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Will Williams
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Russian News [OLD POSTS]

Post by Will Williams » Wed Aug 28, 2013 9:01 am

Moscow mayor hopeful raises Jewish fears with anti-Semitic remarks
08/27/2013 14:46

At a 'New York Times' party, Russian blogger Alexei Navalny suggested making a toast for the Holocaust.

Alexei Navalny Photo: MItya Aleshkovskiy/ Wikimediacommons

MOSCOW ---Alexei Navalny, the so-called "defender of Russian democracy" known in the West for his opposition to President Vladimir Putin and who is running for Mayor of Moscow in the September 8 election, is raising fear and concern among Jews and other minorities in the capital with his anti-Semitic and xenophobic remarks.

In a party celebrating the anniversary of the newspaper The New Times, the 37-year-old Russian blogger suggested that they "make the first toast for the Holocaust"; he referred to religious Jews in his blog as: "dandies in fox hats and rags" and stated that "whoever wants to live in Russia has to become Russian – in the full sense of the word."

Russian protest leaders punished, fear crackdown
'Russia MP quits over charge he is Israeli citizen'
Calling for total foreigner cleansing, Navalny’s supporters threatened Jews and other minorities, who are afraid to openly come out against the candidate.

Jews are not the only ethnic minority on the "liberal candidate's" mind. In a video distributed in Moscow, he identifies dark skinned Caucasians as cockroaches and states that: though one can kill cockroaches with a shoe, when it comes to human beings, I recommend using a gun."

Alexei Navalny who regularly insists on taking part in the nationalistic demonstration "Russian Marsh" (Ruskiy Marsh), has incited the skinheads in the marsh, by elaborating his ideas on immigrants and foreigners in the country. He declared: "This is our country, and it is our duty to eliminate all the crooks who suck our blood ... All immigrants are like dental caries, destroying the Russian public. There is no need to hit anybody – whoever is in our way will be deported by a strong hand. There is a need for full cleansing/disinfection."

When accused of being a dangerous nationalist, Navalny stated: "nationalism is dangerous only when it is in underground – when it is part of the government it becomes more moderate," adding that "the mayor of Rome is also a neo - fascist and so far, there were no pogroms in the city.’’

His rise as a force in Russian politics began in 2008 when he started blogging about allegations of malpractice and corruption at some of Russia's big state-controlled corporations.

His campaign against corruption took Navalny from criticism of corporations directly to opposition of the ruling party, United Russia, which he dubbed the "party of crooks and thieves."

On July 18, 2013, he was sentenced to five years in prison on embezzlement and fraud charges while working in a postal business, but he is free pending a ruling on his appeal.
--- staff contributed to this report ... rks-324403
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Re: Good News From United Russia

Post by Will Williams » Thu Aug 29, 2013 5:45 pm ... urce=pubv1
Russia Chemically Castrating Pedophiles, go Russia!

By Týr / 16 August, 2013

The Russian parliament has approved a law on pedophilia in a first reading. From now on people found guilty of sex crimes against children under the age of 14 will face chemical castration, while repeat offenders face a life sentence.

According to the new law, the decision on a convict’s obligatory chemical castration will be made through a forensic psychiatrist’s report requested by the court, which may ultimately turn to other medical measures, MP Dmitry Vyatkin explained to Itar-TASS.

“It would be unwise to limit the medical measures to just castration, as in some cases it may not help,” Vyatkin said.

At the same time, some of the convicts may ask for voluntary chemical castration, even if the victim was over 14. This may help them get parole if they are already serving a sentence, or a more lenient sentence if they are still being tried. However, in the latter case the final decision will be up to the court.

The law also banned suspended and deferred sentences for those found guilty of sex crimes against a child under the age of 14. And from now on they can ask for parole only after serving at least 80 per cent of their sentence.

The new law comes amid increased concerns over sexual transgressions against minors in Russian society.

A staggering 1,300 Russian children suffered from sexual crime involving violence in 2008 and another 5,233 from non-violent sexual crimes, according to Anton Belyakov, an MP for the loyalist A Just Russia party. Belyakov was among those calling for more severe punishments for pedophiles, as some 97% repeat their offenses after being released.

United Russia MP Tatyana Yakovleva claims the number of sexual crimes against the underage has increased twentyfold since 2005.

“Pedophiles are sick and dangerous people who will never be full members of society, and this is why our goal is to protect healthy people, our children, who have their whole lives ahead of them,” Belyakov told RIA Novosti.

Previous laws on sex crimes against juveniles were more lenient, with the toughest sentence being an 8-15-year prison term.

And, as actual legal practice shows, many pedophiles received terms of 3-4 years through plea-bargaining.

Hormones to the rescue

The procedure of chemical castration is carried out using the drug Depo-Provera, which contains synthetic progesterone.

The female hormone progesterone lowers the levels of its male counterpart – testosterone, the hormone responsible for sexual desire, effectively reducing the latter.

The scientific community has no agreement over the drug’s ability to inhibit a pedophile’s desire to abuse a child, while its side effects include depression, fatigue, diabetes, and blood clots, which, of course, are not part of the sentence. ... ation-059/
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Re: Good News From United Russia

Post by Will Williams » Thu Aug 29, 2013 5:50 pm ... ing-blood/

Russian lawmaker pushes to ban Homosexuals from donating blood

By Týr / 27 August, 2013

A Russian lawmaker has said parliament should ban blood donations from the gay community, news agencies reported on Monday, upsetting activists already angry at a nationwide ban on gay ‘propaganda.’

“We will suggest an amendment to the law on (blood) donations on the order of the Health Ministry that returns homosexuals to the list of contraindicated donors,” Interfax quoted parliamentarian and Moscow mayoral candidate Mikhail Dyegtyaryov as saying.

A law passed in June that prohibits spreading “propaganda of non-traditional sexual relations” has sparked criticism from Western governments and led to calls for a boycott of the 2014 Olympics in Sochi, Russia, next February.

The measure, popular with many Russians and with the powerful Orthodox Church, highlighted the more socially conservative course that President Vladimir Putin has charted in his third term. Putin draws strong support from conservative rural parts of Russia, while protests against his 13-year rule have mostly been confined to big cities.

Dyegtyaryov, who represents the nationalist LDPR party in parliament’s lower house, the Duma, said the proposed move would help staunch Russia’s HIV-AIDS epidemic. Many experts, however, say Russia’s high drug addiction rates pose a greater HIV threat.

Gay activists say that the propaganda law has increased discrimination against them and emboldened vigilante-style attacks.

Gay rights advocate Yelena Kostyuchenko, who said she regularly gives blood, wrote on her Twitter blog on Monday that she had been asked to donate that very day.

“Next time I’ll say – I’m sorry, I’m a lesbian, I don’t deserve to give blood for your family members. Keep looking,” she wrote. ... cmpid=rss1
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Re: Good News From United Russia

Post by Will Williams » Sat Sep 14, 2013 10:48 am

Skip work, have sex: Russians celebrate 'day of conception' as sporting community continues to criticise Putin's anti-gay legislation

Couples in the region of Ulyanovsk told to take the day off in order to procreate, while athletes raise concerns over Russia’s homophobic policies


Russia is celebrating its eighth annual ‘day of conception’ as couples in the eastern region of Ulyanovsk are being advised to stay at home to procreate.

Governor of the region Sergey Morozov has urged bosses to allow men and women the 12th of September off work in order to try and reproduce.

In past years prizes have been awarded to couples who give birth in exactly nine months from the unofficial public holiday. In 2012 the winning pair were presented with an apartment, while in 2011 the award was a Jeep.

The regional celebration is part of a gesture to increase Russia’s struggling birth rate.

In 2006, during his televised State of the Nation address, President Vladimir Putin said the most urgent crisis facing Russia was its demographic crisis. At the time, the country’s population was declining by at least 700,000 people a year.

Russia’s demographic looks to have improved, though, with figures released by one of the country’s demographic indicators showing its population consistently increasing from 2006 to 2012, and its external mortality rate dropping by 40% in the last decade.

Fertility campaigns have, however, remained on the Russian agenda despite apparent improvements in the country’s demographic.

In January 2013 the Moscow Times reported that President Putin invited R&B group Boys II Men to perform in Moscow on the coming St. Valentine ’s Day, in a bid to up the libido of Russian couples. The performance did not, ultimately, go ahead.

Meanwhile, Russia’s recently passed anti-gay legislation continues to come under fire from the international sporting community ahead of the 2014 Winter Olympics in Sochi.

US snowboarder Seth Wescott, a two-time Olympic gold-medal winner, is the latest to denounce the law signed by President Putin making it illegal to spread information about homosexuality to anyone under 18.

“The human rights stuff that's going on, there's a potential for it to be an incredibly negatively-overshadowed Olympics,” he said.

Wescott said he had female friends in snowboarding who he believed should not be discriminated against during the games.

“They're wonderful human beings, and I think for them to be discriminated against is a crime,” he said. “They should be able to be who they are and compete proudly. They represent our country incredibly well and they don't need to be the object of that kind of criticism and negativity.”

The new Russian law prohibits the promotion of “nontraditional” sexual relations, imposing hefty fines on those found guilty and imprisoning non-nationals for up to 15 days. ... 12840.html
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Re: Good News From United Russia

Post by Will Williams » Fri Sep 20, 2013 2:07 pm

Putin: Israel's nuclear weapons just make it a target
09/19/2013 21:23

Russian president: Syria's WMDs a counter to Israel's alleged nukes, which create "foreign policy problems."

Russian President Vladimir Putin said on Thursday that Israel’s alleged nuclear weapons stockpile only serves to make the Jewish state “a target” and creates “foreign policy problems.”

Putin’s comments, reported by AFP, came in response to questions from reporters on the US and Russia-brokered deal to put Syria’s chemical weapons arsenal under international supervision.

According to AFP, Putin said that Syria had developed chemical weapons “as an alternative to the nuclear weapons of Israel.”

The Russian president claimed that “the technical advantage of Israel – we need to say this directly – is such that it doesn’t need nuclear weapons. Israel is already in a technical military sense several heads above the countries in the region.”

Putin added that “nuclear weapons just make it a target. They just create foreign policy problems.”

The chemical weapons deal with Syria has increased pressure on Israel to join the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty.

Some 190 states have joined the NPT, whose goal is to prevent the spread of nuclear weapons and weapons technology.

Of the world’s nuclear powers, only four have not joined the treaty. Of these, India, Pakistan and North Korea have all openly tested nuclear weapons. Israel continues with its policy of nuclear ambiguity.

Israel has refused to sign the NPT despite pressure from the international community.

However, when it comes to the Chemical Weapons Convention, the country might be more flexible.

“Israel has an interest in a chemical free zone as opposed to a nuclear-free zone,” Eitan Barak, a professor of international relations from Hebrew University said.

“That would leave Israel with its alleged monopoly on nuclear weapons,”
he said.

The state has always kept a low profile when it comes to its own chemical weapons program. They signed the CWC in 1982 but never ratified it, which means that Israel considers itself bound by the spirit of the treaty, but not legally obligated to observe it.

“The main pretext for Israel’s refusal to ratify the treaty was the Syrian arsenal,” Eitan Barak, a professor of international relations from Hebrew University, told The Media Line. “Israel says Syria is a neighboring country, hostile, with a large arsenal of chemical weapons and we need to be able to retaliate.”

He said that given Israel’s pharmaceutical success, it is likely that the state has a significant arsenal of these armaments. Local officials say that efforts to force it to join the CWC are duplicitous.
Linda Gradstein contributed to this report. ... get-326567
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Re: Good News From United Russia

Post by Will Williams » Mon Sep 30, 2013 6:07 pm

Russia says to push for Mideast free of mass-destruction weapons
By Steve Gutterman

Russian Foreign Minister Lavrov speaks to the U.N. Security Council after it unanimously voted in favor of a resolution eradicating Syria's chemical arsenal during a Security Council meeting at the 68th U.N. General Assembly in New York.

MOSCOW (Reuters) - Russia wants to revive plans for a conference on ridding the Middle East of weapons of mass destruction now that Syria has pledged to abandon its chemical arms, Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said in comments published on Monday.

Such a move could put Moscow at odds with Washington which announced the conference would be delayed last year. Analysts said it feared the event would be used to criticize its ally Israel, believed to be the region's only nuclear-armed state.

Russia has been pushing to extend its influence in the Middle East. It initiated a U.N. deal to get Syria to abandon its chemical arms after Washington threatened military strikes to punish Damascus for a sarin gas attack on rebel areas.

"We will seek to have this conference take place," Lavrov said in an interview with the Russian daily Kommersant.

Lavrov said Syria's agreement to destroy its chemical weapons by next June should trigger a broader effort.

"In the current situation, it is particularly important to make the ... non-possession of weapons of mass destruction universal in this explosive region," he said.

Russian President Vladimir Putin has said Syria's government always viewed its long-undeclared chemical arsenal as a counterweight to the nuclear arms Israel is believed to possess. Israel has never acknowledged having atomic weapons.


A plan for a meeting to lay the groundwork for the possible creation of a Middle East free of weapons of mass destruction was agreed in 2010, co-sponsored by Russia, the United States and Britain.

But Washington said the meeting would be delayed just before it was due to start at the end of last year. No new date has been announced.

"Our American partners baulked and sidestepped this," Lavrov said in the interview, published the same day Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu was to meet U.S. President Barack Obama.

The United States also rejected a Russian proposal to include a line in a U.N. Security Council resolution saying that Syria's plan to scrap chemical weapons was an important step toward a WMD-free Middle East, Lavrov told Kommersant.

Russia has been Syria's biggest diplomatic ally during the uprising against President Bashar al-Assad that has killed more than 100,000 people.

Speaking to the U.N. General Assembly on Monday, Syrian Foreign Minister Walid al-Moualem called for the creation of a zone free of weapons of mass destruction but said it was "unachievable without the accession of Israel".

Arab states such as Egypt and Bahrain have made similar calls in speeches at the General Assembly.

But U.S. and Israeli officials see Iran's nuclear activity as the main proliferation threat in the Middle East.

They have said a nuclear-free zone could not be a reality until there was broad Arab-Israeli peace and Tehran curbed its nuclear program, which they fear is aimed at developing nuclear weapons capability.

Washington remained committed to working toward a Middle East zone free of weapons of mass destruction (WMD) and their delivery systems, the U.S. envoy to the U.N. nuclear agency said earlier this month.

(Additional reporting by Michelle Nichols at the United Nations and Fredrik Dahl in Vienna; Editing by Andrew Heavens)
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Khrushchev was right, after all

Post by Will Williams » Thu Oct 03, 2013 8:10 am


We will bury you
From Wikipedia:

Nikita Khrushchev, 1961
"We will bury you!" (Russian: "Мы вас похороним!", transliterated as My vas pokhoronim!) was a phrase famously used by Soviet premier Nikita Khrushchev while addressing Western ambassadors at a reception at the Polish embassy in Moscow on November 18, 1956.[1][2][3]
The actual verbal context was: "Whether you like it or not, history is on our side. We will dig you in" ("Нравится вам или нет, но история на нашей стороне. Мы вас закопаем"). In his subsequent public speech Khrushchev declared: "[...] We must take a shovel and dig a deep grave, and bury colonialism as deep as we can".[4] Later, on August 24, 1963, Khrushchev remarked in his speech in Yugoslavia, "I once said, 'We will bury you,' and I got into trouble with it. Of course we will not bury you with a shovel. Your own working class will bury you,"[5] a reference to the Marxist saying, "The proletariat is the undertaker of capitalism", based on the concluding statement in Chapter 1 of the Communist Manifesto: "What the bourgeoisie therefore produces, above all, are its own grave-diggers. Its fall and the victory of the proletariat are equally inevitable". Khrushchev repeated this Marxist thesis at a meeting with journalists in the U.S. in September 1959. However, many Americans interpreted the quote as a nuclear threat.[6]
Mikhail Gorbachev wrote in his book Perestroika and New Thinking for our Country and the World that the image used by Khrushchev was inspired by the famous discussions among Soviet agrarian scientists in the 1930s, nicknamed "who will bury whom". Khrushchev's phrase was also used as the title of Jan Šejna's book on communist Cold War strategies. The phrase also appears in Sting's song "Russians".
The quote, paraphrased as "We will bury them!", was used as a taunt in the video game Red Alert 2, in which the Soviet Union wages World War III against the Western Allies.
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R. Bryant

Re: Good News From United Russia

Post by R. Bryant » Thu Oct 24, 2013 7:53 pm

Moscow enlists volunteer militia to clear city of illegal migrants


Every Friday, authorities plan to raid apartment buildings and workplaces

Friday, 18 October 2013
Moscow police will enlist the help of a volunteer militia to sweep the streets for illegal migrants, police chief Anatoly Yakunin said today, following the worst race riots in the city in years.

The riots were sparked when a man of Azerbaijani appearance stabbed to death ethnic Russian Yegor Shcherbakov in the Biryulyovo district of Moscow last Thursday as he was out walking with his girlfriend.

Russian authorities plan to hold operation 'Signal' every Friday, raiding apartment buildings and workplaces known to be frequented by immigrants across the city, particularly those from Azerbaijan and the Caucasus region.

The enormous nature of the task will require "the entire apparatus of the Central Office of Main Control, the office of Internal Control of Administrative Districts, private security companies and voluntary civil guards" Mr Yakunin said.

Azerbaijani nationalist group the "Karabakh Liberation Organisation' have threatened retaliation against ethnic Russians living in Azerbaijan.

According to Azerbaijani news portal "", the group wrote to the Russian Embassy in Baku stating that "If attacks on Azerbaijanis" in Russia do not end, then "adequate measures" will be taken against Russians living in Azerbaijan.

Their statement followed the release of footage which appears to show handcuffed Azerbaijani citizen Orkhan Zeynalov being assaulted by police officers before being transferred to pre-trial detention face down in a police helicopter with a bag over his head.

Police appear to punch, kick and strike a bruised and bloody Mr Zeynalov with police batons in full view of the camera crew, who are allowed to accompany the suspect as he travels under an officer's feet lying in the bottom of a police van, then in a police helicopter with a bag over his head.

Mr Zeynalov was arrested on Tuesday, accused of Yegor Shcherbakov's murder. In the video police appear to try to force Mr Zeynalov into confessing to the camera as he lies in the grass. At a Moscow court hearing on Thursday he told a judge police had arrested the wrong man. Police later justified their actions by saying he had resisted arrest.

Yegor Shcherbakov's murder caused mass protests against non-Slavic immigrants in Biryulyovo district, which quickly turned violent. Participants broke into a local vegetable warehouse where many immigrants work, trashing produce and brawling with police on the streets outside.

Protesters blame immigrants for crime in the area and believe they undercut the pay of Russian employees by working illegally.

Moscow based Azerbaijani film-maker and one time Presidential hopeful Rustam Ibragimbekov said immigrants were in a "difficult situation".

"They [Russian authorities] carry this [immigration policy] out in such a way that those coming to the country looking for work are placed in a difficult situation. They have no opportunities, they live in bad conditions and as a result crimes like this occur".

Rioting continued last Sunday, with angry protesters attempting to set fire to a shopping mall and smashing windows. Some 380 people were detained in relation to the disturbances as police battled to restore order in the district.

Russian authorities seem eager to placate nationalist groups, arresting over a thousand illegal immigrants in night-time raids on Monday evening, and taking the unusual step of allowing national TV to film and broadcast ill-treatment of Orkhan Zeynalov.

However, ethnic tensions continue to build in Biryulyovo, with Reuters reporting Wednesday that police had found the body of an ethnic Uzbek there, apparently killed in a race-related attack.

Moscow authorities have consequently banned a nationalist rally planned for October 19 on the other side of Moscow, telling organisers that under the circumstances police would not be able to guarantee the safety of participants. The rally's organizer, Dmitry Dyomushkin, is the former head of the 'Slavic Union' far-right group, banned in 2010 as an extremist organization.

The Azerbaijani government has yet to comment on Mr. Zeynalov's arrest and treatment. ... 90085.html#

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Re: Good News From United Russia

Post by Will Williams » Thu Oct 31, 2013 9:57 am

Frank White wrote:
Moscow enlists volunteer militia to clear city of illegal migrants


Every Friday, authorities plan to raid apartment buildings and workplaces
Friday, 18 October 2013
Moscow police will enlist the help of a volunteer militia to sweep the streets for illegal migrants, police chief Anatoly Yakunin said today, following the worst race riots in the city in years.

The riots were sparked when a man of Azerbaijani appearance stabbed to death ethnic Russian Yegor Shcherbakov in the Biryulyovo district of Moscow last Thursday as he was out walking with his girlfriend.

Russian authorities plan to hold operation 'Signal' every Friday, raiding apartment buildings and workplaces known to be frequented by immigrants across the city, particularly those from Azerbaijan and the Caucasus region.

The enormous nature of the task will require "the entire apparatus of the Central Office of Main Control, the office of Internal Control of Administrative Districts, private security companies and voluntary civil guards" Mr Yakunin said....
That is good news, Frank. Operation Signal is bound to have the tacit approval of Mr. Putin. We Americans can only hope ths trend spreads to the rest of the White world.

Russian president Vladimir Putin topples Barack Obama on Forbes magazine's list of powerful people
31 Oct 2013, 9:21am AEDT

It is the first time in three years that the US president has not come in at number one on the annual list and came as US-Russia relations slid to a new low.

Forbes magazine says the Russian leader has solidified power after 13 years of dominant rule, while Mr Obama is more of a "lame duck", recently plagued by domestic issues [read: disgust with him by White American majority] in his second and final term as US president... ... on/5059470
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Re: Good News From United Russia

Post by Will Williams » Sun Nov 03, 2013 6:01 pm

Though I'm not a real big fan of the "mantra," and know this won't get much traction, I signed this petition: ... e-genocide

Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin and The Russian Federation: STOP white genocide

European Americans

Petition by
European Americans

Everybody says there is a RACE problem called Diversity. Everybody says Diversity will be solved when the third world pours into EVERY white country and ONLY into white countries.

The Netherlands and Belgium are just as crowded as Japan or Taiwan, but nobody says Japan or Taiwan will solve Diversity by bringing in millions of third worlders and quote assimilating unquote with them.

Everybody says the final solution to this problem of Diversity is for EVERY white country and ONLY white countries to “assimilate,” i.e., intermarry, with all those non-whites.

What if I said there was this problem called Diversity and this Diversity would be solved only if hundreds of millions of non-blacks were brought into EVERY black country and ONLY into black countries?

How long would it take anyone to realize I’m not talking about Diversity. I am talking about the final solution to the BLACK problem?

And how long would it take any sane black man to notice this and what kind of psycho black man wouldn’t object to this?

But if I tell that obvious truth about the ongoing program of genocide against my race, the white race, Liberals and respectable conservatives agree that I am a whitesupremacisthaterwhowantstosendblacksbacktoafrica.

Anti-racists say they are Champions of Diversity. What anti-whites want is white genocide.

Diversity is a code word for white genocide.

Reference: UN Resolution 260, article II

Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin, Office of the President
Russian Embassy, The Russian Federation
Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR), Palais Wilson
Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR), Palais Wilson
Robert Walker Whitaker and OTHER American Dissidents Appeal to Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin for Solidarity Against White Genocide

We are a group of suppressed American dissidents asking Russia to have solidarity with us.

Russia is the only majority white country that does not grovel at the feet of the United States and its European Union.

The question comes up regularly over here: “Is...
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