Sniveling Nobs Take A Hit

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Douglas Mercer
Posts: 4705
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Sniveling Nobs Take A Hit

Post by Douglas Mercer » Fri Mar 31, 2023 2:48 am

Douglas Mercer
February 23 2022

How mad were the global elites at the rise of Donald Trump? The global elites were so mad at the rise of Donald Trump that they gave Bob Dylan the Nobel Prize for Literature.

Lay Lady Lay.


Give that Jew a Nobel Prize.

The global elites were so mad at the rise of Donald Trump that they determined it was time to take off the mask completely and finally unleash the full force of their genocidal fury on White people.


While he was still a Presidential hopeful Michael Dukakis said that the Democrat Party was not going to be the party of exposed brick architecture and hanging plants.

Of course he could not have been more wrong.

That is exactly what the Democrat party became, even if the examples are different. Now the Democrat Party is the party of New Tech, censorship, snobbish elites, international jet setting, gated communities, and exotic values.

That is it's the party of exposed brick architecture and hanging plants. The statement of Dukakis is redolent of the year he said it (1983), a year when the word "fern" still conjured up images of effete men who were a little light in the loafers, the phrase "light in the loafers", like loafers themselves, still being new to America and a sure sign of imminent decay. That is Dukakis was concerned that the party which had for some time been the party of the White working class was losing its roots and was getting a bit high and mighty and was moving from beer and blue jeans to wine and cheese, a common enough transition. The Democrat party was for a while at least the somewhat muscular domestic party that counted the White working class as its prime constituent. It had the likes of Dick Gephardt talking about protective tariffs and an industrial policy. Then the so-called Atari Democrats like Gary Hart made inroads and soon Bill Clinton took over with his "third way" Democrat Leadership Committe (DNC) much derided as the Democrat Leisure Class. Clinton's group was strongly committed to free trade and indeed he brought NAFTA to fruition with its ruinous effect on the White working class, as intended. It's no coincidence that both Hart and Clinton were unrefined and hard-core devotees of monkey business, as a free economy and free morals go hand in glove with your neo-liberal insects.

Now of course the Democrat Party is the party of sniveling nobs and denationalized elites dedicated to the decimation of the White race. They have long since abandoned their former core constituency of the White working class and have cast their lot with the rainbow coalition of the coloreds, immigrants, Indians in Silicon Valley, the indigenous everywhere, weirdos with exotic sexual practices, soccer players with purple hair, meek and ineffectual soy boys, and mostly unemployable and barren baristas with bones in their noses and a sullen look in their eyes.


The left's abandonment of Whites was a long time coming. From Gramsci with his "culture over economics" to when the Communist Party in England in 1965 changed the name of its newspaper from The Daily Worker to the Morning Star. It's a quick step from there to our coastal elites and their disdain for the "rubes and hayseeds" in so-called Flyover Country. It doesn't take much for the so-called champions of humanity to look down their long (often Jewish) noses at the normal people in the countryside. Why, they are the urban masters of the universe, they have solved all the problems of living, all knowledge is at their beck and call (though they rarely access it) and it seems incredulous to them in their conceit and arrogance that there are people still living on farms and in small towns. Why, they ask, do they even have internet access? Do they get their milk delivered in glass bottles? Oh you can bet that when they think of those they think of as peasants (when they think of them at all) they shudder in horror at the blinkered and the benighted.

Not long ago Ted Koppel did an expose of native White people in their natural habitat of rural America and found their lack of devotion to the ruling class unsettling, and found their "conspiracies and misinformation" a danger to democracy. He did a hit piece on the town that was the inspiration for Mayberry, and came away incredulous that these White folk in the hinterland have the outrageous opinion that the media is unbiased and against them, and that the election was stolen. Ted Koppel is a Jew.

It's worth noting that "Mayberry" has become an insult and slur much in the vein of "White Bread." or "Vanilla"; that is, to be bland and non-descript and uninteresting and hopelessly naive and simple.

They hate us that much.

And in their hatred for the normal and the wholesome the Atari Democrats are still with us but have been augmented by the Douchebag Democrats.

But it's the same species. Check out the news, you see them all the time.


The Democrats have gone completely insane of course, that is they have bent their knees completely to the Jews and they carry their ideological water in every respect. They are for unlimited immigration both legal and illegal, indeed they want to abolish the distinction between the two, they want to give any colored free reign to rob, steal, rape and murder with no legal consequences, they want to erase the memory of the White race, they want to abolish the White race, they want to abolish the notion of races, they want to abolish the notion of biological sex, they want to let boys be girls and girls be boys, they want to censor you, to deplatform you, to freeze your assets, to make it impossible for you to receive payments, to make it impossible for you to freely associate or freely assemble, to stop you from owning a gun, make it impossible to defend yourself, make it impossible to call the police on a colored, they want to cut off the breasts of fourteen year old girls, they want to chemically castrate young boys, they want to hunt down White Nationalists like mad dogs, they want you to worship Moloch, they want you to need a vaccine passport to survive, they want you to get boosters out the wazoo, they want you to worship Jews, they want you to worship negros, they want to exalt foreigners, they want to steal elections, they want the media to be culled of all non-Jewish influence, they want you single, they want you to have no kids, they want women to work round the clock, if you have kids they want them in day care, they want your kids indoctrinated with Jewish ideology, they want you deemed a terror threat, they want you to be alienated and lonely, they want you to take no pride in being White, they want you to be ashamed of being White, they want you to eat bugs, they want you living in a pod, they want you raped and murdered.

It's quite a platform when you think of it.

Not a lot there for the White man to like suffice it to say.


What with inflation through the roof and Biden mostly mumbling to himself the Democrats are in bunker mode and are coming to realize that among red blooded White people they are about as popular as the venereal disease of a Tijuana whore. White people would as soon spit on them as look on them, and with extreme justification. The extreme lunatic wing of the lunatic party just sloughs this off, they'd sooner cut us as court us. But some graybeards among them have been stroking their chins and though lunatics too they realize that if they want to continue to control Congress they might have to hold their noses and actually think why it is that White people hate them with an unbridled and ferocious passion.

Nobody' paying me a consulting fee but I can tell them: it's because they are sniveling nobs.

"The level of hatred for Democrats has reached biblical levels. In rural America, pro-Joe Biden stickers are hidden. Democrats feel like they’re on the run. And some party members feel that total annihilation could be upon them soon if the party doesn’t change their rhetoric about people who aren’t like them."

Total annihilation has that nice draconian ring to it.

More of that please, we're White people.

"The party’s brand is so toxic in the small towns 100 miles northeast of Pittsburgh that some liberals have removed bumper stickers and yard signs and refuse to acknowledge publicly their party affiliation."

They are as popular as the AIDS ridden corpse of a South African black ritual murder victim.

“The hatred for Democrats is just unbelievable. I feel like we’re on the run.”

They are about as popular as the proverbial negro in the woodpile.

"Democrats have been effectively ostracized from the overwhelmingly White parts of rural America, leaving party leaders with few options to reverse a cultural trend that is redefining the political landscape."

They might as well write it off and the real graybeards in the party already are doing that. Just keep whittling down the White population, shaving slices of it off each month and each year, and turn a state like Texas demon blue. Hell, just the other day formerly stalwart White Georgia gave Ahmaud Arbery his very own day which is a lot more than halfway to hell in a handbasket. Just keep the drip drip drip of White demographic decline going like Jewish Water Torture and soon enough they can tell those in rural areas to go pound sand. Let them whistle in the dark, let them whistle Dixie, or let them whistle in the graveyard. Put your head back in the noose White man.

And keep it there.

"The vast majority of those losses — 260 of the 348 counties — took place in rural counties. The worst losses were concentrated in largely White areas across the Midwest: 21 rural counties in Michigan flipped from Obama in 2008 to Trump in 2020; Democrats lost 28 rural counties in Minnesota, 32 in Wisconsin and a whopping 45 in Iowa. At the same time, recent Republican voter registration gains in swing states such as Florida and North Carolina were fueled disproportionately by rural voters."

It is really a decimation, it is a wholesale slaughter. You've seen those maps of blue-red with at first glance an entire country red and small splotches of blue. You've heard that you could start on either coast and walk through only red any number of ways, but not one way is blue. Jefferson warned us against becoming a country of urban capital, that that way lies corruption and the stink of putrefaction. He said only when man was close to the land and fended for himself could he remain healthy and wholesome. Of course he was right and the result was his most perfect of creations: a nation of villages, a nation of villagers.

"The Democrat party is facing extinction in small-town America."

They went the wrong way when they became enamored of ferns.


It's been going on for a long time but it picked up speed with the bitter clingers meme, clinging to our guns and such. All about the Gay Mulatto condescending to those good folk in Pennsylvania, Ohio and West Virgina who lost their jobs to the go go ideology of free trade. Then of course it hit a fever pitch with that deplorables crack which truly took on a life of its own.

The message could not have been clearer. They think we're backwards, retrograde, unreconstructed, troglodytic, and incorrigible. That is they hate us with a ferocity that knows no bounds and they want us dead and our children raped.

It's quite the platform.

One of the things that the rise of Trump did is it swept up a motley crew of political people and vaulted them to fame and fortune. Foremost among them is Salena Zito, a theretofore mostly unassuming journalist who suddenly became a hot property as known White Whisperer, as one who had her fingers on the pulse of what the average White man was thinking, who was herself from their ranks and who knew what made them tick. And so she became the go to gal to show up on the elite media and anthropologize the White man for the global parasites, a tribune of sorts who could regale them with the tales that would otherwise never have been told about that mysterious and obscure creature, the Trump voter.

That she became the doyenne of The Deplorables.

In good old American fashion she cashed in on her newfound fame as the tea leave reader of White people and penned a big book to solidify her bona fides. It was called The Great Revolt and mostly what it did was recycle shop worn platitudes long known about blue collar conservatism, street corner conservatism, and Middle American Radicals. The book was touted this way:

"The Great Revolt delves deep into the minds and hearts of the voters that make up this coalition. What emerges is a group of citizens who cannot be described by terms like angry, male, rural, or the often-used racist."

That is the heart of the matter is that the heart of this cohort is male, often rural, either racialist or brimming with seething racial resentment.

And of course angry as hell.

And why not?

They want to kill us after all.


Had Putin done a tenth of what Trudeau is doing the American Government would cry havoc and let slip the dogs of war. But Trudeau picked the correct victim class, White working class males, so the State Department gives him a pass, and they dance on our graves with joy in private.

White males, White people, and White working class are now the only people in America that are not a protected class. Don't be shocked when they begin to want to protect themselves.

And of course the Republicans will try to save their hides in this crossfire and will try to get out ahead of the curve and on the bandwagon. As pathetic a figure as Jim Jordan has triumphantly announced that the Republican party is no longer the country club party, is no longer the party of wine and cheese, but is now the party of blue jeans and beer.

Don't you believe it for one minute. You should trust them as far as you can throw them.

They hate you too.

Don't forget that it was John McCain who called us "crazies." Which was just deplorable slightly before its time.

And it will be sea change indeed when every ounce of hate, every ounce of fury, every bit of passionate disdain that is now heaped upon the Democrats from rural and small-town America goes likewise to the Republicans.

Then it won't be the plants that are hanging.

Douglas Mercer
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Re: Sniveling Nobs Take A Hit

Post by Douglas Mercer » Sun Oct 01, 2023 2:10 pm


Douglas Mercer
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Re: Sniveling Nobs Take A Hit

Post by Douglas Mercer » Sun Oct 01, 2023 2:10 pm


Douglas Mercer
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Re: Sniveling Nobs Take A Hit

Post by Douglas Mercer » Sun Oct 01, 2023 2:10 pm


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Jim Mathias
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Re: Sniveling Nobs Take A Hit

Post by Jim Mathias » Sun Oct 01, 2023 4:49 pm

They're hiding, crouching in corners and whimpering. Occasionally one will hear a bleat, "I'm waiting for a great leader to save us!" We have our share of snivelers.
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