Sins of My Father

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Will Williams
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Sins of My Father

Post by Will Williams » Thu Mar 12, 2020 11:55 am

An article about censoring Politically Incorrect content: ... ment-31639

I posted the following review of an unauthorized biography of Dr. William Pierce to Amazon a week ago but it never appeared:



Will Williams
1.0 of 5 stars Sins of My Father
Verified Purchaser
I Hate My Daddy

The title of Kelvin Pierce’s book is taken from Hebrew biblical references, like the proverb in Jeremiah’s Book: “The fathers have eaten sour grapes, And the children’s teeth are set on edge.” After reading Sins it’s clear that it is Kelvin’s teeth that are set on edge from eating sour grapes, not his father’s.

One question I would ask Kelvin Pierce after reading his rather poorly edited book: Which Jewish watchdog group commissioned this book: Was it the Southern Poverty Law Center or was it the Anti-Defamation League of B’nai B’rith? After all, the final sentence in the blurb on the back cover is, “He [William Pierce] was labeled as the most dangerous and influential Neo-Nazi/White Nationalist in North America by the Southern Poverty Law Center and the Anti-Defamation League, over a 30-year period.” Why would a son quote these haters’ hateful opinions of his father who died 18 years ago?

William Pierce was no Christian. Like most Americans of his generation that were raised Christian he was raised a Presbyterian. Being highly intelligent, a scientist with a doctorate in physics, he “put aside childish things” (like belief in imaginary spooks up in the sky) when he became an adult. Kelvin Pierce apparently is a devout Christian, however (he prays a lot), and is into other eastern creeds from what I gather, reading this “tell all” book about his “evil” father.

Kelvin will never grasp the extraordinary religion his father founded, Cosmotheism, nor the National Alliance, that he says is a “hate group,” parroting the buzz term of “hate” watchdogs. Kelvin is eaten up with irrational guilt, denies his own race, freely admits to near terminal depression, self-doubt, low self-esteem, and has subjected himself to years of therapy to deal with these issues. The only chapters in Sins that seemed to me to be wholly Kelvin’s personal recollections were of the hang gliding hobby he and his father shared, and about his admirable humanitarian work: rebuilding a decrepit orphanage in Georgia, the former Soviet Socialist Republic, years after his dad’s death. The rest of the book, even pre-teen memories from 55 years ago of discipline and corporal punishment for the author’s frequent mischief and for lying to his father seem to this reader to be embellished or edited to fit the “evil hater” profile by an anti-White ghost writer.

Readers who are interested in learning about the founder of Cosmotheism — arguably the greatest man of the second half of the 20th Century — and of his supposedly “most dangerous” National Alliance, or about the SPLC or ADL for that matter, can gain a more balanced, more honest perspective of William Pierce’s life’s work and achievements by searching for those subjects, starting here ... -l-pierce/ rather than by reading this “dump on Daddy” purgation.
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Re: Sins of My Father

Post by Will Williams » Tue Apr 07, 2020 12:01 pm

One of the only new facts I learned about Dr. Pierce by reading his son's smear book is that when his twin sons were born in 1960, he could name if a boy and Mr.s Pierce could name if a girl. Since they turned out to be twin boys, the daddy named them. One would be Kelvin after on of Dr. Pierce's favorite physicists.


The other, Erik, after Erik the Red, the great Viking warrior and explorer.


This fact tells me that William Pierce was torn between his lucrative profession as physicist and his soon to be, thankless role as a leader of his race, several years before being introduced to his early mentor George Lincoln Rockwell. He would have been about 27 in 1960.
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Re: Sins of My Father

Post by Wade Hampton III » Tue Apr 07, 2020 12:10 pm

....and the whereabouts of Mrs. Pierce?

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Re: Sins of My Father

Post by PhuBai68 » Tue Apr 07, 2020 3:45 pm

Wade Hampton III wrote:
Tue Apr 07, 2020 12:10 pm
....and the whereabouts of Mrs. Pierce?
•••• and Erik?
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Re: Sins of My Father

Post by Jim Mathias » Wed Apr 08, 2020 1:04 am

PhuBai68 wrote:
Tue Apr 07, 2020 3:45 pm
Wade Hampton III wrote:
Tue Apr 07, 2020 12:10 pm
....and the whereabouts of Mrs. Pierce?
•••• and Erik?
If Mrs. Pierce or Erik Pierce want to associate with us again, they will find us. It's to be hoped they'll have at least some of the dedication our Founder had. If there's no desire to join with us, I wish them well.
For our part, keeping to Dr. Pierce's vision and continuing our outreach, infrastructure building, and of course remaining on our Path will bring the kind of Whites we're seeking to join us.
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Re: Sins of My Father

Post by Will Williams » Wed Apr 08, 2020 9:59 am

Jim Mathias wrote:
Wed Apr 08, 2020 1:04 am
PhuBai68 wrote:
Tue Apr 07, 2020 3:45 pm
Wade Hampton III wrote:
Tue Apr 07, 2020 12:10 pm
....and the whereabouts of Mrs. Pierce?
•••• and Erik?
If Mrs. Pierce or Erik Pierce want to associate with us again, they will find us. It's to be hoped they'll have at least some of the dedication our Founder had. If there's no desire to join with us, I wish them well.
For our part, keeping to Dr. Pierce's vision and continuing our outreach, infrastructure building, and of course remaining on our Path will bring the kind of Whites we're seeking to join us.
That's the attitude, Jim! Who was close to WLP 60 years ago are of no concern to us. We have to put many of our own family and the friends we grew up with behind us and embrace those who are with us today, and move forward with them.

I think the point I made about the names Dr. Pierce gave his sons 60 years ago is interesting. If Wade and PB find out whatever came of Erik and his mother, they can put that up here. I do not care.
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Will Williams
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Re: Sins of My Father

Post by Will Williams » Mon May 18, 2020 3:06 pm

Question for PhuBai68: I tried twice to post the following long comment to Stormfront user Haman's Advance Scout section: ... st15147551

The first time it disappeared <poof!> because I couldn't get on SF unless I swore I'm not a robot and then had to identify a bunch of photos of umbrellas and bicycles. I identified them but still couldn't get on -- and even if I could have I'd already lost this long comment.

So, being stubborn, I retyped the entire long comment from scratch, from memory, this time copying it to my email drafts just in case it disappeared again. Then I had to go through the whole routine of hoop jumping again -- declaring myself human, then identifying photos of bicycles and umbrellas, but to no avail. Lost the long comment again so couldn't put it up. What's below is my lost comment.

As a Stormfront moderator, can you put this up in that 14-year-old topic thread, "Do You Know Your PLE Principles?"? Haman is not going to like my comment and may have influence at SF to block my comments? Who knows why I can't put up my comment, defending the National Alliance from one who hates us and claims we are a "cult"?


Haman, I just saw your five Star Amazon review of Kelvin Pierce's forgettable book, The Sins of My Father:

Mimereader2 (aka Haman)
5.0 out of 5 stars A Rare Look At The Private Side of America's Most Significant Cult Leader.
Reviewed in the United States on April 17, 2020
Verified Purchase
I am a former supporter of Dr. Pierce's cult, the main subject examined in this book. And because I still consider myself to be a pro-White person; I highly recommend this book to anyone who would like to see major corrections occur in White Nationalism, such as those advocated on the Advanced Scout sub-forum of Stormfront.

Amazon likes positive reviews like yours of this book, Haman. Amazon hates negative reviews of this book and of other books that the SPLC tells them to block, Like this one below, submitted by me back in March. It never appeared; it was blocked by Amazon't thought police:

Will Williams
1.0 of 5 stars Sins of My Father
Verified Purchaser
I Hate My Daddy

The title of Kelvin Pierce’s book is taken from Hebrew biblical references, like the proverb in Jeremiah’s Book: “The fathers have eaten sour grapes, And the children’s teeth are set on edge.” After reading Sins it’s clear that it is Kelvin’s teeth that are set on edge from eating sour grapes, not his father’s.

One question I would ask Kelvin Pierce after reading his rather poorly edited book: Which Jewish watchdog group commissioned this book: Was it the Southern Poverty Law Center or was it the Anti-Defamation League of B’nai B’rith? After all, the final sentence in the blurb on the back cover is, “He [William Pierce] was labeled as the most dangerous and influential Neo-Nazi/White Nationalist in North America by the Southern Poverty Law Center and the Anti-Defamation League, over a 30-year period.” Why would a son quote these haters’ hateful opinions of his father who died 18 years ago?

William Pierce was no Christian. Like most Americans of his generation that were raised Christian he was raised a Presbyterian. Being highly intelligent, a scientist with a doctorate in physics, he “put aside childish things” (like belief in imaginary spooks up in the sky) when he became an adult. Kelvin Pierce apparently is a devout Christian, however (he prays a lot), and is into other eastern creeds from what I gather, reading this “tell all” book about his “evil” father.

Kelvin will never grasp the extraordinary religion his father founded, Cosmotheism, nor the National Alliance, that he says is a “hate group,” parroting the buzz term of “hate” watchdogs. Kelvin is eaten up with irrational guilt, denies his own race, freely admits to near terminal depression, self-doubt, low self-esteem, and has subjected himself to years of therapy to deal with these issues. The only chapters in Sins that seemed to me to be wholly Kelvin’s personal recollections were of the hang gliding hobby he and his father shared, and about his admirable humanitarian work: rebuilding a decrepit orphanage in Georgia, the former Soviet Socialist Republic, years after his dad’s death. The rest of the book, even pre-teen memories from 55 years ago of discipline and corporal punishment for the author’s frequent mischief and for lying to his father seem to this reader to be embellished or edited to fit the “evil hater” profile by an anti-White ghost writer.

Readers who are interested in learning about the founder of Cosmotheism — arguably the greatest man of the second half of the 20th Century — and of his supposedly “most dangerous” National Alliance, or about the SPLC or ADL for that matter, can gain a more balanced, more honest perspective of William Pierce’s life’s work and achievements by searching for those subjects, starting here: ... our-cause/ rather than by reading this “dump on Daddy” purgation.

More about Amazon's censorship policy of banning those that the SPLC Jews tell them to blacklist and block: ... l-content/

More about Jews and other enemies of the National Alliance who call NA a "cult" (from the August 2019 issue of the National Alliance BULLETIN).
Who you calling a cult, Jewboy?

Our William L. Pierce Memorial Library doesn't house only books that reinforce our racial nationalist, preservationist viewpoint. We also have a good number of books written by our racial enemies. One such volume is Jeffrey Kaplan's 1997, Radical Religion in America: Millenarian Movements from the Far Right to the Children of Noah. Kaplan lumps our Cosmotheism religion in with Christian Identists, Odinists, Christian Ku Kluxers, Odinists, the anti-Christian Church of the Creator, and some obscure philo-Semitic outfit calling itself B'nai Noah. However, in Kaplan's 200+ page book about what he calls White racist millennial religions the Cosmotheist Church is mentioned but once -- and that is footnoted to the Anti-Defamation League of B'nai B'rith as the source for this single sentence: "After 1978, [William Pierce's] National Alliance was joined with a new Pierce creation, The Cosmotheist Church, whose primary tenet of faith appears to be 'Thou shalt not deny Dr. Pierce tax exempt status' as had the Internal Revenue Service in that year." 

That's it, coming from a Jew professor of Sociology who styles himself an expert in White racism and White supremacy. In this same book the Jew Sociology professor devotes a full page to quoting word-for-word the well-documented enemy of the National Alliance and other legitimate groups, Harold Covington (see: ... covington/) In Covington's 1993 disgusting obituary of the honorable Ben Klassen, founder of the Church of the Creator, Kaplan quotes him: "Benny Klassen is dead...the founder of the "Church of the Creator" sodomy cult, the man whose deviant lifestyle was so notorious that American Skinheads nicknamed him "old Benny Buttfuck"... most probably a rabbi's son from Vilna... Enough. The already depleted remnants of his cult are collapsing like a house of cards even as I write. Let it perish along with he who gave it life." 

Jeffrey Kaplan likes to repeat this idea that any religion for Whites that is not Semitic must be a "cult." After releasing his 624 page hardback textbook Encyclopedia of White Power in 2000, which also prominently featured many of Covington's smears of good men, Kaplan co-edited The Cultic Milieu: Oppositional Subcultures in an Age of Globalization with another Jewish expert in "Nazism," another textbook writer, Heléne Lööw. A blurb on that textbook reads: "Chapters look at phenomena such as US white supremacism through the lens of the cultic milieu, and help introduce the term to a new audience, especially those concerned with the history and dynamics of the extreme right."

So, a new audience of impressionable university students studying Sociology, learn this in The Cultic Milieu: William Pierce, founder of the National Alliance and doyen of American neo-Nazism from the 1970s to the early 2000s, developed an alternate faith he called Cosmotheism,.. Part of the lived experience of being a committed white supremacist, for Pierce, was to develop a more profound understanding of one’s place within the cosmos, while rejecting the worldview of Judeo-Christianity. 
Kaplan got that last part right, at least, but how many of those young students of his can get past the buzz terms "neo-Nazism" and "white supremacism," or "extreme right" for that matter? How many wide-eyed pupils of Sociology will actually be able to get beyond the smears to grasp that Dr. Pierce's supplanting the ancient, truly cultish, otherworldly Judeo-Christian worldview that is grounded in superstition, with a reality and science-based worldview that gives "a more profound understanding of one's place within the universe," is perfectly reasonable? Will these impressionable university students be willing to agree with Dr. Pierce and disagree with Jeffrey Kaplan and the other influential Jewish experts in "White supremacy and White racist cults?" Kaplan and his kinsmen blaspheme Cosmotheists and associate and marginalize us along with nutty cults like Heaven's Gate, Scientology, the Unification Church and Jim Jones' People's Temple. 

What our Alliance is not is neo-Nazi, White Supremacist (akin to racial segregation, apartheid, "separate but equal Jim Crow"), or even extreme right, We're right, all right, and these extreme left Jews are dead wrong when branding the National Alliance a cult. Our goal is strict geographical separation, our own exclusive homeland, free of aliens and their influence. Period. We will work out details later. Preserving our kind is not an "extreme" goal. This cult rap was run past respected Alliance ally Martin Kerr, who worked closely with Dr. Pierce for years. Martin responded on our WhiteBiocentrism forum: 
Accusations that the National Alliance or Cosmotheism are cults or cult-like are off base. True cults are inward-look groups that are based on charismatic leadership, esoteric teachings and revelation. None of these descriptors accurately fit the NA or the Cosmotheist Church (CC). The fact that the NA spends so much of its energy in public outreach is uncult-like. 
Will Williams and Kevin Strom, both of whom I know personally, are nice enough folks, but neither holds the NA/CC membership in thrall by the force of charismatic leadership. Nor are there esoteric teachings or revelations. Rather, the entire belief system of Cosmotheism is available to anyone who is interested in it: there are no secret teachings which are held back for an inner circle that can only be attained through selective initiation. The doctrines of the CC are not based on supernatural epiphany, but rather on the rational and diligent search for Nature's laws as revealed by the latest scientific data. Of course, some people who throw the word "cult" around are using it in a more general sense, rather than adhering to a strict technical definition [and some are just nasty anti-White Jews].

I remind these critics that Christianity began as a cult. It was a secretive and subversive sect for the first 300 years or so of its existence. Its believers were persecuted, tortured and killed by the Roman state, and its sacred texts were banned and burned. Then in AD 313 it was legalized, and 10 years later it became the official religion of the Roman Empire. From there it became the dominant religion of the entire White world for 1500 years...[and is still cultish].
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Re: Sins of My Father

Post by Will Williams » Mon May 18, 2020 9:34 pm

Never mind, PB. By sheer persistence I was finally able to put up the comment, here, less some of the formatting above: ... st15148211 We'll see if it stays up since Haman likes to dish out criticism of the National Alliance as a "cult," and of its founder as a cult leader, but doesn't like criticism of Haman.
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Re: Sins of My Father

Post by PhuBai68 » Wed May 20, 2020 11:20 am

I'll tell you Will, it isn't easy to moderate with all the little glitches happening over there.
Personally (this is just me now) I believe "somewhere" in the internet loop (from the servers to the ISP to Cloudfare) there's some social justice warrior tossing a spanner into the gears when he/she can.
The troubles seem to just happen and then just go away.
I'm thinking when this SJW (maybe even a couple/few) are on the work schedule they do "something".
Remembering back to the mid-80's when I was on light duty because of being injured stuck in an office trying to look up information on the early computer system they had back then with "C prompt commands" one little wrong key and the search was over, a "/;" instead of a "/:" and you were done.
Some SJW changing one setting while on their shift then resetting to default when going off duty so as not to be found out are my thoughts.
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Re: Sins of My Father

Post by Will Williams » Wed May 20, 2020 9:25 pm

I don't go to Stormfront that often, PB, but I do try at least to put up the link to our newest American Dissident Voices broadcast each week, in the popular and "stickied" Cosmotheist Philosophy/Ideology topic thread. It seems half the time I go there lately it is "Down For Maintenance."

As for Mr. H. Michael Barret aka Haman, He responded to my criticism of his criticism of WLP and the National Alliance and I got in the final word, here: viewtopic.php?f=25&t=1256 I have no more to say to him. If it is taken down there, it will stay up here.

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Default Re: Do You Know Your PLE Principles?
Originally Posted by Haman
Thanks for your input WW, although our thinking is far apart and you're a bit off topic Do You Know Your PLE Principles?...

You're welcome. Yes, my thinking and yours is far apart, to say the least. I did not know your history with National-Socialism movements in America, of which you apparently style yourself an expert, so I asked a friend who was around and involved with NS since the late 1960s what he knew about H.Michael Barrett aka Haman. You will consider this off-topic, but it does mention your PLE scheme:

What I know about Barrett is that he is a serial traitor and a troublemaker.

First he joined with Rockwell, and worked his way into his confidence. Then he betrayed Rockwell. After Rockwell's assassination, he joined Matt Koehl and the NSWPP [National Socialist White People's Party], saying that he was moved by GLR's sacrifice and was ready to get back into action. MK trusted him. Then he betrayed Matt Koehl.

Next, he was one of the first members of the NYA [National Youth Alliance] and worked his way into WLP's [William Luther Pierce's] confidence. Then he betrayed WLP.

In 1972, he gave an interview to the Northern Virginia Sun (or maybe it was the Alexandria Gazette)... He gave the interview anonymously, but it was clear who he was. In it, he said that he had gone to a doctor, who told him that his "racism" was caused by a vitamin deficiency, and after taking vitamin supplements, he was no longer racist. He also used the occasion to attack GLR, MK, the NSWPP and National Socialism in general... After that, he fell off our radar screen for many years.

In the 1980s he gave another anonymous interview to the "extremist expert" Laird Wilcox, repeating much of what he had said previously, but leaving out the part about racism being caused by a vitamin-poor diet.

In the early 2000s, he submitted a series of articles under his own name to Heritage and Destiny, concerning his "Pioneer Little Europe" scheme. They just went on and on. Weak tea. Basically, his idea is a feminine response to a problem that requires a masculine solution. [H&D editor] Mark Cotterill published the first three or four of the series and then cut him off. At the time he said that they were unpopular with the readership and a waste of space...

He later showed up on Stormfront, peddling the same PLE scheme. He also announced himself as an expert on American Nazism who knew the "true story" behind Rockwell, Koehl and Pierce, etc... So the pattern is that he comes and goes. Maybe he is back now... If his pattern holds, he will go away again.

Takeaway: serial traitor - not to be trusted. Feminine response to a problem (Jews and White genocide) that calls for a masculine response.
We need ethics; we need values and standards; we need a world view. And if one wants to call all of these things together a religion, then we need a religion. One might choose instead, however, to call them a philosophy of life. Whatever we call it, it must come from our own race soul: it must be an expression of the innate Aryan nature. And it must be conducive to our mission of racial progress. -Dr. William Pierce, in NATIONAL ALLIANCE MEMBERSHIP HANDBOOK
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