The volunteerism crisis in America is likely a result of the White race's existential crisis

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Thomas S NJ
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The volunteerism crisis in America is likely a result of the White race's existential crisis

Post by Thomas S NJ » Thu Jan 05, 2023 3:34 pm

Since May, I have lived in a nice, suburban neighborhood nestled along the New Jersey Turnpike and Highway 30 with plenty of opportunity for activism and recruitment. Shortly after moving here, my wife and I were made aware of the fact that our local volunteer fire department is desperate for volunteers, especially as active structural firefighters. I was shocked to learn that on an average call, the department considered itself lucky if they had five responders show up at the line and that this was part of a larger crisis in volunteerism across the country. In retrospect and given how our race is on the ropes both in numbers and morale, I should not have been surprised, as I'll explain shortly.
Being still of able body, I signed up without a second thought. I'd like to say this was a strategic Alliance-building move, to give myself greater opportunity to engage in activism and recruitment but the truth is this was a move of instinct and I had not given it nearly that much thought when I was walking up to introduce myself to the assistant chief and ask what I could do. No, this was something bred into us: I heard there was a crisis that needed men to volunteer to help, and jumped at the chance to do so. It was only afterwards that I began justifying that action (which I'm sure some White advocates would consider aiding the System) with the thought that being that much more active in the community would give me that much more opportunity for Alliance-building.
No, the truth is, as I've become acutely aware, volunteering to put our lives on the line for strangers with no hope of cutting a paycheck for it is a distinctly White thing to do, and I was acting on racial instinct.
On a side note, I have rewritten the above section several times as I didn't want to be That Guy tooting his own horn but I really found it necessary to mention why I volunteered in an action that many might consider supporting the System and only rationalized its Alliance-building potential afterwards. It's unavoidable because my primary point is that I believe such a behavior to be distinctly White.
I've been to many meetings of the department since then, including sitting in at the borough house for a townhall (not a place I'd normally frequent), received my gear this past Monday night, and will have completed my training in this coming May. There has been one thing that struck me in all of this that I am surprised all of the liberals and race-mixers (with which New Jersey is obscenely infected, and my small town is no exception) have not seemed to notice in the slightest:
The entirety of the volunteer fire department is White. One hundred percent of us; every single one is White and with two exceptions (neither of which is an active firefighter), men. Our department just had to merge with a neighboring township to survive this manpower crisis, and even then we are 100% White males in our slightly-less-little brotherhood.
It is not that our town lacks more than its share of DiversityTM, nor the town whose department we merged with. We are talking about, after all, the demographics of neighborhoods in the most densely-populated, Jew-infested, far-left state of the Union well after the Obama directed taxpayer resources to breaking up White neighborhoods by moving the dross in with us. We have our obligatory low-rent apartments at the edge of town, more miscegenating households than most small towns, and even a few completely non-White homes. When I see the children walking to school each morning, I think it's fair to say at least 20% of them are non-White. So, in a volunteer organization that would fall over itself backwards to have even one token Black in a town where there must surely be a few in the recruitment pool... where are they? The Black (totally authentically African, and absolutely not inspired by the Jewish Hanukka :roll: ) holiday Kwanzaa supposedly has "community" as a Black cultural value, and Blacks are always harping about their "community" when a criminal gets his comeuppance from a White cop, so...where are they? Asians are supposedly downright ant-like in their community orientation so...where are they? Surely, we must by pure happenstance have at least one non-White volunteer in each town, so where are they? Indeed, even in an all-hands meeting that included associate, retired and inactive members from two towns, the non-Whites were nowhere to be found. Where are they? There are non-Whites on our school boards and local governing offices, teaching staff, police force, every local business, and even paid firefighter staff in nearby professional departments; everywhere, in short, where they are not only paid to be there, but the management will grovel and beg to keep them and pay them well above their worth. Yet when it comes to volunteering your time without pay to take on personal risk they are nowhere to be found. More shocking still, whenever White men gather as the majority, every social club, every event or business or political party or office, every place where even by sheer accident the staff or clientele is even mostly (let alone all) White men there are the usual suspects to come out in droves and protest. One would think that a meeting of nearly a hundred individuals who receive direct taxpayer support in their activities being even 90% White would bring out the screaming anti-Whites, let alone such a meeting being absolutely, undiluted in its Aryan composition; the silence, however, is deafening.
I'm sure to anyone here the idea of finding himself in a hall full of dozens of dedicated and community-minded Aryans in the midst of a race-mixing hell hole like suburban southern New Jersey sounds like finding an fruited oasis in the center of the harshest desert; that was certainly my feeling. I'm sure all here are as equally shocked as I was that hordes of screaming Jewesses haven't been drawn out like moths to the flame to protest such a gathering of White men. That, however, is not why I put this in our Alliance-building section.
No, what struck me as useful for that in this tale was twofold: the first is to call out a potential place for recruitment and activism activities; that our racial replacements have not replaced us in such important roles as volunteer firemen should I guess come as no surprise since on reflection that's a very White thing to do, but this does mean that where a volunteer station is staffed enough to run calls, it's a good place to find White men with a mind for community and a spirit of action.
The second point, however, is a bit alarming. If a volunteer fire company is a great place to find a high concentration of White men willing to do what is right and what is needed and to put themselves on the line in every way for such, then it is very telling as well that, as we are replaced by the hordes of mud men, such places are struggling to put together enough men to meet the needs of their communities. So in this setting we have two advantages: the first is a potential for Alliance-building and recruitment; the second is a talking point to our activism as a whole in that the loss of the "stale pale male" as the dominant force in society brings with it a loss of those things we brought to the table (such as volunteerism in the face of personal danger and sacrifice, without recompense) and in spite of the anti-White messaging our replacements are not stepping in to fill that void.
The volunteerism crisis being faced by our sick, multiracial society is directly and intrinsically linked to the crisis of survival being faced by the White race.

Thomas S NJ
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Re: The volunteerism crisis in America is likely a result of the White race's existential crisis

Post by Thomas S NJ » Fri Feb 03, 2023 1:45 pm

I wanted to provide a quick update on this that I found interesting.

At a recent department drill, we started our evening with a visit to an annual meeting of our regional fire alliance; that means that it included representatives - indeed, most of the departments - of ten different area fire departments with overlapping areas of service. In terms of civilians covered, we're talking over 50,000 people which by what I have seen of these towns includes at least 5,000 blacks and 2,000 mestizos.

At this meeting there was one black - who, it must be stated, by his physiognomy appears to be at most 1/4 black - and one who appeared to be mestizo. I would later learn that both of these men were members of one of the two paid departments represented at this meeting, which keeps our tally of area volunteer firemen who are White at the aforementioned 100%. As I'd mentioned above, it doesn't seem out of place to see non-Whites willing to take on risk for money, especially if that comes with things like first-responder discounts and social credit. Yet, again, where doing so with no expectation of reward exists, it remains a 100% White activity.

So to sum up: in emergency services, non-Whites are as a proportion of their share of the population (a number which anti-Whites love to harp on when it comes to nice housing, good jobs, college placement or incarceration (but not criminality) rates) wildly underrepresented; and where they are represented at all it is only where they receive direct monetary compensation and/or power.

Supremely White
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Re: The volunteerism crisis in America is likely a result of the White race's existential crisis

Post by Supremely White » Sat Feb 04, 2023 1:54 pm

I live in a city that is very White minority. It was even that way over 23 years ago, when I worked at a small accounting firm. The firm was all-White, even a White Hispanic staff accountant, who was the only diversity. This firm, along with other nearby accounting firms and law firms, participated in community service stuff like Christmas in April, where we helped fix up low income houses, then had a party in a warehouse afterwards. I don’t know about the law firms, but we all looked White, even though the overwhelming majority of the city was not .

I wonder if maybe the muds avoid volunteering because it’s called community service, and for them, that isn’t the charity type giving back to the community stuff, like we see it, but for many of them, community service is a whole different animal, like a condition of their parole, or something. Besides, the muds contribute nothing but crime and are always expecting handouts like they feel entitled to them.
Hitler was right.

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Jim Mathias
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Re: The volunteerism crisis in America is likely a result of the White race's existential crisis

Post by Jim Mathias » Sun Feb 05, 2023 1:47 am

Supremely White wrote:
Sat Feb 04, 2023 1:54 pm
I wonder if maybe the muds avoid volunteering because it’s called community service....
The US was founded as a country comprised of White communities. Of course Blacks and others feel this "community" they're in isn't theirs. They're aliens among Whites and know it. Whites are now just as alienated as they are and the sense of duty to 'give back' is in severe decline.

We in the National Alliance are building our own community and I believe that's as important a task as any as many Whites are seeking that sense of community for themselves and families.
Activism materials available! ===> Contact me via PM to obtain quantities of the "Send Them Back", "NA Health Warning #1 +#2+#3" stickers, and any fliers listed in the Alliance website's flier webpage.

Supremely White
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Re: The volunteerism crisis in America is likely a result of the White race's existential crisis

Post by Supremely White » Sun Feb 05, 2023 4:37 am

In a multiracial society, our noblesse oblige isn’t working in our favor. Charity starts at home, our White positive home. If our surroundings are anti White, it’s not really home, and we feel alienated and rootless. In our volunteer efforts, we must take care of our own. Not some starving African kid born out of wedlock to primitives who overbred and can’t take care of the little pickanniny on their own. You breed ‘em, you feed ‘em. I resent the guilt tripping of those depressing ads on the Talmud vision when Christmas comes around. In every case of nonwhites crying poverty, the common denominator is almost always too many sprogs.
Hitler was right.

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