Dynamic Silence

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J.P. Smith

Dynamic Silence

Post by J.P. Smith » Tue Mar 10, 2015 7:14 am

Dynamic Silence was invented by Rabbi Feinberg of the American Jewish Committee in 1947 as a method of closing off all access to the public media – and thus the larger culture – for people or organizations deemed to have an unacceptable point of view.
In spite of minor changes and adaptations, it can still be understood as being comprised of two parts.
In the first part, unfavored individuals are denied unmediated exposure to the public.
In the second part, only negative aspects of the unfavored individuals are reported. This starts a downward spiral of de-legitimization in the public eye in which the harder unfavored individuals try to get public exposure, the more negative and unflattering that exposure becomes until, finally, nobody wants to be associated with the ideas of beliefs of the unfavored individuals.


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Will Williams
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Re: Dynamic Silence

Post by Will Williams » Tue Mar 10, 2015 6:56 pm

J.P. Smith wrote:Dynamic Silence was invented by Rabbi Feinberg of the American Jewish Committee in 1947 as a method of closing off all access to the public media – and thus the larger culture – for people or organizations deemed to have an unacceptable point of view.
In spite of minor changes and adaptations, it can still be understood as being comprised of two parts.
In the first part, unfavored individuals are denied unmediated exposure to the public.
In the second part, only negative aspects of the unfavored individuals are reported. This starts a downward spiral of de-legitimization in the public eye in which the harder unfavored individuals try to get public exposure, the more negative and unflattering that exposure becomes until, finally, nobody wants to be associated with the ideas of beliefs of the unfavored individuals.

Thank you Rabbi Feinberg, you Jew.

I am familiar with the term dynamic silence and have felt the sting from its practice -- and should have known it sprang from a Jew's mind as a bright idea on how to control us uppity goyim.

This Jewish practice is also known as the "no-platform" policy. I Googled that and found this typical example: http://www.fpp.co.uk/docs/press/items/JChron0799.html

"David Irving had come to speak. But this was the time of the "no-platform" policy that denied freedom of speech to alleged racists, neo-Fascists or other extremists. The historian was howled down, and we voted to stop his lecture being delivered..."

We outnumber these Yids at least 30:1 still. We can do better than allowing this alien tribe to pull their "dynamic silence" on us in our own lands.


We'll go around their MSM with our own multi-media, capable of reaching our people any time, every day. We'll have better infrastructure, organization, networking and planning than we've ever enjoyed before; We'll have more carefully chosen professionals than pro-White organizations have ever been used to working with in the recent past. It is time.
If Whites insist on participating in "social media," do so on ours, not (((theirs))). Like us on WhiteBiocentrism.com; follow us on NationalVanguard.org. ᛉ

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Will Williams
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Re: Dynamic Silence

Post by Will Williams » Sat Nov 25, 2017 10:52 am

A "no platform policy, "dynamic silence," "quarantining" -- whatever the Jew and his collaborators want to call it, what is clear is that they want to silence any criticism of them by White loyalists, or, even now, discussions about the merits of National-Socialism.

I've never seen Reddit, but have heard it called the "anything goes" site. Is it part of social media? I don't know and don't care. :|

Reddit is certainly not a part of what we have come to know as the controlled (((mainstream media))). And it appears that the same things that "don't go" on Jew-controlled MSM, don't go on Reddit either. :roll: Anything goes Pffft!


Reddit bans Nazis, discussions that incite violence
Elizabeth Weise, USATODAY
Oct. 26, 2017

SAN FRANCISCO — The famous "anything goes" online discussion forum Reddit does have limits — and it's now drawn them at Nazis and white supremacists who espouse violence.

The site posted an update Wednesday saying it would “take action against any content that encourages, glorifies, incites, or calls for violence or physical harm against an individual or a group of people.”

The San Francisco-based company that runs the site has shut down at least ten discussion topics, called sub-reddits, including ones titled NationalSocialism, Nazi, EuropeanNationalism and DylannRoofInnocent... Most of the groups had between 7,000 and 25 members...

Reddit is sometimes called “the front page of the Internet” in part due to its voting system, which allows registered users to vote on topics which they consider most interesting. Submissions that get the most votes appear on the site’s front page or the top of their category.

Until 2015 Reddit did not ban any material as long as it was legal. Beginning then, it cut some specifically hate-oriented discussion groups.

At the time, CEO Steve Huffman banned certain discussion groups he termed "particularly awful." ***

[*** I did a brief search to see if Jews claim Huffman and found that Reddit is actually owned by Conde-Nast, which is owned by the (((Newhouse))) media moguls: https://www.stormfront.org/forum/t1114254-2/ ]

Others that contained material that might be considered extremely offensive to the average user were made available only to those users who explicitly opted into them, a policy Reddit called "Quarantining."

http://www.kitsapsun.com/story/tech/201 ... 802488001/
If Whites insist on participating in "social media," do so on ours, not (((theirs))). Like us on WhiteBiocentrism.com; follow us on NationalVanguard.org. ᛉ

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White Man 1
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Re: Dynamic Silence

Post by White Man 1 » Sat Nov 25, 2017 11:38 am

We have a page on reddit at www.reddit.com/r/nationalalliance . It hasn't gotten the axe yet, but perhaps if there comes to be more people posting we can earn the honor!

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Wade Hampton III
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Re: Dynamic Silence

Post by Wade Hampton III » Sat Nov 25, 2017 7:29 pm

White Man 1 wrote:We have a page on reddit at http://www.reddit.com/r/nationalalliance . It hasn't gotten the axe yet, but perhaps if there comes to be more people posting we can earn the honor!
The page mentioned Jew attack on USS Liberty. That is the kiss of death.

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