White activism in the news Apr-Oct 2019

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Jim Mathias
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Re: White activism at Nashville in the news

Post by Jim Mathias » Fri May 24, 2019 2:48 am

https://www.wsmv.com/news/racist-flyer- ... 7c233.html
Racist flyer left on car windshields at One Hundred Oaks Mall
Alan Frio Posted Apr 30, 2019

<video showing flyer at website>

A racist flyer has popped up on windshields in the parking lot at the One Hundred Oaks Mall.

A Nashville couple found one on their car. It’s upsetting to them because the flyer is not only filed with hate, but the couple are also African Americans.

They don’t believe they were targeted, but it still stings.

Alonzo Mayfield and his wife had just left the Vanderbilt Clinic at One Hundred Oaks when they say a flyer on their windshield.

It soon became apparent to them that it wasn’t an advertisement. As they read the flyer, they became silent. There were racist depictions and white power symbols.

“My son, my daughter are dealing with stuff today that my parents and their parents dealt with, something they should not have to experience,” said Mayfield.

The flyer listed a website that had racist and white nationalism overtones.

“This is something that does not belong in the community. It’s something that does not show favorably on Nashville. This is a dynamic of the country that has yet to evaporate,’ said Mayfield.

If Mayfield could speak to whoever put the flyer on his windshield, he would say this:

“What is it that is in your heart, that says that

"What is it, that is in your heart, that says that melanin, or the lack of it, establishes superiority, or inferiority, perhaps they need to sit down and spend time with people outside their group," said Mayfield.

Vanderbilt Medical Center sent News4 a statement that said in part “While we understand the flyer was place on a car parked in One Hundred Oaks retail area, the safety of each of our patients is always a foremost concern. The flyer was reported to Vanderbilt University Police, and they continue to investigate.
More "investigations" of free speech activity. Do the cops in Nashville have nothing else going on if they've got time to spend on no-crime activity? I doubt it, this seems like more targeting of White activists.
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Re: White activism at Duisberg Germany in the news

Post by Jim Mathias » Fri May 24, 2019 2:54 am

https://www.dw.com/en/far-right-sticker ... a-48574143
Far-right sticker in German police car raises racism concerns

Date 02.05.2019

Police in the city of Duisburg have received complaints over an Identitarian movement sticker seen in one of their cars. The extremist group espouses a white nationalist ideology.

A sticker from the right-wing extremist Identitarian movement has been found in a patrol car used by police in the western German city of Duisburg, police officials said on Thursday.

The police were initially notified via social media of the presence of the sticker on the inner side of one of the vehicle's sun shields, they said. Investigators handed the offending sign to public prosecutors.

The sticker was apparently sighted during May Day demonstrations in the city on Wednesday.

The Identitarian movement is under observation by Germany's domestic intelligence agency, which sees it as a group based on a political concept that "is fundamentally opposed to human rights and pluralist democracy."

'Defend yourself'

Herbert Reul, the interior minister of the state of North Rhine-Westphalia, where Duisburg is located, voiced outrage at the finding of the sticker, which read "Defend yourself; it is your country" and bore the name of the movement along with a web address.

"Something like that has no place in a police car," he told the newsmagazine Der Spiegel.

Duisburg's police chief, Elke Bartels, also condemned the presence of the sticker.

"Racist ideologies have no place in the ranks of the police and will not be tolerated under any circumstances."

She said that the affair would be investigated thoroughly and that disciplinary measures would be employed if necessary.

Identitarians say they are just patriots, but they are known for their racist views

Lurking ideologies

It is not the first time members of the German police have been suspected of harboring far-right sentiments.

In one instance, police in the eastern state of Thuringia faced criticism in 2016 after a copy of a right-wing magazine was seen prominently displayed in the windshield of a police van ahead of a rally for the far-right Alternative for Germany (AfD) party.

Frankfurt's police suspended six officers late last year after racist images and text messages shared in a WhatsApp chat group went public.
These are the kind of police needed here!
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Re: Humor in the news at Denver

Post by Jim Mathias » Sat May 25, 2019 12:28 am

https://www.coloradopolitics.com/hot-sh ... 97324.html
Opponents in Denver City Council race both slam racist flyer (VIDEO)
9News May 24, 2019 Updated 10 hrs ago

<video showing the flyer found at link cited above>

Denver City Councilman Albus Brooks, who is running for re-election against challenger Candi CdeBaca in council District 9, posted a picture to social media of a racist flyer that includes his opponent’s logo.

“Time for this monkey to go,” the handout says next to an image that depicts Brooks as a monkey. Underneath the graphic is the message “Vote Latino.”

“This...is a new low,” Brooks wrote on Facebook. “Some of these flyers were found today in an area by my family, and I’m not sure how I’d describe this moment to my kids if they saw this.”

CdeBaca was quick to slam the circular as well, saying it did not come from her staff.

“Whoever made it clearly doesn't know me nor anything about my campaign. My family is black and this is incredibly offensive not only to my opponent but to me and my entire family,” she wrote on her own Facebook page. “ ... This vile and racist rhetoric has NO place on this campaign, in District 9, or in Denver. I fully and with the strongest of meanings denounce this flyer, the hate behind it, and whoever created it.”

Brooks told 9News by phone that he does not believe CdeBaca’s campaign is responsible for the handouts.

In the May 7 election for District 9, including central and northeast Denver, incumbent Brooks garnered 44.8% of the vote while challenger CdeBaca received 43.1%; two other challengers were eliminated.
Hate? Definitely not. Humor? Certainly! Either way the election turns out, the people in this Denver city council district are going to get Third World representation and that's nothing to laugh about.
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Jim Mathias
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Re: Denver humor

Post by Jim Mathias » Sun May 26, 2019 1:38 am

Everyone likes pictures with a story.
Political campaigns are getting down and dirty!
Political campaigns are getting down and dirty!
denver monkey.jpg (93.54 KiB) Viewed 3078 times
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Re: White activism at Brighton NY in the news

Post by Jim Mathias » Thu May 30, 2019 9:44 pm

https://www.democratandchronicle.com/st ... 268787001/
Brighton to dismiss code violations for white supremacist flyers
Georgie Silvarole, Rochester Democrat and Chronicle Published 1:49 p.m. ET May 30, 2019 | Updated 1:58 p.m. ET May 30, 2019

Code violations against a man who allegedly posted white supremacist flyers in Brighton will be dismissed in six months — as long as he doesn't break any laws before then.

Christopher Hodgman, 23, of Bethesda, Maryland, a former University of Rochester student, pleaded not guilty to the town of Brighton citations in April. On Tuesday, the town agreed on an adjournment in contemplation of dismissal — meaning the three citations will disappear from his record in six months as long as he stays out of trouble.

Brighton Police Chief Mark Henderson first identified Hodgman in March during a press conference. He explained that Hodgman's fingerprints were recovered from the adhesive used on at least three of the fliers, which represented a now-defunct white supremacist group called Identity Evropa.

In an emailed statement, Hodgman said he's disappointed in how Brighton chose to single him out and announce the code violations publicly.

"By selectively enforcing the law, town officials violated my constitutional rights for the sake of generating publicity," Hodgman wrote. "The decision to release my name over a minor code violation, to which I plead not guilty, led to threats of violence against me and my family. I have done nothing wrong, and I expect everyone involved in this harassment campaign to reflect on their actions."

Donald Thompson, Hodgman's attorney, said that Brighton attempted to chill free speech by selectively enforcing the town code. In this particular instance, the way Brighton publicly announced the violations potentially caused damage to his client's livelihood and military career, he added.

"It was enforced here only because the town didn’t like the content of the speech," Thompson said. "I think the town appropriately recognized that there were significant issues with this prosecution — that perhaps these were charges that shouldn’t have ever been brought in the first place."

The citations were never related to the content of the flyers, said Kenneth Gordon, attorney for the town of Brighton.

"Our goal is, always with code enforcement, to obtain compliance," Gordon said. "As long as he is compliant with his promise to follow the law and follow the code, we will allow the charges to be dismissed."

[email protected]
Allow the charges to be dismissed eh? I'd say Hodgman's attorney had enough ammunition (the legitimate selective enforcement defense) to make Brighton back down.
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Re: White activism at Long Island in the news

Post by Jim Mathias » Sun Jun 02, 2019 2:14 am

https://dailyvoice.com/new-york/suffolk ... ay/767320/
Stickers With Hateful White Supremacy Messages Found In Bay Shore, Police Say
Zak Failla

Stickers with hateful messages and notions of white supremacy were recently found and reported in Bay Shore, police said.

The stickers, which include images of swastikas and the KKK were found on street signs, crosswalks, on local buildings and several signs in town, police said. Investigators were notified and detectives from the Hateful Crimes Unit have launched an investigation.

Police are also investigating swastikas that were drawn in chalk at a nearby park in Brightwaters on April 23.

Officials are in the process of removing the stickers across town. The identities of any potential suspects have not been released.

This is a developing story. Check back to Daily Voice for updates.

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Re: White activism at Long Island in the news

Post by Colin » Sun Jun 02, 2019 9:26 am

Jim Mathias wrote:https://dailyvoice.com/new-york/suffolk ... ay/767320/
Stickers With Hateful White Supremacy Messages Found In Bay Shore, Police Say
Zak Failla

Stickers with hateful messages and notions of white supremacy were recently found and reported in Bay Shore, police said.

The stickers, which include images of swastikas and the KKK were found on street signs, crosswalks, on local buildings and several signs in town, police said. Investigators were notified and detectives from the Hateful Crimes Unit have launched an investigation.

Police are also investigating swastikas that were drawn in chalk at a nearby park in Brightwaters on April 23.

Officials are in the process of removing the stickers across town. The identities of any potential suspects have not been released.

This is a developing story. Check back to Daily Voice for updates.

Click here to sign up for Daily Voice's free daily emails and news alerts.

They have a "Hateful Crimes Unit"? Is the enough White Nationalist activity to warrant a whole unit?We must have the Jews in Jew York running scared.

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Will Williams
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Re: White activism at Long Island in the news

Post by Will Williams » Mon Jun 03, 2019 6:24 pm

Jim Mathias wrote:https://dailyvoice.com/new-york/suffolk ... ay/767320/
Police are also investigating swastikas that were drawn in chalk at a nearby park in Brightwaters on April 23.
Someone in Brighton with a lick of sense should inform authorities there that drawing a swastika with chalk does not rise to the level of a "hateful crime." :lol:

12-year-old was arrested in NYC earlier this year for this harmless scrawl

New York (CNN)A 12-year-old boy was arrested and charged with aggravated harassment on Wednesday after anti-Semitic graffiti was found drawn on a schoolyard in Queens last week, according to NYPD spokesperson Detective George Tsourovakas.

Dozens of swastikas, a Nazi eagle and the words "Hail Hitler" (sic) were found drawn in chalk on the pavement of PS 139's schoolyard Friday morning. New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo had directed the State Police Hate Crimes Task Force to assist the New York Police Department in its investigation.
The boy has been released to his mother, Tsourovakas said. Police would not provide further details on the case. The boy is expected to appear in court at a later date to face the charge.
Anti-Semitic symbols and words were found drawn in chalk at an elementary school yard in New York.
"I am appalled and disgusted by the Swastikas and other anti-Semitic symbols of hate that were scrawled in a Queens schoolyard," Cuomo said in a statement before the arrest. "In New York, we have zero tolerance for such vile acts of anti-Semitism."
Councilwoman Karen Koslowitz, who represents the district, said on Friday that her office received photographs from a resident in the apartment building next to the school and immediately informed the police. According to Koslowitz, the area is a predominantly Jewish neighborhood.
At the time, Koslowitz said this was an exceptionally scary incident and described the images as "horrible, just horrible."
https://www.cnn.com/2019/02/27/us/12-ye ... index.html
Horrible, Just Horrible, & Scary, Too!!
If Whites insist on participating in "social media," do so on ours, not (((theirs))). Like us on WhiteBiocentrism.com; follow us on NationalVanguard.org. ᛉ


Re: White activism in the news Apr-Oct 2019

Post by Colin » Mon Jun 03, 2019 10:14 pm

This is going from silly to down right stupid, but what do you expect from Jew York City.

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Jim Mathias
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Re: White activism at Long Island in the news

Post by Jim Mathias » Mon Jun 03, 2019 11:29 pm

Will Williams wrote: 12-year-old was arrested in NYC earlier this year for this harmless scrawl

New York (CNN)A 12-year-old boy was arrested and charged with aggravated harassment on Wednesday after anti-Semitic graffiti was found drawn on a schoolyard in Queens last week, according to NYPD spokesperson Detective George Tsourovakas.
Aggravated harassment for a 12 year old? Slamming kids with felonies for graffiti is as harsh as....IDF soldiers using live rounds on Palestinian kids giving Jews the finger. Both can be life-altering events to a fatal degree considering with whom and where the kid could be incarcerated with.

As I recall from earlier this year, one Gunnar Hassard was charged with the same crime for placing posters at SUNY-Purchase... https://www.lohud.com/story/news/crime/ ... 275121002/
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