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Will Williams
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Re: "Nazi"

Post by Will Williams » Tue Oct 10, 2023 2:12 pm

Will Williams wrote:
Sun Sep 17, 2023 11:40 am
Bump Dr. Pierce's answer to the question asked, before it scrolls off WB's front age.
Will Williams wrote:
Fri Sep 15, 2023 7:08 pm
Supremely White wrote:
Fri Sep 15, 2023 8:50 am
... I also prefer to identify as “Nazi “, even if it was meant as some slur by the jews.[sic].. (I prefer to use the capital W to describe our race, because it’s empowering)...
Douglas Mercer's "Rethinking Mein Kampf" has this excellent explanation of the term "Nazi" by Dr. Thomas Dalton: viewtopic.php?p=28027#p28027

Of the many simplistic and overused hyperboles in modern usage, the use of ‘Nazi’ surely ranks among the worst. It’s a crude and almost comical synonym for evil, hateful, cruel, tyrannical, and so on. This is consistent with the general demonization of everything Hitler.

‘Nazi’ is, of course, an abbreviation for National Socialist (Nationalsozialist). It was prompted by an earlier term, ‘Sozi,’ which was short for Sozialdemokrat, referring to the Social Democrat party that had been in existence since the mid-1800s. Hitler and colleagues rarely used ‘Nazi,’ generally viewing it as derogatory—although Goebbels did write an essay and short book titled The Nazi-Sozi...

Both Mercer and Dalton are required reading by National Alliance members and supporters.
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Re: "Nazi"

Post by natmanwhite » Sun Nov 12, 2023 6:52 pm

I've been thinking. Since "Nazi" is an enemy-term for the NSDAP and National Socialism, why not make a new term among us?

I propose the term DAPPY for NSDAP. Any thoughts?

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Will Williams
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Re: "Nazi"

Post by Will Williams » Sun Nov 12, 2023 7:34 pm

natmanwhite wrote:
Sun Nov 12, 2023 6:52 pm
I've been thinking. Since "Nazi" is an enemy-term for the NSDAP and National Socialism, why not make a new term among us?

I propose the term DAPPY for NSDAP. Any thoughts?
How old are you, Natman?

I saw where you claim to have been racially conscious for five years or so, but you strike me as being very young with the interests you've told us you have in "monsters, superheroes, sword-&-sorcery tales, and fantasy.

Maybe it's just me, but as NA Chairman and a stiff-necked realist I've never had any interest in any of that, especially fantasy.

https://nationalvanguard.org/2020/08/re ... to-action/
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Re: "Nazi"

Post by natmanwhite » Mon Nov 13, 2023 4:29 pm

When I say "monsters, superheroes, sword-&-sorcery tales, and fantasy",
What I mean is :

Monsters - mythological creatures like Draugr, werewolves and such. i like bestiaries in general
Superheroes - I like the concept of superpowers (especially the physical ones) and prefer mythological "superheroes" like Herakles, Non-marvel Thor and Cu Chulainn over the Jew-produced ones like from DC and Marvel
Sword-&-sorcery - Works of Robert E. Howard and other pulp fiction short shorties
Fantasy - I have great respect for works like the Tolkien stories (Lord of the Rings, The Silmarillion, The Hobbit)

I was childishly excited when i wrote that and didnt think of how it looked to others

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Re: "Nazi"

Post by White_Vengeance » Mon Nov 13, 2023 8:24 pm

natmanwhite wrote:
Sun Nov 12, 2023 6:52 pm
I've been thinking. Since "Nazi" is an enemy-term for the NSDAP and National Socialism, why not make a new term among us?

I propose the term DAPPY for NSDAP. Any thoughts?
The term "DAPPY" would NEVER pass muster in the ranks of the White Nationalists. No offense, but it sounds pussified, cowardly, and spineless. DAPPY rhymes with SAPPY; and your term, DAPPY, is quite sappy. Presuming you have been a member of the White Nationalist movement for a bit of time, then you must know that we already have more-than-enough self-identifying terms, including: White Nationalist; pro-White activist; White warrior; White revolutionary; White racial dissident; White racialist; White racial realist; Aryan; Aryan soldier; White European; Romanus Bellator; Blitzkrieger; National Socialist; White National Socialist; White Fascist; White kinsman; White revisionist; Germanic warrior; Viking warrior; Celtic warrior; White Biocentrist; Southern White Nationalist; etcetera, etcetera, etcetera. The list is endless! As for the few that I have provided, all those aforementioned terms sound distinctive, rugged, dominant, and warrior-like, which is exactly the manner in which I know that we should be portrayed.
Any White person who can see the threat to the future of the White race today and who refuses, whether from cowardice or selfishness, to stand up for his/her people does not deserve to be counted among them.

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Re: "Nazi"

Post by natmanwhite » Tue Nov 14, 2023 4:26 am

Thank you for the list. it helps.

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Re: "Nazi"

Post by White_Vengeance » Tue Nov 14, 2023 11:48 am

Supremely White wrote:
Wed Jul 19, 2023 11:57 am
I’m okay with the word myself and I love National Socialism, but that’s just me…what I’m not okay with is the way the term “Eurotrash” gets thrown around, mostly by other whites…yeah I deliberately put the w in lowercase for those people who do this. “White trash” doesn’t help us either, in fact that offends me more than if some congoid calls us “cracka”.
Both of those terms, "Eurotrash" and "White trash," are very offensive—both to the morons who use them against their White brothers and sisters and to the White people who are on the receiving end. The offensive term, "Eurotrash," gets bandied about with reckless abandon by dirt-bags and derelicts who constantly raise the indefensible position that in order to be considered "White" one must be possessed of blond (or blonde) hair and blue eyes. Considering that only a very small percentage of the White people on Planet Earth carry the genetic traits of both blond (or blonde) hair and blue eyes, the fools who toss about the insulting term "Eurotrash" have, in effect, disqualified well over ninety-percent (> 90%) of White Europeans from their cushy little "purists' club."

The equally—if not even worse—offensive term "White trash" is especially degrading here in the South, which is often stigmatized and made the butt end of jokes about stupidity, illiteracy, marginalization, living in squalor, and living life on the very fringes. Actually, having lived both in the North—in Illinois—and now in the South—in North Carolina—I can attest that I much prefer Southerners to Northerners. Southerners are simply more homespun, easy-going, independent, self-reliant, and more willing to lend a hand. I harbor no grudges against Yankees—Northerners—as most of them are decent people, but it is factually true that some of the biggest assholes live in the North. The Northerners who I consider "assholes" are the most egotistical, self-centered, materialistic, self-aggrandizing bastards to ever poison the face of the Earth. Most of these "assholes" are found in the larger cities: Chicago, New York, Milwaukee, Cleveland, Boston, Minneapolis-St. Paul, etcetera. Of course, that was before all those aforementioned larger cities were overrun with, and destroyed by, the barbaric, feral simian moulinyans.

My studies tell me that the offensive term "White trash" developed because arrogant little pricks who live in metropolitan areas have the misbegotten understanding that because the South is predominately an agrarian society, the majority of Southerners are rubes, hicks, and backwards clods who live in decrepit double-wide trailers somewhere out in the desolate hinterlands. This is a mostly-false impression, since a large percentage of Southerners are homeowners, are gainfully employed, and live moderately comfortable middle-class lives.

Legend has it that here in the Appalachian Mountains, if one searches long and hard, he/she might just find the remains of more than a few Yankees who opened their big mouths once-too-often and called a rough, tough, strapping Southerner "White trash." The remains just might be found alongside a few of those damn "rev-nooers." (i.e., Revenuers; i.e., Internal Revenue Service agents). However, it is legend—at least those are the stories we hear from time-to-time.
Any White person who can see the threat to the future of the White race today and who refuses, whether from cowardice or selfishness, to stand up for his/her people does not deserve to be counted among them.

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Re: "Nazi"

Post by Will Williams » Tue Nov 14, 2023 6:48 pm

White_Vengeance wrote:
Mon Nov 13, 2023 8:24 pm
natmanwhite wrote:
Sun Nov 12, 2023 6:52 pm
I've been thinking. Since "Nazi" is an enemy-term for the NSDAP and National Socialism, why not make a new term among us?

I propose the term DAPPY for NSDAP. Any thoughts?
The term "DAPPY" would NEVER pass muster in the ranks of the White Nationalists. No offense, but it sounds pussified, cowardly, and spineless. DAPPY rhymes with SAPPY; and your term, DAPPY, is quite sappy. Presuming you have been a member of the White Nationalist movement for a bit of time, then you must know that we already have more-than-enough self-identifying terms, including: White Nationalist; pro-White activist; White warrior; White revolutionary; White racial dissident; White racialist; White racial realist; Aryan; Aryan soldier; White European; Romanus Bellator; Blitzkrieger; National Socialist; White National Socialist; White Fascist; White kinsman; White revisionist; Germanic warrior; Viking warrior; Celtic warrior; White Biocentrist; Southern White Nationalist; etcetera, etcetera, etcetera. The list is endless! As for the few that I have provided, all those aforementioned terms sound distinctive, rugged, dominant, and warrior-like, which is exactly the manner in which I know that we should be portrayed.

Those sure are a lot of terms you have for us pro-White advocates or White loyalists or race realists. We in NA prefer racial nationalist to National Socialist since the latter has been so demonized and carries so much stigma with those we want to reach who have been raised on TV (The Hitler channel or A&E - Adolf & Eva channel). I'll certainly never identify as a Romanus Bellator or a Blitzkrieger. :lol:

Until Natman tells us how old he is, he'll be known to me as Dappy. He should follow the lead of young Alliance member Dillon Rau instead of asking stupid questions.
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Re: "Nazi"

Post by natmanwhite » Wed Nov 15, 2023 1:10 am

I'm in my early 30s and I'm sorry for my apparent immaturity. I'm just not used to talking to others about Nationalism Socialism so I'm eager to do so on this site.

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Re: "Nazi"

Post by natmanwhite » Wed Nov 15, 2023 1:25 am

Also, thanks for mentioning Dillon Rau. I found this gab page

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