William Pierce: Born September 11, 1933

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Kevin Alfred Strom
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William Pierce: Born September 11, 1933

Post by Kevin Alfred Strom » Thu Sep 11, 2014 12:37 pm


by Kevin Alfred Strom

SEPTEMBER 11 is the day of William Luther Pierce’s birth. I remember him as my true friend, my most valued mentor, and my greatest teacher. He was a unique and gifted man who saw more clearly than almost all of his contemporaries the true nature of reality, the plight of our people, and the purpose of our lives in this Universe. We in the National Alliance remember his life on this day; we reflect on the truths he brought to light; and we renew once again our dedication to the only cause that really matters — the cause of the upward evolution of our race, which is the cause of Life itself.

The illustration presented here incorporates a newly-discovered and never-before-published hand-colored photograph of William Pierce as a very young boy, recently found in the National Alliance archives by the Alliance’s Director, Will Williams. I don’t think I am mistaken when I say that I see a surprising degree of the seriousness and strength of the man to come in the face of the child.

If our race survives this dark time, the name of William Luther Pierce will be remembered as one of the very few Great Ones who offered their strength, their wisdom, and their upward-lifting hands to our people, and showed us that the spiral staircase of our DNA itself is the only exit from the labyrinth of death, despair, and materialism in which we find ourselves today.

On this day, let us remember these words of William Pierce:

“We must reach out to our people. We must alert them. We must educate them. We must encourage them. We must inspire them. And here’s a beautiful, wonderful thing: When you reach out to other people to encourage them and inspire them, you yourself will be encouraged and inspired. When you find out how many other people there are who share our concerns, our feelings, our values, our sense of responsibility, you cannot help but be encouraged. Even the hatred that you encounter from some people — especially from people in the controlled media — will be encouraging. For you will understand that they would not hate us so much if they did not fear us. And the reason that they fear us is that deep inside them they know that what we say is true. So let’s get out there — all of us — and start looking for encouragement!”

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Wade Hampton III
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Re: William Pierce: Born September 11, 1933

Post by Wade Hampton III » Thu Sep 11, 2014 4:04 pm

Excellent and most inspiring, Mr. Strom. Thank you very much! Unfortunately I am running out
of years in order to see the coming dawn, but twilight before sunrise is better than nothing at all.

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Will Williams
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Re: William Pierce: Born September 11, 1933

Post by Will Williams » Thu Sep 11, 2014 6:21 pm

Thanks for that, Kevin. I caught the same serious, almost adult gaze in that child's face that you did when first I saw it. I just now got a phone call from an old Alliance buddy, acknowledging what would have been Dr. Pierce's 81st birthday. I'm sure there are many others who feel the same on this 9/11 as we do.

The original hand tinted photographic portrait of William Luther Pierce, Jr., is 16x20 and is more a 3/4 composition than just the head shot (couldn't scan the entire work on my machine). He is wearing a cute, girly dress suit with that big blue bow tie which was not uncommon in posed studio photographs of little boys in the mid-1930s.

The unframed photographic portrait needs some restorative work, then to be properly matted and framed under non-reflective glass. Perhaps one or more Alliance supporters would like to contribute towards the preservation and mounting of this treasured portrait of our Alliance and Cosmotheist Church Founder. :) It will soon be prominently displayed in our new National Alliance offices. The inscription on the back, in Dr. Pierce's hand, reads simply "William Luther Pierce Jr."
If Whites insist on participating in "social media," do so on ours, not (((theirs))). Like us on WhiteBiocentrism.com; follow us on NationalVanguard.org. ᛉ

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Wade Hampton III
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Re: William Pierce: Born September 11, 1933

Post by Wade Hampton III » Thu Sep 11, 2014 6:27 pm

Will Williams wrote: He is wearing a cute, girly dress suit with that big blue bow tie which was not uncommon in posed studio photographs of little boys in the mid-1930s.
Uh oh! This forum is accessible to the general public. That would include Yids and their
Shabboz Goys. No doubt they will jump all over this. You know the routine...context
dropping....ad hominem...the whole works.


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Will Williams
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Re: William Pierce: Born September 11, 1933

Post by Will Williams » Thu Sep 11, 2014 7:34 pm

Wade Hampton III wrote:
Will Williams wrote: He is wearing a cute, girly dress suit with that big blue bow tie which was not uncommon in posed studio photographs of little boys in the mid-1930s.
Uh oh! This forum is accessible to the general public. That would include Yids and their
Shabboz Goys. No doubt they will jump all over this. You know the routine...context
dropping....ad hominem...the whole works.

It's a White thing that is defensible and that they wouldn't get. Do we really care what they think?

A couple of precious White boys, probably
brothers, posed in their velvet girly suits
If Whites insist on participating in "social media," do so on ours, not (((theirs))). Like us on WhiteBiocentrism.com; follow us on NationalVanguard.org. ᛉ

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Wade Hampton III
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Re: William Pierce: Born September 11, 1933

Post by Wade Hampton III » Thu Sep 11, 2014 7:51 pm

>It's a White thing that is
>defensible and that they
>wouldn't get. Do we really
>care what they think?

It is not so much what they think but what they can do. The times are perilous. Edgar
Steele is still warm in his grave.

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Kevin Alfred Strom
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Re: William Pierce: Born September 11, 1933

Post by Kevin Alfred Strom » Thu Sep 11, 2014 7:56 pm

Will Williams wrote:
It's a White thing that is defensible and that they wouldn't get. Do we really care what they think?

A couple of precious White boys, probably
brothers, posed in their velvet girly suits

I agree; it's an old tradition, though an odd one in my opinion.

The particular bow tie in this image was so gigantic I decided to crop most of it out, mainly because otherwise it dominates the picture and takes attention away from the portrait itself.

All the best,



Re: William Pierce: Born September 11, 1933

Post by Cosmotheist » Thu Sep 11, 2014 8:33 pm

Kevin wrote:

He was a unique and gifted man who saw more clearly than almost all of his contemporaries
the true nature of reality, the plight of our people, and the purpose of our lives in this Universe.

Indeed, he did, and that is why all of us are here at WB to continue his legacy and to build upon what
"clear insights" he had given to us all.
See here for example:

Best regards,


PS---The "seriousness in the eyes", even as a small child,
also reminds me of child picture "eyes" of Adolf Hitler.

Michael Olanich

Re: William Pierce: Born September 11, 1933

Post by Michael Olanich » Thu Sep 11, 2014 9:27 pm

Today is a day of remembrance. But for the masses, it is a remembrance of the 3000 people who perished needlessly in the terror attacks of 9/11/ 2001. Therefore, it is a day tarnished and blackened in the minds of many Americans because of this loss of life. 13 years later, questions that should be asked are still not being asked. The controlled mass-media have yet again effectively stifled any independant thought concerning these attacks. The question of "Why were we attacked?" is never given a serious, straight-forward answer, but only the same non-sense of so-called "maniac Arabs hating our freedom." Once the media and government gave such flimsy answers, their plan was to have Americans focusing on the trees -- that is, those who died on that day -- instead of the forest. And without too many hiccups, they've managed to succeed in this, unfortunately.

Yet today, September 11, is remembered for a different reason. For us, it is remembered for the birth of perhaps the greatest Racial nationalist of the 20th Century. William L. Pierce was a man who exemplified great actions and deeds, and truly lived the words written in the ancient Norse poem on the Havamal, concerning the Fame of a Dead Man's Deeds. Without Dr. Pierce, I can say confidently that many of our people would still be in the dark on the reality in which we live, even though that reality should of been obvious for us from the get-go. However, decades of cunning Jewish media propaganda have proven to be too powerful for our people, so it took a man like William Luther Pierce to clear the cobwebs for those of us brought up in a confusing World.

I've only recently read some of the essays of the recently departed Edgar J. Steele. It is these words in which he wrote about Dr. Pierce that I could not put any better myself:
  • "…Mind you, I always found his(Dr. Pierce's) writing to be cogent and to the point. However, his verbal delivery adds a dimension of clarity and persuasiveness that is not apparent in the written word. What Pierce had to say four and five years ago is even more compelling today. The issues are the same, but substantially worse. I can all but hear him talking about the need to drive a stake through the heart of today’s Bush Administration.

    "Always, Pierce spoke forcefully about taking back America and reversing the drive toward diversity and multiculturalism. More than anyone else, perhaps, Pierce spoke endlessly about the role of Jews in the ongoing destruction of America."
How so very true. Today, I remember and honor Dr. William Pierce.


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