact us and join WB. SF is not the only forum where we should be doing so. Keep it short and
to the point and move on. :D

Best regards,

Earth, with "C"'s surrounding it from
both sides, and protecting it, our only
home for now, with our "Cosmotheism".

A White Nationalist

Re: Dr. Pierce analyses usefulness to Alliance of the Intern

Post by A White Nationalist » Wed Jan 21, 2015 11:43 am

Daniel: "I am revisiting this topic after a month or two of participating on Stormfront.org. One observation I've made about the Stormfront gang is that they seem to be pretty hostile to other pro-white organizations such as this one. Some of the posters there still praise Doctor Pierce, but when it comes down to this new reconstituted version of the National Alliance, the members there act like they don't want to hear it."

One of the reasons for the hostility at Stormfront toward any "reconstituted" NA stems from what happened to posters who questioned, or exposed to the light of day, all of the malfeasance that transpired at Pierce's organization, shortly after his death. What is now accepted as the truth, i.e., that Erich Gliebe and others were milking the NA's accumulated assets, etc. was not something that NA members who were also Stormfront moderators wanted to hear. Because they didn't, because they were desperate to bury the evil cancer that the NA had become, these moderators instituted the bloodiest, most savage, and most unjust pogrom against the Truth Tellers in Stormfront's entire history. One of these moderators was someone named "MuadDib", a borderline psychotic, who murderously banned member after member after member for merely speaking the truth about the slime-pit that the NA had become. In short, Truth was banned from Stormfront. And to this day Stormfront has never been a place to trust anyone,at anytime, for anything. Instead, it deserves to be condemned.

Benjamin Bice

Re: Dr. Pierce analyses usefulness to Alliance of the Intern

Post by Benjamin Bice » Sat Feb 07, 2015 5:25 am

Daniel, what you stated in your last post to this thread- I couldn't agree more. That is exactly what I saw and why I had my account there voluntarily and permanently disabled.

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Will Williams
Posts: 4521
Joined: Sun Jul 28, 2013 9:22 am

Re: Dr. Pierce analyses usefulness to Alliance of the Intern

Post by Will Williams » Sat Jul 04, 2015 11:15 am

A White Nationalist wrote:One of the reasons for the hostility at Stormfront toward any "reconstituted" NA stems from what happened to posters who questioned, or exposed to the light of day, all of the malfeasance that transpired at Pierce's organization, shortly after his death. What is now accepted as the truth, i.e., that Erich Gliebe and others were milking the NA's accumulated assets, etc. was not something that NA members who were also Stormfront moderators wanted to hear. Because they didn't, because they were desperate to bury the evil cancer that the NA had become, these moderators instituted the bloodiest, most savage, and most unjust pogrom against the Truth Tellers in Stormfront's entire history...
I must have missed all of that, though it's been clear that Stormfront has had policies that discouraged promotion of the National Alliance since I became Chairman, while favoring ad hoc NARRG (National Alliance Reform and Restoration Group).

I have a National Alliance Membership Bulletin from June 2008 that, besides some commentary by Chairman Erich Gliebe, is put together entirely with contributions from the NARRG grouplet of former Alliance members who sued Gliebe for $2 million. Co-plaintiffs Jim Ring, his Sacramento activists, and Robert Ransdell are featured in sections they wrote, and Michael Weaver, a big NARRG booster, another. These NARRGs had been defending and promoting Erich Gliebe and/or Shaun Walker for six years by then, and defended Gliebe for another five years before finally deciding that Jim Ring should replace him. This 6/08 internal members bulletin reveals just how tied up with the decline of the National Alliance these NARRG characters were for over a decade.

Stormfront's policies pertaining to the National Alliance have improved lately and I see no need for members of the National Alliance, or even WhiteBiocentrism forum to badmouth Stormfront. The Alliance has recruited some good members from Stormfront, despite some previous anti-NA policies.

As for the topic of the usefulness of the Internet for advancing the cause, the following is from Stormfront. It used to take 25,000 signatories for an online White House petition get get a response out of the HNIC, but now it requires 100,000. I'm not big on "Social Networking" on the 'Net, but for the effort required, I encourage WB members to sign the two petitions featured below. It takes about one minute and can't hurt us to show a little solidarity with other pro-White activists. I'm the 85th signer of the "don't tread on the Confederate flag" petition and 64th on the "SCOTUS is insane" one. If only a dozen WB members sign these petitions, the achievable goal of having it displayed on the White House Web site might at least be reached soon.

Please sign our latest WHITE HOUSE PETITIONS!

The petition texts read as follows:

Recognize the Confederate flag as equal to the official national flag of the United States of America
We hereby petition the White House to proclaim that the Confederate Flag is just as American and equal to the official flag of the United States of America and deserves the same rights, respect, and protection.

Declare the Supreme Court Justices insane and the sex pervert sodomist marriage ruling null and void.
We hereby petition the White House to proclaim that the recent sex pervert sodomist marriage ruling clearly proves that:
a) at least some U.S. Supreme Court justices are mentally insane,
b) they are hereby immediately removed from their posts and ordered sent
to a mental institution, and
c) their ruling is hereby declared null and void.

Simply click on the following and links and follow the instructions for each petition:

Save and Share this URL: https://petitions.whitehouse.gov//petit ... es-america
Save and Share this URL: https://petitions.whitehouse.gov//petit ... l-and-void

Note: You do NOT have to reveal your real identity or location!
Furthermore, Europeans and other non-U.S. citizens can also sign this
petition. We urge them to please do this!

Important: If we collect at least 150 signatures, that petition will be
displayed on the publicly viewable portion of the White House web-site.
If Whites insist on participating in "social media," do so on ours, not (((theirs))). Like us on WhiteBiocentrism.com; follow us on NationalVanguard.org. ᛉ

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