Treason In Los Angeles

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Douglas Mercer
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Treason In Los Angeles

Post by Douglas Mercer » Fri Mar 31, 2023 7:26 am

Douglas Mercer
June 8 2022

In Culling The Masses the authors argue that it was out of the matrix of meetings of the American States (starting as early as 1910) that anti-racism and open immigration came to the fore. A persuasive case is made that these were the cauldron out of which crawled the monster that led to our demise.

"Anti-racism thus became a tool for foreign policy in many Latin American countries relationship with the United States. The 8th International Conference of American States in Lima issued a resolution recommending immigration provisions that did not discriminate by nationality or race."

This screed was flatly aimed at the United States. I always wonder about the indignity of a country that begs another country to take it's people in. Why are they so anxious to have their people flee? Why are they so keen and eager to dump them on us?

Because these countries suck, they always have sucked, and they always will suck.


To call them "migrants" gives them too much dignity by an order of magnitude. That's why they call them "migrants"

Every four years or so a group of wetbacks in suits with healthy expense accounts gathers together in a treasonous confab and begs Uncle Sucker to take the offscourings and dregs of its population and for money. So far the latter has been only too happy to comply.

Not that they need an excuse but something called the Summit Of The Americas happened in Los Angles (June 6-10 2022) so 12 thousand migrants sought to celebrate the occasion by trekking north to make a big scene for the Global Media to promote under the rubric of the "migration crisis" and how America isn't bending over near enough backward over it. These Global Gatherings are the perfect showcase for Jewish insanity and all the days leading up to it all the media said that "migration" would be the number one topic at the meeting. Apparently the "flows" of migrants are up all over the world, and the world that lives in grinding and abject poverty will make what has happened so far look like a trickle. You hear a lot about how there will be an "exodus" from the Global South as if that has not already been what is going on. Apparently on this one the bottom is going to be a long way down.

Back in 1988 the Democrats had "the son of immigrants" as their standard bearer and used as the song to keynote the pestiferous gathering: They're Coming To America.

And so they have and so they are.

The time will come soon (it has really come already) when the historically White countries will have to make a choice; between being "Christian" and "Humanist" and die; or being hardheaded and tough minded and survive.

This is not a false dichotomy. This is that starkest of choices: life or death.

It's the either/or at the end of the line.


Not that they need any excuse but the limelight of the Summit Of The Americas drew thousands of crawling subhumans on a journey north.

"Several thousand migrants, many from Venezuela, set off from southern Mexico early Monday aiming to reach the United States, timing their journey to coincide with the Summit of the Americas in Los Angeles this week."

Not that they need any excuse. The pestiferous vermin of the Global South have been coming in torrents for decades and from the press surrounding this high toned confab we may have seen nothing yet; which is what comes from not shooting when you see the whites of their eyes.

"The meeting of regional leaders comes as several thousand migrants on Tuesday walked through southern Mexico — the largest migrant caravan of the year — with local authorities showing no signs yet of trying to stop them."

Why would they? Just another caravan passing through, nothing to see there. The thing about it is now that the two Jews (Garland and Mayorkas) have signaled to the world that there will be absolutely no penalty to pay (and possibly a big pay day for them to have) for violating our sovereignty why not take a crack on it? What does a crawling subhuman have to lose?

Literally nothing.

“These are countries collapsing from poverty and violence, caravan organizer Luis Garcia Villagran said recently. We strongly urge those who attend the summit to look at what is happening, and what could happen even more often in Mexico if something is not done soon.”

If you are a crawling subhuman you have to like the odds, you have to like that the playing board is tilted totally in your favor. And this "what could happen even more" sounds like a threat. Why hasn't this man been arrested?

"Mexico has tried to contain migrants to the south, far from the U.S. border. But many have grown frustrated there by the slow bureaucratic process to regularize their status and the lack of job opportunities to provide for their families."

Sorry we haven't made life completely nice for you. Perhaps U.S taxpayer or "private companies" should start tossing pesos at the problem. Anything less would be racist they say. Nothing short of that massive flow of money to the South must go on even as a massive flow of spics go from South to North. Sounds like reparations though the only thing we have done wrong is lack a spine.

"Migration in the Americas has dramatically increased over the past decade due to deteriorating political, economic and humanitarian conditions in several countries, particularly in Venezuela, El Salvador, Guatemala, and Haiti."

Not our problem. Don't care. Cry someone else a river and do it south of the Rio Grande.

"The rate of migrants crossing the U.S.-Mexico border into the U.S. has grown at a faster pace during the Biden administration than in recent years under the Trump administration. Immigration officials encountered more than 1.7 million migrants along the U.S. border in 2021, three times the number they reported in 2020."

Time to make a choice at the end of the line.


The tip off is the plural in "The Summitt Of The Americas." We should be having a Summit of America in cold northern climes far away from the Global South. The Summit Of The Americas from what I can glean began back in 1994 just a few years after "migrations" to America began in full swing. These congregations happen every four years or so and are thus akin the Olympic of Treason. It's where the heads of state of the American States get together and conspire to rip off America and get them to take in more violent Cholos. You see what the brown and black countries of the Global South want (because they are poor and greedy) and our elites want (because they are Jew led and treacherous) is a great big hemispheric superstate. Uber witch Hilary Clinton said so herself in that leaked speech to grand viziers, she said she wanted what they wanted: a Super Union from the Artic Circle to Tierra Del Fuego in which humans and goods could circulate freely, so little Pepito from Ecuador can move in right next door and date the White women, or rape them, as he doesn't know the difference.

The dream of this giant superstate cum free wheeling economic zone cum and migratory laboratory is the dream our elites. The Mexican President recently floated the idea that Mexico and America should merge and become a giant Union, something which seems already to have been done in all but name. Go to Los Angeles and close your eyes and listen like Geoge W Bush asked you to and you will certainly think you are in Mexico City. A German scholar at the opening of the 20th century was asked as to the future of Mexico. He said Mexico would merge with the United States then the latter will collapse. This now sounds not so much like prediction as history. Go to Los Angles and you can see it falling and failing right now.


The big news out of the Summit Of America is all the no-shows, apparently Alzy Joe is not quite the catch his handlers think he is and several countries' delegations chose to sit this one out. The other big news was for course the migrant issue, all others pale next to it, and in the lead up all the Chicana activists were making their demands. It seems they think they have America over the barrel so they hone if for the kill.

"More than 100 civil society groups called on the Biden administration to make a series of commitments on migration policy beyond any multilateral deal reached at the Summit of the Americas."

America must take the lead; no other country will do it; none other is that stupid. America is Uncle Sucker, the country already has experienced a fifty year invasion but they think they can ramp it up even further as they go for the jugular. Is there any reason for them to think they won't succeed?

"The hemispheric summit is expected to yield at least one major migration agreement, the Los Angeles Declaration on Migration and Protection, which will include commitments by the U.S., Canada and Spain to improve their refugee programs."

Improve? By scrapping them? Not on your sweet life. They won't scrap a sweet thing when they have it; by the time they're done they'll make The Camp Of The Saints look like a nursery rhyme.

"In a letter Monday to President Biden, Vice President Harris, Secretary of State Antony Blinken, Secretary of Homeland Security Alejandro Mayorkas and national security adviser Jake Sullivan, the groups called on the administration to work with civil society in the United States and the region but to take unilateral action where possible."

They are certainly beseeching the right people, traitors all, and their please will not fall on deaf ears. They don't want us to wait for no musty document or declaration. They know that in the end the piece of paper will be non-binding and hold no force. The real action is when the executive just goes rogue and decrees. This of course has been happening, the government under Biden has a de facto policy of not enforcing the border. Realistically they know that they can't put that in stark black and white, so just push them to keep going off the books so to speak, if in broad daylight.

Certainly, they are fooling no one.

“We urge the Biden administration to sustain consultation with a wide range of civil society organizations in the United States, particularly those led by directly impacted refugees and migrants, and in the region, and to encourage regional governments to do the same. Beyond signing a rights-respecting declaration, we urge the administration to make specific commitments during the Summit.”

Commit to hari-kari, to an elaborate form of seppuku; they want to get as much on the record as possible, to put out one of those "broad frameworks" that can't be enforced but the vague language of the declarations always tilts towards opening the flood gates further and further. It is as if a person in the throes of slow rolling suicidal ideation from time to time wrote a suicide notes in bland bureaucratic language and the world yawned as he sharpened the knives.

"The letter’s writers include national immigration advocacy groups such as Immigration Hub, labor-based organizations such as the National Domestic Workers Alliance, single-national-origin advocacy groups such as Haitian Bridge Alliance, and a broad coalition of faith-based and civil rights organizations."

Faith based because these Christians organizations will tell you the bell tolls for thee too and we are all but temporary residents on this planet. Just lately a one hundred million dollar ad campaign (funded anonymously) tells the skeptical young that "Jesus Gets Us', that is he is a refugee and welcomed the huddled masses. To them we must be meek and humble because the first shall be last and the last shall be first. But why should we trust any people who aver against all empirical evidence that the meek shall inherit the earth? Surely when they hear that miserable tripe the strong laugh heartily up their Jewish sleeves.

"The groups called on the Biden administration to go beyond that declaration by, for example, committing to designate or redesignate Guatemala, El Salvador, Haiti, Honduras and Venezuela for temporary protected status (TPS)."

In case you didn't know (though you probably did) temporary protected status is Jewspeak for permanent protected status. TPS is one of those ruses that they use to perpetrate a charade; they say the conditions in the home country are grim and they can't return--for now. The first thing to think about that is that the conditions are always going to be grim in the home country, grim because it is the home of the dark-skinned helots. So it's the excuse that will keep on living and giving and taking from us.

"The groups asked for the Biden administration to expand its efforts for border officials to more quickly process asylum requests, while also calling for the administration to put up a fight in court to eliminate Trump-era policies that slow down asylum."

When it comes to the great replacement, when it comes to the invasion, they want a frictionless world. Aylum requests should just be a rubber stamp with a great big Mi Case Es Su Casa written on it even as they eat us out of house and home.


I haven't got a look at Kamala Harris' 23 And Me results (it surely is a tangled web) but the best I can figure is hundreds of years ago in the Caribbean the Jews created a petri dish of miscegenation which resulted in a kind of global gang bang among the races, and the sordid spawn of this misalliance (with some nasty input from the Indians) was our current grab bag mixed race cretin Vice President.

Kamala Harris is the one the Biden Administration put in charge of Border Security. But you might as well have put Phil Spector in charge of the State Hospital for the criminally insane. Harris' great contribution to the border security was making a big show of it and telling the migrants: don't come. Of course you might as well have been a conservative standing athwart history telling it to stop. Or a primitive on the beach looking at the tsunami and sending out charms for it to cease. Everyone has a plan. But as negro philosopher Mike Tyson said: then you get punched in the face.

"United States Vice President Kamala Harris has announced the latest effort to stem migration from Central America – $1.9billion in private-sector funding to boost job opportunities – hours before the first meetings of the US-hosted Summit of the Americas were set to get under way. The funding announced on Tuesday from 10 companies adds to $1.2billion Harris had secured last year from the private sector in her role as the lead in the administration of President Joe Biden in addressing the root causes of migration from Central America."

There are a lot of things wrong with the above paragraph. The first is that it does not recommend to shoot when you see the Whites of their eyes. The second is that somehow it's supposed to mollify us that the money is "private". As if this money could not be reinvested in America with the attendant benefits. The migrants already send home boatload so cash by wire thus taking it out of circulation for us.

And as to the root causes? Historically White countries created gleaming countries, the historically brown and black countries created shit holes. Add envy and greed to the mix and you have your root causes.

"In a statement, Harris’s office said the new commitments will help to create tens of thousands of jobs in El Salvador, Guatemala, and Honduras. The vice president also unveiled efforts to combat gender-based violence, as well as plans to support youth through the so-called “Central American Service Corps” which will be funded through US Aidwever."

I've been too busy to look it up but safe to say this US Aidwever is some kind of humanitarian boondoggle bent on bleeding the White man bone dry. And it sounds a lot to me an awful lot like she's acting as the mother hen of the entire world. It is certain that she cares more about them than she does us, she not caring for us but hating us.

"The United States has been the most popular destination for asylum-seekers since 2017, posing a challenge that has stumped Biden and his immediate predecessors, Donald Trump and Barack Obama."

No shit. Where the hell else are they going to go? As bad as Haiti is Guatemala is no a step up. You might as well stay home in your shotgun shack Favela and get your water from the Aids ridden malarial swamp. And if this "challenge" has "stumped" our leaders it only goes to show both that they are no boy geniuses and don't have our good in mind.

"The agreement may call for more pathways to legal status, mechanisms to reunite families, more efficient and humane border controls and improved information sharing, according to experts who have seen early draft.

More pathways everywhere, there are roads and routes, avenues and highways and freeways and sea lanes and back door entrances.

So why put up all the fuss to keep them out they'll say; it's the human thing to do after all. But remember in the constant battle to keep them out we have to win every time; they win once and they win forever.


And just when you think it can't get any worse (it can, trust me) the come out with this doozy:

"On June 8 2022 The Department of Homeland Security annoucnced plans to transport migrants awaiting immigration proceedings from U.S. cities along the southern border farther into the interior of the country, beginning with Los Angeles."

That's the end game, start with Los Angles and end with Coeur D'Alene. That'll make the cops think twice about getting that second home there. You think in the end you'll be able to retreat into the hinterlands to the Whiteopia? Fat chance of that brother, when you get there they'll be taco stands galore and Maria will be at the grocery store with her WIC cards obscenely pregnant with Juan and Hector making a scene.

When the time comes there will be no Orania for us.

"He'll also preview a migration declaration that countries have agreed to that details responsibilities of nations amid historic migrant flows."

Historic flows! Responsibilities! There's always more that we can do they say. Why, just the other day a border guard drowned trying to save a migrant. When the epitaph of America is written will say it dies trying to save the coloreds from themselves.

"The United States on Friday unveiled a long list of measures to confront the migration crisis as President Joe Biden and fellow leaders prepared to issue a joint declaration thrashed out at the Summit of the Americas."

Here's the measure of those measures: more migrants come in, all walls come down, all borders are abandoned, all law is abrogated, the homeland gone.

"The White House touted a series of programs agreed by countries across the hemisphere and Spain - attending as an observer - that include taking in more guest workers and to provide legal pathways for people from poorer countries to work in richer ones. The Biden administration, facing a record flow of illegal migrants at its southern border, pledged hundreds of millions of dollars in aid for Venezuelan migrants across the region, renewed processing of family-based visas for Cubans and Haitians and eased the hiring of Central American worker."

You see it was treason in Los Angeles. No thought is given to the historical American Nation, everything is geared towards flow of money Southward and flow of people Northward. Any government that serves its own interests and the interests of other peoples is not fit to govern--and has committed the most heinous of crimes.

"The declaration, presented by Biden and other leaders on Friday, seeks to mobilize the entire region around bold actions that will transform our approach to managing migration in the Americas."

"The set of principles to be announced Friday on the summit's final day includes legal pathways to enter countries, aid to communities most affected by migration, humane border management and coordinated emergency responses. The plan would facilitate labor pathways to the United States for both migrants transiting their countries and for the source countries."

"Announcements were made related to labor pathways as part of the Los Angeles Declaration."

Pathways everywhere, roads, routes, gangways, avenues, highways, freeways, sea lanes, back doors, everywhere a way for them to come here. And what we will see in the future will make the flow we've seen so far look like a day at the beach. We have set up a vast machinery for our own destruction. Our material strength and our medical advances have made it possible for the countries of the dark skinned world to explode. At the same time our wealth serves as a magnets for every brown or black helot crawling between heaven and earth. Add to this out complete loss of will to assert our rights and protect our country and you have the perfect storm of evil.

When they said the South will rise again this is not what the meant.

They say that at the Summit Of The Americas (June 6-June 10 2022) the summit sessions regularly rang out to the composer John Phillip Sousa's Liberty Bell March. Quaint isn't it? That such patriotic glow should cover up the crime of the centuries? For surely each and every pathway for the browns and the blacks is the primrose path to our collapse, and all those pathways they are creating are nothing but the road to our perdition.

Douglas Mercer
Posts: 6587
Joined: Tue Mar 28, 2023 7:29 pm

Re: Treason In Los Angeles

Post by Douglas Mercer » Wed Oct 04, 2023 8:42 am


Douglas Mercer
Posts: 6587
Joined: Tue Mar 28, 2023 7:29 pm

Re: Treason In Los Angeles

Post by Douglas Mercer » Wed Oct 04, 2023 8:43 am


Douglas Mercer
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Joined: Tue Mar 28, 2023 7:29 pm

Re: Treason In Los Angeles

Post by Douglas Mercer » Wed Oct 04, 2023 8:44 am


Douglas Mercer
Posts: 6587
Joined: Tue Mar 28, 2023 7:29 pm

Re: Treason In Los Angeles

Post by Douglas Mercer » Wed Oct 04, 2023 8:44 am


Douglas Mercer
Posts: 6587
Joined: Tue Mar 28, 2023 7:29 pm

Re: Treason In Los Angeles

Post by Douglas Mercer » Thu Sep 19, 2024 8:14 am

Huddled wetbacks yearning to leech off of us

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