A White Nationalist Glossary Of Terms

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Will Williams
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A White Nationalist Glossary Of Terms

Post by Will Williams » Fri Mar 31, 2023 9:49 am

Shaniqua: used as generic reference to a negro female, a stand in for the stupid names the negros give themselves. Example: "That Shaniqua with the yard wide ass was causing trouble down at the liquor store."

OMG! Help me up off the floor. My sides are splitting. :lol:

Mr. Mercer helps us to keep our humor about us in these difficult times when that's so important.

(reposted here in Lexicon from Mr. Mercer's "basement essays" in his section in Provenance.)


A White Nationalist Glossary Of Terms

by Douglas Mercer » Fri Mar 31, 2023
[from] July 15 2022

Every ideological ecosystem creates its own vocabulary, known to its participants as short hand for common ideas and concepts. White Nationalism is no different, having grown a copious set of terms which elucidates its world view. The following is an incomplete list of these terms.

Enrichment: a riposte to the common idea of the Jewish media that race aliens will enrich White countries with their weird customs and nasty smelling cuisine. Always used with grim irony. Example: "That negro who knocked down and killed that ninety-year-old White man really enriched us."

Vibrant: An ancillary of enrichment in that Jews and their White fellow travelers habitually and hypnotically refers to black and brown race mongrels as "vibrant," in supposed opposition of course to the bland, boring and cultureless world of White people. Always used with grim irony.

Glowie: used of a (putative) member of White Nationalist circles who is suspected of being an infiltrated federal agent. Often voiced without empirical evidence.

Fed Post: Said of a post on social media that is seen to skirt or possibly violate the law; seen as being too provocative and making one wonder if the writer is a federal agent attempting to lead us on.

Optics: the image of how things look, often used to say that something is dangerously close to being so provocative that it is counterproductive---that is bad optics; then there is good optics which are often seen as being too concerned with being respectable, depending on the point of view of the speaker.

Collapsatarian: Someone who welcomes the coming civil war as the only way to purify the race. Directly related to Lenin's "The worse, the better."

Boogaloo: the coming civil war.

13 do 50: A reference to the astonishing fact that although negros are only 13 percent of the population they commit 50 percent of the crime. A fact that the Jewish media will do anything to cover up.

Street Shitter: A person of Indian descent (dot not feather); given because Indians are well known to be such disgusting creatures that they shit in the street with no regard for basic hygiene.

Shitskin: any non-White person, so said because their skin closely resembles shit.

Basic bitch: a normie, usually said of a run of the mill conservative as in "basic bitch conservative."

Normie: A basic bitch.

Six Gorillion: Said in reference to the made-up number of "six million" of the Jew Holocaust, it is a term of gross exaggeration, and is a parody of how the Jews grossly inflate and exaggerate everything, most notably their own suffering.

Tiny hat: A reference to the small hats that Jews wear. Always used derisively. Often used as a synonym for Jews, as in "the tiny hats are bloodsucking vampires and parasites who plague the world."

Dindu nuffin: Meaning "didn't do nothing." A reference to the fact that negros are habitual liars who will take responsibility for nothing and when they are accused of a crime they committed their response will invariably be the illiterate and pidgin phrase "I dindu nuffin."

Dindus: negros

Every Single Time: Often abbreviated as EST. A reference to the fact that whenever there is an attack on the White race, whenever someone is libeling the White race, whenever anything harmful to the White race is being done, whenever any kind of cultural genocide is being perpetrated against the White race, invariably a Jew is behind it. Often written "Every. Single. Time."

Race war: what we are in.

It was the Jews: a laconic statement of fact.

He was a good boi: said as an ironic reference to the fact that whenever nergos do something heinous a community member can be found who will swear that said criminal negro was getting his life back together and was straightening out his ways, though everyone knows that that is obviously not true.

Gibs: a mocking reference to the handouts or giveaways ("gives") the negros get and love. Said it poor ungrammatical English because negros have horrible language skills and will pronounce a word like gives as "gibs."

Toof: a snide reference to how negros pronounce the word "truth."

Shaniqua: used as generic reference to a negro female, a stand in for the stupid names the negros give themselves. Example: "That Shaniqua with the yard wide ass was causing trouble down at the liquor store."

Weaves and 40s: a humorous reference to the things that negros spend the money we give them on.

White Genocide: What the Jews have been perpetrating since time immemorial in their eternal battle against Amalek; the Jewish plan to exterminate the White race. Referred to by Jews as a far-right wing conspiracy theory, which is part and parcel of their plan to exterminate the White race.

Hispanics are natural born conservatives: meaning the exact opposite-- that Hispanics are not natural born conservatives but rather natural born invaders and criminals. A mocking reference to the GOP's often stated belief that the Mexican's Catholicism will eventually turn them rightward and therefore Republicans should eschew racism and ignore the White masses.

As long as its legal: a mocking reference to the fact that legal immigration is as bad as illegal immigration, if not worse. Always said with grim irony. Example: "We were invaded by race aliens and we lost our country to Africans and wetbacks but at least it was done legally." Apropos of the Republican's nasty penchant for talking tough on the border while opening their big Christian hearts to millions of shitskinned green card holders and newly naturalized citizens of color.

At least we're not speaking German: Always spoken with grim irony. A reference to the idea that had we lost the Second World War we would be speaking German now, how conservatives would say after the war that if we had listened to the America Firsters we would be speaking German now. Illustrates the idea that "winning" the Second World War was the greatest calamity to ever befall this country, any more victories like that and we're done for. Example: "My 15-year-old daughter had double mastectomy without my consent, my ten-year-old son wears a dress to school, and my neighbor's daughter was raped by someone named Hector, but at least we're not speaking German!"

Irony bros: one who pretends to indifference in order to seem cool but actually cares deeply. Generally dismissive, a term of derision.

Edgelord: someone who exaggerates and makes needlessly provocative posts in order to garner attention. Often use with the idea that the post was not al that provocative to begin with.

Dirtbag Left: unkempt misfits formerly known as "Bernie Bros," many of whom voted for Trump and gave the naive a great hope of a never going to happens red-brown alliance.

Third Positionism: socially conservative, economically liberal, the still untapped sweet spot of American politics.

Uncle: Adolf Hitler

Demography Is Destiny: A reference to the fact that the more homogenous a society is the more successful is, while the more diverse a society is the bigger the catastrophe. Diversity is not only not a strength it is the greatest tragedy there is.

Clown World: The idea that our country is shot through with carnival freak lunacy, dudes in dresses, trannies in high places, were it not tragic it would be hilarious. See Weimerica, Globohomo.

Weimerica: The notion that America today most closely resembles Germany 1919-1933, rampant inflation, societal breakdown, sexual freedom run amok, order overthrown. Weimar problems require National Socialist solutions.

14 Words: "We must secure the existence of our people and a future for white children" Self explanatory.

HH: Heil Hitler. Self explanatory.

Our Guy: a reference to someone who is in more mainstream circles who is suspected of having White Nationalist sympathies. More often than not used in the negative: "He speaks about black crime but don't get your hopes up too high--he's not our guy."

Kek : LOL. Something to do with Pepe The Frog and Egyptian mythology which I never quite got to the bottom of.

Globohomo: An all encompassing term for Weimerica and Clown World. A fusion of globalism and homosexuality, the great avatar of which is Zelensky who combines extreme faggotry and an all-out defense of "democracy" and gets shovels full of your tax dollars.

Cuckservative: A conservative who is weak willed and weak kneed, he is a civilizational cuckold, not afraid to build his country with the children of other peoples.

Groids: negros.

Congoids: negros

Chimp Out: a reference to impotent black rage, as when the blacks riot when their team wins and they riot when their team loses. Chimping out is very effective, however, in getting White liberals at the urging of Jews to give up everything when the black man chimps out. Witness the summer long chimp out in 2020 when White liberals finally surrendered the country lock, stock and barrel. The White version of chimping out is berserker rage, which is more noble and august and is the final solution to black chimping out.

Shitlib: random liberal maggot.

Burn The Coal Pay The Toll: An iron law. Said of a White woman who miscegenates with a black man and the black man later kills or beats her up. Often given in the shorthand of the comic: "That'll be 13.50 ma'am." See 13 do 50 above.

Mudsharks: A White woman who miscegenates with a black man. A miserable and forsaken creature who has defiled her race and is lost to our race. Subject to the law of burning the coal and paying the toll.

Holohoax: An alternate and accurate term for the fake Holocaust which the Jews used to garner sympathy, money, and to overthrow White societies.

/pol/: a place where the truth can be spoken freely.

Parasite: Jews.

88: H is the eighth letter of the alphabet so HH: Heil Hitler.

1488: A combination of the 14 words and Heil Hitler. White Nationalism in four numbers.

BH: blood and honor.

ORION: our race is our nation. Self explanatory.

WPWW: Whtie Pride Worldwide.

ZOG: Zionist Occupied Government. Mostly used as a reference to America as in "Jerusalem On The Potomac."
If Whites insist on participating in "social media," do so on ours, not (((theirs))). Like us on WhiteBiocentrism.com; follow us on NationalVanguard.org. ᛉ

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Will Williams
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Re: A White Nationalist Glossary Of Terms

Post by Will Williams » Sat Apr 01, 2023 10:27 am

Whew! I had to go to page three to bump this comment I'd made just yesterday to one of the many posts made here since then by WB's newest member, the indomitable Douglas Mercer. To explain his flurry of posts here of what are now known as his "basement essays (the ones that have not appeared on NV), now all of Mercer's hard-hitting essays will be either archived here in his subsection under Provenance, or on NV under his name as featured NV writer, here: https://nationalvanguard.org/category/douglas-mercer/ We in the Alliance are proud to have Mr. Mercer sharing his work with our readers.

A White Nationalist Glossary Of Terms
Post by Will Williams » Fri Mar 31, 2023 9:49 am

Shaniqua: used as generic reference to a negro female, a stand in for the stupid names the negros give themselves. Example: "That Shaniqua with the yard wide ass was causing trouble down at the liquor store."

OMG! Help me up off the floor. My sides are splitting. :lol:

Mr. Mercer helps us to keep our humor about us in these difficult times when that's so important.

(reposted here in Lexicon from Mr. Mercer's "basement essays" in his section in Provenance.)

A White Nationalist Glossary Of Terms
by Douglas Mercer » Fri Mar 31, 2023
[from] July 15 2022
If Whites insist on participating in "social media," do so on ours, not (((theirs))). Like us on WhiteBiocentrism.com; follow us on NationalVanguard.org. ᛉ

Supremely White
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Re: A White Nationalist Glossary Of Terms

Post by Supremely White » Sun Apr 02, 2023 2:33 am

Shaniqua: used as generic reference to a negro female, a stand in for the stupid names the negros give themselves. Example: "That Shaniqua with the yard wide ass was causing trouble down at the liquor store."

Many of these black and brown creatures need a WIDE LOAD sing on their rears.
What about those with black peepees? I use Tyrone, or maybe Darnell.
I take it that you fellas are being very polite when you use the word negro.

Enrichment: a riposte to the common idea of the Jewish media that race aliens will enrich White countries with their weird customs and nasty smelling cuisine. Always used with grim irony. Example: "That negro who knocked down and killed that ninety-year-old White man really enriched us."

Almost in the way that cow and horse shit (manure) enriches the soil? :roll:

13 do 50: A reference to the astonishing fact that although negros are only 13 percent of the population they commit 50 percent of the crime. A fact that the Jewish media will do anything to cover up.

Only 50%? Either someone miscalculated or most of the remainder are committed by shitskinned wetbacks.

Street Shitter: A person of Indian descent (dot not feather); given because Indians are well known to be such disgusting creatures that they shit in the street with no regard for basic hygiene.

I hate to say it, but this is no exaggeration! :shock:
In 2005, my man and I visited India. One morning, after returning from a convenience store bottled water run, he told me that he saw some little girl drop her knickers, squat down and shit right there on the sidewalk, like a dog with an irresponsible owner.
In Rajasthan, there was some wall next to the sidewalk that dothead men were using as a urinal. Ugh, the stench it made on that hot sunny day! :cry:
When we walked around the cities, so many of their men were shamelessly scratching their junk, like they had either a bad social disease or some parasites in their britches.
I have usually gained a few pounds from vacations, but I lost a few on that one, because the extreme filth, air pollution and worry about cholera killed my appetite.

Six Gorillion: Said in reference to the made-up number of "six million" of the Jew Holocaust, it is a term of gross exaggeration, and is a parody of how the Jews grossly inflate and exaggerate everything, most notably their own suffering.

Dresden was the real Holocaust, not to mention the Holomodor, and the untold death toll of the best of our Volk! : :x

He was a good boi: said as an ironic reference to the fact that whenever nergos do something heinous a community member can be found who will swear that said criminal negro was getting his life back together and was straightening out his ways, though everyone knows that that is obviously not true.

Oh yeah, Dead Groid Floyd, the patron saint of niggerdom. :roll:

Hispanics are natural born conservatives: meaning the exact opposite-- that Hispanics are not natural born conservatives but rather natural born invaders and criminals. A mocking reference to the GOP's often stated belief that the Mexican's Catholicism will eventually turn them rightward and therefore Republicans should eschew racism and ignore the White masses.

Aside from the Nick Fuentes clown, the only time I’ve seen any trace of spics acting conservative was when I left a beaner-filled high school musical show, and on my way out, there was an empty condom wrapper littering the sidewalk next to the school building. I was baffled, not by the littering, because that’s what mestizos do, but because last time I checked, their kind act like something’s wrong with a brown girl if she hasn’t already had a litter of at least 5 sprogs by the time she hits legal drinking age for this country.

At least we're not speaking German: Always spoken with grim irony. A reference to the idea that had we lost the Second World War we would be speaking German now, how conservatives would say after the war that if we had listened to the America Firsters we would be speaking German now. Illustrates the idea that "winning" the Second World War was the greatest calamity to ever befall this country, any more victories like that and we're done for. Example: "My 15-year-old daughter had double mastectomy without my consent, my ten-year-old son wears a dress to school, and my neighbor's daughter was raped by someone named Hector, but at least we're not speaking German!"

I feel bad for my late grandfathers (mine both fought the Japs - who were provoked into the Pearl Harbor attacks - in the navy), and their generation of men getting duped into fighting the wrong enemy, mainly Deutschland.
Would an Amish community accept an “English “ like me? But they are quite Christian, right?
Had Germany prevailed, NS could’ve flourished and spread to the entire formerly White western world, and a splendid sight of swastika banners would fly freely all over our lands. It would be paradise on earth!

88: H is the eighth letter of the alphabet so HH: Heil Hitler.

1488: A combination of the 14 words and Heil Hitler. White Nationalism in four numbers.

Heil! Roman salutes all around! Hitler is the man of my dreams.

Might I add “TNB”, as seen a lot on stormfront: typical nigger behavior
Hitler was right.

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Re: A White Nationalist Glossary Of Terms

Post by Victor Arminius » Sun Apr 02, 2023 11:16 pm

Can you add Negrophilia to the list? It refers to White females or males who have an unhealthy attraction to Blacks whether it be sexual, cultural, or sports related. Also related to Negrophiliac.

Supremely White
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Re: A White Nationalist Glossary Of Terms

Post by Supremely White » Fri Apr 07, 2023 3:24 am

After communicating with someone prominent in the National Alliance, might I also add, as we saw in the latest edition of The Bulletin: JOG = the updated version of ZOG
Hitler was right.

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Re: A White Nationalist Glossary Of Terms

Post by RCavallius » Sat Apr 08, 2023 3:12 am

Supremely White wrote:
Fri Apr 07, 2023 3:24 am
After communicating with someone prominent in the National Alliance, might I also add, as we saw in the latest edition of The Bulletin: JOG = the updated version of ZOG
Yes, this is a subtle but important distinction! Vocabulary reflects ideology and the Alliance uses JOG instead of ZOG because we oppose Jewish control of our institutions, whether they call themselves Zionists or anything else.

I've been away from WB for a few days, but am back now and hope to add some more posts to the Language subforum.

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Will Williams
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Re: A White Nationalist Glossary Of Terms

Post by Will Williams » Sat Apr 08, 2023 1:36 pm

Supremely White wrote:
Fri Apr 07, 2023 3:24 am
After communicating with someone prominent in the National Alliance, might I also add, as we saw in the latest edition of The Bulletin: JOG = the updated version of ZOG
I must have spent close to an hour explaining why I edited Richard Scutari's use of the term ZOG to JOG in the letter of his I published in the March BULLETIN after you'd asked. Unfortunately, what I'd written disappeared, as things I write on that laptop often do, unretrievable unless I copy the text to my email Drafts from time to time as I write to avoid losing it. What I'd written about Gary Lauck this morning in another topic was lost like the one I'd written here, but I had saved most of in in my email Drafts so could reconstruct it and send.

I won't be rewriting what I'd written last night and lost about JOG vs. ZOG. I'll say that Dr. Pierce never used either term, to my knowledge, but I have used JOG for at least 34 years, since I wrote the attached piece, with Ben Klassen's approval, in the March 1989 issue of his Church of the Creator tabloid, Racial Loyalty, of which I was editor. Since I have old issues of RL I found where this appeared, scanned and put here now for your enjoyment and enlightenment.

I had introduced the blood red color in this issue, as can be seen. It is a little blotched, but looks more revolutionary this way. :lol: We did not have the Internet or desktop publishing in those days. We would type the text from handwritten notes, then develop film images of the text -- then physically cut, paste, and glue the developed hard copies together on a table with page layouts that we would then hand deliver to a printer and pick up a few days later for mailing. It's the same process Dr. Pierce used in printing his Attack! and National Vanguard tabloids from 1970 - 1982 when he switched the NV tabloid over to a slick magazine format.

You may need a magnifying glass to read this, or perhaps you know how to enlarge it. I don't know how.
If Whites insist on participating in "social media," do so on ours, not (((theirs))). Like us on WhiteBiocentrism.com; follow us on NationalVanguard.org. ᛉ


Re: A White Nationalist Glossary Of Terms

Post by Agent_of_the_Avalanche » Sat Apr 08, 2023 9:49 pm

Yes, this is a subtle but important distinction! Vocabulary reflects ideology and the Alliance uses JOG instead of ZOG because we oppose Jewish control of our institutions, whether they call themselves Zionists or anything else.
Oh but ZOG sounds more alien and insidious. I remember my first time reading ZOG and thinking, "Whatever this 'ZOG' thing is, it can't be good." And our governments needn't have any Jews in them to have Zionist aims. Any non-Jew can be a Zionist for any number of reasons. In my humble opinion, every Christian government in history can be considered as a kind of Zionist flag bearer. Even if they may have expelled the Jews from their territories, they continued to worship Jewish myths, and thus kept the Zionist fire alive.

On the other hand, JOG may sound healthy to normies because it looks like the exercise.

However, either one is a terminal diagnosis for any state.

Supremely White
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Re: A White Nationalist Glossary Of Terms

Post by Supremely White » Sun Apr 09, 2023 11:00 pm

Will Williams wrote:
Sat Apr 08, 2023 1:36 pm
Supremely White wrote:
Fri Apr 07, 2023 3:24 am
After communicating with someone prominent in the National Alliance, might I also add, as we saw in the latest edition of The Bulletin: JOG = the updated version of ZOG
I must have spent close to an hour explaining why I edited Richard Scutari's use of the term ZOG to JOG in the letter of his I published in the March BULLETIN after you'd asked. Unfortunately, what I'd written disappeared, as things I write on that laptop often do, unretrievable unless I copy the text to my email Drafts from time to time as I write to avoid losing it. What I'd written about Gary Lauck this morning in another topic was lost like the one I'd written here, but I had saved most of in in my email Drafts so could reconstruct it and send.

I won't be rewriting what I'd written last night and lost about JOG vs. ZOG. I'll say that Dr. Pierce never used either term, to my knowledge, but I have used JOG for at least 34 years, since I wrote the attached piece, with Ben Klassen's approval, in the March 1989 issue of his Church of the Creator tabloid, Racial Loyalty, of which I was editor. Since I have old issues of RL I found where this appeared, scanned and put here now for your enjoyment and enlightenment.

I had introduced the blood red color in this issue, as can be seen. It is a little blotched, but looks more revolutionary this way. :lol: We did not have the Internet or desktop publishing in those days. We would type the text from handwritten notes, then develop film images of the text -- then physically cut, paste, and glue the developed hard copies together on a table with page layouts that we would then hand deliver to a printer and pick up a few days later for mailing. It's the same process Dr. Pierce used in printing his Attack! and National Vanguard tabloids from 1970 - 1982 when he switched the NV tabloid over to a slick magazine format.

You may need a magnifying glass to read this, or perhaps you know how to enlarge it. I don't know how.
Thank you for the history and the article, Chairman. I use an iPad, so I took my fingers and spread the red graphic. Although that makes it blurry, I got the gist of it…my reading glasses help too. I had no idea that it was explained in the late 80s, but I see why you told me that ZOG is so 80s. Before you told me here about the publication you were the editor of, I thought you were being sarcastic, like when someone describes an outdated mullet hairstyle.
I was old enough to be a member and better positioned to be more of a supporter at the time, but the only reason I can think of for not having known about the Alliance back then was because I didn’t know what a short wave radio was. I found out about the Alliance through stormfront, and to this day, they still use ZOG over there. I hadn’t seen the ZOG acronym until a few years ago when I became interested in WN. That started when I was on another forum about things that had nothing to do with race, and I disputed in p.m. with the administrator about why he wanted to delete my post, and he told me in the p.m. that I should take my talk of race elsewhere and that there were many other forums for that. He didn’t say which ones, and I forgot how I came upon stormfront after that.
Better late to the party than never.
The Lexicon thread is a great addition here and it’s educational for some of us who didn’t already know about these things.
Hitler was right.

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Will Williams
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Re: A White Nationalist Glossary Of Terms

Post by Will Williams » Tue Apr 11, 2023 7:09 pm

Supremely White wrote:
Sun Apr 09, 2023 11:00 pm
Thank you for the history and the article, Chairman. I use an iPad, so I took my fingers and spread the red graphic. Although that makes it blurry, I got the gist of it…my reading glasses help too. I had no idea that it was explained in the late 80s, but I see why you told me that ZOG is so 80s. Before you told me here about the publication you were the editor of, I thought you were being sarcastic, like when someone describes an outdated mullet hairstyle.
:lol: I've never touched an ipad, or a cell phone for that matter so can't "spread" things. This laptop is new to me and I can't spread stuff on it either. At least it was set up for me with a wireless mouse.
I was old enough to be a member and better positioned to be more of a supporter at the time, but the only reason I can think of for not having known about the Alliance back then was because I didn’t know what a short wave radio was. I found out about the Alliance through stormfront, and to this day, they still use ZOG over there...
...and they always will. It has been time to move on beyond ZOG for decades and Alliance members should understand why. Jews despise JOG and prefer ZOG since there are many more Judaized Gentile Zionists than there are Jewish Zionists.

American Dissident Voices radio was launched in late December 1991 so there was no need for shortwave radio to hear those early broadcasts until then. To learn about the chronology of NA going back to 1970 you might enjoy reading this: https://cosmotheistchurch.org/product/t ... red-strom/

Every editorial, article, and feature of lasting value in this classic, large-format, long out-of-print book is reproduced from all the original 85 tabloids, first from Attack!, then from its successor National Vanguard. With a few exceptions due to space constraints, the articles appear in chronological order and provide an outstanding picture of the first dozen years of the National Alliance organization and of the history of that period between 1970 and 1982.

Most of the tabloid issues from which this material was taken are no longer available anywhere. It is an invaluable source of factual and ideological statements tracing the development of the White resistance movement in America during the Vietnam and post-Vietnam years. BANV has been described as a “college education in 216 pages,” and, it has been said that: “If a person is capable of being radicalized, reading BANV will do it.” A copy of BANV should be in every racially conscious White’s personal library.

National Vanguard tabloid evolved into the more professional National Vanguard magazine in 1982 and eventually into the Alliance’s 21st century online magazine NationalVanguard.org that now reaches and is radicalizing millions more readers than did those original tabloids.
If Whites insist on participating in "social media," do so on ours, not (((theirs))). Like us on WhiteBiocentrism.com; follow us on NationalVanguard.org. ᛉ

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