The Anti-Defamation League of B'nai B'rith


The Anti-Defamation League of B'nai B'rith

Post by Reinhard » Thu Mar 27, 2014 1:33 am

The Anti-Defamation League of B'nai B'rith
by Dr. William Pierce

Free Speech - October 1998 - Volume IV, Number 10

Last week I mentioned a recent attack on me by a Jewish organization, the Anti-Defamation League of B'nai B'rith. I gave this as an example of the way the Jews are able to use the mass media in America to serve their purposes. The specific point I made was that it is not necessary for all of the newspaper owners and editors and all of the local television station owners to be Jews in order for all of them to slavishly follow the Anti-Defamation League's party line. This is a very important point, a point essential for us to understand if we want to have a free society, and I'll elaborate on it now.
I mentioned last week that when the Anti-Defamation League -- or ADL for short -- handed out press releases on September 24 to newspapers and other media in which they said that the organization I head, the National Alliance, is "the single most dangerous organized hate group in America," and that we are "linked" to bank robberies, bombings, and murders all over the country, virtually all of the media simply printed these wild charges without checking them for accuracy.

Of all the hundreds of newspapers which printed the ADL's charges, only one -- West Virginia's Charleston Gazette -- even bothered to call me first and ask for my comments. Some of the newspapers, in paraphrasing the ADL's press release, even managed to exaggerate the ADL's lies. For example, the Tampa Tribune began its news story on September 25 with the line: "A domestic terrorist group with a following in Tampa poses an ongoing threat of violence, the Anti-Defamation League said in a report issued Thursday." The ADL's words "most dangerous organized hate group" have been transformed by the Tampa Tribune into "domestic terrorist group." That's a significant change. "Hate group" is an ill-defined term which you can apply to any organization with whose policies or doctrines you disagree. Groups opposed to abortion, for example, have been called "hate groups" by feminists and their supporters. "Terrorist group," on the other hand, really suggests a group which actually engages in terrorist activity, such as bombings, assassinations, and the like.

Then there's the Los Angeles Times, which in its September 25 story based on the ADL's press release stated: "The group's activities [that is the National Alliance's activities] -- including violent crimes such as robberies and bombings -- have been uncovered in at least 26 states." I'll repeat that: "the group's activities -- including violent crimes such as robberies and bombings." The Los Angeles Times certainly makes it sound as if I'm the head of an organization which actually commits violent crimes such as robberies and bombings as a matter of course, doesn't it? That was the Los Angeles Times' interpretation of the ADL's list of "criminal incidents linked to the National Alliance and its propaganda."

What the ADL's list actually suggests is that the perpetrators of various bombings and murders may be "linked" to the National Alliance by having read a book or a pamphlet published by the National Alliance or perhaps by having listened to one of my broadcasts. For example, one of the "incidents" in the ADL's list of "criminal incidents linked to the National Alliance" reads: "December 1995, Fayetteville, North Carolina: Two soldiers stationed at Fort Bragg, who were avowed neo-Nazis and reportedly read National Alliance propaganda, murdered an African-American couple." As I pointed out last week, neither I nor anyone else in the National Alliance had ever heard of James Burmeister before he shot a convicted Black drug dealer and the dealer's girlfriend to death in Fayetteville in December 1995. But it certainly is possible that Burmeister listened to an American Dissident Voices broadcast or read some publication of the National Alliance. There are a lot of our publications in circulation. Burmeister also may have read Reader's Digest or the Bible or Newsweek magazine, for all I know; there's certainly a lot of criminal activity described in those publications. Anyway, the Los Angeles Times' interpretation of the ADL's claim that the National Alliance is linked through its publications to various criminal acts is that we did it: we committed the criminal acts ourselves. The paper said flatly that our activities include "violent crimes such as robberies and bombings." And nobody from the Los Angeles Times even bothered to check with me first!

So what am I supposed to do: hire a bunch of lawyers and sue all of these newspapers and perhaps the ADL too? Perhaps I will -- but I doubt that anyone who has actually been involved in a libel suit would suggest such a course. The civil litigation system in the United States has been designed for the sole purpose of enriching lawyers, and because of that the system gives an overwhelming advantage to the litigant who has the most money to spend on lawyers. Perhaps some experienced civil-litigation lawyer who believes this is a worthy cause will contact me and offer his services.

But while I'm waiting for that, let me draw a few conclusions from this nasty business. First, I'll mention that I'm not especially peeved at the ADL about this new report labeling me as the most dangerous man in America. That doesn't mean I won't sue them, but at least I know where they're coming from. The ADL is a professional hate organization. They are hate merchants. That's the way they earn their living: selling hate. Along with a handful of other Jewish organizations -- the Simon Wiesenthal Center and Morris Dees's Southern Poverty Law Center, for example -- the ADL makes its money by persuading Jews and wannabee Jews around the country that they are in great danger from people like me -- but if everyone will just send them a nice, fat check today, the ADL will protect these Jews and wannabees from me. And so the ADL -- and these other hate merchants -- put out deliberately scary press releases to drum up donations. If the newspapers exaggerate things a bit, why so much the better. That's why the press releases tend to be a little deceptive, why they are written in a way calculated to lead to misinterpretation.

The ADL is the oldest and most powerful of these Jewish hate groups in the United States. It was founded in 1913, after a Jewish factory owner in Atlanta, Leo Frank, was convicted of raping and killing a 14-year-old White girl, Mary Phagan, who worked in his factory. The killer was sentenced to death by the court, and there was a great deal of publicity about the case at the time. Powerful Jewish organizations came to Frank's defense, and in behind-the-scenes maneuvering they were able to persuade Georgia's governor to commute Frank's death sentence. This blatantly corrupt act by the governor working in cahoots with his rich Jewish supporters so enraged the populace that a vigilante group of citizens took Frank out of jail and hanged him themselves. The Jews, realizing that they had bungled the Frank affair, organized the ADL for the purpose of handling such matters more skillfully in the future. In the past 85 years the ADL has grown to become the most powerful Jewish pressure group and lobbying organization in America.

Recent ADL lobbying projects have been the promotion of gun control laws and of state laws banning military-style training by patriotic groups. The ADL's biggest project for this decade, however, has been so-called "hate crime" legislation. Hate crime laws attempt to punish a person for what he was thinking before or during the commission of an offense against a member or a group of members of an officially favored minority. For example, if you set fire to a synagogue because you don't like Jews, you're liable for a much more severe punishment than you would be if you were hired by the rabbi to set fire to a synagogue so the congregation could collect the insurance. Arson is no longer simply arson. Now there's arson, and there's "hate arson." And to decide which it is, the government may look into your personal taste in reading material, check into the type of music you listen to, investigate your political and religious affiliations, ask your friends about any expressions of Politically Incorrect opinions you may have made -- and then present all of this information in court as evidence against you. The whole concept of "hate crime" is Orwellian. It turns traditional American concepts of law and individual freedom on their heads. But because the noisiest group of people pushing for "hate crime" legislation are Jews, no politician dares speak against it. Bill Clinton is the Jews' current point man on Federal "hate crime" legislation.

One category of "hate crime" is "hate speech." In fact, the outlawing of what the ADL people call "hate speech" is their ultimate aim. "Hate speech," of course, is whatever they find offensive or dangerous to their interests. I find a lot of the films coming out of Hollywood these days offensive, and a lot of television programming, but you can be sure that's not what the ADL has in mind when it campaigns for laws against "hate speech." The ADL is especially concerned about the propagation of what they consider dangerous ideas over the Internet and has been working with software developers to develop censorship programs which can be installed on any computer, so that computer users cannot find any Politically Incorrect material on the Internet.

Lobbying to stamp out the Bill of Rights isn't the ADL's only activity. They're also the largest and most effective private espionage organization in America. They have their spies in every community in America where there are Jews or wannabees. Reports go from their regional offices around the country to massive data banks in New York and in Israel, where the ADL maintains dossiers on hundreds of thousands of Americans. For example, if a state legislator somewhere in America makes a speech which a Jewish listener considers unfriendly to Israel, a report goes into the ADL data bank. If a businessman at a Chamber of Commerce meeting makes a joke which might indicate a less-than-worshipful attitude toward Jews, and a wannabee informs the ADL of the joke, that businessman will henceforth have a dossier in the ADL's files. Then if that state legislator or that businessman ever runs for Congress, say, the ADL will search its files for his name, find his record, and launch a campaign against him as an "enemy of Israel" or as an "anti-Semite."

And the ADL has not hesitated to break the law in its spying activity. In April 1993 police obtained search warrants and raided the offices of the ADL in San Francisco and Los Angeles, where they found hundreds of stolen confidential police files. Some of these police files were on anti-apartheid activists in the United States, and the ADL had passed copies on to the South African government in return for South African police files on pro-Palestinian groups in South Africa. This caused a stink even in liberal circles, which ordinarily are pro-ADL. And this business of the ADL's stolen police files is still in the courts in California.

So as I said, I understand where the ADL is coming from. I'm not surprised that they consider my broadcasts dangerous. I'm not surprised that they want to shut me up and are trying to do that with their current smear campaign, claiming that I am "linked" to bombings and murders. I expect that sort of behavior -- I expect lies of that sort -- from the ADL. What's really disappointing is the enthusiastic collaboration the ADL receives from the politicians and the media. The two newspapers I cited a minute ago, the Tampa Tribune and the Los Angeles Times, for example, are essentially Gentile newspapers, as far as I have been able to determine. I may be mistaken, but I believe that the editors and publishers of these two newspapers are not Jews. So why do they go out of their way to exaggerate the ADL's lies about me? Why does the Tampa Tribune call the National Alliance a "domestic terrorist group"? Why does the Los Angeles Times say that the activities of the National Alliance include "violent crimes such as robberies and bombings"? Why did neither of these newspapers contact someone in my office and ask about the ADL's claims before printing them? Why didn't any of the newspapers which carried the ADL's attack on me mention the ADL's history of illegal activity?

Let me tell you what I think about that. I believe that in general there are two factors at work here. I'll call them the corruption factor and the lemming factor. Let's look at the corruption factor first. It's the factor which motivates virtually all of the non-Jewish politicians, but also many non-Jews in the media. It's the factor which has led Bill Clinton to pack his cabinet with Jews and to promote every Jewish policy they have presented him with. It's the factor which has led New York's Senator Alphonse D'Amato to serve as front man for the Jews' huge extortion effort against the Swiss. These politicians don't work for the Jews because they love Jews. Nobody loves Jews. They do it because they're corrupt, because they're willing to sacrifice the interests of their own people in order to serve the Jews if they believe that they can advance their careers by doing that. And many businessmen are just as corrupt as the politicians. They will do whatever they think is good for their business, whatever will give them the biggest profit. And some businessmen are in the media business. They understand that Jews buy more advertising than any other group. They understand that Jews own a bigger chunk of the media than any other group. They understand which side their bread is buttered on.

And so when the ADL attacks me these media businessmen are ready to fall on me like a pack of starved Dobermans in order to curry favor with the Jews. But you know, the interesting thing about these corrupt people, whether they're in politics or in the media business, as soon as they believe that the balance of power is shifting, they'll jump. They'd as soon tear apart the Jews as they would the enemies of the Jews. That's something to keep in mind as our struggle proceeds.

Now, the lemmings in the media are more interesting than the corrupt businessmen. I've dealt with a lot of media people over the years, and one of the observations I've made is that they are the trendiest single occupational group in our society -- even trendier than people in police work. I don't think I've ever met a journalist who had an original idea or who didn't follow the Jewish party line with a truly religious devotion. They all march in ideological lockstep.

I think it wasn't always this way. Back before the Second World War there were a few journalists in America who could think for themselves. H.L. Mencken is one who comes to mind. Nowadays, of course, the party-line journalists shrink in horror and embarrassment from the mention of Mencken's name. Mencken -- gasp! -- didn't like Jews and occasionally said so.

I can't say that I really understand why journalists today are such lemmings, but I am sure that it's more than the fact that Jews are so powerful in the media: I'm sure that it's more than corruption, as in the case of the politicians and businessmen. I suspect that today's journalists are people who have been more intensely socialized than most of the rest of the population. They are people who have been subjected to stronger group pressures to conform and have been selected according to how well they adapted to these pressures. Perhaps the journalism departments at our universities don't accept students who don't fit the lemming mold. Anyway, journalists certainly do have a very strong tendency to stick close to the herd and to regard with suspicion and hostility anyone who has strayed very far from the herd.

Now, this is an oversimplification, but I believe that the reason so many media people fell in love with Bill Clinton as soon as he appeared on the political scene back in 1991 or so is that they saw him as one of their crowd, their herd. "Bill marched with us for the Viet Cong," they thought. "Bill partied and smoked dope with us. He's one of us."

And they look at me and they think: "This guy Pierce is from the other side of the tracks. Instead of helping us trash the dean's office, he joined the John Birch Society. He doesn't belong to our crowd, so let's trash him too." Anyway, I believe that there's an element of that sort of thinking in the average journalist's mentality.

Now, the bright side of this picture is that people who think like lemmings and have been conditioned by group pressure to have certain views can very easily be conditioned to have quite different views by the simple application of group pressure in a new direction. You won't be able to change an independent thinker's opinions this way, but if you put 100,000 typical journalists in a labor re-education camp and then select out 1,000 of them with leadership potential, straighten out the thinking of this 1,000 with two-by-fours, then put them in charge of the others, and put all except the 1,000 reoriented commissars on a diet of 300 calories a day, in a year every journalist in the camp will be reoriented: skinny, but sincerely reoriented. You can turn them loose with complete confidence that they'll follow the new party line just as slavishly as they followed the old party line, even after they've regained their former weight. That's the way lemmings are.

There's one other aspect of the ADL's operation which merits scrutiny, and that is its program of corrupting police departments around the country. At the press conferences they held in their regional offices last month when they promoted me to "most dangerous man" they had a number of local police officials with them. The appearance of these police officials on the platform along with the ADL's Jews tended to give the press conferences a sort of quasi-official or quasi-governmental atmosphere, and that undoubtedly encouraged the reporters present to accept the ADL's lies without question.

Some of the police officials were there because they have political ambitions. They're planning on running for the state legislature some day, and they want the Jews' backing. Others were there because the ADL has assiduously been cultivating its relationships with police agencies for many years. The ADL offers "anti-terrorist" seminars to police departments and indoctrinates policemen with its hate propaganda under the guise of teaching them how to recognize and combat "domestic terrorists" -- such as William Pierce. The ADL gets away with this despite its own record of criminal activity. The ADL has been able to persuade the cops to overlook its having been caught with stolen police files. That's a little frightening. If we had a government with integrity, the ADL would be dangerous enough. But with a government like we have in the United States today, every decent citizen must regard with horror the subversion of our police agencies by the ADL.

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Jim Mathias
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Re: The Anti-Defamation League of B'nai B'rith

Post by Jim Mathias » Tue Nov 15, 2022 12:16 am

How Jews avoid military service.
It was a classified document
It was a classified document
Screenshot 2022-11-14 at 22-10-03 How Jews Stay Out Of The Military And How They Laugh At 'The Dumb Goyim Who Fight (And Die) While We PROFIT'.png (887.56 KiB) Viewed 2233 times
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Re: The Anti-Defamation League of B'nai B'rith

Post by Supremely White » Fri Jan 06, 2023 2:38 am

I’m not even a leader of any Pro White organization, but stuff like that even happened to me.

I was until earlier last year, stuck in a very jew populated area. Until 2020, I didn’t really care. The problem is that if you say, do or in my case, wear, anything that these kikes get their panties in a bunch over, they will try to tell you that you can’t do/say/wear that in their presence….in “their “ neighborhood, etc.
Screw that, I wasn’t put on this earth to please and appease the kikes!
So if you try to remind them of freedom of speech and expression, they may just make life tough for you.

In my case, I was all too often mistaken by the idiots in California, where I finally left after planning to for a few years for many reasons, of being “part Asian “, and having my race questioned and my reply disputed. This never happened to me before I moved there over 21 years prior. I look nothing Asian, part or otherwise. I got an eyelid lift, not just to get sagging skin cut away, but to de hood them, aiming to look as Western as I inherently am. They were always hooded, but never slanted. After healing, I thought of it as something of an eyelid circumcision. The surgeon did a great job.

I was hoping that would end the nosy questions and “othering “ me by all these bastards, who were other Whites, blacks who are the ones that whinge about racism, viets, chinks, mutts and jews.
But no, it slowed down a bit, but then back up, and that was even when I was wearing sunglasses, a hood up, and with a face diaper during the mandates, yep, even for outdoors. So my face wasn’t even showing. I got so sick and tired of this, that I told myself that if it happens one more time, I’d get my swastika tattoo. Well, I went for a walk one day, sunglasses and mask on, and this short, swarthy hag with a star of david pendant started complimenting my attire, but then asked in her heavy accent, if I was part Asian. I asked her what she was, and she said she was Romanian descent but came from Israel. These foreigners had some nerve coming to my country and asking my nationality, ethnicity, race and being obtuse enough to refute my reply.

How would you feel if anyone tried to tell you that you’re not White?? Pissed, that’s what!
So, tattoo time it was. I had a harder time finding a place to do a swastika than Mexican gang symbols, penises, naked women, cuss words, satanic symbols, pot leaves, etc. Everyone tried to tell me that the swastika is a “hate “ symbol. What hypocrisy! Satanism and gang symbols are hate symbols, but everyone has given them a pass for some time now.

I then got a swastika armband (the lady doth protest much), not only to assert my Whiteness, but because I have a fetish for this beautiful symbol. As I went for a walk with it, the White security motor patrol guy came up to me and said that I should be aware that there are many Jewish residents who would find it offensive, and I shot back that I find all these blm signs and gay rainbows and stars of David offensive, but nobody treats my feelings with kid gloves, and reminded him about the first amendment. He quietly told me that he saw where I was coming from, but that we were now the silent majority. He kept slowly driving by, reminding me to “be careful “. I thought it was a joke, because this was a senior community…what was some decrepit old kike gonna hit me with his or her cane or golf clubs?

Well, the last time I went for errands with the armband on, but when I returned to the inside of the gates of the neighborhood, I got a strange feeling. I had to use the restroom at the clubhouse, but I felt like I was being followed by several others. Then, this same old codger I passed on my way to the clubhouse was still out there, walking his dog, in that same spot. He shouted, “HEY NAZI,” I should’ve just flicked him off and told him to drop dead, but instead I asked if he was a kike, he said yes, and then yelled at me that I had no right to wear that in “his “ neighborhood. I hollered back that he’s neither the boss of me, nor the fashion police. Before I knew it, a burly, stocky old man came up behind me, from nowhere, and grabbed my arms behind my back. I told him, “Get off of me, bitch!”, and he said he wasn’t a bitch, he was a man. I said, what kind of a man are you, assaulting a woman?! He replied, “You’re not a woman, you’re Nazi trash!”, and he shoved me forward onto the parking lot where this happened. I was wearing heeled boots. He pushed me back down again, and this old bastard on a bicycle came up while they both held me down, and ripped my armband off and rode away with it.

I tried to run after him, but my first assailant said I wouldn’t be able to catch him. I hate to say that asshole was right, because I couldn’t walk, let alone run, due to being shoved down on the hard surface several times and with the heeled boots, my ankle was twisted every which way.
Then, he had the audacity to complain out loud, why security was taking so long to get there. I told him he was lucky they did, because he was guilty of assault. By then others gathered around, snapping photos of me and doing nothing to tell that old man to back off.
I drove away, heading back home, while shots of my license plate were taken.
As I got home, I figured that my ankle was sprained, but it got worse by the minute. My husband urged me to call the cops and press assault charges. I knew I didn’t have these bastards’ names or addresses, so there’d be little to go on.
As I called, I was suspecting a fracture, not a sprain, so I had the ambulance and paramedics come, as well as the sheriff.

…there’s more…
Hitler was right.

Supremely White
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Re: The Anti-Defamation League of B'nai B'rith

Post by Supremely White » Fri Jan 06, 2023 5:42 am

…So the ambulance, paramedics and a county sheriff deputy arrived. The paramedics and ambulance men were very professional, but the fat, ugly, brown mestizo lawman looked at me with such hatred and vitriol and he treated me like I was the perp.

As the ambulance men carried me out of the condo on the gurney, the deputy was still inside, and I had to insist to the ambulance men that they not take me away yet and to tell the sheriff deputy to get out of my property as he had no more business there. Once he left, and I was transported to the E.R., the x rays confirmed my worst suspicion- a fractured ankle, rather than a sprain.

The hospital put on a flimsy uncomfortable splint and referred me out to a bone specialist for the cast, which was to remain for 5 weeks, until another visit to get a standing up x ray and a walking boot for partial weight bearing.
My husband and I had an upcoming move to a house in a different state and the closing date for purchase was the end of March and our moving date was mid April.

During my bedridden period with the cast on, I felt so helpless and couldn’t do anything to prepare for our move, let alone get around the kitchen. One day during that time, the doorbell rang and my husband answered it and told me it was for me…it was the FBI. The FBI?!, I wondered, for little old crippled up me?? WTF?

I hobbled out to the dining table and there were these 2 feds, wearing khakis and polos and badges. One of them did all the talking. When I asked what this was all about, he asked me if I was aware that I was in the local paper? I wasn’t aware, because we didn’t subscribe to that far left rag, and I’d encountered paywalls in the past for their online edition.

He brought up the armband thing and interrogated me to find out if I was a member of any “hate “ groups and websites. Once he realized I was a solo act, he told me I did nothing illegal and that I was only exercising my first amendment right to freedom of expression…duh! On their way out, he asked me about the household furnishings strewn about, and I told him we were in the process of moving out and he asked me if it was out of California, and when I confirmed, he said, “Good”.

Well, my curiosity was piqued and I got onto the local paper’s website, and no paywall barring the smear piece on yours truly. I had my Warholian 15 minutes of…infamy. I was so humiliated to have been assaulted by a man generations older than me! I thought I could easily kick their asses, but if you didn’t bring your gun and some bastard just suddenly comes up from behind and tightly twists your arms behind your back, and you’re outnumbered, I guess it’s possible after all.

The article then had a photo of me, unknowingly and without my permission, taken of me as I passed the kike , just before he verbally abused me, and it was inside of a box written by the ADL.
So that was who sent the feds! Their Jewish masters, the ADL.
Ironic, how ADL stands for Anti Defamation League, yet this whole campaign against me was to defame me, slander me, drag my law abiding name through the mud and turn the world against me.

The ADL in the article, pressured the mayor of my former city to condemn me…what the hell am I, an uninhabitable tenement scheduled for demolition? And this rabbi in the ADL kvetched that it took her 3 weeks to do so. Of course, she condemned me, because she wanted to keep her job, and we all know who pulls the strings, especially in government.

He also demanded that I be prosecuted for hate crime. You read that correctly, not hate speech, or wrong think, but *crime*, never mind that the crimes of assault and theft of property (my precious armband) went un prosecuted and no negative press from them. I see that it’s a game of who calls the media for a scoop first. And the jew with his dog who started the whole mess, likely had the ADL on speed dial. The article did say that hate crime charges wouldn’t be made until further investigation (hence the dubious honor of a visit from the feds, and no hate crime charges were made after all.)

The ADL portion of the article linked to Twitter, and the comments against me were scathing. “Name her!”, they almost all hissed, in addition to the libelous posts calling for me to lose my job and family. They may as well all have said, “Burn the witch at the stake!”
And we’re the “hate “ group? Really?

Would I love the justice of going after the homeowner’s association, who tried to drag me into a show trial when we were in the process of moving out and then finally out of there, and charged my husband hefty fines due and payable upon the closing of the sale of that condo, for the act of, I kid you not - offensive language and symbols. Just as much as I’d love to get justice against the county sheriffs department, and against my assailants who were anonymously interviewed in that libelous article, and against that paper itself, Twitter and against the ADL.
But what are my chances? :roll:

Not long after I moved out to my current state, California passed hate crime legislation. Gruesome Newscum continues to drive his state into the ground and remove the rights from it’s residents, all while taxing them up the keister, pardon my yiddish.
Hitler was right.

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Re: The Anti-Defamation League of B'nai B'rith

Post by Supremely White » Fri Jan 06, 2023 5:58 am

One last thing I forgot to add, relating to the start of my first post on this thread, although I don’t get around much and no longer live in a private gated community anymore, so far nobody has mistaken me for a mutt since I’ve left Jewifornia.

Nobody cares about my race at all, except some paperwork I filled out at a medical clinic, but that is a relevant question for health care.

But if anyone tries that crap again, before showing my tattoo and doing the Roman salute and shouting “White Pride Worldwide!”, like I did last year, I will ask what kind of Asian they think I partly am, reminding them that Asia has many different countries in it, if they say south Asian, I’ll point out my very pale skin color, if they say East Asian, I’ll say, “Hey, that means I have something in common with that other Nazi, Heinrich Himmler.” They’ll be like, “Other Nazi?”, and then I’ll pull up my sleeve and do the salute and shout “Heil Hitler!”
Actually, if anything, I look most like Goebbels.
Hitler was right.

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Jim Mathias
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Re: The Anti-Defamation League of B'nai B'rith

Post by Jim Mathias » Sat Jan 07, 2023 12:34 am

Glad you're out of Mexifornia, Supremely White. We members and supporters of the National Alliance have yet to complete the construction of a White world where any of us are safe to wear a swastika outwardly, but until we can, let's be focused on the important tasks and keep interactions with Jews and other non-Whites minimal.
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Re: The Anti-Defamation League of B'nai B'rith

Post by Jim Mathias » Mon May 22, 2023 6:31 am

Elon Musk playing footsie with the ADL: ... adl-soros/
....Tech entrepreneur Elon Musk tweeted Tuesday that the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) should “drop the A” from its name after it accused him of antisemitism for criticizing left-wing billionaire George Soros....

...In recent years, the ADL has pushed for more censorship on social media platforms, joining a broader left-wing campaign to push Facebook and other companies to block advertising from groups that it deems to be hateful....
Recent years? Such as since 1913?
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Re: The Anti-Defamation League of B'nai B'rith

Post by Jim Mathias » Wed May 31, 2023 10:00 pm

Greenblatt and other Jews openly admitting what they're doing and the overall deception involved: ... Version=V1
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Re: The Anti-Defamation League of B'nai B'rith

Post by Jim Mathias » Sat Oct 14, 2023 12:13 am

Anti-Defamation League Capitalizes on Hamas Attacks, Pushes Censorious DEI Fascism ... apitalizes
I told you this was coming the day after the attacks in Southern Israel – specifically, that the corporate state would seize on the tragedy in Israel to promote more forever-war and simultaneously to clamp down further on speech using the pretext of combatting “antisemitism.”

Related: How Neocons Could Sleep-Walk Us Into World War III

Here comes the new censorship regime, via the chief censor of the state, the ADL, cloaked in “Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion.”

Via Anti-Defamation League:

“In response to a surge of antisemitism around the world in the aftermath of the terrorist massacre of more than 1,100 unarmed civilians {who voted in or acquiesced to their Jewish leaders who operate armed thugs that began and continue the ethnic cleansing in Palestine -- JM} in Israel, ADL (the Anti-Defamation League) today called on CEOs of major corporations globally to speak out against hate and commit to ADL’s “Workplace Pledge to Fight Antisemitism.”

Over the past few months, more than two dozen major corporations and brands have responded to the challenge of preventing antisemitism in the workplace, becoming among the first to sign the pledge. Now, ADL is calling on leaders of Fortune 500 companies and other corporations to join in taking the pledge and to speak out against antisemitism.

“With antisemitism surging around the world, there’s no more important moment than now for all companies to speak out,” said Jonathan Greenblatt, ADL CEO. “Corporations must use their bully pulpits to strongly and forcefully condemn antisemitism in all forms and to ensure that their workplaces remain safe places for Jewish employees.”…

By taking the pledge, organizations agree to actively prevent antisemitism in their workplaces, including addressing antisemitism in Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion programs, supporting Jewish employees through Employee Resource Groups or other means, providing religious accommodations for employees, and speaking out against antisemitism.

Signatories include Accenture, adidas, AEG, American Eagle Outfitters, Inc., CLYDE, Deutsch LA, Harris Blitzer Sports & Entertainment, NASCAR, National Basketball Association (NBA), New York Life, Northwell Health, Turner Construction Company, and UTA, among others.”

Via the “Workplace Pledge to Fight Antisemitism”:

“WE PLEDGE TO ADDRESS antisemitism in our Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion educational strategies by offering programs for employees about addressing antisemitism specifically (such as adopting Antisemitism 101 for the Workplace on-demand module) as well as integrating antisemitism into our broader DEI approach…

WE PLEDGE TO USE our workplace’s platform on social media, via press release, and/or messaging from company leadership to employees as well as externally to speak out to fight hate overall and when there is a day of cultural significance to the Jewish community (Ex: Jewish American Heritage month, Shine A Light, etc.) or if there is a significant act of antisemitism in the United States.”

Translation: “Shut your mouth, bigot, while we start our next forever-war or we’ll use the influence we peddle through multinational corporations to call you a Nazi and take your livelihood away in the name of Tolerance™ and Diversity™.”

That’s how Democracy™ works.forever war

Ben Bartee, author of Broken English Teacher: Notes From Exile, is an independent Bangkok-based American journalist with opposable thumbs.
Yet another author in the same mold as other usual conservatives making squeaky noises about our Jewish problem, but offer zero solutions. This is offered here for some useful information regarding corporate "enforcers" of the Jews' narrative as spewed from on high to the rest of us.

That said, the National Alliance offers a framework within which we racially healthy Whites may build our own new order to secure our survival and operate on a upward path going into the future, and I urge those Whites to join us to add their strengths to ours.
Activism materials available! ===> Contact me via PM to obtain quantities of the "Send Them Back", "NA Health Warning #1 +#2+#3" stickers, and any fliers listed in the Alliance website's flier webpage.

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Will Williams
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Re: The Anti-Defamation League of B'nai B'rith

Post by Will Williams » Sat Oct 14, 2023 11:00 am

Jim Mathias wrote:
Sat Oct 14, 2023 12:13 am
Anti-Defamation League Capitalizes on Hamas Attacks, Pushes Censorious DEI Fascism ... apitalizes
Here comes the new censorship regime, via the chief censor of the state, the ADL, cloaked in “Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion.”

Via Anti-Defamation League:
Signatories include Accenture, adidas, AEG, American Eagle Outfitters, Inc., CLYDE, Deutsch LA, Harris Blitzer Sports & Entertainment, NASCAR, National Basketball Association (NBA), New York Life, Northwell Health, Turner Construction Company, and UTA, among others.”
That said, the National Alliance offers a framework within which we racially healthy Whites may build our own new order to secure our survival and operate on a upward path going into the future, and I urge those Whites to join us to add their strengths to ours.[/size]
Thanks, Jim. Dr. Pierce's piece from 25 years ago stands alone and doesn't need updating. However, I'll comment on those corporate signatories to the ADL's that you highlighted.

I doubt anyone reading White Biocentrism supports the National Boofer Association of hoopsters, but some support NASCAR. Quit! Find something else to cheer for, like Palestinians! If you have insured your life with New York Life, cash in your policy and support NA. I don't recognize the names of the other enemy corporations that have signed on with the ADL's bullshit, but if you do, act accordingly.

S.W., your story of frustration about wading into a bunch of Jews alone, wearing a Swastika armband, is instructive for how not to act. The ADL & friends in media and law enforcement did not connect you to the National Alliance. It's good that you were not a NA member when you pulled your stunt. But as an Alliance supporter, and member of White Biocentrism forum, what the ADL will call a "hate" website, you don't help NA with your Swastika-as-weapon story.

Our positive message of hope is for our people, not Jews, other non-Whites or LGQT freaks. We do not flash Swastika tattoos to Jews. If a member insists on tattooing himself, a Life Rune is preferred and defensible, but you should never find yourself explaining "the upside down peace symbol" to non-Whites.
[The FBI Agent] brought up the armband thing and interrogated me to find out if I was a member of any “hate “groups and websites...
If Whites insist on participating in "social media," do so on ours, not (((theirs))). Like us on; follow us on ᛉ

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