Promoting NA on less radical WN sites

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Will Williams
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Promoting NA on less radical WN sites

Post by Will Williams » Mon Apr 15, 2019 10:40 am

See post #81 on this Bugster thread at Stormfront: ... st14820940
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Jim Mathias
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Re: Promoting NA on less radical WN sites

Post by Jim Mathias » Tue Apr 16, 2019 2:23 am

Will Williams wrote:See post #81 on this Bugster thread at Stormfront: ... st14820940
What is a "Bugster?"
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Will Williams
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Re: Promoting NA on less radical WN sites

Post by Will Williams » Tue Apr 16, 2019 10:55 am

Jim Mathias wrote:
Will Williams wrote:See post #81 on this Bugster thread at Stormfront: ... st14820940
What is a "Bugster?"
One can hit the link to find out.

Bugsters have gone around for several years now, repeating phrases like "Diversity is a code word for White Genocide" and "Anti-racist is a code word for anti-White." That's true and that's OK, but when you get down to asking bugsters specifics about their positions on certain subjects that are impacting on the White race they keep repeating their mantras: "Diversity is a code word for White Genocide" and "Anti-racist is a code word for anti-White," which seems rather shallow to folks wanting answers beyond entry level mantras.

That's when the National Alliance comes in and points the newly awakened to NATALL.COM and

The point of this topic is to show how the National Alliance can reach out to those likely to be sympathetic to us on others' sites.

At that thread I linked to, the alt-right weighs in with their mantra: "It's OK to be white."

It's not OK to just be OK. Even AT&T understands that

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Re: Promoting NA on less radical WN sites

Post by Colin » Tue Apr 16, 2019 6:03 pm

I have started using the NA sites and stories in the comments section of the major news sites. I find many people with questions on these sites that can only be answered by reading our material.

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Will Williams
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Re: Promoting NA on less radical WN sites

Post by Will Williams » Wed Apr 17, 2019 10:59 am

Colin wrote:I have started using the NA sites and stories in the comments section of the major news sites. I find many people with questions on these sites that can only be answered by reading our material.
We're busy people and don't have a lot of time to answer all of the questions from someone who is new to White racial nationalism. One function of WB is as a mentoring site. We try to point the newbie in the right direction. Then the more inquisitive and resourceful ones can inform themselves. The most serious among that sub-group soon join the Alliance and keep learning. We all keep learning. Soon enough the student becomes the teacher.
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Re: Promoting NA on less radical WN sites

Post by Colin » Wed Apr 17, 2019 10:47 pm

Will Williams wrote:
Colin wrote:I have started using the NA sites and stories in the comments section of the major news sites. I find many people with questions on these sites that can only be answered by reading our material.
We're busy people and don't have a lot of time to answer all of the questions from someone who is new to White racial nationalism. One function of WB is as a mentoring site. We try to point the newbie in the right direction. Then the more inquisitive and resourceful ones can inform themselves. The most serious among that sub-group soon join the Alliance and keep learning. We all keep learning. Soon enough the student becomes the teacher.
Even though I have been in the movement for a long time, I still feel I have a lot to learn.

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Re: Promoting NA on less radical WN sites

Post by PhuBai68 » Thu Apr 18, 2019 4:24 pm

Veiled Heritance and Odin Awakens BOTH are into "boomer bashing" - in other words blaming those born between 1946 through 1964 for all the ills in the world.
Both these losers piss me off - Stormfront has a policy of no attacks against other white ethnicities (you know - the Irish bashing the English, the Norwegians bashing the Swedes - since there are lots of old scabs on healing wounds in Europe) and no gender wars YET for whatever reason these two clowns, plus a couple other are blaming OUR generation for all the woes in the world Chairman.
I don't believe WE got the United States involved in Vietnam, WE got dragged into Vietnam, there were some boomer race traitors but damn!, even in former Confederate South Carolina I've seen some mud sharks, it's the millennials doing the mixing.
It's Hollywood, the MSM, the liberal teachers & college professors that are corrupting our society with the "one race, human race" nonsense.
I think these whiners, some of whom never worked (I mean WORKED) a day in their lives, who have sat on their asses playing video games and thumbing through their smart phones who now have no real job skills and are whining, "It's THEIR fault!".
Rant over.
It's not diversity, it's displacement.

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Jim Mathias
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Re: Promoting NA on less radical WN sites

Post by Jim Mathias » Sun Apr 21, 2019 11:45 pm

PhuBai68 wrote:Veiled Heritance and Odin Awakens BOTH are into "boomer bashing" - in other words blaming those born between 1946 through 1964 for all the ills in the world.
Both these losers piss me off -

I think these whiners, some of whom never worked (I mean WORKED) a day in their lives, who have sat on their asses playing video games and thumbing through their smart phones who now have no real job skills and are whining, "It's THEIR fault!".
Rant over.
Those two aren't Alliance material in any case, the can do attitude and self starters are what we're after. Glad they haven't found WB to spread their nonsense here.

Generationally speaking, each age group seems to have it's share of whiners, do nothings, and other 'clowns.' Isn't the "movement" full of them? There's also a lot of Whites of all generations who are the kind we want--those who get things done and carry the rest on their backs/brains and yet have nothing to do with the "movement." Dr. Pierce called them "virgins" and wanted to find them primarily.
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Will Williams
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Re: Promoting NA on less radical WN sites

Post by Will Williams » Wed Jun 05, 2019 9:05 am

I won't describe this Irish blog as a "less radical WN site" -- not since they like our new flier. ... inion.html

Finally a fine piece of political propaganda from American Racial Nationalists, a message fitting for whites, whether in Dixie, Dundee or Dungannon!

I thanked them in a comment under that:

Thanks, Ulster Sunwheel! It's about time folks begin shouting the real reason invasion of non-Whites into our living space is so abominable -- not just because of the increase in crime that's attendant, or the sex-trafficing, or the diseases, or the drugs, etc. -- it's the slow genocide of the traditional White population.
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Will Williams
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Re: Promoting NA on less radical WN sites

Post by Will Williams » Thu Jul 11, 2019 11:46 am

Throw bait every day at sites where like-minded Whites are likely to congregate:
Default Re: Living the Woke Life
Originally Posted by Russell James
I completely disagree with your assessment that "We are now picking up speed on the downward slide."
Nope, SS is correct. Things are getting worse.
"Woke?" Is that another millennial term like "red-pilled" for awakened? What's wrong with awakened? It's good that some young Whites people are becoming aware of the Jew's plans to replace them, but the time for talking about our race's problems has passed. Fact! It is time to organize.
We need to develop a strong White (I would call it "Aryan") culture in order to have strong White people to do the things you list. But, since culture is "that which is passed down", we need a pro-White media to "pass down" our culture. We can't have a strong pro-White media without funding, in order to enable (empower?) and professionalize its content providers. An important way to fund it is via advertising. We need pro-White business owners to pay for the advertising..
Needs, needs, needs! What Whites need to do is join together and organize with purpose under one banner. If there is something better than than William Pierce's National Alliance I'd like to know what it is:

We need ethics; we need values and standards; we need a world view. And if one wants to call all of these things together a religion, then we need a religion. One might choose instead, however, to call them a philosophy of life. Whatever we call it, it must come from our own race soul: it must be an expression of the innate Aryan nature. And it must be conducive to our mission of racial progress. -Dr. William Pierce, in NATIONAL ALLIANCE MEMBERSHIP HANDBOOK
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