GOP can't be seen as the White man's party

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Re: GOP can't be seen as the White man's party

Post by PhuBai68 » Fri Mar 20, 2020 3:31 pm

Whatever ••••
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Re: GOP can't be seen as the White man's party

Post by Will Williams » Fri Jun 26, 2020 1:28 pm

Bump! to give Mr. Buchanan's spin on recent anti-White treacheries around the country:
Cancel the White Men -- And What's Left?
June 15, 2020
by Patrick J. Buchanan


Can we all just get along?"

That was the plea of Rodney King after a Simi Valley jury failed to convict any of the four cops who beat him into submission after a 100-mile-an-hour chase on an LA freeway.

King's plea came after the 1992 LA riots, the worst since the New York City draft riots in 1863 when Lincoln had to send in federal troops.

In the aftermath of today's protests and riots after the killing of George Floyd in Minneapolis, we hear similar calls.

President Donald Trump must "reach out" and "unify the nation."

But how?

Many of these calls for unity come from the same elites who are all-in on tearing us apart by pulling down statues of the famous men of American history whom they most detest.

A second war on the Confederacy is underway, to disgrace and dishonor all who fought for Southern independence in the war of 1861-65. A second Reconstruction is being readied.

The St. Andrew's Cross, the battle flag of the Confederate Army, though seen as a banner of heroism and honor to millions, is henceforth to be treated like the Nazi swastika. It has been already been banned at Nascar races, where it has been widely popular.

Liberals will fight for the right of Marxist radicals to burn the American flag to show their hatred of it but cannot tolerate working folks flying the battle flag of the Confederacy to show their love of it.

A second front in the campaign to cancel history is the renaming of U.S. Army bases in Southern states that bear the names of Confederate generals, such as Forts Benning and Bragg. Trump has pledged to veto any defense appropriation bill that contains such a provision.

Third is the drive led by Nancy Pelosi and her allies to remove statues in the Capitol of any of those men of "violent bigotry" who were connected to the Confederacy.

First among them is General Robert E. Lee.

Gen. David Petraeus has put succinctly the crime of which Lee is guilty. Though "West Point honors Robert E. Lee with a gate, a road, an entire housing area, and a barracks," writes Petraeus, "Lee... committed treason."

The goal here is to impose the one-sided view of American history that is now ascendant, as official truth -- that the cause of Southern secession was unlike the cause of American secession from Britain. It was an act of treason rooted in the ideology of white supremacy.

To have that sole acceptable view predominate, our elites believe they must remove from public display the statues of any associated with the cause of Southern independence and stigmatize them all as traitors.

They have, however, a problem: Where do the elites stop when the radicals demand more?

If support of slavery disqualifies one from the company of decent men, does it disqualify George Washington, who owned slaves his entire life? What Washington fought for, independence, was what Lee fought for.

Lee did not challenge Lincoln's election. He did not seek to overthrow the government Lincoln headed. He resigned from the U.S. Army to go home and defend the people among whom he had been raised from an invasion to force-march them back into a Union the state's chosen rulers had voted to leave.

Not only does our national capital, Washington, bear the name of a lifelong slave owner, so does the capital of Missouri, Jefferson City. So does the capital of Mississippi, Jackson. So does the capital of Wisconsin, Madison. The capital of Ohio is Columbus. The capital of South Carolina is Columbia. Both are named for now-vilified Christopher Columbus whose statue still stands outside D.C.'s Union Station.

None of these men appears, from how they lived their lives, to have shared modernity's belief in democracy, diversity or social equality. Yet, it was they who cobbled together the United States of America.

Washington led us to independence and ownership of all the land from the Atlantic to the Mississippi. Jefferson negotiated the Louisiana Purchase, doubling the size of the U.S. Andrew Jackson added Florida. James K. Polk added the Southwest and California. Slave owner Sam Houston won Texas' War of independence and brought his Republic of Texas into the Union in 1845.

Two of the three greatest Senate statesmen of the 19th century, Henry Clay of Kentucky and John Calhoun of South Carolina, were slave owners. Both have statues in the Capitol. Do they go, too?

The newest bridge over the Potomac, like the premier dam in the TVA, is named for Woodrow Wilson, who resegregated the government.

These were among the decisive figures of American history. If all are dishonored, with their statues pulled down and their names taken off cities, counties, towns, rivers, canals, bridges, buildings, highways, roads, streets and dams, then what is left?

Detest all those white men if you will, but they were the ones who created the nation we inherited.
--- ... eft-138693
Will Williams wrote:
Wed Jan 31, 2018 5:06 pm
The National Alliance was warning White America back in 2016 about the Republican Great White Hope Trump with this flier:

And Alliance Chairman Pierce was warning White America about Trump as far back as 1999, here: ... tolerance/
"...[T]he Jews themselves should stay in the background in their campaign against Buchanan and should use Gentile “front” men as their tools against Buchanan: men such as Republican candidate George Bush, Jr, New York real estate developer Donald Trump, and Arizona Republican Senator John McCain. The idea is to keep the public from understanding that the campaign against Buchanan is a Jewish campaign, lest there be a public reaction against the Jews and in favor of Buchanan.
Reform Party presidential candidate
Buchanan shares a moment with current
NA Chairman Williams (sporting the
UNEQUAL lapel pin) back in 1999
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Jim Mathias
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Re: GOP can't be seen as the White man's party

Post by Jim Mathias » Sat Jun 27, 2020 12:44 am

Will Williams wrote:
Fri Jun 26, 2020 1:28 pm
They have, however, a problem: Where do the elites stop when the radicals demand more?
These were among the decisive figures of American history. If all are dishonored, with their statues pulled down and their names taken off cities, counties, towns, rivers, canals, bridges, buildings, highways, roads, streets and dams, then what is left?
--- ... eft-138693
[/quote]Buchanan really didn't say much in this latest from him. The questions he left hanging infuriated me though, he knows well what comes next when the anti-Whites (which he refuses to name as such) are appeased by treasonous politicians but remain very unsatisfied. White genocide, because our physical existence will be all that's left to take.

Buchanan's lack of plain talk reeks of cowardice. Typical CONservative. At least the anti-Whites are honest about what they want and shove it in our faces daily. Sneaky and ambiguous talk from the Buchanan types deceive well-meaning Whites into complacency instead of firing them up to the fight that is sure to visit all of us who are in regular contact with non-Whites.
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Will Williams
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Re: GOP can't be seen as the White man's party

Post by Will Williams » Tue Jun 30, 2020 9:31 am

Jim Mathias wrote:
Sat Jun 27, 2020 12:44 am
...Buchanan's lack of plain talk reeks of cowardice. Typical CONservative. At least the anti-Whites are honest about what they want and shove it in our faces daily. Sneaky and ambiguous talk from the Buchanan types deceive well-meaning Whites into complacency instead of firing them up to the fight that is sure to visit all of us who are in regular contact with non-Whites.
It's certainly true that Pat Buchanan is no radical White loyalist, Jim, but he's no neoCON, as your statement suggests. If he was, he wouldn't have best selling books published, or have run for POTUS in a third party bid, opposing the Republican and Democrat dweebs, nor would he have all the major face time on influential conservative TV news shows.

Jews show a visceral hatred of him and he is very popular with many Whites who are likely to eventually come all the way over to the positions of our Alliance. I'm hunting for a specific ADV show Dr. Pierce did where he quoted a particularly nasty rabbi describing Pat in the worst possible language for his criticism of Jewry. I'll find that, but here's Dr. Pierce on PB in "Democracy of Hypocrisy" in 1999:


In his recently published book, A Republic, Not an Empire, Buchanan points out that America could have and should have stayed out of two world wars in this century, that neither of these wars was necessary to defend America, and that neither served American interests. Such statements send the Jews into a spitting, shrieking frenzy of hatred and vilification. Oy, veh! Who cares about America’s interests? If America had stayed out of the First World War, we Jews never would have been able to seize control of Russia and murder 60 million Europeans. And if America had stayed out of the Second World War, Hitler would have thrown us all out of Europe. Oy, veh!

So the Jews see Buchanan as a dangerous anti-Semite for putting America’s interests ahead of theirs, and they treat him accordingly in their media — and so do the politicians.

Now listen: I’m really not a Buchanan supporter. He’s far too soft on race and on the Jews. But the way the Jews hate and vilify him is a clue as to why all the rest of the politicians are nothing but liars, hypocrites, and traitors: men who never stand up for our interests. Here’s the way it works: Democracy is about winning elections. No one wins an election in America, above the county level, if the Jews are determined that he should lose. With their control of television they can destroy any candidate. Politicians understand that, and being practical, self-interested people, they don’t buck the Jews. That’s why you see them behaving the way they do. That’s why you see them now putting on hypocritical displays of outrage over Pat Buchanan’s comments, for example. It’s an opportunity for them to demonstrate their Political Correctness, an opportunity for them to prove that they have learned what the mayor of Fredericton is learning, an opportunity to prove their loyalty to the people who give them good press.[/quote]

...So now we hear [the Jews] pretending to be indignant that Buchanan is making chumps out of the Americans who fought in the Second World War; he’s calling those who fought suckers, they say, and that’s unpatriotic, and so we ought to shun him. Never mind that that’s not really what Buchanan said. Buchanan pointed out that Roosevelt, by giving secret assurances to Churchill that America would back him in a war against Germany, led us into a war which not only was unnecessary but which cost us 300,000 killed, cost the Germans millions killed and millions more raped by our gallant communist allies, cost the lives of millions of other Europeans, and delivered half of Europe to communist rule for 50 years. Never mind all that; Roosevelt kept Hitler from sending all the Jews packing, and that’s all that the people who give the politicians good press care about. Historical truth matters no more to these politicians than political truth. Their habit is to posture and to lie about anything, anytime, if they believe it will help them win elections.

That’s the way democracy works; it’s a system which encourages hypocrisy and lying, which virtually guarantees it, whether Jews are involved or not. And when Jews are involved, when Jews control the process, then we get what we have in America today: open borders and a continuing flood of non-Whites into America, darkening our cities, darkening our schools, raping our women, killing our men, degrading our culture, destroying our civilization, with no elected official willing to stand up and speak out against it.

So at least let us, let you and me, stand up and speak out.
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Will Williams
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Re: GOP can't be seen as the White man's party

Post by Will Williams » Tue Jun 30, 2020 10:41 pm

Will Williams wrote:
Tue Jun 30, 2020 9:31 am

... I'm hunting for a specific ADV show Dr. Pierce did where he quoted a particularly nasty rabbi describing Pat in the worst possible language for his criticism of Jewry. I'll find that, but here's Dr. Pierce on PB in "Democracy of Hypocrisy" in 1999:
Eureka! It wasn't a nasty rabbi smearing Pat, but a nasty Jew professor:

An example is New York’s Jewish Press, which bills itself as the world’s largest-circulation English-language newspaper for Jews. Three weeks ago, in the October 1 issue [1999] of the Jewish Press, a Jewish spokesman, Professor Howard L. Adelson, had a column titled “Another Sewer Rat Appears.” Professor Adelson wrote, and I quote: “Out of the slime of the sewers and into the filth of the gutter a desperate Patrick J. Buchanan, the neo-Nazi, has crawled into the political arena using anti-Semitism as his principal device to secure a future for himself.” That’s the first sentence in Professor Adelson’s column, and it’s a bit awkward, so I’ll read it again for you, and you can savor it’s Jewish flavor: “Out of the slime of the sewers and into the filth of the gutter a desperate Patrick J. Buchanan, the neo-Nazi, has crawled into the political arena using anti-Semitism as his principal device to secure a future for himself.”

Well that’s just the beginning of a very long column by Professor Adelson, and every sentence oozes a vicious, Talmudic hatred. He goes on to say that Buchanan “always was a neo-Nazi,” whose “ignorance is astounding” and “reveals the shallow quality of his tortured, sick, defective mind.” Et cetera. In a separate column in the Jewish Press Rabbi Rafael Grossman, the honorary president of the Rabbinical Council of America, gives us his own outpouring of Jewish hate against Buchanan.

In another Jewish newspaper, the October 1 issue of the Forward, which also is published in New York, Harvard Law School Professor Alan Dershowitz writes, and I quote: “Let there be no mistake about it. Pat Buchanan is a classic anti-Semite with fascist leanings who hates Israel and loves Nazi war criminals.” And Dershowitz raves on and on, concluding, and again I quote: “Let us begin to think about Pat Buchanan realistically. He is a bigot who appeals to the worst of America. That’s why he will always be a loser.”

Actually, that last statement of Dershowitz’s displays the same sort of deception that characterizes Jewish statements intended primarily for the Gentile public. If Dershowitz really believed that Buchanan always will be a loser because he “appeals to the worst of America,” then Dershowitz and his fellow Jewish leaders wouldn’t be knocking themselves out to vilify the man. The real meaning of Dershowitz’s statement is that the Jews themselves must do everything needed to insure that Buchanan becomes a loser and doesn’t gain any influence over American policy.

Another Forward article, in the September 24 issue, reports on the strategy the Jews are using to keep Buchanan from gaining any influence. The article has a remarkably frank headline, namely, and I quote: “Leadership Presses Bush in Bid to Block Buchanan from Republican Ranks.” The “leadership” referred to consists of the leaders of the whole Jewish community, not just the media bosses: Jews such as Abe Foxman, national director of the Anti-Defamation League of B’nai B’rith; Matt Brooks, executive director of the Republican Jewish Coalition; and Ira Forman, executive director of the National Jewish Democratic Council. If you think it strange for the head of the Republican Jews to be working out a plan with the head of the Democratic Jews to apply pressure to the principal Gentile Republican candidate to shut another Gentile Republican candidate out of the election, then you still have a lot to learn about Jews.

There are many other Jewish leaders and organizations involved in this effort to stifle Buchanan. The Forward article lists, for example, leaders of the American Israel Public Affairs Committee, the Conference of Presidents of Major American Jewish Organizations, the American Jewish Committee, and so on. One of the most interesting recommendations in the Forward article is that the Jews themselves should stay in the background in their campaign against Buchanan and should use Gentile “front” men as their tools against Buchanan: men such as Republican candidate George Bush, Jr, New York real estate developer Donald Trump, and Arizona Republican Senator John McCain. The idea is to keep the public from understanding that the campaign against Buchanan is a Jewish campaign, lest there be a public reaction against the Jews and in favor of Buchanan...

more, here: ... tolerance/

No, the GOP certainly can't be seen as the White man's party :lol:
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Re: GOP can't be seen as the White man's party

Post by goyim123 » Mon Sep 28, 2020 10:24 am

These so called White democrats will never join our side. Also they don't have "pastors" because they are mostly atheists or worship Satan.

I hate both Republican and Democratic politicians but Republican voters are our people, for the handful of Whites that vote Democrat on the other hand, they will never join us and are our enemy. They are the race traitors, I would argue race traitors are worse than even Negros.

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Re: GOP can't be seen as the White man's party

Post by Grimork » Mon Sep 28, 2020 3:35 pm

goyim123 wrote:
Mon Sep 28, 2020 10:24 am
These so called White democrats will never join our side. Also they don't have "pastors" because they are mostly atheists or worship Satan.

I hate both Republican and Democratic politicians but Republican voters are our people, for the handful of Whites that vote Democrat on the other hand, they will never join us and are our enemy. They are the race traitors, I would argue race traitors are worse than even Negros.
What? There are Christian Democrats.

Also, I guess you don't know many Democrats except maybe NY Democrats, but my father would vote democrat and he's not a race traitor, he's someone that doesn't understand what is at stake, and that our country in it's present is defunct. The Republicans are trying to destroy us as much as the Democrats, don't you get it? Trump just advocated reparations for blacks.

My father is a good man, he's just fooled. He doesn't understand what's going on, he just likes some of the things Democrats say they stand for. Such as regulation of big corporations and helping the environment. He's certainly not a satanist or an atheist, he's not a devout Christian either.

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Re: GOP can't be seen as the White man's party

Post by goyim123 » Mon Sep 28, 2020 4:00 pm

Grimork wrote:
Mon Sep 28, 2020 3:35 pm
goyim123 wrote:
Mon Sep 28, 2020 10:24 am
These so called White democrats will never join our side. Also they don't have "pastors" because they are mostly atheists or worship Satan.

I hate both Republican and Democratic politicians but Republican voters are our people, for the handful of Whites that vote Democrat on the other hand, they will never join us and are our enemy. They are the race traitors, I would argue race traitors are worse than even Negros.
What? There are Christian Democrats.

Also, I guess you don't know many Democrats except maybe NY Democrats, but my father would vote democrat and he's not a race traitor, he's someone that doesn't understand what is at stake, and that our country in it's present is defunct. The Republicans are trying to destroy us as much as the Democrats, don't you get it? Trump just advocated reparations for blacks.

My father is a good man, he's just fooled. He doesn't understand what's going on, he just likes some of the things Democrats say they stand for. Such as regulation of big corporations and helping the environment. He's certainly not a satanist or an atheist, he's not a devout Christian either.
Well your urban city lifestyle liberals who practice degeneracy will never be on our side. They are a threat to us and we need to separate. Folks like your father are unaware about what is at stake like you said these liberals who are hardcore anti-White don't deserve anything from us. They may share our blood but as far as I'm concerned, they don't belong. They are the race traitors worse than the negros.

Now I have clarified, I hope I didn't upset you, your father doesn't sound anti-White. He is what they call "blue pilled" because he hasn't seen the resources I assume like we have. Those blue pilled that are neutral need to jump on board.

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Re: GOP can't be seen as the White man's party

Post by Grimork » Mon Sep 28, 2020 4:32 pm

There's a big difference between your antifa liberal and a moderate democrat! It's not fair to lump people into these huge groups because they are so broad. Moderate Democrats aren't even a minority I would argue that they are almost as plentiful as the antifa liberals. Especially before the country started getting flooded with the nonWhite hordes.

You still don't get Goy, that Republican voters are not all able to be redeemed either. There's plenty who are egalitarian, and greedy and antiWhite. Find me one presidential candidate this year who is anti immigration. I mean culling legal immigration! You won't find one! You know that we let somewhere around a million legal immigrants every year? Just legal. We can't sustain that. Both mainstream Dems and Repbs are trying to destroy us.

We need to try to reach people on a person to person basis not writing people off based whatever flavor of blinders they were wearing before they woke up. Being Pro White isn't being Republican or democrat. Neither party is completely correct in their policies. Both miss the mark considerably.

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Jim Mathias
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Re: GOP can't be seen as the White man's party

Post by Jim Mathias » Mon Sep 28, 2020 9:36 pm

Controlled opposition. It's a term indicating that the various sides in a conflict, competition, or even war are controlled by another who have set the two against each other. So it is with "Democrats" and "Republicans" (the politicians of those stripes), and their masters are the opinion-makers and shapers within the "mainstream media"---overwhelmingly headed by Jews and their worldview.

Ever notice that Dems and Cons march in lockstep about race? And race is everything in political matters, past and present, anti-White through and through. Trump's recent announcement of throwing a half a trillion paper dollars at Congoids to the exclusion of all others shows even the Cons know they must pander to these primitive savages burning, looting, raping, murdering, and so on in America these days. There's not one Con who is speaking out against this. If they did the same for Whites, which Jewish media outlets would scream their heads off at this? All of them! And the Cons and Dems know this, and conduct themselves accordingly.

It's funny, but The Donald has been reported as saying he's going to designate the Klan as a "terrorist" organization even though the Klan hasn't done much of anything like lynching feral Congoids in about a century or so. They just pass out fliers, newspapers, hold a few rallies on private grounds and perhaps some other legal activities, but that's it. I don't think Trump named the Klan as a specific organization, but rather as a symbolically made one to represent all pro-White groups (including ours in the National Alliance) as a gesture to the Jews that he's promising to attack their enemies for them. The Dems cheer this, of course, sick bastidges that they are. But what Con has spoke out against this? Are any members of the judiciary expressing any alarm as to the legality of this? None that I've seen. Bottom line: All are in lockstep against us.

When it comes to individuals who have in the past or now support any of these politician-criminals and -traitors, they aren't so easily to lump together as Grimork has indicated. Some thoughtful few are dropping out of that Jewish controlled racket after seeing what a monstrosity it's become. Members of the National Alliance should be finding them, and reaching out to them in any which way we're effective at. Our existence depends on it.
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