Russian News

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Wolf Stoner
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Re: Russian News

Post by Wolf Stoner » Tue Dec 14, 2021 2:52 pm

Thomas S NJ wrote:
Mon Dec 13, 2021 11:42 am
I'm very concerned that said saber-rattling has now placed nuclear first strike on the table. That this was even considered by the American congress is appalling. I don't know the state of these discussions as of yet; my hope is that the liberals that currently dominate the legislative bodies exercise some consistency for once and shut down that sort of talk, but hoping for consistency from liberals is a vain hope indeed. Has anyone heard any further information on this? I have only a brief snippet from a conversation with my brother about it and haven't yet been able to confirm it.

I am also curious about the Alliance's position on Russia and Russians. I have a number of Russian acquaintances (I have recently begun to train in Systema) and while they have some amusing ideas about Hitler and National-Socialism, they seem to otherwise have their heads on straight especially about the state of America today. As I see it unless corrected on this view, I cannot help but believe that this present bellicosity towards Russia is a case of the Jews goading us into yet another suicidal brother war, using the United States military to once more slaughter millions of White folk. That the target of this hate is a White nation that has regained a sense of blood-and-soil nationalism (I suggest reading a translation of the Russian Federation's national anthem if you get a chance; I find it positively beautiful!) is a fact I cannot ignore in this. The echoes to the past here are chilling indeed.
Here is the link to Patrick Slattery's program on RBN: https://www.republicbroadcastingarchive ... -slattery/
He has a very interesting outlook on world events. He is definitely pro-Russian. I disagree with his pro-Putin stance, but otherwise, he is very objective and trustworthy. He covers current events as well as some historical and philosophical issues. You can gain much information about Russia and related issues from his programs.

I highly recommend to everyone these two videos with Mark Weber. He and Frodi Midjord discuss the most important aspects of WW2:

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Re: Russian News

Post by Thomas S NJ » Tue Dec 14, 2021 8:43 pm

Thanks, Wolf, for those links. I'm working my way through the interview streams as I find the time.

In the mean time, I was inspired by what Chairman Williams wrote to try to do what I can about this current issue. I created the following meme and made it public on imgflip which is one of the few social media(ish) sites I have any active account on.
pepperidgeantinuke.jpg (69.88 KiB) Viewed 15367 times
I also just created this and was thinking of putting up on the bulletin boards in my apartment building complex. It seems a little wordy to me, and I don't expect much ground to be gained by writing congressmen but the politicians aren't the real aim here, are they?
no first strike.png
no first strike.png (203.88 KiB) Viewed 15367 times
They're generic and don't really speak to the Alliance's mission in any overt way, but I think it's something to start getting out there at any rate...

Thomas S NJ
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Re: Russian News

Post by Thomas S NJ » Wed Dec 15, 2021 10:39 am

...of course, it would probably be better if I could remember WW2 was closer to eighty than sixty years ago. That is a bit embarrassing and I'm glad that was just my first draft.

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Wolf Stoner
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Re: Russian News

Post by Wolf Stoner » Wed Dec 15, 2021 11:55 am

It is very important to emphasize the anti-war component. It is bound to be popular. It is always more advantageous to be anti-war than pro-war. And we should exploit this theme in full. Definitely, you in United States should always remind others about Nagasaki and Hiroshima nuclear bombings. People somehow forget it and even prefer to think that it was necessary, when in truth it had absolutely no purpose except of demonstrating to the world the supremacy of American imperialism. It would be a great job if you spread this information among normies (mainstream people), who are impervious to our open racial message, but are susceptible to such kind of anti-war propaganda. It would be good to incorporate the most striking images of the aftermath of nuclear bombing in such posters. Anyway, I think that you are on the right track.

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Will Williams
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Re: Russian News

Post by Will Williams » Wed Dec 15, 2021 12:05 pm

Wolf Stoner wrote:
Tue Dec 14, 2021 2:52 pm
Here is the link to Patrick Slattery's program on RBN: https://www.republicbroadcastingarchive ... -slattery/
He has a very interesting outlook on world events. He is definitely pro-Russian. I disagree with his pro-Putin stance, but otherwise, he is very objective and trustworthy. He covers current events as well as some historical and philosophical issues. You can gain much information about Russia and related issues from his programs. [/quote]

Dr. Slatterly and his guest lost me from his "traditional" opening message of Merrry Christmas to their listeners. I suppose, being an Alliance purist, that I just don't have the patience to listen to all that talk and ads and music to find what information may be new or useful. There was much I question or actually disagree with from them. I get much more from a few minutes of reading what you write without all the distraction.
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Will Williams
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Re: Russian News

Post by Will Williams » Wed Dec 15, 2021 12:32 pm

Thomas S NJ wrote:
Tue Dec 14, 2021 8:43 pm

They're generic and don't really speak to the Alliance's mission in any overt way, but I think it's something to start getting out there at any rate...
You make nice graphic images but they do noting that would lead anyone to NA. I have no idea what the Pepperidge Farms reference is, and suggesting that people write or call their anti-White congressmen with an anti-war message is next to worthless.

America is the most bellicose nation on earth and has been for 100 years and more. Its military should only be used in defense, not offensively.

We don't need to reinvent the wheel. NA has lots of free graphics available here that lead folks to our sites:

We have a new QR sticker that's not been put up on that site yet, but will be shortly. Meanwhile, this may or may not link to it: ... 79ff4211c1
You'll receive two of these stickers by First Class Mail, inserted in this next issue of our BULETIN.
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Wolf Stoner
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Re: Russian News

Post by Wolf Stoner » Wed Dec 15, 2021 3:58 pm

Will Williams wrote:
Wed Dec 15, 2021 12:05 pm

Dr. Slatterly and his guest lost me from his "traditional" opening message of Merrry Christmas to their listeners. I suppose, being an Alliance purist, that I just don't have the patience to listen to all that talk and ads and music to find what information may be new or useful. There was much I question or actually disagree with from them. I get much more from a few minutes of reading what you write without all the distraction.
Yes, I fully agree in regard to “merry christmas” and advertisements. His music preferences I dislike too (I prefer classical music, mainly Bach). But people need to have some daily programs that could be listened to. I listen Patrick Slattery mainly when commuting to work and back. Some of his programs are good but some are not. It is the case with all radio hosts. Patrick is mostly secular but his cohost Jeremy is hardline christian with little hope of cure. But in other respects they have correct understanding of current affairs. For example, they are utterly hostile toward all COVID restrictions and uncompromisingly oppose the aggressive US foreign policy. All in all, it is the best of all available daily radio shows.
I have stopped listening mainstream radio a few years ago, because it is too disgusting. In earlier years I have listened regularly BBC radio and Voice of America. They were more or less informative and interesting yet 10-15 years ago but now it is a worthless trash. Especially revolting is the ever increasing number of congoids and Asians among mainstream radio and TV correspondents. These subhumans can't even speak properly, let alone to say something clever or original. The intellectual level of all western mass media has decreased drastically. Even Tucker Carlson is too mainstream in his views and style; sometimes he expresses some good ideas, but it is all spoiled by his constant regurgitation of the holy American dogmas about “our constitution”, “Lincoln”, “our victory against Nazism” and other stale and empty platitudes, which are not better than the obnoxious Soviet slogans.
Comparing with this overall mainstream trash, Patrick's programs are the best option. Certainly, his level is far below this of the Kevin Alfred Strom's weekly programs, but these are very different categories. KAS's programs are, essentially, the religious sermons with high level of spiritual and intellectual content. He deals with eternal matters, not day to day politics. Everyone does best what he is able to. There are people who are better at talking about daily issues and there are few of those who are better at thinking about eternal matters. I enjoy Kevin's style and intellectual approach very much. His abilities in this regard are unparalleled. His last program about genetic racial origin was superb; I eagerly await the second part.

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Will Williams
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Re: Russian News

Post by Will Williams » Wed Dec 15, 2021 5:47 pm

Thomas Cole wrote: ↑Wed Sep 15, 2021 5:19 pm We should do a weekly podcast on our Odyssey channel to cover headlines and other relevant topics from our unique perspective. Our friends at NF do a fine job getting the younger generation interested. Their podcast is fantastic.
What are your thoughts?
I know very little about podcasts, but keep hearing how effective they can be for reaching the Internet savvy younger generation. They haven't been working much for us or we'd see many more responsible Whites joining NA.

I have never been on any social media, including Telegram and Odyssey. I have an aversion to using what we can't control ourselves. If NA does a podcast, I'd hope we can control it, not some outfit that will remove our work or ban us.

I listened to Dr. Slattery's podcast this morning, recommended by Wolf Stoner in this WB "Russian News" topic. it failed to hold my attention -- struck me early on as being Christian conservative so I tuned it out for the most part as being mere background noise. I suppose I'm spoiled rotten by William Pierce's purposeful talks that were carefully scripted and read by him, and now archived to this day by his NA for generations, young and old.

I was once told that my problem is that I'm too hung up on pro-White orthodoxy. I suppose I am. I took that as a compliment and not a "problem." Our Alliance must hold a near-uncompromising hard line. The Slatterys of the "Movement" must eventually come our way, not we theirs.

I'd like to see Douglas Mercer's scripted essays from NV, -- nearly 100 of them so far -- read by a strong male voice as our podcast, and preserved in our archive, much as we've archived Pierce's. His work is as powerful as Pierce's, except topical, dealing with what's going on around us TODAY. He also promotes NA from time to time. I believe Mr. Mercer will not object to that use of his work. We have talent enough now to produce professional podcasts using his hard-hitting material.

What are your thoughts, Thomas? Might you spearhead a project like that for us if you think it is valid?
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Wolf Stoner
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Re: Russian News

Post by Wolf Stoner » Thu Dec 16, 2021 12:00 pm

Will Williams wrote:
Wed Dec 15, 2021 5:47 pm

I was once told that my problem is that I'm too hung up on pro-White orthodoxy. I suppose I am. I took that as a compliment and not a "problem." Our Alliance must hold a near-uncompromising hard line. The Slatterys of the "Movement" must eventually come our way, not we theirs.

I fully agree with chairman Williams' assessment. Yes, NA should be hardline and principled. The basic ideas are immutable. The true national leaders should lead the crowd, not follow it. The ultimate victory belongs to the most radical elements, even if it is not obvious at the start. Yes, we should be concerned more about quality, not quantity.

But there are many mainstream people who become inclined to nationalist outlook. They are not radical but they are susceptible to the mild version of racial message. These people, whose personality is thoroughly mainstream in all other respects, would adhere to those who resonate with them. And such men like David Duke, Patrick Slattery, Erick Striker, Jared Taylor are very good in this regard. They have the innate ability to communicate with mainstream people. Reagan had such qualities and Trump has. David Duke is even more able than Trump and could be the president of USA if he lived 100 years earlier.

And we can't compare such politicians and public figures with the special kind of men belonging to the very rare category of philosophical-religious leaders. William Luther Pierce can't be compared to any other politician of his time, because he operated in different dimension. I like the concept of theocracy as such; the political system like the one existing in Iran (it doesn't mean that I like Islam). I suppose that this concept of supreme spiritual leader – the real head of society who stands above formal state authorities – should be implemented in the future White State. Everything is ready for such a project. The new White Racial religion takes shape and in a few decades time should become a real factor in social affairs. But its ultimate triumph is possible only after huge social upheavals and collapse of the existing political system. And it will be then, in time of the harshest tribulations, when our religion and our ideas could gain overwhelming support, because there will be no choice; either people adopt our mindset and fight their way through all mortal dangers, or they remain these contemptible weaklings and die out ignominious deaths, trampled and humiliated by savages of all shades of brown. Yes, the majority is sure to die out; but the best part will adhere to our ideas. There is no other way.

But in the meantime we should reckon with reality on the ground. We are an insignificant minority that can't have any appreciable influence on social affairs. We have neither numbers nor money to advance our cause on political level. The stupefied masses of TV watchers are unable to even comprehend what we are speaking about; even the majority of Trump supporters are little better than all others. Yes, they started to understand that something has gone wrong but they are unable to see the root causes. It is virtually impossible to explain to them that Christianity is the ultimate source of everything that is now happening in society. If Jesus lived now, he would surely hold the placard “refugees welcome”. It is laughable when supposedly nationalist leaders try to use Christianity as a foundation for their worldview. But let them do it for some time; the hard reality will sort out everything. Certainly, in the future, when real events come, the Christian faction should not be allowed to take supreme power, because it would entail disaster for the whole cause. But at present, this question about Christianity should be put aside. The time is not ripe. Christianity should discredit itself yet more in the eyes of White People before it could be pushed from the cliff.

You put it perfectly saying that “The Slatterys of the "Movement" must eventually come our way, not we theirs". It can't be said more eloquently. But as I said, the mainstream people are more likely to relate to such men, than to us. RBN, David Duke, Jared Taylor – are perfect for the newcomers to the cause; to those who yet yesterday were the average mainstream sheeple, but gradually started to see that everything goes down around them. And at this moment it is important that racial message in its soft version would be introduced in their minds. Eventually, some of those people would grow to the level of WLP ideas. The point is that it is almost impossible to take an average mainstream person and introduce him to our ideas; his mind would be overloaded and he would revolt, because his brain is too contaminated with jewish lies. This process should go on gradually. And the above mentioned people are doing their job well.

I like the idea of National Alliance podcast. Douglas Mercer's style would be perfect for such thing. But it shouldn't be mere reading of articles. People like live conversations. Frodi Midjord is good at it. I think that something of this kind should be attempted.

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Wolf Stoner
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Re: Russian News

Post by Wolf Stoner » Tue Dec 21, 2021 1:50 pm

It is a theoretic article that deals with some abstract questions. The case of study is the United States of America but all conclusions found here are equally relevant for all other white countries, with minor adjustments to local realities. This article is intended exclusively for our people, that is for racially aware White People not afflicted by Christian mental virus. I am against open confrontation with Christians at present, because it would be utterly counterproductive. But we should clearly understand that at some point in the future the conflict is inevitable and inescapable. And not because of our intolerance, but because of the inherent Christian obsession with dominance. Christianity is a protocommunism or communism is a gain-of function mutation of Christianity. In any case, it is the most dangerous virus that had ever emerged among people. Christians are never content with what they have. They always want to “spread the word of god”; that means to expand their dominance and to annihilate all those who think differently. Therefore, the conflict with Christians isn’t something that non-christians want, but something that Christians provoke by their very nature. If given political power, they would not tolerate White non-christian racial groups; they would ban them, killing all those who persists. To prevent this from happening again with our people, the Christian faction should be held in check for the time being with eventual diminishing of their influence to the acceptable level (when they are not more than a band of cranks in a cellar). They should not be forbidden of practicing their insanity, but this insanity should be forever excluded from influencing any affairs among White People. Therefore, this seemingly secondary question about Christianity, happens to be at the center of all other questions; and without solving this problem, it would be impossible to deal effectively with all other problems.

The civil war or race war?
The fact that there is going to be an internal war in America is undeniable and ever more widely understood. If only a few decades ago it was almost inconceivable for absolute majority of people, now, even mainstream crowd starts to see what is to come. The level of internal social tension has reached such a point, that there can’t be any peaceful solution. And even if it was yet possible to pacify the situation, the system has no intention of doing this. The ruling “elite” operates under the spell of their own perceived greatness and invincibility, therefore, they don’t think that there is any need to compromise with their opponents. They are sure of their ultimate success and perceive current events as the final dash to their goal of global dominance.

Yes, the ruling class and their paid minions are the main force at present. They have the most potent factors of power under their control; therefore, they can dictate their will to all other stratums of population. But any power is conditional and limited, even the most tyrannical power. The very concept of “absolute power” is somewhat misleading. No one and never had an absolute power. Any power depends on some other factors. And it is especially true about ZOG in USA.

The whole system had been able to emerge and to endure for many decades because of the single most important factor – the economic superiority of America in the world and high living standards of its population. It was the glue that held together this whole motley crowd. Everyone comes to America with a desire to earn big bucks. But to attain this “sublime” goal the newcomers were required to meet some criteria. In the last few decades the main criterion was an adherence to the liberal ideological creed (“tolerance”, “equality”, “diversity”, LGBT). Even if you disagreed with this trash, you should have been quiet about it. It was an implicit trade-off between the system and its subjects. The subjects pretended to agree with the whole set of ideological nonsense and the system provided its subjects with opportunities to earn big bucks.

But since George W Bush presidency, this seemingly perfect scheme started to crumble. The ability of the system to provide an unparalleled level of prosperity started to diminish. The decline of living standards of American middle class, initially perceived as temporary difficulties, turned out to be the ever accelerating trend. The white middle class was set on the path of transformation into proletariat on the par with newcoming bipedal creatures from the third world. It is the main idea of the ruling “elite”. They want to see the White People socially lowered to the level of incoming black-brown slaves. The whole fuss about “equality” and “equity” is about this ultimate goal. The White People are supposed to accept this humiliation as a “new normal”.

The process of this thorough social transformation has sharply accelerated since 2016, turning the whole country into chaos in 2020. It was the year of revelation. The year when even the mainstream white crowd started to see that the system wants them out. After this realization that the old implicit concord of “political loyalty in exchange for prosperity” isn’t valid anymore, some segments of white population started on the path of political radicalization. And it is absolutely predictable and inevitable. The rulers knew that it was sure to come; therefore, their whole narrative about “domestic terrorism”, “bigotry”, “neo-Nazi threat” was ready beforehand. But the naive white disenchanted crowds didn’t know this. Their thought process was a captive of the historical text-book patterns of 1776. It is why this whole event of 6th of January has taken place. It was, actually, a ridiculous failure, judging in retrospect. This white crowd not only failed to attain their limited goals, but exposed its weakness and total lack of understanding of the root causes of what happens with their country. They really thought (and continue to think) that Zionist puppet Trump is their national leader and savior and that he would lead them, like George Washington, to the new heights of glory and greatness. An unforgivable folly. The result of multigenerational mental degradation due to opulent lifestyle; and especially due to poisonous effects of Hollywood. People lost the ability of critical thinking. Their minds operate according to the prefabricated false patterns, inserted in their minds by media and education. Very few can break through these mental fences.

Yes, the process of understanding and realization of the fact that America is in the process of disintegration, have greatly accelerated, but we should not hope that it would lead millions of mainstream white people to the full realization of what is really going on in the world. It is sure to remain beyond their mental scope. Yes, they now understand that everything is falling apart, but they are not able to see the whole situation as it is. Therefore, all hopes that white masses would wake up and realize their racial identity and destiny should be discarded as unrealistic. We should not delude ourselves, because false hopes lead to bad results. In contrast to the deluded white simpletons of 6th of January, we should act according to logical considerations. Any futile hopes and wishful thinking should be put aside. Let others wander on those barren lands of mainstream politics. We should be above this.
But when I say that we should be above mainstream politics, it doesn’t mean that we should sever ourselves from what is going on in society. Not at all. On the contrary. We should be active in the most crucial aspects of these events.

The most important thing in any war is to gain clear understanding of what is going on; to map the battlefield, so ta say. The better we are able to do it, the greater are chances for long-term success. The unforgivable folly is to rush into political traps like Charlottesville or 6th of January events. It should be noted, that the system was only partially successful in making those traps. Far from all nationalists have participated in Charlottesville events; the Capitol Hill protest was an exclusively a mainstream crowd affair. Almost all notable people from nationalist and traditionalist side had warned their followers against participating in it. But the system was so stupid as to try to present this event as some kind of “Nazi riot”. It was a grave mistake. By doing this, they themselves destroy the potency of those magical words “Nazis”, “white supremacists”, “racists”, that were so useful for many decades in averting mainstream public from following the true path. Now, when this whole bugaboo of “Nazism” is destroyed by their own overdose of this nonsense, they have greatly reduced their ability to manipulate public perceptions of reality. The nature of the system is obvious for all now. The funny episode with this stupid reporter with her immortal “let’s go Brandon” has exposed the basic idea of this whole system. It always lies and always tries to shout-out the reality by flagrant falsehoods. From Woodrow Wilson and Franklin Roosevelt to Bush and Biden this system always operated by lies and deceptions. Nothing else should be expected from it. The clever people of the past have understood it always. But now it has become obvious even for mainstream simpletons.
But, this understanding of the mainstream crowd has very limited scope and depth. Yes, they understand that something bad goes on and even that their beloved United States, probably, are going to fall apart. But very little beyond this.
This fact entails much of what is to come and why we should be very cautious in our estimates.
First of all, we should think long-term, as WLP taught. This very precept puts us far apart from all others, including those politicians who try to play nationalist card.

The long-term planning presupposes the ability to see beyond immediate events. Therefore, our focus should be shifted toward what comes after USA collapsed. But before it, we should remain neutral, because all these social squabbles of Trump versus Biden style have nothing to do with our goals. We should prepare to what comes next.

And now enters the main question of this article: what kind of war would flare up after USA is no more? The race war or the civil war? Many people on our side tend to entertain too many hopes on the seemingly inevitable race war. Yes, the undeniable fact is that in the long run the racial identity will be the most important factor in determining all conflicts with ultimate triumph of only one racial type; it is inevitable. But to see the distant mountain peaks is one thing but actually reaching them is another thing. Yes, all of us can understand the overall outline of what is to come. But the problem is that many idealists fail to see the whole multitude of events and difficulties that stand between our present and our distant goals.

The best teacher of reality is history. We should read history as much as possible; it is sure to help us to gain deeper understanding of events and to free our minds from dangerous delusions and wishful thinking.

What is the most important lesson of history in the last two centuries? The primary lesson is that the main enemy of the White People are white people. It were not amerindians or negroes who devastated America in 1861-65; it were not Maori or Amazon tribesmen who massacred millions of young white men in the trenches of the First World War and who imposed the most unjust peace conditions on their own racial brethren; it were not Pygmies or Zulu who incinerated cities, killed millions of civilians and POWs and plundered everything of value in Europe in 1944-45. Yes, all of this was done by whites. By white untermenshen, I would add.
What is important to see now is that absolute majority of modern white mainstream crowd are of the similar sort. They are white but they are untermenshen by their spiritual qualities. They are of little value for the White Race in its true sense. And this fact goes far beyond from the idea that they are simply “deceived people but otherwise good”. I would not give this crowd such a generous estimation. They are who they are. We should stop imagining something that doesn’t exist. As saying goes: If it looks like a duck, swims like a duck, and quacks like a duck, then, it probably is a duck. The minds of mainstream people were soaked with mental poison for generations and there are very few who preserved the ability of independent logical thinking. And I am sure that these half-mad masses will constitute the main problem in the events that will ensue after USA have collapsed.

What do I mean? Whether it will be not these black-brown gangs who would surely terrorize and kill white people when all authority has vanished? Yes, it is sure to be. Millions of white people would die in these massacres. No doubts about this. But this is not the main problem.
The main problem are the whites with poisoned minds who are majority. And they are sure to transfer their delusions into the new historical epoch.

First of all we need to divide the post-USA population into two groups: those who will die out without fighting and those who will fight. We have no interest in the first category, no one has. They are as good as dead. They will be the primary target of the roving negro gangs, which would take from them the ultimate “reparations for slavery”. But the second part – those who would fight – are of primary importance for us, because it will be them who will determine the future cause of events.

Who are those people? What can we expect from them and how many of them are really useful for our long-term goals?
We can do a rough analysis of these people by looking at present militia/survivalist crowd and the whole spectrum of anti-system religious groups. These will be the main ideologically conscious component among post-USA population. But at the very start the most influential and powerful group is sure to be the former army and other armed services personnel who are closest to weapons stocks and who are sure to privatize those stocks after USA is no more. This fact alone, possession of enormous amounts of weaponry, is sure to place those people in a special position. But there are very few among them who have any coherent vision of how society operates. These people have the ability to use weapons but would be unable to govern even a small community. Therefore, they will have to join some already existing political/religious groups. It always happens so. The disintegrating army of the fallen empire dissolves into natural ethnic components. But the division of hardware is sure to be a violent affair, because everyone would like to grab most. The text-book example of this process was in Yugoslavia of 1991-92. But in America it would happen in much more chaotic and violent fashion, because of more random pattern of various ethnic enclaves. It would take time before those ethnic groups would be able to coalesce around some definite areas. Absolute majority of former military men would join their respective ethnic enclaves.
Negro soldiers would join negro political bands, Mexican soldiers would go to Mexican gangs and so forth. It is more or less clear about them, especially about Mexicans, because they have very definite territory, which they reckon as their own.

But whites are going to find themselves in a quandary, because there would emerge plenty of various groups with different ideas competing for power. We should not expect that the tribulations of internal war would eliminate at once all past delusions and misconceptions. On the contrary; it is going to be an inflammation of all existing delusions. And the most popular are sure to be the ideas about “constitution”, “founding fathers”, “Jefferson said this…Franklin said that…”, “our grandfathers fought Nazis…”, “all men are created equal…” and the like; all those mental viruses that were incorporated into people’s mind by education and media. These ideas, at least initially, will be the most popular ones and the strongest political groups would espouse some combinations of these empty notions. It will be the same Trump phenomenon only with real fighting. They will even continue to try practicing the universalist nonsense about racial equality. The implicit default idea of such trashy popular movements would be the same “make America great again” – the desire to return the lost “paradise” of 1950es. Surely, they would follow the overall pattern of Republican/conservative mindset, including its jew-loving. And jews are sure to exploit it to the utmost, infiltrating the command structure of such movements.
But regardless of the initial success of such movements, they are sure to fail after the first major military engagements with the enemy. The main reason being the fact that, although being numerically large, these movements would lack the strongly motivated hard ethnic core. Having allowed people of various ethnic backgrounds, these groups themselves would fall the victims of conflicting ethnic interests, with jews playing their usual all against all game.

The mainstream whites would be the base of these movements. It entails that they would acquire the whole set of weaknesses of the modern American society. The main trait of mainstream people is inconstancy and lack of determination. Yes, they would be incensed by the chaos of state disintegration and loss of income, but they would not like the prospect of the prolonged hard fighting. Therefore, after few military engagements with big losses (and this war will be Syria-style, not the drone computer game) the mainstream crowd would lose its initial enthusiasm and what only recently seemed as a major movement would rapidly shrink to nothing.

The hard reality of war would rapidly snuff out all remaining vestiges of “tolerance”, “all men are created equal” and other trashy ideas. After a few millions of whites had been annihilated in ethnic cleansing in all parts of the former USA and tens of millions had become refugees, the former political delusions are sure to be cured. The above mentioned political movements would disintegrate into smaller but more radical groups that would fight between themselves and against black/brown gangs that would reign supreme for some time. Eventually, these competing radicalized groups would join some belligerent christian religious communities. Therefore, the Christian fundamentalist movement is sure to gain a very strong momentum at some stage of this war. Having failed in “making America great again”, the disenchanted former white servicemen would coalesce around Christian groups, like the one that pastor Joe Fox leads. But such groups are sure to have conflicting interests, which fact would prevent their unification. And it is for good, because the main danger that could afflict the White People is to fall yet again under dictatorship of Christian maniacs. But for some time the Christian component is going to be the dominant force among the resisting white population.
But the “turning to Christ” isn’t going to solve the situation. Everything would rapidly deteriorate. After few years of constant fighting, the whole social infrastructure would be in ruins; the lack of food would result in famine and death rate on the Soviet Russian scale, unknown to America previously. The entreaties to god’s mercy would be left unanswered, so, the initial enthusiasm of Christian proselytes would sure to decrease. The momentum of the Christian groups would be lost in a few years’ time.

And then the time comes for real racial groups to ascend the scene. Only after everyone else was swept aside by hard reality, the true leaders should take firm hold on power above the remnants of White People, who would be much more receptive to truth, after having tasted the bit fruits of delusion. The natural selection would place on top those who really deserve it. The era of impostors would come to an inglorious end. But it would not mean the instant ascend of the golden era. Not at all. Decades of total war of annihilation would follow with resulting reduction of the remaining population to a few millions. But these will be different people having little semblance with modern white Americans. These will be the White People as they should be; cured of former delusions and vices.

Therefore, the ascent to the top of social hierarchy should be natural; it will not be some kind of Bolshevik coup. But it doesn’t mean that we should idly wait in cellars before our time comes. Far from it. The preparatory hard work should be done now, before events start. And after the events start to unravel with all above mentioned stages, the conscious White People should quietly work on accruing real force. Although there are sure to be the dominant political groups that would control big chunks of territory and heavy weapons, there will be enough room for all kinds of lesser groups of all shades. It would be easy to operate under this overall cover of chaos. Only the major groups would be visible, but the minor ones would be concealed from hostile eyes due to this chaos. We should look at Syria to gain understanding of what is to come (but on much greater scale).

The main idea is that in the long run the ultimate winner is the one who adheres to the most logical ideas based on reality and who is ready to stake everything he has to achieve victory. All the half-hearted populist leaders, the professional politicians (from 8 am to 5 pm) would break under the pressures of those events; they are too fond of their comfort. They would try to seek any accommodation with any enemy, only to preserve their personal well-being. Therefore, all such creatures will be gradually identified and eliminated as a political force. Only the hard types of born fighters would remain at the top.

At some point the radical racial non-christian groups are sure to fall under hostile pressure from the above mentioned dominant forces. They would try to eliminate, or at least to subjugate, these groups. Here comes the very important principle. To survive in such an environment, they need to be very adroit and ruthless. The lack of numbers should be compensated by speed and determination. Balancing between competing groups would be the mode of survival. It entails the ability of making temporary alliances, including the implicit ones. But never to become an appendage to the dominant group. Even more: try to prevent any big group of acquiring too much influence, because, having attained much power, it would try to suppress all its competitors, including racial groups. Therefore, any would be Napoleon/Stalin should be eliminated before he rises too far. It is the only viable strategy when you have not enough force to openly compete for power.

The above formulated idea raises the question about whether it is possible to make alliances with non-white groups or not. The White racial group by definition should not smear itself by open alliance with any non-white group. But here comes the demand of being adroit. It is a mortal combat; kill or die. Therefore, anything is good that promotes ultimate racial interests.

As it was said above, the main enemy of the White Race is the white trash infected with universalist virus, therefore, their elimination (as a political force) is the primary task. Not blacks, not Mexicans but the whites who lost their sense of identity. They are the main problem, as it was perfectly formulated by John Tyndall. Therefore, there should be no compunction in plotting and executing all possible arrangements leading to dethroning of such groups from their unjustly gained positions. And, having much less forces, the White Racial groups would be compelled to use the great potential of the non-white forces. But, again, as it was said, without engaging into open alliances and military cooperation. As comrade Lenin rightly noted once: “revolution is not made with dirty hands”. The white hands should never be smeared by cooperation with non-whites. But in the same time, the non-white factor could and should be used against universalist white groups; because they are the main problem. And the racial group should never help non-racial white groups. The only condition of helping them is if they want to become a part of the racial group. Even if the black and brown forces massacre white settlement that was under control of some conservative/Christian group, the racial group should stay aside. It isn’t their business if Christians are dying from those whom they acknowledge as their “brothers in Christ”; let them have it.
No alliances at all; either people join the racial group or go their own way. And if they go their own way – they should not be considered as belonging to our race. Their delusion is their downfall; everyone has what he deserves.

Only this position would eventually allow to incorporate all remnants of the destroyed groups (Christian/conservative), whose former adherents would be glad to come under the command of the really strong people.
The main idea is to fight as less as possible but to use results of fighting between other groups.
The true racial group should never degrade itself by making alliances with any white universalist groups. It doesn’t prevent using those groups to its own advantage if opportunity arises.

Yet once the main point: never cooperate with Christian/conservative groups; no alliances, no joint actions, no shared locations. Christianity is the main source of evil and its adherents should be considered as enemies (as long as they continue to profess this creed).

To understand why these rules are so essential, we should always remember who were those who destroyed the White Civilization in the first place. It were anti-racial whites, the universalist white trash. Therefore, this trash is the main problem and the main enemy, not black savages. The swarms of savages in our lands is the consequence, not the cause, of the actions of the white traitors. The decision-making process should proceed from this basic fact. The most dangerous delusion would be to accept all biological whites as members of our race and our future state. Never to be. The traitors and the progeny of the traitors should be dealt with as traitors deserve. Nothing less would do. Either you are conscious White or useless trash. There is plenty of time to decide where to belong, but when the time had run out, there should be no mercy and no compunctions.

The ideological purity is as important as racial purity. All ideas of “compromise”, “middle ground”, “freedom of choice” and other liberal dribble, are very harmful for the mental health of the race, therefore should be weeded out as soon as they appear, before they gain strength and destroy the whole community.

I can safely predict that the main fighting would be not against blacks and browns but against universalist whites, who would play very prominent role yet for some time after collapse of the American/NATO world dominance. These whites constitute the main threat to our race and our ideas, therefore, it is them who deserve the most attention; above all others, even above jews. The White Civilization was downed by white traitors like Churchill, Roosevelt and by multitude of gullible buffoons who believe to every scoundrel-in-chief if he only pays enough dollars. Both these groups constitute the main problem of our race. Sometimes buffoons are even more dangerous than conscious traitors. Almost all security services that “combat white extremism” consist of such buffoons. They are willing to hunt down their racial brothers in exchange for dollars and jewish pat on the back. Stupidity can’t serve as exculpation, neither the phrase “I followed the orders”. People should answer for their actions, or inactions. And the time of final reckoning is ever closer.

Considering all abovementioned facts, we can conclude that the inevitable war that would ensue after collapse of the United States of America will not be the race war, as it was envisioned previously, but a full-blown civil war of Russian style. And the main lesson of the civil war in Russia is that the most ruthless, determined and adroit side gains upper hand. This historical fact should be always remembered and the understanding of this fact should be applied in practical work.

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