The German Mission

Douglas Mercer
Posts: 4832
Joined: Tue Mar 28, 2023 7:29 pm

The German Mission

Post by Douglas Mercer » Sat Apr 06, 2024 4:36 pm

Douglas Mercer
April 6 2024

That White people were called by the gods to realize destiny is rather obvious by this point, as no other race could even conceivably do it. White people are creators and law givers and have a profundity and a depth that are lacking in all other races. We also have a sense of justice and a sense of chivalry and gallantry that can be found nowhere else. While other races were mightily struggling to get rice out of the ground, or were mired in mud, ours turned its eyes heavenward in the hopes of an eternal future there. Indeed, compared to our perfect and beautiful race the others seem at best to be drones and at worst atavistic throwbacks. And all of these shining qualities of ours coupled with a ferocious fighting spirit, a fierce sense of loyalty and duty, is what caused us to vault far ahead of the others and to begin to conceive of the earth as a springboard to the stars.

In the infancy of this flight ever upward and ever farther ahead we were (temporarily) laid low. In the annals of the March Of Folly the so called Great War takes the dubious palm. You had our leaders sitting on top of the world and getting ready to leave it but sick greed and a lack of racial solidarity led them to let our own blood with savage fury; and like a septic homunculus on our backs we had the Jews egging us on at every point; by the time of the “roaring twenties” America turned to immorality and Berlin did so with a vengeance; the old fighters stood and watched and wondered as everything their ancestors had fought for seemed to be circling the drain; the great man of destining named Adolf Hitler knew in his great race soul that everything was on the line and whatever extremity he resorted to was nothing but commensurate with the time. He knew that the White race was the Prometheus of the world, that White people were the culture bearers of the world, and if he had anything to say about it (he did) he was not going to let the promise of our great future go to the dogs at the hands of Jews. Did he kill a few? Not enough, as has been said. After all anything that threatens the call of being needs to be expunged with savage, implacable and unrelenting fury.


The publication of Martin Heidegger’s Black Books has caused no end of consternation and gnashing of teeth and hair pulling among scholars. Until their publication they could (somewhat but not really) plausibly argue that Heidegger was not really a “nazi” but, if he was at one point, he fell out with them and had been at best a fellow traveler. Surely (they say as they grasped at straws) a thinker of the magnitude, depth and profundity as he could not have been an actual (let alone thoroughgoing) National Socialist. Turns out he was though, a National Socialist that is, and that’s just something they are going to have to live with forever. And a quite dedicated, unrepentant and thoroughgoing one at that. It’s all there in black and white and if you are willing to shell out a few hundred dollars you can read it for yourself. How to reconcile it or if you can reconcile it (as you can imagine it) is the subject of countless academic kerfuffles, fierce debates, accusatory back and forths, ignoble contrition, hand wringing, rending of garments, warbling wailing and unholy ululations, all of it rather banal and desultory, there being a reason that the word “academic” means to be meaningless, irrelevant, and beside the point. They never once consider that if he was that smart (he was, and then some) maybe he had a point on the crucial question of Adolf Hitler. That rather obvious and simple proposition blows their minds and is so far beyond their pale, is so much a bridge too far, that they can’t even begin to think it. For them the truth is a bitter pill they cannot fathom let alone swallow. But there it is nonetheless: Martin Heidegger their culture idol, their culture icon, was an upstanding and ureconstructed German National Socialist in good standing and remained so (more or less vocally) until his dying day in 1977. And in his private notebooks (Black Books) he let the cat all the way out of the bag reminding one that there is nothing more beautiful on this planet than when the truth comes out of the closet. He said that the Jews were the agents of destruction on the earth, he said the Jews threatened being with eternal devastation, he feared that through intermarriage the Jews would be engrafted surreptitiously on the blood of the German people, he said the Jews lionize race so they have no right to criticize the Germans for doing so; he also said that it was the Germans who were a historical people and it was the German people who were the deep thinkers and poets whose mission it was to answer to and be the bearers of destiny; it was the Germans who were to be the enactors of the destiny of the earth; that it was the Germans and the Germans alone who heard and could fulfill the call of being. He was right of course, despite the professorial meandering and maunderings. And all of the noise and wailing in the academy is simply the fallout of that simple fact.


Martin Heidegger and the National Socialists did not always see eye to eye though from the 10-thousand-foot birdseye point of view they were one and the same. In some sense he was one of those March Violets that rightly rankled the National Socialist rank and file and of whom they were so suspicious. But when they arose he saw in them the broad movement that he was looking for, a group of leaders who could rejuvenate the famous German spirit, clear out the vile detritus, and set the time aright. He saw in them a stalwart defense against the culture depredations of Jewish America and Jewish England, against mere “civilization” and in favor of “culture.” It has been said that it is surprising that someone of the mental stature of Heidegger was attracted to such a low class and petty bourgeois and anti-intellectual movement. But for every rightly thuggish SA man there was an SS man of high culture. And of course quite famously Hitler himself was obsessed with culture, and obsessed with the Greeks in particular, every bit as much as Heidegger was in his search for the German waters flowing backwards to the very beginnings and source, that unsurpassable beginning that formed the hope of the far future. From our perspective we know he was right, that had the National Socialists prevailed they would have augured and ushered in that 1000 years and more rule that would have allowed the German mission and culture to flourish according to its destined path, and the natural flow of the evolution of consciousness come to fruition. In the end that ordered efflorescence was interrupted so that now it will happen (naturally) but in a mode more peculiar, roundabout, circuitous and less straightforward. Heidegger also thought that the National Socialists would inaugurate a culture based not on technology and was disappointed with its reliance on production. But here he shows himself the philosopher who is so abstract in his thinking that he does not see the well in front of him and falls into it. He should have seen that first it was required to solve the problem of living in an ordinary sense, to dominate the earth without restriction, so they could reach the true and final spiritual plan. After all when one leaps for the stars no one can abide a Jew grabbing at his ankles. He also is pigeonholed posthumously as a believer in spiritual rather than vulgar National Socialism, and “metaphysical” rather than crude anti-semitism. This is a false dichotomy if there ever was one: there is only one National Socialism, and one anti-semitism, with different aspects at different time to be sure, but one and the same nonetheless.


William Pierce was an avid reader of Nietzsche though there is no evidence that he was aware of the thought of Martin Heidegger. Had he been he could have got beyond the stage of formulating the promise of final consciousness, of the creator’s completion, and shown how it will occur. It was Heidegger who postulated that after the preparation of thought became complete, perhaps one or the other of us would ascend from the foothills and make a mad dash into thought, into finally thinking. If, as Kevin Strom has proposed, we are the universe become self conscious or nature become self conscious (one and the same thing) that we are the conscious and activating part of the creator who is willing himself into being right now, then sooner or later the creator will have willed himself into being and then the creator will be fully present. It all has to do with the change of tense, into the change to the tense of the future perfect, it all has to do with diction and grammar. Word is nearly same word as world, and in the future perfect it is with words that we will will worlds into being, with words that are commands. Let them reckon with that, as has been said.

It was Heidegger’s idol and forerunner Nietzsche who said that we shall never be rid of the gods until we are rid of grammar, that is we shall never be rid of the gods. It was Heidegger who said that language is the house of being, that language is the master of man, that man does not speak but language speaks, speaks through man as its chosen conduit. That is language is a living and self conscious entity or being that like a virus spreads from speaker to speaker until what it wants to say finally stands fully present in its imperious finality. It will be at this time that creator will spring forth full blown in his completion and in his creation, will have revealed himself fully to his creatures, one of whom in the end had the honor to bring him forth out of his concealment. For the gods like grammar are built into the nature and the interstices of things, are latent until they are made manifest. And what will this complete future be like? Let us let language speak for itself, language which is older than time, and which time worships: the English word grammar stems from glamour: a radiant splendor. And we radiant beings will hang loosely in space issuing words as commands and creating always new worlds and new beings, it will be a world of pure consciousness without nature, a world of pure and instant creation without end. And there will be no reckoning then.


Martin Heidegger was the philosopher of being and the philosopher of time, but his claim to our attention is as a philosopher of language. We now know that grammar is an inbuilt system, is not a social construct, but is built into the evolved brain of everyone when they are born. That is the human brain is not only a recording device, it is an ordering device and ultimately a device which creates. For Heidegger language was the constitutive material of the world, what would ultimately bring the world to what he called its “worlding” or its final coming to presence. They say he even once half jokingly posited that thinkers with a last name that began the letter H had a particular importance: Heraclitus, Holderlin, Hegel, Heidegger. He need not have joked. He might have added Himmler, Heyrdich, Hitler. For letters are what let, as in to let something be or make it so; and language is a gauge: a measurement according to some standard, a measuring rod (word).



RAM: random access memory
MAR: Sea (Spanish)
The glassy sea (Shakespeare)
Glass: mirror
Two mirrors facing one another
G: God

Glamour: enchantment, magic


Heidegger was particularly concerned with the issue of disclosure. He thought that that the creator was alternately present and absent. That is it appeared and then withdrew, or faced us and then turned away from us. But ultimately it was circling around us and biding its time, showing us who it is by gleanings, hints, fits and starts. At some point, however, the game will be up; at some point the god will appear on earth in its totality. Being then will have come into its own and things will finally be. The question then becomes how will this disclosure come to pass? What will be the prologue to the omen coming on? And who can reckon it?


I am convinced more than ever that Adolf Hitler was the chosen vessel of the gods to inaugurate their rule over the earth. It was the White race whom the gods lovingly created and sent on our way to ascend the ladder of being; when this ascent became threatened, when the house of being was under mortal threat, he sent us Adolf Hitler, for where the danger grows the saving power arrives, and Adolf Hitler was that saving power. But the earth rejected him and, what is more, the earth turned this incarnated god into the evil of evils. For even as we rely on the gods so too the gods rely on us; they need our participation in order to come into full flower. And when man rejects the gods’ chosen vessel there can be no forgiveness. And when this fateful passage occurs the gods only smile, reconnoiter, reconvene, and choose yet another course, when one door is denied, they enter from the back. That from the high and palmy state of pristine philosophy and thought the new mode seems rather peculiar and unexpected is only to be expected. After all in his madness they say that Nietzsche was heard to write that he was the God who made this joke.


Martin Heidegger famously said that only a god can save us. Towards the end of his life he said that his main concern was that man would have a “prophetic future.” The irony is that the eruption of prophecy had already arisen in his own lifetime. It’s well known that sometimes words have two meanings; and equally so that with a word you can get what you came for.

When the rain comes
They run and hide their heads
They might as well be dead
When the rain comes
When the sun shines
We slip into the shade
We drink our marmalade
When the sun shines
Rain, we don't mind
The weather's fine
I can show you
That when it starts to rain
When the rain comes down
Everything's the same
When the rain comes down
I can show you
Rain, we don't mind
Shine, the weather's fine
Can you hear me?
That when it rains and shines
It's just a state of mind
When it rains and shines
Can you hear me?
Can you hear me?

Rain / Reign

Can you hear me?


The prophecy is now completed. We are in a post prophetic world in which the prophecy is working itself out. That is the finishing touches are being put on creation. One or the other of us has made that mad trek up to the highlands and come down to tell you all. It is true that it is better up there but everything happens down here. Just so you know it is not hard at all being dead, and it’s not hard at all to no longer to inhabit the earth, for there there is no more retrieval, everything having already been retrieved. One must simply pay attention to the words and pay attention to the times, and interpret properly. This is the German mission, the mission of the historical people, the German people are the gods’ gift to the world. And now all before us we see a moribund pseudo civilization nearing it collapse and we see the true life beginning. For the struggle of the Germans against the Jews was no fateful going astray against being, but the will of the gods themselves. And at this late date it’s no longer true that no one knows what nestles in the womb of time. We have interpreted the words faithfully. And I’m as sure of this as I am sure of anything; that we have tuned in so naturally and know what we want to play; German song is in accord with it as always.

Douglas Mercer
Posts: 4832
Joined: Tue Mar 28, 2023 7:29 pm

Re: The German Mission

Post by Douglas Mercer » Sat Apr 06, 2024 4:37 pm


Douglas Mercer
Posts: 4832
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Re: The German Mission

Post by Douglas Mercer » Sat Apr 06, 2024 4:39 pm


Douglas Mercer
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Re: The German Mission

Post by Douglas Mercer » Sat Apr 06, 2024 4:40 pm


Douglas Mercer
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Re: The German Mission

Post by Douglas Mercer » Sat Apr 06, 2024 4:40 pm


Douglas Mercer
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Re: The German Mission

Post by Douglas Mercer » Sat Apr 06, 2024 4:41 pm


Douglas Mercer
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Re: The German Mission

Post by Douglas Mercer » Sat Apr 06, 2024 4:41 pm


Douglas Mercer
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Re: The German Mission

Post by Douglas Mercer » Sat Apr 06, 2024 4:42 pm


Douglas Mercer
Posts: 4832
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Re: The German Mission

Post by Douglas Mercer » Sat Apr 06, 2024 4:42 pm


Douglas Mercer
Posts: 4832
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Re: The German Mission

Post by Douglas Mercer » Sat Apr 06, 2024 4:43 pm


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