Post DNA testing information here.

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Jim Mathias
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Re: They Admit It!

Post by Jim Mathias » Fri Dec 08, 2017 1:28 am

Thanks for the heads up, Wade.
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Re: Post DNA testing information here.

Post by PhuBai68 » Fri Dec 08, 2017 2:43 pm

It's not diversity, it's displacement.

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Re: Post DNA testing information here.

Post by PhuBai68 » Mon Dec 18, 2017 12:45 pm

I noticed this posted as I was moderating •••
It's not diversity, it's displacement.

David Pringle

Re: Post DNA testing information here.

Post by David Pringle » Wed Dec 20, 2017 11:07 am

Someone needs to call Craig Cobb.

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Re: Post DNA testing information here.

Post by NoLongerSilentUSA » Thu Dec 28, 2017 5:07 pm

I had a 23andMe DNA test done in June of 2015. According to the conservative 90% confidence level 23andMe view, I am 97.7% European with the remaining 2.3% left unassigned.
2015,07-15 0400 Conservative SRR, cropped.png
2015,07-15 0400 Conservative SRR, cropped.png (32.32 KiB) Viewed 15618 times
The speculative 51% confidence level 23andMe view puts me at 99.5% European. According to my parents, my European ancestry is English, Scotch-Irish and German, so the 7.8% French and German should be viewed as 7.8% German.
2015,07-15 0420 Speculative SRR, cropped.png
2015,07-15 0420 Speculative SRR, cropped.png (51.82 KiB) Viewed 15618 times
Also according to the speculative view, I am 97.6% Northern European.
2015,07-15 0425 Speculative RR, cropped.png
2015,07-15 0425 Speculative RR, cropped.png (36 KiB) Viewed 15618 times
23andMe goes from assigning me 97.7% European in the conservative view and refining that to 97.6% Northern European in the speculative view, which is fine and should be considered reasonably accurate since it is only categorizing DNA that has been already identified as European at a 90% confidence level. However, it is also taking DNA that was unassigned at the conservative 90% confidence level and categorizing it as 0.5% West African DNA, so it is reasonable to doubt that this part is accurate.

I would rather have 0.5% West African DNA than 0.1% Ashkenazi Jew DNA though. If I do in fact have 0.5% West African ancestry, then the Jews owe me reparations for their role in Black Slavery, and they should be paying people with German ancestry reparations for their Holocaust Hoax fraud and money scam and the German loss of life from WWII. Everyone on the planet has suffered from the Jews, so I think it would be appropriate for them to pay everyone reparations and return all the wealth they stole by way of "clever deception." There should be a permanent global boycott of all Jewish "goods" and "services" as punishment for their 2000-year-old war of conquest by "clever deception" against everyone else. No one should ever do business with a Jew.

Also, if I do in fact have 0.5% West African ancestry, then that means I am part Black and I could be president of the NAACP like Rachel Dolezal was, even though she was just pretending to be part Black. Rachel Dolezal would be jealous! She should have just gotten a 23andMe DNA test and pointed to the 0.2% to 0.5% West African ancestry result as proof that she had Black ancestry. Maybe she would have gotten lucky and gotten a higher percentage to justify her black-dyed hair perm and trips to the tanning salon.
DNA Testing Companies Admit Adding Fake African Ancestry to White Profiles in Order to "Screw with Racists!"
Morgan and his colleagues were caught between a rock and a really-want-to-mess-with-racists place. It would've been fun to throw a "10 percent West African" in there, but then they might have a pissed-off, dangerous person at their office, waving a gun. "Since we couldn't do anything to the results (and we wanted to), what we did was add '< 1 percent' to each African category of ethnicity. That way we weren't lying, and they would both be wondering how much under a percentage point was. We always try to round to the nearest number because we sometimes hear about percentage points, but for them, we leave it open to whether it's a one or a zero."
Well, there you have it. What should we do with these dubious partial percent fragments? We should ignore them, especially since DNA testing companies may be adding them to "screw with racists."
There are also occurrences of false positives, especially with results having very low percentage values. So it's always a good practice to treat your ethnicity estimate results with caution
This is a good point. Small fragments of DNA have a higher probability of matching up to other small fragments of DNA that are similar and causing false positives.

Also, the speculative view has a 51% confidence level and even bananas have been shown to be 50% similar to human DNA: ... s-and.html

It is nice to know that every time someone eats a banana they are eating a distant relative. (Some relatives are truly bananas.) This kind of knowledge could drive vegans to starve themselves to death and give new meaning to the sentence, "Some relatives never had a brain."

Since genetic studies show that "humans and chimpanzees are about 98.8% similar," we shouldn't be surprised when small fragments match up and cause false positives with other racial groups. According to such studies, we could all claim to be 98.8% chimpanzee. What good would that do? Of course, we are trying to focus on our genetic differences to determine our racial ancestry instead of focusing on our genetic similarities. A 1.2% difference in DNA is obviously a big deal if it is the difference between a chimpanzee and a human with a high IQ. Would you like to be able to figure out how to build a jet? Or would you only like to be able to figure out how to peel a banana? It does seem like some people would just prefer to sit around peeling bananas and watching TV though. Maybe they are more closely related to chimpanzees than we realize.

Another thing I will point out is that all those claims in my family that we have ancestry from the Apache, Cherokee and Lavoyah American Indian tribes are unfounded. The Native American ancestry on 23andMe showed up as 0.0%. If we had Native American ancestry, then it would show up on a DNA test. It is quite possible that some of our ancestors did in fact have such ancestry and that could be what created such rumors, but if that is the case, then it was more than five generations ago (more than about 120 to 140 years ago) and the DNA from these ancestors has dropped out completely due to breeding with European descendants and the fact that their DNA offered no selective advantage in our genome. See the calculations I made below on when a chromosome containing foreign DNA could be lost completely. Absent such ancestry, claims of Native American ancestry in my family are nothing more than White guilt rumors being propagated by people who are being made to feel guilty for being White. Claiming to be part Native American may be a psychological defense that allows Whites to claim that some of their ancestors were among the victims of alleged White crimes against them.

The 23andMe speculative view is just speculative. 0.5% of something that is speculative doesn't mean anything, especially when it only needs to be a 51% match. We can do some math to put such percentages in perspective.

If we estimate a generation to be 20 years, below is what the percentage of foreign DNA in a 20-year-old descendant with one foreign ancestor would look like with the foreign ancestor at the corresponding number of generations back. The number of ancestors in each preceding generation is calculated. If we went back far enough, we would see that the number of calculated ancestors grows large enough to include entire populations.

Foreign ancestor one to four generations back (born 40 to 100 years ago):

Parents: 2^1 = 2 (age 40). Percentage of foreign DNA if one is a foreigner and the other is a native = 50%.
Grandparents: 2^2 = 4 (age 60). Percentage of foreign DNA if one is a foreigner and all others are native = 25%.
Great grandparents: 2^3 = 8 (age 80). Percentage of foreign DNA if one is a foreigner and all others are native = 12.5%.
Great great grandparents: 2^4 = 16 (age 100). Percentage of foreign DNA if one is a foreigner and all others are native = 6.25%.

Foreign ancestor five to nine generations back (born 120 to 200 years ago):

2^5 = 32. Percentage of foreign DNA if one is a foreigner and all others are native = 3.125%.
2^6 = 64. Percentage of foreign DNA if one is a foreigner and all others are native = 1.5625%.
2^7 = 128. Percentage of foreign DNA if one is a foreigner and all others are native = 0.78125%.
2^8 = 256. Percentage of foreign DNA if one is a foreigner and all others are native = 0.390625%.
2^9 = 512. Percentage of foreign DNA if one is a foreigner and all others are native = 0.1953125%.

Foreign ancestor ten to fourteen generations back (born 220 to 300 years ago):

2^10 = 1,024. Percentage of foreign DNA if one is a foreigner and all others are native = 0.09765625%.
2^11 = 2,048. Percentage of foreign DNA if one is a foreigner and all others are native = 0.048828125%.
2^12 = 4,096. Percentage of foreign DNA if one is a foreigner and all others are native = 0.0244140625%.
2^13 = 8,192. Percentage of foreign DNA if one is a foreigner and all others are native = 0.0122070313%.
2^14 = 16,384. Percentage of foreign DNA if one is a foreigner and all others are native = 0.0061035156%.

As we can see from the calculations above, in order to get 0.5% foreign DNA, the foreigner would need to be eight generations back in the ancestry. In order to get 0.2% foreign DNA, the foreigner would need to be nine generations back in the ancestry. In order to get 0.1% foreign DNA, the foreigner would need to be ten generations back in the ancestry.

Foreigners beyond ten generations back effectively get diluted out, and that is assuming that the chromosomes carrying their genes weren't lost altogether. One foreigner adds 23 foreign chromosomes into the mix. If we assume that approximately half of those chromosomes are lost with each generation, the result looks like this:

1 generation back, 50% foreign DNA: 23 native chromosomes and 23 foreign chromosomes.
2 generations back, ~25% foreign DNA: 35 or 34 native chromosomes and 11 or 12 foreign chromosomes.
3 generations back, ~12.5% foreign DNA: 41 or 40 native chromosomes and 5 or 6 foreign chromosomes.
4 generations back, ~6.25% foreign DNA: 44 or 43 native chromosomes and 2 or 3 foreign chromosomes.
5 generations back, ~3.125% foreign DNA: 45 or 44 native chromosomes and 1 or 2 foreign chromosomes.
6 generations back, ~1.5625% foreign DNA: 46 or 45 native chromosomes and no foreign chromosomes or 1 foreign chromosome.
7 generations back, ~0.78125% foreign DNA: 46 or 45 native chromosomes and no foreign chromosomes or 1 foreign chromosome.
8 generations back, ~0.390625% foreign DNA: 46 or 45 native chromosomes and no foreign chromosomes or 1 foreign chromosome.
9 generations back, ~0.1953125% foreign DNA: 46 or 45 native chromosomes and no foreign chromosomes or 1 foreign chromosome.
10 generations back, ~0.09765625% foreign DNA: 46 or 45 native chromosomes and no foreign chromosomes or 1 foreign chromosome.

The last foreign chromosome has had five opportunities to get lost. Is it gone yet?

Notice that the calculated estimates of foreign DNA do not correspond exactly to the possible number of foreign chromosomes because chromosomes are discrete quantized units of DNA. A chromosome with foreign DNA is either there or it isn't. We can estimate the percentage of foreign DNA one foreign chromosome would provide as 1/46 * 100% = 2.17391304%, so foreign DNA percentages below this amount become questionable especially if they are 0.2% or smaller because you are effectively talking about a small piece of a foreign chromosome (0.2% foreign DNA would be less than one tenth of an average size chromosome).

Descendants of a single foreign ancestor could lose all their foreign chromosomes as early as the sixth generation and be genetically pure native. A foreign ancestor from about 140 years ago or more could actually be genetically irrelevant, and a genetic test could be done to confirm this. Genes that give an individual a selective advantage will tend to undergo positive selection and be maintained in descendants. Genes that have either no selective advantage or carry a significant disadvantage will tend to undergo negative selection and drop out. Since there are only 46 chromosomes, a good question to ask is this: Which 46 of our ancestors did we inherit our 46 chromosomes from? If we go back about 300 years or 14 generations to when 16,384 of our ancestors were born (2^14 = 16,384), we can easily see that it is unlikely that we inherited DNA from every single one of them. Which of them contributed to the 46 chromosomes we inherited?

The possibility of foreign DNA dropping out is actually good news for mixed kids. One thing mixed people could do is choose sperm or eggs from high-IQ wholly European donors to shift the genetic purity of their offspring toward the European side until their descendants become wholly European again. They could also choose only wholly European mates, but we would prefer people with reasonably pure ancestry to mate with other people with reasonably pure ancestry. In other words, a genetic eugenics program would be successful at re-purification as long as one mate was either always wholly European or they used a wholly European sperm or egg donor in place of one of the mixed parents. A pair of mixed parents could alternate and choose one donor sperm for one child and one donor egg for the next so that each parent is still contributing their good DNA to the next generation. Such a strategy could be a requirement in nations that wish to return to being wholly of European ancestry and would result in a force multiplication of European descendants. In such nations, the high-IQ wholly European sperm and egg donation could be subsidized by the government and either free to parents or a financial incentive bonus could be paid to parents for using high-IQ wholly European sperm and egg donations to reduce genetically mixed children. A strategy of re-purification and force multiplication may be the best way for Europeans to deal with racially mixed Europeans.

In order for foreign DNA that is a disadvantage to Europeans to be able to drop out over the generations, the ratio of foreigners to Europeans has to be kept below one foreigner to 63 Europeans. In order for Europeans to survive as genetically distinct racial groups, there have to be core groups that deliberately and consciously maintain high percentages of European ancestry in their groups. Those who have high percentages of European DNA should seek to marry others with high percentages of European DNA to help ensure the survival of Europeans as a distinct people. As long as these core groups exist and insist on only mating with others with high percentages of European DNA, Europeans have a chance to survive and recover from the deliberate destruction Jews are trying to wage against us through their 2000-year-old war of conquest by "clever deception."

The fundamental problem with defending ourselves against the covert war Jews are waging against us is getting people to care. Have you noticed how hard it is just to simply get people to care? Many people act like pleasure zombies that are so emotionally enslaved by their entertainment and pleasure addictions that they can't be bothered to care about more important things. Jews have deliberately conditioned people to be this way by promoting hedonism, weakness and want for pleasure. Pleasure is the most powerful logic poison there is. Pleasure prevents caring. Once people become emotionally enslaved by pleasure, they quit caring about things that are more important than getting more pleasure for themselves.

For many people, their highest priority is getting more pleasure for themselves, and the only thing that can override this is a want for money they can use to continue getting more pleasure for themselves. People who are motivated by higher purpose and are willing to sacrifice both pleasure and money to achieve a higher goal are very rare. In order to try to get people to care just long enough for them to find out why they should care, some of us have started offering certain trustworthy friends and relatives money on an invitation-only basis to look at some materials with us and answer some survey questions for some private surveys. The purpose of the private survey questions is to find out if they are following along, if they understand and if they agree. Such surveys can be used to build small private groups of trustworthy people who are in agreement on key points because they can be used to screen out people who either don't get it or won't be cooperative in trying to help get other people to care. DNA tests are another key tool for building small private trustworthy groups.

Also, by presenting these materials off-line, we eliminate interference from Jewish Internet censorship, agents of controlled dissent and full-time paid strategic trolls who are paid to infiltrate online groups and try to disrupt them, misinform them and mislead them. If we want to avoid people who drive others away, we should also avoid incompetent foulmouthed fools who go around shaving their heads, cussing and calling people insults and epithets because they drive people away with their foulmouthed "macho tough guy" peacocking. We need people who can keep discussions clean and honorable and present themselves with dignity, honor and respect to demonstrate that we are honorable people with an honorable cause and help us win people over to the truth. People need to feel like they are joining a group of people who care and share a common cause, not a group of people with members who may attack them.

There are two points we start off with in these private surveys that we believe are critical for people to understand what is going on. The most important point is that there is a group of people who have been waging a war of conquest by "clever deception" against everyone else for over 2000 years. Another point that we believe is critical for people to understand is that the people we call Jews today are Satanists who have been pretending to be Jews as part of their war of conquest by "clever deception" against everyone else for 2000 years, and this is why we see them using and promoting the five-pointed star that represents Lucifer, The Morning Star, in Satanism and why they use the six-pointed star from Satanism that is composed of two "magical" triangles, one pointing up and the other pointing down (as above, so below), superimposed over each other to form a six-pointed star, with six triangles on a six-sided hexagon that is supposed to have magical properties and is also the source of the number 666. The original Jews were defeated when the Romans conquered Jerusalem. The Satanists who are pretending to be Jews took their place and have continued pretending to be Jews ever since. Jews use and promote the five-pointed star all over the place because it is the symbol of the god they believe in, Lucifer, The Morning Star. Once people understand the Jewish connection to Satanism, they can't help but see the conspiracy because it is literally all over the place and in our face with the five-pointed stars. Also note that Anton LaVey, born to Jewish parents, founded the Church of Satan.

I should emphasize that I am not a Christian. Based on the evidence I have seen, I believe that the people who call themselves Jews today are Satanists who believe their god is Lucifer, The Morning Star, as Harold Wallace Rosenthal stated:

"Most Jews do not like to admit it, but our god is Lucifer." --Harold Wallace Rosenthal

Jews have created a TV series about Lucifer, The Morning Star, that I believe is propaganda disguised as entertainment intended to cast their god Lucifer in a positive light and create positive associations with Lucifer. At 0:55 in the video below, Lucifer can be seen flipping a coin with a five-pointed star on one side that is his symbol and a "magical" triangle on the other side.

In one episode with the "Sinner Man," Lucifer says something along the lines of, "Tell me what you want, and I will use it to destroy you." This quote embodies the Jewish strategy of promoting hedonism and using pleasure as a logic poison to lead people toward self-destructive behaviors. Drug overdoses now kill more people than guns. Many people want pleasure more than anything else, and their want for pleasure is being used to destroy them. Is this an accident? Or is this a deliberate strategy that is a product of the 2000-year-old war of conquest Jews are waging against us?

As long as people agree that this group of people is waging a 2000-year-old war of conquest by "clever deception" against us, I don't really care too much if people want to call them Jews, Satanists pretending to be Jews or big piles of stinky feces.

Here is a copy of the first survey we are using, so others can get the idea and make their own surveys if they wish to try the idea out:
An urgent matter has come to our attention that concerns us, so we have prepared this feedback questionnaire to get feedback from selected people we believe we can trust for such feedback. It has also become apparent that many people have become pleasure zombies that are so emotionally enslaved by their entertainment and pleasure addictions that they aren't taking the time needed to give the evidence a fair hearing. Since many people are primarily driven by want for pleasure and want for money seems to be the only secondary drive that can reliably compete with want for pleasure, we are offering selected friends and family members money (5, 10, 20 dollars...) on an invitation-only basis to take the time to review and answer the following questions along with selected materials and give us feedback on what they think about it. We are hoping that if we offer people some money to get started, they will become motivated enough by higher purpose to override want for pleasure and want for money enough to investigate this matter more fully and share their findings with others.

For people to understand our concerns, we need to establish some historical context, so whether you are religious or not, let us start off with a quote from Revelation 2:9 in the Bible (King James Version):
"I know the blasphemy of them which say they are Jews, and are not, but are the synagogue of Satan."

Do you believe there were Satanists 2000 years ago who had a religion separate from Christianity where they believed Satan was god and worshiped Satan as their god?
a) Yes.
b) No.
c) I haven't decided yet.

Do you believe there were Satanists 2000 years ago who were pretending to be Jews to try to convince people that they were not Satanists?
a) Yes.
b) No.
c) I haven't decided yet.

The next questions are regarding the following two Israeli military mottos, a quote from one of their religious texts and two quotes from Jews:
"By way of deception, thou shalt do war."
--Israel's Mossad (from Victor Ostrovsky's book, By Way of Deception)

"For by clever deception thou shalt wage war." --Israel's Duvdevan Unit Motto

"How do we fight against our enemies? We do so by deception." --Zohar (I, 160a)

"It's not a matter of what is true that counts but a matter of what is perceived to be true." --Henry Kissinger (Jewish)

"We Jews regard our race as superior to all humanity and look forward not to our ultimate union with other races but our final triumph over them."
--Goldwin Smith, Jewish Professor of Modern History, Oxford Univ. 1981

Do you believe it is possible that Satanists were pretending to be Jews 2000 years ago as part of a war of conquest by "clever deception" against everyone else?
a) Yes.
b) No.
c) I haven't decided yet.

Do you believe it is possible that Satanists are still pretending to be Jews today as part of a 2000-year-old war of conquest by "clever deception" against everyone else?
a) Yes.
b) No.
c) I haven't decided yet.

When Jesus was speaking to the Jews in John 8:44-47 (King James Version), he said the following:
Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar, and the father of it. And because I tell you the truth, ye believe me not. Which of you convinceth me of sin? And if I say the truth, why do ye not believe me? He that is of God heareth God's words: ye therefore hear them not, because ye are not of God.

Do you believe Jesus was speaking to them this way because he knew they were Satanists pretending to be Jews?
a) Yes.
b) No.
c) I haven't decided yet.

Do you believe Jesus knew they were Satanists with a policy of "lie and deny" that were pretending to be Jews as part of a war of conquest by "clever deception" against everyone else?
a) Yes.
b) No.
c) I haven't decided yet.

Later on, in John 11:53-54 after the Jews went to the Pharisees, it says the following:
Then from that day forth they took counsel together for to put him to death. Jesus therefore walked no more openly among the Jews; but went thence unto a country near to the wilderness"

Do you believe that Satanists pretending to be Jews conspired to have Jesus killed because he was exposing them as Satanists and jeopardizing their war of conquest by "clever deception" against everyone else?
a) Yes.
b) No.
c) I haven't decided yet.

Consider the following quote:
"The truth is that when the Romans conquered Jerusalem they defeated the Jews of Moses; the Saddjucees, and the Pharaisees of the Babylonian Talmud then took over."

Do you believe it is possible that the original Jews were defeated and replaced by Satanists pretending to be Jews while waging a war of conquest by "clever deception" against everyone else?
a) Yes.
b) No.
c) I haven't decided yet.

They started writing the Jewish Talmud in Babylonian Aramaic and only switched to Hebrew later, indicating that Hebrew was not their original language.

Do you believe this is evidence that they are not Hebrews or Israelites as they claim to be?
a) Yes.
b) No.
c) I haven't decided yet.

Do you believe this is evidence that they started pretending to be Hebrews and Israelites as part of a war of conquest by "clever deception" against everyone else?
a) Yes.
b) No.
c) I haven't decided yet.

Have you ever wondered why today's Jews have a Talmud that was started in Babylonian Aramaic if the original books of the Jews were supposed to be the Old Testament in the Bible that was originally written in Hebrew?
a) Yes.
b) No.

On the Oprah Winfrey show, a Jewish woman spoke publicly about how she was forced to participate in a baby sacrifice to Satan as a child and how Jews in her family and other Jewish families had documented their worship of Satan in their personal documents going back hundreds of years. (Please see the video clip in the accompanying materials you should have received with this questionnaire: Jewish Human Sacrifice to Satan (the Jewish god Ba'al Zebul).mpg. It is on the disc labeled "Supplemental Videos".)

Edit - video link for Internet:

Do you believe her public testimony is proof that there are in fact Satanists pretending to be Jews today, and Satanists have been pretending to be Jews for hundreds of years and probably longer?
a) Yes.
b) No.
c) I haven't decided yet.

In a video from a Jewish military training camp, a rabbi can be seen saying the following quote below. (Please see the video clip JDL warrior camp.flv. It is on the disc labeled "Supplemental Videos".)
"We are the (people?), the chosen of god (meaning Satan?) who are following their historic mission (a 2000-year-old war of conquest by "clever deception"?).

We cannot be broken!

Babylonia tried to break us. Where is Babylonia today?
Persia tried to break us. Where is Persia today?
Rome tried to break us. Where is the Roman Empire today?
Greece tried to break us. Where is the Greek Empire today?

Spain, in its height and glory in the 1200's and 1400's, tried to break us. Where is the power of Spain today?

Britain and the British Empire, on who's soil the sun never set, tried to break us and Eretz Y'srael (Greater Israel) in the twentieth century, and where is the British Empire today?

We have outlasted the empires. We will outlast the Soviet Empire."

Recall their military motto, "For by clever deception thou shalt wage war." Do you believe this rabbi is referring to a 2000-year-old war of conquest by "clever deception"?
a) Yes.
b) No.
c) I haven't decided yet.

Consider the following quotes:
"We will have a world government whether you like it or not. The only question is whether that government will be achieved by conquest or consent."
--James Warburg, Jewish Banker

"The revolution won't happen with guns, rather it will happen incrementally, year by year, generation by generation. We will gradually infiltrate their educational institutions and their political offices, transforming them slowly into marxist entities as we move towards universal egalitarianism."
--Max Horkheimer, Marxist Jew of The Frankfurt School

"The main avodah of this generation is to go out to the final war of the golus to conquer and to purify all the gentile countries."
--Shabbos Parshas Vayelech, 5746, Menachem Mendel Schneerson, The Rebbe Speaks

Do you believe these quotes refer to a 2000-year-old war of conquest by "clever deception"?
a) Yes.
b) No.
c) I haven't decided yet.

In Satanism, the five-pointed star represents Lucifer, The Morning Star. This five-pointed star is promoted and used all over the place these days. (Please see the video clip Stars of Satan.flv. It is on the disc labeled "Supplemental Videos".)

Do you believe that Satanists pretending to be Jews are promoting the five-pointed star of their god, Lucifer, The Morning Star, because they take pride in getting people to adopt the five-pointed star of their god by way of "clever deception"?
a) Yes.
b) No.
c) I haven't decided yet.
After this introductory survey, we start showing people the following DVDs, and each of the DVDs have their own follow-up survey questions:
9/11: Blueprint for Truth
The Loss of Liberty
9/11 Missing Links

So far, the people who have taken our private surveys agree on the following points:

The people we call Jews today are Satanists pretending to be Jews.

Jews are waging a 2000-year-old war of conquest by "clever deception" against us.

All three buildings that collapsed on 9/11 were brought down by controlled demolition.

Israel's 1967 attack on The USS Liberty was a false-flag attack committed by the Jews as part of their 2000-year-old war of conquest by "clever deception" against us.

9/11 was a false-flag attack committed by the Jews as part of their 2000-year-old war of conquest by "clever deception" against us.

Paying people you know to take such private surveys is a good way to get them to look at materials you want to make sure they see and help them wake up to the truth. I recommend using and making such private surveys, so please try using and making such private surveys to see how it works out. You might be surprised by the results you get with the people around you.

The Holocaust Hoax is a complete fraud. There were no gas chambers and they used pictures of dead typhus victims to claim there was an extermination program.

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Will Williams
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Re: Post DNA testing information here.

Post by Will Williams » Thu Dec 28, 2017 5:25 pm

It's good to see you back on WB, NoLongerSilentUSA! That certainly is a long post. :shock:
David Pringle wrote:Someone needs to call Craig Cobb.
I was thinking about Craig the other day, now that such a fuss is being made over the adverse, even genocidal policies of birthright citizenship and chain immigration are FINALLY in the news, thanks to Donald Trump.

Craig's username on forums, going back probably 15 years at least was No 1965 Chain Immigrants. It took the Tweeter-in-Chief to force Jew-controlled media to cover what we long-suffering White loyalists were already well aware of, thanks in part to "Chain."
If Whites insist on participating in "social media," do so on ours, not (((theirs))). Like us on; follow us on ᛉ

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Re: Post DNA testing information here.

Post by PhuBai68 » Fri Dec 29, 2017 5:28 pm

Will Williams wrote: Craig's username on forums, going back probably 15 years at least was No 1965 Chain Immigrants. It took the Tweeter-in-Chief to force Jew-controlled media to cover what we long-suffering White loyalists were already well aware of, thanks in part to "Chain."
Well I'll be!
I've been a moderator on a forum since 1999 and remember that member name.
Small White world.
It's not diversity, it's displacement.

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Re: Post DNA testing information here.

Post by PhuBai68 » Fri Jul 20, 2018 11:35 am

Just a "Heads up!" folks.
If you have an Ancestry DNA test and an account (my wife does and has been piddling around with family trees) as more and more people submit their DNA your results change.
Remember - it's the percentage of DNA you share with people from that region.
That means if you have some minuscule amount of let's say "native American" it means that probably one of your ancestors spread his DNA around when the opportunity presented itself.

Here's how Ancestry changed my percentages:

40% Great Britain now 41% England/Wales
34% Irish now 24% Ireland/Scotland
9% East Europe now 2% East Europe/Russia
9% Scandinavia now 7% Norway
3% Greek/Italy now 24% Germanic
3% West Europe now 1% Finland
2% West Asia now 1% Asia

EDIT: I'm thinking that the Norway might have been from the Viking raids on Scotland - thoughts?
It's not diversity, it's displacement.

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Will Williams
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Re: Post DNA testing information here.

Post by Will Williams » Fri Jul 20, 2018 11:57 am

Will Williams wrote:... I remain skeptical of this testing method. Like I said before, where are all of my known White American ancestors, going back five or more generations stateside? DNA testing determines race and percentages of racial admixture, so why not give results for that instead of from where distant ancestors may have lived two or three centuries ago? Isn't that the result we racial nationalists and separatists are interested in?
Again, we've known at least since the O.J. Simpson trial in 1995 that DNA evidence can determine race, yet the DNA Jews and their collaborators keep makking it about Geopgraphy. :lol: Who do they think they are kidding?

How can my recent ancestors, all Americans going back for five generations, not have my own DNA test mention that they lived in the U.S, not Europe?

Bottom line: DNA is not a geographical test, but a biological one.
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Re: Post DNA testing information here.

Post by PhuBai68 » Sat Jul 21, 2018 11:20 am

Will Williams wrote:
Will Williams wrote:...
How can my recent ancestors, all Americans going back for five generations, not have my own DNA test mention that they lived in the U.S, not Europe?

Bottom line: DNA is not a geographical test, but a biological one.
I don't quite get your point Chairman,
if say some African migrant's children are living in Europe, let's say Germany, they're not going to have test results as Germanic but sub-Saharan African.

Yeah, I get the part about living in the US, some really distant relative visited my aunt (RIP) years back (early 90's) doing research on his family tree - one line (which we were part of) went all the way back to the Mayflower - but we know we're in the U.S., we want to know where our bloodlines/relatives came from.
I was always "English on father's side" and "German/Swiss and German (with one Englishman tossed in) on mother's side" - now just how accurate are these tests is another whole ball of wax.
Does Heimie frig with the results?
As my son said, "If everyone has a little Jew in them then we can't ••••."
Not going to put what he said since don't want to put the PC police spotlight on this board.
It's not diversity, it's displacement.

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