Sins of My Father

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Will Williams
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Re: Sins of My Father

Post by Will Williams » Tue Jun 09, 2020 9:53 pm

My review of Sins was blocked by Amazon censors, but it looks like I've managed to put it up as a comment under another reviewer's review. We'll see if it stays there or disappears.
SIEGE The System 1488
1.0 out of 5 stars A Character Assassination 20 Years too Late
Reviewed in the United States on May 25, 2020
This book was clearly written by the author to make a quick buck thanks in part to his being the child of Dr. Pierce. Based on the free sample his gripes seem to come from his mom, one of Pierce's divorced wives (who totally didn't blow things out of proportion to get back at him) and are from a time when he was too young to remember. One of the more humorous moments we are supposed to view Pierce as evil incarnate is when after driving for 8 hours he asks his wife to take his kids to a local park, any one who has ever driven for that long AND had to deal with young kids will understand that this request isn't this terrible injustice. Over all this seems like a book that was written for a quick cash grab(why he didn't write this in 2002 in stead of waiting 20 years I couldn't tell you).

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W. W. WILLIAMS 1 second ago

I posted this review on 5 March, 2020, but Amazon's censors blocked it. I'm glad to see at least one negative review of this smear book made it through.

Will Williams
1.0 of 5 stars Sins of My Father
Verified Purchaser
I Hate My Daddy

The title of Kelvin Pierce’s book is taken from Hebrew biblical references, like the proverb in Jeremiah’s Book: “The fathers have eaten sour grapes, And the children’s teeth are set on edge.” After reading Sins it’s clear that it is Kelvin’s teeth that are set on edge from eating sour grapes, not his father’s.

One question I would ask Kelvin Pierce after reading his rather poorly edited book: Which Jewish watchdog group commissioned this book: Was it the Southern Poverty Law Center or was it the Anti-Defamation League of B’nai B’rith? After all, the final sentence in the blurb on the back cover is, “He [William Pierce] was labeled as the most dangerous and influential Neo-Nazi/White Nationalist in North America by the Southern Poverty Law Center and the Anti-Defamation League, over a 30-year period.” Why would a son quote these haters’ hateful opinions of his father who died 18 years ago?

William Pierce was no Christian. Like most Americans of his generation that were raised Christian he was raised a Presbyterian. Being highly intelligent, a scientist with a doctorate in physics, he “put aside childish things” (like belief in imaginary spooks up in the sky) when he became an adult. Kelvin Pierce apparently is a devout Christian, however (he prays a lot), and is into other eastern creeds from what I gather, reading this “tell all” book about his “evil” father.

Kelvin will never grasp the extraordinary religion his father founded, Cosmotheism, nor the National Alliance, that he says is a “hate group,” parroting the buzz term of “hate” watchdogs. Kelvin is eaten up with irrational guilt, denies his own race, freely admits to near terminal depression, self-doubt, low self-esteem, and has subjected himself to years of therapy to deal with these issues. The only chapters in Sins that seemed to me to be wholly Kelvin’s personal recollections were of the hang gliding hobby he and his father shared, and about his admirable humanitarian work: rebuilding a decrepit orphanage in Georgia, the former Soviet Socialist Republic, years after his dad’s death. The rest of the book, even pre-teen memories from 55 years ago of discipline and corporal punishment for the author’s frequent mischief and for lying to his father seem to this reader to be embellished or edited to fit the “evil hater” profile by an anti-White ghost writer.

Readers who are interested in learning about the founder of Cosmotheism — arguably the greatest man of the second half of the 20th Century — and of his supposedly “most dangerous” National Alliance, or about the SPLC or ADL for that matter, can gain a more balanced, more honest perspective of William Pierce’s life’s work and achievements by searching for those subjects, starting here ... -l-pierce/ rather than by reading this “dump on Daddy” purgation.
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Re: Sins of My Father

Post by PhuBai68 » Tue Jul 27, 2021 11:40 am

Kelvin's book was mentioned on Stormfront again and a link to this article which I believe is just so much BS.
I wonder where Erik Pierce is and if he'd refute any of this? ... vin-pierce
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Will Williams
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Re: Sins of My Father

Post by Will Williams » Tue Jul 27, 2021 12:54 pm

PhuBai68 wrote:
Tue Jul 27, 2021 11:40 am
Kelvin's book was mentioned on Stormfront again and a link to this article which I believe is just so much BS.
I wonder where Erik Pierce is and if he'd refute any of this? ... vin-pierce
You don't say where it is on SF, PB. But I found it, posting this response (properly formatted here):

Re: Sins of my Father by Kelvin Pierce
Originally Posted by brian james View Post
Has anyone read this book or is anyone familiar with this guy? I did'nt know Pierce had a son, wondering if this book is for real. I read Fame of a Dead Mans Deeds, don't remember hearing of Kelvin.
is there a pdf for this book maybe so I don't have to pay for it? Curious to know about this book, lemme know if anyone's familiar with it.

This certainly belongs in Opposing Views Forum. Kelvin is a Sad Sack with this quote from that Guardian hit piece:

"I was just terrified of furthering my genes,” Kelvin said. “I was so messed up and so damaged as a human being that I couldn’t fathom the idea of trying to make another human being.”

The same hack, Seyward Darby, who wrote that Guardian smear of WLP, wrote an article for The New York Times, the very day after the alleged 6 January, 2021, "armed insurrection" at the Capitol -- THE NEXT DAY! -- claiming Dr. Pierce's 45-year-old novel "inspired" the riot: See for yourselves.

That's Ms Darby's job: to smear anybody and anything pro-White. Make no mistake, that is also the job of Jew-controlled mainstream periodicals like The New York Times and The Guardian., eBay and other large booksellers banned The Turner Diaries three days after Darby's article appeared in The Times and went out to other mainstream media.

Could all that have been orchestrated by Big Tech and our media masters? You decide.

I reviewed Kelvin's book on Amazon after purchasing and reading it, but my review never appeared. Thank goodness we have our own media where we can put up what the Jew censors: viewtopic.php?f=32&t=4393
We need ethics; we need values and standards; we need a world view. And if one wants to call all of these things together a religion, then we need a religion. One might choose instead, however, to call them a philosophy of life. Whatever we call it, it must come from our own race soul: it must be an expression of the innate Aryan nature. And it must be conducive to our mission of racial progress. -Dr. William Pierce, in NATIONAL ALLIANCE MEMBERSHIP HANDBOOK
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Jim Mathias
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Re: Sins of My Father

Post by Jim Mathias » Wed Jul 28, 2021 12:54 pm

Will Williams wrote,
Kelvin will never grasp the extraordinary religion his father founded, Cosmotheism...
So Kelvin Pierce is shunning the Path his father has lighted up with his works. In the ages to come, Kelvin will have accomplished nothing and be forgotten while his sire lives on famously.

Isn't it always thus with those who offer only negations to progress?
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Re: Sins of My Father

Post by Supremely White » Fri Aug 13, 2021 6:42 am

Amazon has been infamous for censoring reviews, even of uncontroversial books and products, I should know.
I really had it with Amazon for all the BLM virtue signaling that they and too many other corporate entities pulled last year, while many of our cities burned nightly for months, while Mr. “law and order “ Trump just sat on his hands and let it go on, unabated.
Maybe this Kelvin guy is not only cashing in with anti White negativity against his father, but he could possibly be a bit sore about his first name being so popular among black guys, just a guess. He might’ve been teased about it growing up, who knows.
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Will Williams
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Re: Sins of My Father

Post by Will Williams » Fri Aug 13, 2021 8:37 am

Supremely White wrote:
Fri Aug 13, 2021 6:42 am
Amazon has been infamous for censoring reviews, even of uncontroversial books and products, I should know.
I really had it with Amazon for all the BLM virtue signaling that they and too many other corporate entities pulled last year, while many of our cities burned nightly for months, while Mr. “law and order “ Trump just sat on his hands and let it go on, unabated.
Maybe this Kelvin guy is not only cashing in with anti White negativity against his father, but he could possibly be a bit sore about his first name being so popular among black guys, just a guess. He might’ve been teased about it growing up, who knows.
Bad guess. Kelvin Pierce is simply a Sad Sack, being manipulated by who knows who to attack his dad 18 years after he died. Dr. Pierce, being a physicist when Kelvin was born, named him after the famous Physicist:
History of Kelvin Scale
In 1848, Lord Kelvin defined an absolute temperature scale based on the Carnot cycle which was later named after him as Kelvin’s absolute temperature scale. In Kelvin’s scale, the zero point is 273.15 below that of the Celsius scale. The true origin of the universe, if it had one, remains a mystery for the present and likely will remain one far into the future.
Kelvin's twin brother, Erilk was named after Norse explorer Erik the Red. That may indicate where William Pierce's head was in 1960. Odds are that few in the BLM crowd are naming their boy children Erik.

I'm not sure what that phrase "virtue signalling" means. Will you please define it for us over in the Lexicon section? You can give "BLM virtue signal" as an example.
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Re: Sins of My Father

Post by Supremely White » Sun Aug 15, 2021 4:37 am

Last year, whenever I tried to do business on many websites, especially Amazon, was that there was a banner on top of the webpage, about supporting black owned businesses. I wrote then CEO, Jeff Bezos a nasty email about how I felt about it.
Rite Aid had signs on their doors about hatred and intolerance.
This was while the blm group were doing all kinds of subversive acts of hatred.
This is what I meant by virtue signaling.
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Will Williams
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Re: Sins of My Father

Post by Will Williams » Sun Aug 15, 2021 5:55 am

Supremely White wrote:
Sun Aug 15, 2021 4:37 am
Last year, whenever I tried to do business on many websites, especially Amazon, was that there was a banner on top of the webpage, about supporting black owned businesses. I wrote then CEO, Jeff Bezos a nasty email about how I felt about it.
Rite Aid had signs on their doors about hatred and intolerance.
This was while the blm group were doing all kinds of subversive acts of hatred.
This is what I meant by virtue signaling.
We're both up early. I couldn't sleep, so I'm checking out WB. It's good to see you are also. :)

Those are good expressions of how you feel when you see all the stupid anti-White nonsense that is all around us all of the time these days. But the term "virtue signal" still doesn't tell me anything. It's like "gaslighting," or "dog whistling," Why don't people just say what they mean?

Consider channeling your anger and disgust into something more positive like joining our Alliance where you'll be with like-minded, purpose-driven kinsmen (and women) who are building a resistence movement together. Jeff Bezos will never see your complaint; Rite-Aid corporation won't change its anti-White policies.
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Re: Sins of My Father

Post by Supremely White » Sun Aug 15, 2021 6:39 am

Believe me, I had to boycott so many places it wasn’t funny. Well, a penny saved is a penny earned.

I found a nearby park last summer on a long late night walk, and the building was shut down due to the Kung flu, of course.
But there was one of those anti White signs in the window about promoting diversity and not tolerating racial hatred or implicit bias, and how that city fully supported blm.

Since city parks are public property, wouldn’t that be a nice place to stick my National Alliance Straight Pride sticker that I got with the last issue of the N.A. Bulletin? All these families take their kids there for the playground, baseball field, basketball courts, etc. So, although the gays over here are very out these days, and that city and its council members listed on the building are mostly yellow, it’s a very yuppie place, and maybe some White people there, with their family values may see the sticker before the slants in charge or the brown maintenance crew get around to removing it.

And hopefully, a few of those White people won’t be the hardcore leftists so common around here.

My own city is chock full of jews, and the foreign slants.
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Re: Sins of My Father

Post by Dan » Sat Dec 24, 2022 12:23 am

Supremely White wrote:
Fri Aug 13, 2021 6:42 am
Maybe this Kelvin guy is not only cashing in with anti White negativity against his father, but he could possibly be a bit sore about his first name being so popular among black guys, just a guess. He might’ve been teased about it growing up, who knows.
Zing! I just busted out laughing. Ha!

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