PC Culture Infecting Construction Industry

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PC Culture Infecting Construction Industry

Post by Tomcat » Wed May 11, 2022 3:13 pm

I work in the industrial construction industry. This was previously an industry that had remained untouched by political correctness. All of this has changed. I was recently working for a maintenance contractor inside a chemical plant. I had done well on the job and had few problems, except for one Hispanic kid that was almost half my age. He had moved to the deep south from Chicago, and was a young punk. He was married to a white girl, and wanted everyone to know it. We never cared for each other, because he always had something smart @$$ to say, and tried to intimidate people because he was from a big city. We got into a verbal altercation one day when I tried to close the shop door when it was below freezing temperature, while for some reason, he wanted it open. He began threatening me and I attempted to walk off. He then followed me and started the altercation up again, threatening to come to my house or jump me at the store. I warned him that I was armed and would use deadly force if necessary. He finally walked off. Later, he went and complained to the boss that I used a racist slur. I don't really remember if I did, but after telling my side of the story, we were both fired. After 90 days, he was rehired, but I wasn't.

This has become an almost endless story in America. The corporations, out of fear of being branded racist are costing people their jobs. This was a self defense situation, yet the corporate state isn't concerned about our rights. They seem to dictate what people are allowed to say and not say at work. If you make a racist comment, that violates someone's civil rights. But not allowing someone to make that comment violates his right to free speech, which they aren't concerned about. Self-Determination is going to be impossible until we get rid of the massive corporate monopolies that are controlling speech and thought, and we can begin creating small businesses that made the country great.

Welcome back to the cause, Tomcat, and to WB forum. Please introduce yourself in the introduction section, after reading forum rules. You sound to me like you'll be a worthy edition here.

I removed the ebonic word "woke" in your subject title, and substituted "PC" since you mentioned that term in your text. It means the same thing but is not Negroidal. I also capitalized White because that is standard with NA when referring to our race -- though in that case the white girl in question married a mud man so we can make an exception and use lower case white to describe the sorry-assed strumpet.

We have no means to eliminate powerful and corrupt corporate culture, but what we can control as individuals is to never be one of corporate or government's employees with their anti-White policies, like you have described. Either become independent in your employment or work for an employer who is independent and preferably pro-White. Surely you should be able to do that in Georgia, if in residential construction rather than for an asshole commercial corporation like you were fired from. If not, relocate if you can to where you are not subjected to such crap.

Georgia politics ain't what they used to be.

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Will Williams
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Re: PC Culture Infecting Construction Industry

Post by Will Williams » Wed May 11, 2022 4:08 pm

Welcome back to the cause, Tomcat, and to WB forum. Please introduce yourself in the introduction section, after reading forum rules. You sound to me like you'll be a worthy edition here.

I removed the ebonic word "woke" in your subject title, and substituted "PC" since you mentioned that term in your text. It means the same thing but is not Negroidal. I also capitalized White because that is standard with NA when referring to our race -- though in that case the white girl in question married a mud man so we can make an exception and use lower case white to describe the sorry-assed strumpet.

We have no means to eliminate powerful and corrupt corporate culture, but what we can control as individuals is to never be one of corporate or government's employees with their anti-White policies, like you have described. Either become independent in your employment or work for an employer who is independent and preferably pro-White. Surely you should be able to do that in Georgia, if in residential construction rather than for an asshole commercial corporation like you were fired from. If not, relocate if you can to where you are not subjected to such crap.

Georgia politics ain't what they used to be.
If Whites insist on participating in "social media," do so on ours, not (((theirs))). Like us on WhiteBiocentrism.com; follow us on NationalVanguard.org. ᛉ

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Re: PC Culture Infecting Construction Industry

Post by Tomcat » Sat May 14, 2022 10:28 pm

Will Williams wrote:
Wed May 11, 2022 4:08 pm

Welcome back to the cause, Tomcat, and to WB forum. Please introduce yourself in the introduction section, after reading forum rules. You sound to me like you'll be a worthy edition here.

I removed the ebonic word "woke" in your subject title, and substituted "PC" since you mentioned that term in your text. It means the same thing but is not Negroidal. I also capitalized White because that is standard with NA when referring to our race -- though in that case the white girl in question married a mud man so we can make an exception and use lower case white to describe the sorry-assed strumpet.

We have no means to eliminate powerful and corrupt corporate culture, but what we can control as individuals is to never be one of corporate or government's employees with their anti-White policies, like you have described. Either become independent in your employment or work for an employer who is independent and preferably pro-White. Surely you should be able to do that in Georgia, if in residential construction rather than for an asshole commercial corporation like you were fired from. If not, relocate if you can to where you are not subjected to such crap.

Georgia politics ain't what they used to be.
I'm at a loss for words about my situation. On this same job, I saw a guy (who worked for the same contractor) de-rail a rail car inside the plant and it cost $50,000 for the plant to get the car put back on the tracks. He wasn't fired. I get accused of calling somebody a wetback, and I'm fired and blackballed. This is madness. Freedom in America is non existent!

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