You tend towards which school?

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Will Williams
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Re: You tend towards which school?

Post by Will Williams » Thu Mar 10, 2022 4:41 pm

Steam-Powered wrote:
Thu Mar 10, 2022 12:16 am

For the past several weeks I've been listening to an episode of the ADV shows (from newest to older episodes) on my way to and from work and at least one of Dr. Pierce's talks (from the bitchute archive) at night. The topic of selfishness has been the focus of many such broadcasts and the message hit home. I've realized that "collectivism" was at the heart of my distaste for any form of socialism. You were correct, I was trying to have my cake and eat it too. Having read Ayn Rand's novels and non-fiction in the 80s, I've had a negative emotional reaction to "collectivism", seeing any such obligation as a violation of my individuality. What a bunch of nonsense, seeing where that brought us today. I've really been duped since my late 20s, kind of depressing, but at least I figured it out while I can still contribue something meaningful to our race.
Dr. Pierce pointed out that the "Soviet Jewess Rand's" collectivism was communism, whereas our collective is our race. As with Jewry, their collectivism, or group think, is the glue that holds them together, while at the same time denying us ours.

Listen to libertarian Tucker Carlson -- a member of our collective race, not theirs, sign off his FOX News TV show each night, saying he's the "sworn enemy of group think." among other things. Would that make him the sworn enemy of Jewry, or just those of us who think for our and his race? Tucker may some day become a racial loyalist, but not as long as he's in the Jew's pay.

There is a difference in individualism, or self-interest, or selfishness, if you will, and individuality, which goes more to one's character, in my opinion. As race-thinkers we do not give up our individuality, but we do shed selfish individualism in favor of our unique group.

We are an altruistic race, but that altruism needs to be redirected towards our own rather than to alien races.

Imagine what our Alliance could do with $130 million per year if gullible white Christians donated that amount to their own racial group instead of to these Jew scammers: ... r-charity/ Incidentally, commercials are run every night on Tucker Carlson Tonight, the alleged sworn enemy of group think, and on other so-called "conservative" TV networks. :lol: What exactly do these conservatives think they are conserving besides the Jewish status quo? I note that Baptist minister, politician and now Fox News contributor Mike Huckabee pitches for this fraudulent Jew charity.

So says Reverend Mike:
“I strongly believe that supporting Israel is one of the most meaningful things a believer can do. This is why I’m partnering with Israel’s most impactful relief organization, the International Fellowship of Christians and Jews.”
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Thomas S NJ
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Re: You tend towards which school?

Post by Thomas S NJ » Thu Mar 10, 2022 6:21 pm

Jim Mathias wrote:
Thu Mar 10, 2022 12:34 am
and instead of stealing from that farmer, let's offer to trade instead. I've had nothing at certain times in my life and gladly shoveled horse manure in trade for my "eggs" rather than stoop to bad character behavior. Believe it or not, that earned me high respect from the owner of those horse-stalls. We in the National Alliance must hold standards such as good character up more religiously than non-members--- others are watching us, judging.
To be absolutely clear, I'm not talking about stealing anything. The question was in economic policies, not personal morality. I was taking the position that, if necessary during the early recovery from the Jewish golem that is Weimerica, a future expressly Aryan State may need to directly move goods, and not always by trade - though I am sure a truly Aryan State would have some form of compensation for the egg farmer set up.

I am, I suppose, saying that if necessary I would not object to a goods tax.

Robert Burns
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Re: You tend towards which school?

Post by Robert Burns » Fri Mar 11, 2022 9:13 pm

Steam-Powered wrote:
Thu Mar 10, 2022 12:16 am
Riley wrote:
Mon Feb 21, 2022 7:24 pm
This is all I was saying, that there are real situations where such policies can become necessary, not that it's ideal or that it should be the norm for government to override individual rights. So now you contradict yourself, because before you said you don't care at all about the circumstances, as your consent is more important than any other consideration. That is pure individualism, and as the Alliance is collectivist, this is what I took issue with. Now you seem to be saying something different.
For the past several weeks I've been listening to an episode of the ADV shows (from newest to older episodes) on my way to and from work and at least one of Dr. Pierce's talks (from the bitchute archive) at night. The topic of selfishness has been the focus of many such broadcasts and the message hit home. I've realized that "collectivism" was at the heart of my distaste for any form of socialism. You were correct, I was trying to have my cake and eat it too. Having read Ayn Rand's novels and non-fiction in the 80s, I've had a negative emotional reaction to "collectivism", seeing any such obligation as a violation of my individuality. What a bunch of nonsense, seeing where that brought us today. I've really been duped since my late 20s, kind of depressing, but at least I figured it out while I can still contribue something meaningful to our race.

Charles Murray's "Facing Reality" was a wake-up call for me. He puts all the facts about racial intelligence (IQ distributions) and crime rates on the table in just 125 pages (plus online documentation for those wanting more data and references). That book, Buchanan's "The Unecessary War", and a few others I've read over the past few months (I'm currently reading "Hitler's Revolution") have convinced me that I've been deluded for decades. Over the past week I've worked through the cognitive dissonance and came to the conclusion that the only appropriate economic system is whatever is best for the White race. As we are inherintly racial beings, the NSDAP makes the most sense. This is a major shift in my values and it feels liberating.

I really appreciate everybody's participation on this thread, it's been very helpful.
I'm glad some of what I said was helpful.

Since you are interested in economics, something that I found interesting as I was first learning about National Socialism was a book I found called Manifesto for the Abolition of Interest-Slavery by Gottfried Feder. ... -feder.pdf
Volumes of books have been written on the 3rd Reich and the Second World War that deal primarily with
Adolf Hitler, his generals, the War, or other “exciting” tangents from the European Theater in that period
of time. However I doubt that the families of the millions of men and boys who died in that tragedy known
as WWII would refer to any of it as “exciting,” and this publisher would be in agreement with them. What
is often left out of these books are the core principles and foundations of National-Socialism (Nazism) that
got Hitler elected and brought Germany out of the depression before any other affected nation had.

Adolf Hitler’s economic system – heavily influenced by the genius of Gottfried Feder – was unlike anything
the world had ever seen, and it worked better than anyone predicted at the time. National-Socialist
economics were of pivotal importance to Hitler’s government, but those policies are sadly very poorly
understood today for a variety of reasons, including the aforementioned lack of “excitement” surrounding
economic policies of 70+ years ago on the other side of the world.
As the reader will soon come to
understand, “breaking the bondage of interest-slavery” was strongly emphasized, though most Americans
have never considered the idea of life without interest on a house or car payment. Gottfried Feder
discusses this in his Manifesto, and almost all of what he says in it applies today as it did in 1919. Some
authors and Nazi sympathizers have even suggested that if Germany’s brilliant economic ideas had spread
to other nations, this would soon lead to the end of endless profits and power for the banksters, and hence
the need for the Allied powers to bring Germany to her knees.
I can understand why a lot of people don't find this stuff very fascinating or practically useful to our current situation, but I see no reason why that means those of us who are naturally interested shouldn't learn about and discuss economics, particularly NS economics, because the economic policies of NS Germany are largely why it became such a great threat to the globalist empire. Often it is said the the Jewish control of the media is the key to their power, and it certainly is key, but the real key is their control of massive capital which allows them to create and maintain such media monopolies in the first place, and they acquire this capital primarily via interest-slavery on a global scale.

Another good book is The Creature from Jekyll Island. It doesn't name the Jews, but it does a great job of explaining how this awful system of economic slavery really works. It is largely focused on the Federal Reserve banking cartel, which essentially grants the Jews the power to steal everyone's money at will while hiding this theft behind all sorts of smoke and mirrors.

This is a bit of a tangent, but I really hate the term "wealth transfer". If a guy picks your pocket, are you going to tell others later that night about how you "experienced a large wealth transfer" today? I mean, come on. It's technically true, but it completely leaves out the fact that a guy intentionally took your money without your permission, and I'd say that's an important part of the story. One might even call it pillaging or plundering on this scale, but "wealth transfer"? This is why I think people should give a little more importance to the understanding economics, so they can see through bullshit like this. The Jews benefit from this "discussing economics is pointless" attitude in a big way. I'm not advocating getting into the weeds about hypothetical policies so much as I'm advocating that we understand basic economic theory and how the current systems work.

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Will Williams
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Re: You tend towards which school?

Post by Will Williams » Sun Mar 13, 2022 12:59 pm

Steam-Powered wrote:
Thu Mar 03, 2022 11:19 pm

Yep, I've been a die-hard libertarian for many years. Over the past month, though, I've listened to dozens of ADV broadcasts and read many articles from National Vanguard on economics and National Socialism ("Hitler's Revolution is on my short-list, per your recommendation), forcing me to re-examine my values regarding individualism. The cognitive dissonance I've experienced is throught the roof!
Being deprogrammed from the status quo is not always without pain, but necessary. Most of us wereconditioned to be "live and let live" libertarians growing up -- even William Pierce, until he woke up and began critically analyzing what was going on around him through responsible White eyes.

I receive emails from Dr. Virginia Abernethy who is an expert in demographics and "one of us," if not quite as radical. You might appreciate this mention by another of her correspondents that she passed on about dealing with cognitive dissonance on just one aspect of the the Chinese virus question:

Takes a Strong Mind to Handle Cognitive Dissonance

Abernethy, Virginia Deane
Sat, Mar 12, 8:54 AM (23 hours ago)
to Virginia

If you believe everything you've been told about Covid treatments and Covid deaths, please don't read this. Might be unsettling. ... 4JPw%3D%3D

The Truth Is Coming Out About COVID Deaths
Hospitals receive payments for testing every patient for COVID, every COVID diagnosis and every 'COVID death,' as well ...
Additionally, I don't want to interfere with any hospital profit center. Heaven knows they need the money.

Epoch Times is a conservative newspaper that people have sent to our National Office, trying to influence us -- certainly better than Jew-controlled "legacy" periodicals but is "weak soup," compared to what our National Alliance advocates. I've heard the Chinese have much influence behind Epoch Times, so don't expect it to actually be very pro-White.
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Re: You tend towards which school?

Post by UncensoredDeutsch » Sun Mar 13, 2022 11:23 pm

Heil Everyone,

Great discussion thread!

To be honest, I didn't have any interest in finances or economics until I found out the truth and why so that sparked an interest for me because I could easily see how it would be important to have this understanding and knowledge for when the time comes for us to re-organize.

I have thought about bartering / trade, and I have thought that we, as a People, should be thinking about pooling our money together in buying and setting up farms, businesses & even ports to trade & move goods around the country as well as other European Nations.

We should think about strategic spots around the country and European Nations of where it would benefit us the best.

How the Asians do it; they live collectively in a house and they work together to pay this first house off, then they get another house and do the same and on and on. Same can be applied for businesses, farms, anything really.

So why don't we take this concept and do the same for ourselves?

I definitely understand Steam-Power's angst about collectivism and individualism. I have appreciated the in depth discussions!

Thank you!

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Re: You tend towards which school?

Post by RCavallius » Wed May 11, 2022 4:25 pm

Riley wrote:
Mon Feb 21, 2022 9:28 pm
I just wanted to add, I don't really want to get into a big argument about this. I just have little patience for people misconstruing what I'm saying. I enjoy discussing questions like this, but not if we're going to stay stuck talking about things like the fact that drug addicts should not be rewarded for their behavior. That should be obvious to anyone with half a brain cell, so I don't appreciate being talked to like I don't already know that.
I agree 100%. There are a lot of good books that one can read about National Socialism to get an idea of how the German government sought to restructure their economy. I'm totally on board with National Socialist economics, although, of course, such a system was not fully worked out by our predecessors because of the war.

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Jim Mathias
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Re: You tend towards which school?

Post by Jim Mathias » Fri Jun 10, 2022 11:50 am

californiasurviving wrote:
Fri Jun 10, 2022 1:39 am
To me, a free market does best in our White world since we’re the most genius race to ever live. Giving the choices and freedom to do what one is best at (entertainment, STEM industry, services, etc) without the heavy hand of the government is a system that gives people the confidence of a system.

However, I am sometimes worried what one would define as ‘harming’ the race as a reason to chill speech and lower productivity in the fear of being under the radar of this future government. Sure, I believe we should do our best to be promoting White interests first and foremost and use the power of that government to actively discourage anti-White degeneracy, but we ought to be careful if we want to regain our freedoms and bring back a trusting society of healthy collectivism while bringing the best of our individualism that is so key to our creativity in all parts of life. Degeneracy will always be with us, whether that be in the markets or in lifestyle.
A "free market" or organized and platformed "free speech" needs and should get supervision and guidance for any anti-White racially harmful activity being conducted. But aren't these issues the type to be addressed after the authority of a state be gained over any territory? Talk of what any future White government will or should do seems distracting as we have more important things that need doing rather than this.
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Re: You tend towards which school?

Post by RCavallius » Fri Jun 10, 2022 12:13 pm

Jim Mathias wrote:
Fri Jun 10, 2022 11:50 am
A "free market" or organized and platformed "free speech" needs and should get supervision and guidance for any anti-White racially harmful activity being conducted. But aren't these issues the type to be addressed after the authority of a state be gained over any territory? Talk of what any future White government will or should do seems distracting as we have more important things that need doing rather than this.
I've never been an advocate of free speech or the so-called "free market," although I think private enterprise is great. I agree with you across the board, Jim.

Another potential problem of getting too deep into the weeds on the specifics of the post-revolutionary society is that we may not all agree on those specifics. That's fine, but it could lead to arguments and dissension about stuff that is basically irrelevant at this point in time, which is obviously counterproductive.

We don't know when the next racial state will come about. We might all be dead before it does - although, it goes without saying that I hope we aren't! So, it is harmful to the Alliance to allow hostile debates over these matters. I'm all for open discussions about this stuff, because I think they've got value as long as they don't turn into petty squabbling, but we definitely have to keep in mind that our job today is to lay the foundations upon which future Alliance men and women can build. The National Alliance of the future will be tasked with working out these problems in detail, and if we do our jobs today, they will have everything they need to successfully carry out that task.

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