Why don't all the pro-White organizations unite?

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Wade Hampton III
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Re: Why don't all the pro-White organizations unite?

Post by Wade Hampton III » Fri Aug 28, 2020 9:49 am

...and I got more than enough "Jeezus Juice" when I was active with the South Carolina Council of Conservative Citizens, which was nothing more than an offshoot of the old Citizens Action Council. They both think the answer to today's problems is to assume the kneeling position. Of course, the Jew secretly loves this. I most certainly do not.

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Re: Why don't all the pro-White organizations unite?

Post by EyesWideOpen14 » Thu Dec 03, 2020 11:51 am

I love this question. Although aggrevating, it should be brought up on every message board. "IT SHOULD" also make those who claim to stand for the -14 change their viewpoint and position on the subject.
I care not what viewpoint you hold politically, believe spiritually or religiously. IF you are Pro-WHITE, I am your Brother. As stated.. We ALL have the same enemy holding us hostage and destroying what we hold dear to us; The family unit. These same enemy are brainwashing our future generations and simply, easily getting away with it. **NO MORE BROTHERS WARS. This has to STOP and then can we hope for some type of Victory to begin for us. But i fear it is already to late.
Only those with a true heart toward what our main objective is stand the chance.
White Man, let us stand together to secure the survival of your people and my people, for they are one and the same - they are our beloved, miraculous, wonderful, blessed and masterful white race!

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Will Williams
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Re: Why don't all the pro-White organizations unite?

Post by Will Williams » Thu Dec 03, 2020 12:32 pm

EyesWideOpen14 wrote:
Thu Dec 03, 2020 11:51 am
I love this question. Although aggrevating, it should be brought up on every message board. "IT SHOULD" also make those who claim to stand for the -14 change their viewpoint and position on the subject.
I care not what viewpoint you hold politically, believe spiritually or religiously. IF you are Pro-WHITE, I am your Brother. As stated.. We ALL have the same enemy holding us hostage and destroying what we hold dear to us; The family unit. These same enemy are brainwashing our future generations and simply, easily getting away with it. **NO MORE BROTHERS WARS. This has to STOP and then can we hope for some type of Victory to begin for us. But i fear it is already to late.
Only those with a true heart toward what our main objective is stand the chance.
Being White and pro-White is certainly requisite for uniting Whites.

Dr. Pierce answers the question posed in the opening post in this topic thread, EWE, and emphasizes the importance of a common "spirituality," if you want to call it that, which is what sets our Alliance apart from those kinsmen whose spirituality is grounded in a Semitic belief system.
If Whites insist on participating in "social media," do so on ours, not (((theirs))). Like us on WhiteBiocentrism.com; follow us on NationalVanguard.org. ᛉ

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Re: Why don't all the pro-White organizations unite?

Post by Franco » Sat Aug 14, 2021 5:24 pm

I have tried several times to get WNs "all on the same page" and my efforts went nowhere. Too many differences (some are Christian, some not, big trouble right there!), and too many ego trips, too much bad blood between Person A and Person B.

I gave up long ago trying to mend WN fences. Life is too short. (But, an idea: everyone just follow Dr. Pierce and forget everything else. But, no, no, no, that's too simple, can't have that! Can't have simplicity!)


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Re: Why don't all the pro-White organizations unite?

Post by Durka » Mon Aug 16, 2021 6:24 pm

Franco wrote:
Sat Aug 14, 2021 5:24 pm
I have tried several times to get WNs "all on the same page" and my efforts went nowhere. Too many differences (some are Christian, some not, big trouble right there!), and too many ego trips, too much bad blood between Person A and Person B. I gave up long ago trying to mend WN fences. Life is too short. (But, an idea: everyone just follow Dr. Pierce and forget everything else. But, no, no, no, that's too simple, can't have that! Can't have simplicity!)
I certainly see your point and consider it a valid one. But even among the leading lights of white nationalism, none of them have ever been on "the same page". David Duke, for instance, is not a member of the National Alliance, perhaps because he's a Christian and wouldn't be welcome. Don Black chucked the KKK, so apparently he found something within that group that he no longer cared for. Alex Linder hates Christians, so the KKK would reject him. Jared Taylor wouldn't mesh well with uniform-wearing Nazis. And so it goes. Nor is everyone willing to "follow Dr. Pierce", even if they agree with just about everything he says. I mean, over on VNN, hasn't Alex Linder pretty much given up on real-world activism? Once, maybe ten years ago, he was far more active, during the era of Craig Cobb. Remember him? But Cobb grew old and drifted away into obscurity, and Linder remains largely out of sight. And now it seems like the era of Don Black is fast coming to an end, if it hasn't already.



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Re: Why don't all the pro-White organizations unite?

Post by Grimork » Mon Aug 16, 2021 7:59 pm

I certainly don't have an issue with Christians, only Christianity. We have members who are Christians by the way, but they put their race ahead of their faith. White people have always struggled with individualism. It's a strength and a weakness of ours. Frankly, I don't think we all need to be on the "same team" to serve the survival of our race. We can all fight for that goal in our own way. Those of us who can join together should in whatever faction that may be. Sure beats being a lone wolf or beating your head against the wall, trying to force a sphere into a square hole.

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Re: Why don't all the pro-White organizations unite?

Post by Franco » Mon Aug 16, 2021 8:03 pm

Durka wrote:
Mon Aug 16, 2021 6:24 pm
Franco wrote:
Sat Aug 14, 2021 5:24 pm
I have tried several times to get WNs "all on the same page" and my efforts went nowhere. Too many differences (some are Christian, some not, big trouble right there!), and too many ego trips, too much bad blood between Person A and Person B. I gave up long ago trying to mend WN fences. Life is too short. (But, an idea: everyone just follow Dr. Pierce and forget everything else. But, no, no, no, that's too simple, can't have that! Can't have simplicity!)
I certainly see your point and consider it a valid one. But even among the leading lights of white nationalism, none of them have ever been on "the same page". David Duke, for instance, is not a member of the National Alliance, perhaps because he's a Christian and wouldn't be welcome. Don Black chucked the KKK, so apparently he found something within that group that he no longer cared for. Alex Linder hates Christians, so the KKK would reject him. Jared Taylor wouldn't mesh well with uniform-wearing Nazis. And so it goes. Nor is everyone willing to "follow Dr. Pierce", even if they agree with just about everything he says. I mean, over on VNN, hasn't Alex Linder pretty much given up on real-world activism? Once, maybe ten years ago, he was far more active, during the era of Craig Cobb. Remember him? But Cobb grew old and drifted away into obscurity, and Linder remains largely out of sight. And now it seems like the era of Don Black is fast coming to an end, if it hasn't already.



I am shocked at the large number of WNs who are Christians, e.g., at SF. Following a Jewish, egalitarian religion, if you are White, is ridiculous.
Yes, I was a Christian, years ago. Dr. Pierce cured me of that.



Re: Why don't all the pro-White organizations unite?

Post by BBrookshire » Mon Aug 16, 2021 10:04 pm

What Grimork said.

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Will Williams
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Re: Why don't all the pro-White organizations unite?

Post by Will Williams » Mon Aug 16, 2021 10:32 pm

Franco wrote:
Sat Aug 14, 2021 5:24 pm
I have tried several times to get WNs "all on the same page" and my efforts went nowhere. Too many differences (some are Christian, some not, big trouble right there!), and too many ego trips, too much bad blood between Person A and Person B.

I gave up long ago trying to mend WN fences. Life is too short. (But, an idea: everyone just follow Dr. Pierce and forget everything else. But, no, no, no, that's too simple, can't have that! Can't have simplicity!)
Wouldn't it be nice if it were that simple? We build the Alliance with those eligible Whites who agree with our ideology and program. Those who disagree will never fit. We must all be team players, reading from the same page for the most part.

You kept pestering me to work with Alex Linder, but I told you that will never happen because Mr. Linder is anti-NA and an incorrigible jerk.. You couldn't take no for an answer so I finally started ignoring you. "Stay over there at his VNN," I told you.

The opening post in this thread by William Pierce says it all. Read it.

I am shocked at the large number of WNs who are Christians, e.g., at SF. Following a Jewish, egalitarian religion, if you are White, is ridiculous.
Yes, I was a Christian, years ago. Dr. Pierce cured me of that.
Good for you. I've seen your unnecessary attacks on Christians at Stormfront. The mods eventually simply got rid of the entire topic thread. We're not going to have that here at WB. We work with those who are attracted to us. We don't argue with those who have opposed ideologies or want to tell us how we should run our Alliance. What is the use in doing that? If you want to participate here at WB, you should put VNN behind you and "get with the program."
If Whites insist on participating in "social media," do so on ours, not (((theirs))). Like us on WhiteBiocentrism.com; follow us on NationalVanguard.org. ᛉ

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Re: Why don't all the pro-White organizations unite?

Post by Franco » Mon Aug 16, 2021 11:07 pm

1. Christianity is not compatible with WN. It's a Jewish, egalitarian religion. Period. Ask Dr. Pierce.

2. If I attack something, it deserves it.

3. The fact that SF pulls posts that merely tell the truth about Xianity speaks volumes about both Black and SF on the whole. Last time I checked, WN was opposed to Jewish egalitarianism. Right??

(late edit)

I'm 58 years old and I have learned a thing or two about Western Culture. In fact, I could teach Western Culture at any college. Jews were buying and selling White female slaves in Poland in the Middle Ages. How can we possibly embrace a Jewish religion?


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