The Fame of a Dead Man's Deeds

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Will Williams
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Re: The Fame of a Dead Man's Deeds

Post by Will Williams » Fri Feb 10, 2023 11:46 am

Will Williams wrote:
Tue May 26, 2020 9:25 pm

Bump for emphasis.

Chapter 8: The National Alliance
Pierce gave it his all to make the National Youth Alliance, his first independent organizational activity, a success. He worked from dawn to late at night and slept on a couch in his office Monday through Friday. He saw his wife and two boys only on the weekends. He had decided that in order to make it work, the NYA would have to be his top – and, really, only – priority, and that everything else, including his family and relationships and his own personal well-being, would have be subordinated to it. This outlook and approach was consistent with the message he had internalized from the George Bernard Shaw play Man and Superman that had had such a big impact on him. This was his first real chance to live out Shaw’s concept. The National Youth Alliance would be his vehicle for serving the Life Force. As Pierce saw it, what he achieved through the organization he would build was the only thing that truly mattered in the larger scheme of things. Everything else paled in significance compared to this part of his life[/size]....
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