Will it ever be our turn to shape our future?

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Jim Mathias
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Joined: Mon Jun 13, 2016 8:48 pm

Will it ever be our turn to shape our future?

Post by Jim Mathias » Sun Mar 17, 2024 2:28 am

Some believe that the White cause is hopeless. They are defeatists, pessimists at heart pronouncing doom and gloom as they see setback after setback, White casualties that pile up as seen endlessly in the news and elsewhere. Anti-White propaganda has beaten them down, and these Whites consume it like Hunter Biden indulges in his favorite substance through his crackpipe. These people are a drag on all of us, offering only despair and defeat.

We in the National Alliance/Cosmotheist community have a say about that, not to argue nor refute what the naysaying Nellies natter about, but to offer hope and build a number of physical refuges and necessary institutions for those who want to take part in Alliance building activities. About that last part, I'd like to consider what we're doing as also being community building activities. A system or network of Whites who seek to gather with each other in real life for mutual support in a time when so many others are atomized and alone to deal with an anti-White world that views them with open hostility at times.

As for the defeatists, I say let them go on their way and remain defeated. Ignore them. Refuse to consume the crackpipe substances they're smoking called the Jewish dominated media propaganda. They're dead to us unless a few happen to have an epiphany suddenly and see that pro-active building activities are within our capabilities now and actually offer to lend a hand. Accept the fact that there are casualties but move on to doing what we can do with folks who are open to our message and to our building.

Moving forward, one man or one woman, alone, should declare to the Chairman that they're willing to meet with newcomers within the overall National Alliance/Cosmotheist community who want to or have joined with us and accept our program. Expanding the numbers of dedicated Alliance members out to 5 makes us eligible to become a Local Unit, yet any number of us can act within our community to make our presence known to newcomers. Personally, I'd like that those who aspire to expand to become Local Units have a sort of separate White biocentrism thread to attract others so long as some criteria are met as far as member longevity/active-ness. I live in the Iowa/Illinois Quad Cities area and welcome those who wish to meet and act in these parts. Platform support would enhance that member's ability to recruit. We do have members who would rather not get involved meaningfully with the whole, but prefer to be 'low-key' and contribute minimally. I ask that these people be more open to community/Alliance building, you're needed. If you still can't, and some have very good reasons for doing so, then carry on.

What of the title of this thread though? Will it be our turn to shape our future? It already is our turn, we have control over ourselves and our individual and collective outreach efforts. Expanding this is the main challenge these days, and is one all responsible Alliance/Cosmotheists embrace. Community strength will attract greater strength, groups are superior to individual efforts at these sorts of effort, and is our only hope for survival in times of civilizational collapse. Who knows, perhaps being organized may land us greater but unexpected opportunities to increase our strength.
Activism materials available! ===> Contact me via PM to obtain quantities of the "Send Them Back", "NA Health Warning #1 +#2+#3" stickers, and any fliers listed in the Alliance website's flier webpage.

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