Gary Oldman urges people to 'get over' Mel Gibson Remarks


Gary Oldman urges people to 'get over' Mel Gibson Remarks

Post by Reinhard » Tue Jun 24, 2014 12:57 am

Fuming Gary Oldman has urged people to 'get over' the Hollywood 'outcast' Mel Gibson's notorious racist rants - insisting: 'I think political correctness is crap'.
The Dawn Of The Planet Of The Apes star says Mel is 'all right,' despite the actor's previous use of anti-Semitic and racist epithets - claiming: 'We all hide and try to be so politically correct. That's what gets me.'
Speaking in an explosive new interview with Playboy, the 56-year-old comes to the defence of both Mel and Alec Baldwin as he said people are 'hypocrites' for not forgiving the pair's transgressions.
When asked about the Braveheart star's treatment, he said: 'I just think political correctness is c**p. That's what I think about it.
'I think it's like, take a fucking joke. Get over it.'
Gibson, 58, made anti-Jewish slurs when he was arrested for suspected drink-driving in Malibu in 2006, two years after his film The Passion Of The Christ was criticised for depicting Jews negatively.
According to the police report, Gibson made anti-Semitic remarks to the arresting officer, saying: 'Fucking Jews... the Jews are responsible for all the wars in the world.'
He has since apologised for his 'despicable' behavior, explaining that the comments were 'blurted out in a moment of insanity'.

And in the wide-ranging interview in Playboy's July/August double issue out on Friday that covers Gary's 'wild nights' with groupies and his four marriages, the actor - whose new movie Dawn Of The Planet Of The Apes is out next month - says: 'I don't know about Mel. He got drunk and said a few things, but we've all said those things.
'We're all fucking hypocrites. That's what I think about it.
'The policeman who arrested him has never used the word nigger or that fucking Jew?
'I'm being brutally honest here. It's the hypocrisy of it that drives me crazy.
'Or maybe I should just strike that and say "the N word" and "the F word," although there are two F words now.'

Mel returned to the headlines in 2010 accused of battery of his then-partner Oksana Grigorieva, following the release of an audio recording where the actor apparently threatened to wrap a bat around his ex-girlfriend's head, used racist slurs and appeared to admit to having punched her twice.

His friend Gary, who has also starred in Dracula, also backed 'good guy' Alec Baldwin, despite his past homophobic remarks.
He said: 'Alec calling someone a fag in the street while he's pissed off coming out of his building because they won't leave him alone. I don't blame him. So they persecute.

'Mel Gibson is in a town that’s run by Jews and he said the wrong thing because he’s actually bitten the hand that I guess has fed him - and doesn’t need to feed him anymore because he’s got enough dough.
'He’s like an outcast, a leper, you know?

'But some Jewish guy in his office somewhere hasn’t turned and said, “That fucking kraut” or “Fuck those Germans,” whatever it is? We all hide and try to be so politically correct. That's what gets me.'
We all hide and try to be so politically correct.
That’s what gets me. It’s just the sheer hypocrisy of everyone, that we all stand on this thing going, “Isn’t that shocking?”'
After then jokingly saying, 'fuck the Pope,' the True Romance actor admitted the interview had taken a fateful turn, and insisted he was not 'a bigot.'
Working class Londoner Gary, who is the son of a welder, said: 'No, but I’m defending all the wrong people. I’m saying Mel’s all right, Alec’s a good guy.

'So how do I come across? Angry? It’s dishonesty that frustrates me most.
'I can’t bear double standards. It gets under my skin more than anything.'
He then claimed certain comedians are allowed to say racist and homophobic things under the guise of satire, while he would get slammed.
The father-of-three claimed: 'Well, if I called ( Minority Leader of the United States House of Representatives) Nancy Pelosi a cunt — and I’ll go one better, a fucking useless cunt— I can’t really say that.
'But Bill Maher and Jon Stewart can, and nobody’s going to stop them from working because of it.
Bill Maher could call someone a fag and get away with it. He said to Seth MacFarlane this year, “I thought you were going to do the Oscars again. Instead they got a lesbian.”
'He can say something like that. Is that more or less offensive than Alec Baldwin saying to someone in the street, “You fag”? I don’t get it.'

The actor, who only ever received one Oscar nomination despite a career of acclaimed turns, took a bitter swipe at the way members of the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences vote - as he also called the Golden Globes a 'meaningless event'.

Gary was finally nominated for a best actor in 2011 for Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy, but lost out to The Artist's Jean Dujardin .
He said: 'At the Oscars, if you didn’t vote for 12 Years a Slave you were a racist.
'You have to be very careful about what you say. I do have particular views and opinions that most of this town doesn’t share, but it’s not like I’m a fascist or a racist. There’s nothing like that in my history.'
The London born star, who now lives in Los Angeles with fourth wife Alexandra Edenborough, insisted he was a libertarian in his political views, and added, 'you don’t come out and talk about these things, for obvious reasons.'
And he claimed his independent nature and his refusal to work on the political side of fame had cost him the movie world's most prestigious prize.

He said: 'What people don’t realize is that you need to work at being a celebrity.
'I’m not talking about movies. I mean the other side of it.
'You have to campaign. It’s a whole other part of your career, and I wish I could have navigated it a bit better.
'I may have an Oscar now, had I.' ... z35WptNsnd

L.G. Morgan

Re: Gary Oldman urges people to 'get over' Mel Gibson Remark

Post by L.G. Morgan » Tue Jun 24, 2014 10:41 pm

Gary Oldman "Apologizes"

  • Dear Gentlemen of the ADL:

    I am deeply remorseful that comments I recently made in the Playboy Interview were offensive to many Jewish people. Upon reading my comments in print—I see how insensitive they may be, and how they may indeed contribute to the furtherance of a false stereotype. Anything that contributes to this stereotype is unacceptable, including my own words on the matter. If, during the interview, I had been asked to elaborate on this point I would have pointed out that I had just finished reading Neal Gabler’s superb book about the Jews and Hollywood, An Empire of Their Own: How the Jews invented Hollywood. The fact is that our business, and my own career specifically, owes an enormous debt to that contribution.

    I hope you will know that this apology is heartfelt, genuine, and that I have an enormous personal affinity for the Jewish people in general, and those specifically in my life. The Jewish People, persecuted thorough the ages, are the first to hear God’s voice, and surely are the chosen people.

    I would like to sign off with “Shalom Aleichem”—but under the circumstances, perhaps today I lose the right to use that phrase, so I will wish you all peace –Gary Oldman.
EARLIER: As one who has been fortunate enough to have done a couple dozen Playboy Interviews of stars and directors, I reflexively cringed this morning as I watch the knee-jerk condemnations of Gary Oldman because of excerpts from a Playboy Interview he did to promote Dawn Of The Planet Of The Apes. Today, I’ve got my younger staffers wondering and speculating if Fox will stifle Oldman (who is more quiet and thoughtful than the characters he plays onscreen) from promoting the movie. I laugh and only partly because he’s the only internationally recognizable actor in the movie, unless Fox wants to unleash a phalanx of actors dressed in ape costumes for Kimmel, Fallon and Conan.

I cherish being part of the Playboy Interview since Robert Downey Jr chose me to interview him 17 years ago and was so honest about his life that he made me look good enough to get invited back. It’s the preeminent forum for in-depth print interviews, and it taught me almost everything I know on how to do good Q&As. Versions of today’s Oldman blowup has happened to me, though, and it can be the most painful part of the interview process. You get a subject to trust you enough to open up about their lives, careers and views on the world in hours of taped sessions, you work like a surgeon to deliver a provocative but balanced discussion, then you wake one morning to see out of context incendiary quotes that were serviced by PR, pasted on web outlets and newspapers all over the world. You spend the day talking down from ledges the stars and reps who are sorry they ever met you. You know it will be OK once everyone sees the actual interview. They don’t want to hear it and say from now on, superficial junkets only!

I’d bet $20 that Oldman interviewer David Hochman is doing that dance right now. I recall once writing a story about how Oldman once discovered that an imposter had sent an audition tape pretending to be him for the Andy Kaufman film Man On The Moon. Today has to be about as surreal as that episode for the actor. Hochman’s Oldman piece has all the earmarks of a good Playboy Interview; a funny, introspective, measured discussion with a chameleon actor who plays at a high level and rarely lets the public glimpse his life. He talks about his insecurities, hating his own work, drinking problems, politics. He skates on thin ice, but doesn’t seem to fall through, with a discourse about political correctness when he asks why some people get away with saying polarizing things, while others are ostracized. It’s lively banter and when Hochman asks, “What about the Pope?” and Oldman answers, “Oh, f*ck the Pope!,” it plays as a joke when read in context. That line has made some headlines, but Oldman has been TMZ’s best friend today when he strayed into Mel Gibson territory in challenging the hypocrisy of political correctness. In a 7000 or so word conversation, Oldman’s response doesn’t seem scandalous to me. It doesn’t come until late in the interview. Isolated on The Drudge Report? Yowza!

I got an email from the Anti-Defamation League, blasting and condemning what it calls Oldman’s anti-Semitic remarks. Per the release: “The British actor remarked that, ‘Mel Gibson is in a town that’s run by Jews and he said the wrong thing because he’s actually bitten the hand that I guess has fed him.” The ADL says the remarks “irresponsibly feed into a classic anti-Semitic canard about supposed Jewish control of Hollywood and the film industry,” said ADL National Director Abraham H. Foxman. “He should know better than to repeat and give credence to tired anti-Semitic tropes. Mel Gibson’s ostracization in Hollywood was not a matter of being ‘politically incorrect,’ as Mr. Oldman suggests, but of paying the consequences for outing himself as a bigot and a hater. It is disturbing that Mr. Oldman appears to have bought into Mr. Gibson’s warped and prejudiced world view.” Foxman adds that the assertion that Jews control Hollywood…”is an anti-Semitic stereotype based on the ‘Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion,’ the 19th Century anti-Semitic forgery that suggested Jews conspire to control major industries such as banking and finance.”

All this for one imperfectly worded answer in nine hours of interview time? Oldman’s manager/producing partner Douglas Urbanski emailed me his defense. “I wanted to respond to to the misleading headlines that have popped up…by that I mean that Gary does not blast ‘liberal Hollywood’–the word liberal is not used by him…nor does Gary in anyplace in the piece (or out of it) defend Mel Gibson or Alec Baldwin. I have looked at the Playboy interview a few times now. I am unaware–as I have seen reported–of Gary Oldman defending any anti-Semitic remarks in the interview, or, for that matter, anyplace! He would not do so, and in fact he finds any kind of bigotry, homophobia, anti-Semitism, racism or sexism unacceptable and disgraceful. Period. If you read the Playboy piece correctly and entirely, and in context, it is the hypocrisy of politically correctness that Gary is addressing, nothing else….in this interview, Gary is doing what many intelligent people do: he is illustrating the absurd by being absurd.”

I’ve always appreciated when Downey and others dropped their guards and made it possible for readers to feel they were part of a good conversation with me. In this age where straying from the movie promotion script arouses calls for condemnation from the ADL, why would any actor in his right mind engage?

I would be remiss in excluding the other part of Oldman’s interview with Hollywood relevance that made me laugh. Amazingly, he has never won an Oscar, and was only nominated recently for Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy. The discussion brings him to Oscar season and specifically the Golden Globes, which has completely ignored his work (at their peril).

Said Oldman: “It’s a meaningless event. The Hollywood Foreign Press Association is kidding you that something’s happening. They’re f*cking ridiculous. There’s nothing going on at all. It’s 90 nobodies having a wank. Everybody’s getting drunk, and everybody’s sucking up to everybody. Boycott the f*cking thing. Just say we’re not going to play this silly game with you anymore. The Oscars are different. But it’s showbiz. It’s all showbiz. That makes me sound like I’ve got sour grapes or something, doesn’t it?” ... t-context/

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Will Williams
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Re: Gary Oldman urges people to 'get over' Mel Gibson Remark

Post by Will Williams » Wed Jun 25, 2014 10:00 am

---[T]he 56-year-old comes to the defence of both Mel and Alec Baldwin as he said people are 'hypocrites' ...'I'm being brutally honest here. It's the hypocrisy of it that drives me crazy...We're all fucking hypocrites. That's what I think about it.
'Or maybe I should just strike that and say "the N word" and "the F word," although there are two F words now.'

What, "fag?" Heyseus Christos! I prefer "queer" which means peculiar, which queers most certainly are.

When asked about the Braveheart star's treatment, he said: 'I just think political correctness is c**p. That's what I think about it. 'I think it's like, take a fucking joke. Get over it.'

Now, that's weird: "cr**p" gets the asterisks so as not to offend readers of The Daily Mail, but "fucking" doesn't. It's Hollywood Jews for the most part that have made "fuck" accepted language. The urban Dictionary says this about "crap":

what one says when one is afraid to say shit
Oh crap!


I've noticed some posters here at WB have been free with their use of words like "shit" and "fuck." These words have crept into our lexicon, and I'm as guilty as others for using them, but we need to use some self-discipline here and avoid such language. We can do better if we're to set an example we expect others to follow. White children don't need to see that language here. Let them go to VNN or some other forums where that's standard fare and expected. Many normal White people, especially our females, will be turned off by such gratuitous gutter language.We want to attract them, not repel them.

I've edited such language out of some posts I've seen here lately, or removed entire posts that were simply too foul to repair by editing out the "fucks" and the "shits."
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Will Williams
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Re: Gary Oldman urges people to 'get over' Mel Gibson Remark

Post by Will Williams » Wed Jun 25, 2014 10:05 am

L.G. Morgan wrote:
Gary Oldman Apologizes

  • Dear Gentlemen of the ADL:

    I am deeply remorseful that comments I recently made in the Playboy Interview were offensive to many Jewish people...

I've never heard of Gary Oldman before. It's clear that he's the hypocrite. He knows who butters his bread out there in Hollywood, or at least who used to before he opened his mouth and told the truth about Jews and queers. :lol:
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David York

Re: Gary Oldman urges people to 'get over' Mel Gibson Remark

Post by David York » Wed Jun 25, 2014 2:07 pm

I think i have made such posts here at WB which included some expletives such as S**t, F**k, and even N****r or N***a, but I did so based on the precedents of other posters which posted such things before me, I have no problem refraining from using such expletives or racial epithets in my posts and I will in the future if we are trying to set an example of civility cleanliness and decency. I wholeheartedly agree that using such language gives outsiders the overall impression that there is a lack of morality or ethics at WB f the participants here engage in the excessive use of such language, and also such language could be detrimental to young people who may be reading the WB forum. I certainly don't wish to pervert anyone's minds for any reason.

But anyway getting back to what this Gary Oldman guy said, and moreover the disgusting way in which he apologized to the "Gentlemen" at the ADL, there was a lot of truth in his original commentary about Hollywood and Political Correctness. What struck me the most was this line he used:
He then claimed certain comedians are allowed to say racist and homophobic things under the guise of satire, while he would get slammed.
This is so true. For example there is a very popular Jewish comedian that goes by the name Louis C.K., who although is actually of Jewish decent, claims to be "Half Mexican" and born in Mexico. Additionally he exhibits white features such as a ginger complexion and overall appearance of an average middle aged White guy. The thing that seems to make him so successful is his "Edgy" comedy, which included open use of the word N***er, F***ot, and frequent talk of his chronic masturbatory habits, which gives people the impression that he is only being honest about his behavior, he is not being a hypocritical pervert. One such remark he made was that during the 9/11 attacks when he was watching the scene play out on television, he masturbated between the collapse of the first and second towers.

Somehow this "average white fellow" was able to use the dreaded "N" word, and "F---ot" word during a comedy special without a single drop of criticism from the Mass Media in which he has become a major celebrity. Now I ask you dear reader, If any white comedian who was not of Jewish ancestry dared to use the "N" word or that "F" word in any way shape or form during their act, would they not be denounced by the entire world Media and forever be banned from continuing his career in the realm of television and stand up comedy? I think the answer to that is obvious, yes. They would be forever banned and ostracized by the world of public opinion, but since this white fellow is secretly a member of the protected tribe which runs the media, he gets a free pass, and an advantage over regular white comedians because he can incorporate the taboo terms into his act and thereby tap into the "Edgy=racial" aspect of comedy, whereas European whites are restricted to non-racial and politically correct comedy which is often stale by comparison.

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Re: Gary Oldman urges people to 'get over' Mel Gibson Remark

Post by Will Williams » Wed Jun 25, 2014 4:17 pm

DanielOlj79 wrote:I think i have made such posts here at WB which included some expletives such as S**t, F**k, and even N****r or N***a, but I did so based on the precedents of other posters which posted such things before me, I have no problem refraining from using such expletives or racial epithets in my posts and I will in the future if we are trying to set an example of civility cleanliness and decency. I wholeheartedly agree that using such language gives outsiders the overall impression that there is a lack of morality or ethics at WB f the participants here engage in the excessive use of such language, and also such language could be detrimental to young people who may be reading the WB forum. I certainly don't wish to pervert anyone's minds for any reason...
Thanks, Daniel, we're trying to build a consensus of opinion here and you definitely have the right stuff with that attitude. Self-discipline is not that hard and can be empowering for us when we all agree on something like this. We want to set WB apart from the so-called "White Movement" that our enemies have portrayed us all as being with their powerful mass opinion-shaping, controlled news and entertainment empire.

There's something in our WB Rules section about "vulgar" language, but who reads rules anymore? We're not a bunch of prudish language police, but we will police ourselves and we have a blanket rule that we can point participants here to. When someone posts unnecessarily vulgar language at WB we can warn the individual and ask him to abide by our rule about offending language. If he persists after being warned more than once, we'll simply "crapcan" him. ;) There's a feature here to report posts, though no one has used it yet to my knowledge. We're small yet and have not had much trouble with unruly posters. I expect we will in due time, however, and will deal with them as they show their ugly heads.

I see what you mean about C.K.'s looks. He looks White, and this article explains a little about his popularity: ... h-encinias

New York funnyman, "Louis C.K."
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Will Williams
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Re: Gary Oldman urges people to 'get over' Mel Gibson Remark

Post by Will Williams » Wed Jun 25, 2014 4:43 pm

Will Williams wrote:
L.G. Morgan wrote:
Gary Oldman Apologizes

  • Dear Gentlemen of the ADL:

    I am deeply remorseful that comments I recently made in the Playboy Interview were offensive to many Jewish people...

I've never heard of Gary Oldman before. It's clear that he's the hypocrite. He knows who butters his bread out there in Hollywood, or at least who used to before he opened his mouth and told the truth about Jews and queers. :lol:

Hmmm! I didn't really read very far in Oldman's apology to the ADL, assuming it was another boilerplate grovel to Big Jew; I should have. It's not clear at all that he's a hypocrite. He may actually be one of us after all. :lol:
--- ... 201246251/

Gary Oldman Apology Blasted as ‘Insufficient’ by ADL

JUNE 25, 2014 | 06:00AM PT
Film Reporter Dave McNary

Amid a storm of controversy over remarks made in an interview with Playboy magazine, actor Gary Oldman has issued an apology.

“I am deeply remorseful that comments I recently made in the Playboy Interview were offensive to many Jewish people,” Oldman wrote in an open letter to the Anti-Defamation League late Tuesday. “Upon reading my comments in print — I see how insensitive they may be, and how they may indeed contribute to the furtherance of a false stereotype.”

The Anti-Defamation League was unimpressed by Oldman’s apology for defending Mel Gibson’s past anti-Semitic comments.

“We have just begun a conversation with his managing producer,” said Abraham H. Foxman, national director of the ADL. “At this point, we are not satisfied with what we have received. His apology is insufficient and not satisfactory.”

Foxman amplified those remarks on Wednesday: “While his apology may be heartfelt, Mr. Oldman does not understand why his words about Jewish control were so damaging and offensive, and it is therefore insufficient.”

“His reference to the Neal Gabler book he was reading only reinforces the notion that Jewish directors, producers and financiers are there in Hollywood as Jews. They’re not, and the book does not draw that conclusion. They are there acting as individuals. They do not pursue a Jewish agenda or strategy. They are there acting as professionals and Americans with skills working alongside many other non-Jews who are also in show business for the same reasons.”

“Mr. Oldman needs to recognize that his words, not just as they were written, but as he uttered them, are deeply offensive. And he needs to be sensitive to the fact that other remarks for which he has yet to apologize – including his disparaging remarks about the Pope and about gay people – were also deeply troubling and hurtful to many.”

“Whether they intend it or not, celebrities act as role models and bear an outsized responsibility for their words and their actions. Oldman needs to make clear not only to the Jewish community but also his fans that his words were are predicated on offensive notions and, as such, are clearly unacceptable.”

SEE ALSO: Gary Oldman Blasts Hollywood Politics

In a wide-ranging interview, Oldman was critical of what he described as political correctness run amok in Hollywood. He defended fellow actors Gibson and Alec Baldwin, both of whom have been in hot water for public use of epithets.

In the case of Gibson’s famous 2006 tirade against Jews following his arrest for drunk driving, Oldman noted that the situation was exacerbated because he works “in a town that is run by Jews.”

The Anti-Defamation League on Tuesday condemned Oldman’s “irresponsible remarks.” Oldman responded by saying he was “deeply remorseful.” Read the actor’s full apology below:

Dear Gentlemen of the ADL:

I am deeply remorseful that comments I recently made in the Playboy Interview were offensive to many Jewish people. Upon reading my comments in print—I see how insensitive they may be, and how they may indeed contribute to the furtherance of a false stereotype. Anything that contributes to this stereotype is unacceptable, including my own words on the matter. If, during the interview, I had been asked to elaborate on this point I would have pointed out that I had just finished reading Neal Gabler’s superb book about the Jews and Hollywood, An Empire of Their Own: How the Jews invented Hollywood. The fact is that our business, and my own career specifically, owes an enormous debt to that contribution.

I hope you will know that this apology is heartfelt, genuine, and that I have an enormous personal affinity for the Jewish people in general, and those specifically in my life. The Jewish People, persecuted thorough the ages, are the first to hear God’s voice, and surely are the chosen people.

I would like to sign off with “Shalom Aleichem”—but under the circumstances, perhaps today I lose the right to use that phrase, so I will wish you all peace–Gary Oldman.

FILED UNDER: Anti-defamation LeagueGary OldmanMel Gibson
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David York

Re: Gary Oldman urges people to 'get over' Mel Gibson Remark

Post by David York » Wed Jun 25, 2014 8:14 pm

There's something in our WB Rules section about "vulgar" language, but who reads rules anymore? We're not a bunch of prudish language police, but we will police ourselves and we have a blanket rule that we can point participants here to.
I actually did read those rules when I signed up and I did notice the stuff about vulgar language, but when I started posting the general attitude seemed a little relaxed here in those regards. I know Pierce was pretty adamant about being polite whenever possible, and he was for projecting an image of self respect, class and dignity. I completely agree with him in those regards, for the most part there is no reason to be impolite or use derogatory language. You can make a valid point without resorting to words the convey an attitude of anger or disrespect. I think his point was that arguing in such a way by using vulgar terms generally gives people a bad impression of your character. I get the fact that Pierce was trying to attract quality people to his organization, and I guess that means for the most part people who are perceptive and at the same time respectable in their character. So yeah i do believe that is a valid point of view he had, and we should abide by those principals. That kind of stuff should really go without saying to be honest. :)

J.P. Smith

Re: Gary Oldman urges people to 'get over' Mel Gibson Remark

Post by J.P. Smith » Thu Jun 26, 2014 7:56 pm

Gary Oldman Becomes a Pariah
Kevin MacDonald

You have to wonder what Gary Oldman was smoking during his Playboy interview — the one where he defended Mel Gibson and said that Jews “run” Hollywood.
  • So they persecute. Mel Gibson is in a town that’s run by Jews and he said the wrong thing because he’s actually bitten the hand that I guess has fed him—and doesn’t need to feed him anymore because he’s got enough dough. He’s like an outcast, a leper, you know? But some Jewish guy in his office somewhere hasn’t turned and said, “That fucking kraut” or “Fuck those Germans,” whatever it is? We all hide and try to be so politically correct. That’s what gets me. It’s just the sheer hypocrisy of everyone, that we all stand on this thing going, “Isn’t that shocking?” [smiles wryly] All right. Shall I stop talking now? What else can we discuss?
It seems like every few years a Hollywood celebrity comes out and states the obvious—Marlon Brando, William Cash, Oliver Stone, Rick Sanchez, Mel Gibson, and now Gary Oldman. The list includes not a few Jewish commentators as well, including Joel Stein in the LA Times, Manny Friedman writing in the Times of Israel, Ben Stein (see below) and this issue of Moment.


The LA Times, on the other hand understands how the game is played. Every year around Oscar time they put out editorials and articles bemoaning the “overwhelmingly white male membership of the academy” and that “film, TV diversity doesn’t look like America’s.” Then the next year, they do it all over again because nothing changes.

Some departures from the benefits of diversity are not seriously contested.

The reason one must question Oldman’s state of mind is that we all know what happens next. The ADL goes crazy and Oldman issues an abject apology. Here’s Oldman’s apology, as reported by JTA:
  • “I am deeply remorseful that comments I recently made in the Playboy Interview were offensive to many Jewish people. Upon reading my comments in print — I see how insensitive they may be, and how they may indeed contribute to the furtherance of a false stereotype. Anything that contributes to this stereotype is unacceptable, including my own words on the matter.

    “I hope you will know that this apology is heartfelt, genuine, and that I have an enormous personal affinity for the Jewish people in general, and those specifically in my life.”

    Oldman also said that he had just finished reading “An Empire of Their Own: How the Jews Invented Hollywood,” by Neal Gabler. “The fact is that our business, and my own career specifically, owes an enormous debt to that contribution,” he wrote.
Heartfelt or not, it wasn’t enough for the ADL:
  • “While his apology may be heartfelt, Mr. Oldman does not understand why his words about Jewish control were so damaging and offensive, and it is therefore insufficient,” the statement said. ” His reference to the Neal Gabler book he was reading only reinforces the notion that Jewish directors, producers and financiers are there in Hollywood as Jews. They’re not, and the book does not draw that conclusion.”
The ADL is implicitly saying that yes, Jews run Hollywood, but it really doesn’t make any difference. Their Jewish identity has absolutely no influence on the product. It’s reminiscent of Ben Stein noting that about 60% of the top positions in Hollywood are held by Jews: “Do Jews run Hollywood? You bet they do — and what of it?” (here, p. l)

Such pronouncements are made ex cathedra, as it were. We are not given a reference to a sober assessment of whether Jewish identity makes a difference. So, as a public service to the ADL and other like-minded organizations I would refer them to an article I wrote on the topic (Ibid., p. li ff)
  • In general, television portrays Jewish issues “with respect, relative depth, affection and good intentions, and the Jewish characters who appear in these shows have, without any doubt, been Jewish—often depicted as deeply involved in their Judaism” (Pearl & Pearl 1999, 5). …

    Television presents images of Jewish issues that conform to the views of mainstream Jewish organizations. Television ‘invariably depicts anti-Semitism as an ugly, abhorrent trait that must be fought at every turn’ (p. 103). It is seen as metaphysical and beyond analysis. There is never any rational explanation for anti-Semitism; anti-Semitism is portrayed as an absolute, irrational evil. Positive, well-liked, non-Jewish characters, such as Mary Tyler Moore, often lead the fight against anti-Semitism ….

    Regarding Israel, ‘on the whole, popular TV has conveyed the fact that Israel is the Jewish homeland with a strong emotional pull upon Diaspora Jews, that it lives in perpetual danger surrounded by foes, and that as a result of the constant and vital fight for its survival, it often takes extraordinary (sometimes rogue) measures in the fields of security and intelligence’ (Pearl & Pearl 1999, 173). …

    In the movies, a common theme is Jews coming to the rescue of non-Jews …

    Christianity is typically portrayed as evil, even going so far as depicting Christians as psychopaths. [citing Michael Medved] …

    small towns [are portrayed] as filled with bigots and anti-Semites.

    * * *

    Since the 1960s the Hollywood creative community has disseminated views on issues such as sex, marriage, and family very different from those held by the majority of Americans and traditional American elites (Lichter et al. 1994; Powers et al. 1996; Stein 1979).

    A substantial percentage of the Hollywood creative community (which now includes the higher levels of control over movie content rather than only the process of screen writing) have self-consciously aimed at a complete restructuring of America’s basic institutions in a left/liberal direction (Lichter et al. 1994; Powers et al. 1996). “The elite was [since the 1960s] and remains disproportionately anti-Establishment in its social and political views and . . . remains so even as a large segment of the American public continues to be ambivalent, or opposed to the new social paradigms” (Powers et al. 1996, 48). Moreover, the social and political messages emanating from Hollywood have been impervious to election returns, and “if anything, the ascendance of conservative politics in Washington may have accelerated television’s leftward tendencies by alarming and mobilizing the predominantly liberal Hollywood community” (Lichter et al. 1994, 418).

    Powers et al. (1996, 207) characterize television as promoting liberal, cosmopolitan values, and Lichter et al. (1994, 251) find that television portrays cultural pluralism in positive terms and as easily achieved apart from the activities of a few ignorant or bigoted miscreants. On the other hand, Powers et al. (1996) find that themes of racial conflict resulting from white racism are more typical of the movies: “Today, moviemakers seem preoccupied with exposing and rectifying the evils of racism and are thus inclined to convey a quite pessimistic view of race relations” (p. 173). (Chapter 2 of Separation and Its Discontents, p. 57)
In other words, the Jews who run Hollywood have attitudes that are squarely within the mainstream of the American Jewish community and often sharply divergent from the attitudes of the rest of America. As Andrew Joyce notes,
  • But what of the impact of this cryptic Judaic subculture on the production of secular culture for the masses? It’s evident that in many cases the resultant cultural production is incredibly hostile towards the behaviors and traditions of non-Jews, and that the impartial objectivity of “Jewish artists” … is itself a self-deception. (see following link)
But what I would like to stress here is Andrew Joyce’s account of how Jewish identity influences Hollywood in his excellent series on Jewish self-deception, particularly Part 4: “Self-Deception in Jewish Participation in Secular Culture.”
  • Jews involved in the media and the entertainment industries have to a marked degree engaged in self-deception about the influence of their Jewish identity on their activities in these fields. For example, David Dresser and Lester Friedman have pointed out that literary critics are often perplexed by the denials of Jewish authors that their works have been influenced by their ethnicity, even when such influences are obvious. Dresser and Friedman note that such flagrant, yet apparently earnest, denials have been attributed by experts to “conscious evasion, a personal blind spot, or a psychological problem.”[3]

    The second argument here is that Jews have engaged in self-deception about the extent and nature of that involvement. Self-deceptions regarding the extent of Jewish influence in the media are principally facilitated by two enablers: lies of omission, and the employment of language euphemisms. A typical example would be the fact that, even discounting the presence of Jews in the most influential positions, the enormous over-representation of Jews in the media professions is down-played to a truly remarkable degree. The most popular expression of Jewish self-deception in this respect is the concession that there is, as stated in the ADL-sponsored Anti-Semitism in America, only a “grain of truth” to assertions that this over-representation is vast and amounts to domination.[4]
Producer David Selznick who proclaimed “I am an American, not a Jew,” is a good example.
  • This was despite the fact that Selznick had previously contributed to the work of the American Jewish Congress,[11] and was strongly attached to the Jewish causes like the Committee for a Jewish Army of Stateless and Palestinian Jews during the 1940s — along with other ‘assimilated’ secular media Jews like Sam Goldwyn, Louis B. Mayer, Jack Warner, and Harry Cohn.[12] That Selznick was embedded in a non-religious Judaic subculture is further evidenced by the fact he was involved in one of its most popular fads — he had a “preoccupation with psychoanalysis on both an individual and a social level,” which led to his collaboration with Alfred Hitchcock on Spellbound.[13] Selznick was “zealous in fighting anti-Semitism,” made personal financial contributions to Jewish charities, and also used some of his influence to ensure the subtle but steady presence of Jews in war films during the 1940s, in what Steven Carr describes as an “attempt to sell a pluralistic American ideal.”[14]

    When asked to review the 1936 French biblical film Golgotha, Selznick found the picture to be anti-Semitic. He subsequently wrote to the head of the board of directors at his production company: “It is my duty as a Jew to do everything in my power to keep the picture from being distributed or exhibited in this country, and I will stop at nothing to achieve this end.”[15] Selznick even worked directly with the AJC on movie production. Carr writes that both Selznick and Irving Thalberg (producer of The Good Earth and Ben Hur) attended a meeting with the American Jewish Congress in 1936, during which they were given “story outlines for films” that would “promote a positive vision of the Jew.”[16]

    It is therefore abundantly clear that there is more than a little deception and self-deception in Selznick’s claim “I am an American, not a Jew.”
Yes indeed. But of course the ADL is not concerned with honestly ascertaining Jewish identities and what that means for what comes out of Hollywood and what is off limits (e.g., any sense that it is legitimate and natural for Whites to identity as White and pursue interests as Whites). For them it’s not really about deception or even self-deception. It’s about coming up with a line that has some surface plausibility (if one doesn’t investigate any further) and then using all its power against anyone who says otherwise.

For the ADL it is truly a matter of “Is it good for the Jews?,” and since attributing too much power to Jews in Hollywood has an obvious downside for Jews generally, they will do what the can to crush people like Gary Oldman.

When the ADL and the people who run Hollywood are through with Oldman, he will become yet another example of a career destroyed by saying something that everyone knows is true. And in that sense, Gary Oldman will become an exemplar of the power of our hostile elite to enforce thought control.

It’s well known that if you you repeat an idea often enough, it starts to sound true and obvious — so much so that it will become a psychological reflex. So my advice is that you should studiously rehearse just what to say during interviews in very public places like Playboy. That way when you are feeling full of yourself during your interview (wow, I must be really cool to be interviewed by Playboy), you won’t impulsively blurt out inconvenient truths that will destroy your life.

So to stay out of trouble, just keep repeating thoughts like these over and you will be just fine:
  • Jews do not run Hollywood;
    and even if they do (or even, as the ADL says, there’s a “grain of truth” in it), the Jews who run Hollywood have no sense of Jewish identity;
    and the values promoted by Hollywood have nothing to do with being Jewish;
    so even if Jews run Hollywood, it makes absolutely no difference that they do.
I know it’s a mouthful, but when these thoughts become psychological reflexes, you will feel much more confident going into interviews, and your career will not be endangered by a moment’s thoughtlessness.

So study up America! Your life depends on it. ... more-23840

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Will Williams
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Re: Gary Oldman urges people to 'get over' Mel Gibson Remark

Post by Will Williams » Sun Jun 29, 2014 6:22 pm

Actor Gary Oldman Ends His Career in Hollywood with Racist, Anti-Semitic Interview

by Roger Friedman - June 24, 2014 8:35 am

'Enough," says Gary Oldman. "I've had it with you goddamned Sheenies."

British actor Gary Oldman has had a nice very career in Hollywood. Now, it’s over. Oldman tells Playboy magazine that Hollywood is “run by Jews,” suggests that those Jews make fun of Germans, and says that the policeman with whom Mel Gibson became embroiled in a huge anti-Semitic scandal probably is anti-Semitic himself. Oldman seems unaware that James Mee, the policeman, is Jewish himself.

Good bye, Gary. We can live without you. And trust me, we will. Oldman was nominated for an Oscar in 2012 for “Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy.” I hope he enjoyed it.... ... -interview

Hollywood Jew, Roger Friedman

We can live without you, Jewboy.
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