Commenting on Counter-Currents site

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Will Williams
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Re: Commenting on Counter-Currents site

Post by Will Williams » Fri Apr 05, 2024 10:47 am

Jim Goad's article on the negrigication of country music: ... ack-roots/ I couldn't help but weigh in with my "Who cares?" attitude. Quit listening to it.

Will Williams: April 5, 2024
Music superstar Beyoncé,,, recently became the first black woman to score a #1 single on Billboard’s Hot Country Songs chart

What serious, self-respecting White separatist really gives a shit? I don’t know when Billboard and the American music industry was taken over by Jews. I’ll leave that to someone else to determine. But surely they are controlled by Jews now. I found this:

“Billboard is now read in more than 100 countries around the world. attracts more than 2.5 million unique visitors each month. The Billboard Music Awards is one of television’s most popular annual entertainment events. Billboard’s stories and charts are licensed for use in every possible media, including mobile phones…”

The racial revisionists have even invaded Wikipedia’s page on country music…

Imagine that? WikiJews have a country music page. Who cares what they or “racial revisionists” have to say? Here in Johnson County, Tennessee, our annual fiddlers’ gatherings are lily White – no “modern” songs or electrified instruments allowed — no Billboard Jews in attendance. Call us “square,” but we like it that way.
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Re: Commenting on Counter-Currents site

Post by Will Williams » Sat Apr 06, 2024 1:04 pm

Owner of Counter-Currents, Dr. Greg Johnson, has a live discussion on the Internet the first Saturday of each month. I've never listened to it, but the topics that were going to be discussed today -- one being "Christianity v. Paganism," something I have a Cosmotheist POV on -- seemed interesting enough, so I purchased his book and was going to tune in, perhaps even participate, but couldn't, so put up this comment under the topic on C-C: ... perialism/

Will Williams: April 6, 2024
I ordered the book Against Imperialism and was going to try to listen to today’s discussion of it. Unfortunately, the book only arrived in today’s mail so no time to read it. Besides that, being a computer idiot who doesn’t have a cell phone and doesn’t listen to podcasts or do social media, I couldn’t figure out how to listen to the discussion. Maybe next time.
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Re: Commenting on Counter-Currents site

Post by Will Williams » Wed Apr 10, 2024 1:13 pm

Travis LeBlanc, a regular C-C writer offers up the question, "Has the Dissident Right already Won?": ... ready-won/ Since Dr. Pierce made clear nearly 50 years ago that our Alliance is neither Left nor Right:
Perhaps the best way to approach an understanding of the Alliance is to start by getting rid of some of the most troublesome pigeonholes altogether. That is, by pointing out what we are not. We are not, as many people tend to assume at first, either a conservative or a right-wing group...

Times have changed since then; the right-wing has gone through reiterations of "Old right," "New right," and most recently, "Alt-right," but our Alliance holds the revolutionary racial hard line, neither right-wing nor left-wing.

Will Williams: April 10, 2024
Travis’s conclusion: It might be tempting to say, after we spent all these years fighting for these ideas, that now that Tucker Carlson and Candace Owens are talking about them, we’ve won and we can all go home now. But there is still a need for an intellectual elite who have been studying these issues for years to contribute academic substance to the conversation.

You must be joking, right? After all these years, anti-White multi-millionaire MSM star Carlson and Negress Owens say something halfway agreeable, so now all that’s needed is an intellectual White elite to give us some academic substance? Ha! Academia is brimming with intellectually dishonest White elites who cannot hit their backsides with both hands when it come to them answering, without stammering and looking over their shoulders to make sure no one is listening, the simple question, “Yes, or no, is the White race worth preserving?”

Martin Kerr: By “meaningful action,” I do not mean illegal violence, but rather something beyond anonymous online posting and a “lesser of two evils” voting strategy…

Mr. Kerr, after all these years, I remember back to our first meeting 38 years ago. I was green; you were already an experienced NS activist, mentoring my mentor at the time, Gary Gallo. You have been in the trenches of our struggle ever since. Your 8-part series, “The History of American Nationalism” gives newcomers to the cause of White preservation what’s needed for background, besides anonymous online posting — not claptrap from the likes of Carlson, Owens or any intellectualism coming out of Academia these days. The History of American National Socialism – Part 8: The National Alliance and Smaller Organizations (1970-1985) | National Vanguard.

Travis: [L]arge swaths of the country… are not even on Twitter/X… compared to other platforms: 550 million compared to Facebook’s three billion, YouTube’s 2.5 billion, TikTok’s 1.2 billion, or even Telegram’s 800 million. What makes Twitter/X the jewel of the social media crown is not that everyone is on it, but rather that everyone who matters is on it. Every journalist, politician, writer, podcaster, YouTuber, and comedian is on it… If you had to pick just one social media platform to restore free speech on, Twitter/X would be the one you want. The Jews can have the rest of them. I think we can get the job done with Twitter/X alone.

We? Good luck with that strategy, Travis. I’ve never been on Twitter/X, nor on those other much larger platforms that you leave to the Jew, and I never will be. Leading the 50-year-old real-world National Alliance, founded by Dr. William Pierce, is as close as I need to be to our “intellectual elite.”

I consider the man in the very front rank of today’s intellectual elite, the unaffected Dr. Thomas Dalton. That’s why our Alliance sells 29 of his titles. Thomas Dalton – Cosmotheism (

I’ve probably been spending too much of my time here at to-some-degree pro-White C-C lately, but that I’m allowed to introduce and stand up for NA and its ideology and program without being banned makes it seem worthwhile. I don’t recognize half the new terms and acronyms used here, but enough to stay in touch with the ideas expressed.[/size]
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Re: Commenting on Counter-Currents site

Post by Will Williams » Thu Apr 18, 2024 6:27 pm

The recent review of a book entitled The Occult in National Socialism ... -movement/ gave me an opportunity to put up a piece posted on National Vanguard just yesterday by David Sims. ... t-to-live/ Also plugged Dr. Dalton's book at our bookstore.

Will Williams: April 18, 2024
Occult: matters regarded as involving the action or influence of supernatural or supernormal powers or some secret knowledge of them, being beyond one’s powers to know, understand, or explain.

National Socialism is not as complicated or mysterious as this author and his reviewer make it out to be. Preservation of one’s race through struggle and in conformance with Nature’s eternal laws:

FIRST STRUGGLE and then we shall see what can be done. Otherwise mankind has passed the high point of its development and the end is not the domination of any ethical idea but barbarism and consequently chaos. At this point someone or other may laugh, but this planet once moved through the ether for millions of years without human beings and it can do so again someday if men forget that they owe their higher existence, not to the ideas of a few crazy ideologists, but to the knowledge and ruthless application of Nature’s stern and rigid laws.

Everything we admire on this Earth today — science and art, technology and inventions — is only the creative product of a few peoples and originally perhaps of one race. On them depends the existence of this whole culture. If they perish, the beauty of this Earth will sink into the grave with them.

However much the soil, for example, can influence men, the result of the influence will always be different depending on the races in question. The low fertility of a living space may spur the one race to the highest achievements; in others it will only be the cause of bitterest poverty and final undernourishment with all its consequences. The inner nature of peoples is always determining for the manner in which outward influences will be effective. What leads the one to starvation trains the other to hard work.

All great cultures of the past perished only because the originally creative race died out from blood poisoning [racial mixture].

The ultimate cause of such a decline was their forgetting that all culture depends on men and not conversely; hence that to preserve a certain culture the man who creates it must be preserved. This preservation is bound up with the rigid law of necessity and the right to victory of the best and stronger in this world.

Those who want to live, let them fight, and those who do not want to fight in this world of eternal struggle do not deserve to live.
-Adolf Hitler, Mein Kampf, Chapter 11

Available here: ... as-dalton/
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Re: Commenting on Counter-Currents site

Post by Will Williams » Sat Apr 20, 2024 2:31 pm

I had time today to put up two comments under Margot Metroland's article about Instauration magazine and its use of humor: ... bertson-2/ My second comment there features our own Douglas Mercer's writing, using his inimitable humor here at WB.

Will Williams: April 20, 2024
Thank you for your reminiscences of W.R., Margot. Instauration was the best chronicling of the pro-White cause every month during its 25-year run. We now know his given name was John Ireland, but many do not know that for security reasons Instauration was not headquartered in Fort Lauderdale, Florida, at all, but in Black Mountain, North Carolina, and that it was Mrs. “Robertson” who held things together to meet the publication deadline each month, not “Wilmot.” What would our cause be without such uncelebrated heroines who contributed so much for so long?

After my tour as Ben Klassen’s XO and editor of his church’s monthly tabloid, Racial Loyalty, in 1988-89 came to an end, I “went to the woods” to reenergize after losing my first wife and basically burning out — but remotely did artwork, including a couple of Instauration covers, and contributed a number of notes for the magazine that were published anonymously over my Zip Code like everyone else’s.

When I went to work for Dr. Pierce as the National Alliance’s XO in 1992, I had in my mind that there should be a gathering of our own “Learned Elders”: Klassen, Robertson and Pierce, if such a meeting could be arranged. They already loosely knew one another — Pierce had written for Instauration under his pen name Andrew McDonald. But it took Pierce’s purchase of Klassen’s Church of the Creator property in western North Carolina in 1993 for the opportunity for a face-to-face meeting of these giants.

Robertson was not interested in meeting with radically anti-Christian Klassen, however agreed to meet with Pierce at his home in Black Mountain. On one of several trips, moving Klassen’s library, computers, furniture, tools, etc., from COTC headquarters in Otto, NC, to NA headquarters in Hillsboro, WV, Pierce, his wife Sue, and I stopped along the way for a very pleasant overnight visit with the Robertsons.

I must say, one of the most memorable highlights of my so-called “racist career” was to sit on that sofa in the Robertson’s guesthouse between William Pierce on my right and Wilmot Robertson on my left — for seven hours! — as they discussed the state of our cause and its future prospects. My takeaway recollection is that Mr. Robertson was asking most of the questions with Pierce offering answers.

Something else many do not know is that when former NA member and leader of The Order, Robert Jay Matthews, took out an insurance policy on his life prior to being murdered by the feds, the two beneficiaries of that policy were none other than William Pierce and John Ireland.

Will Williams: April 20, 2024
Bernie: Instauration was hilarious and nothing since has taken its place in terms of right-wing humor…

Instauration had more than its share of humor in a time when we desperately needed it, but I disagree that nothing has taken its place for marrying racial facts with hilarity.

The prolific Douglas Mercer ruthlessly employs humor as he chronicles our demise. Today alone he submitted seven new articles at not particularly right-wing — possibly in honor of the Leader’s 135th birthday — including this one, “Sanctuary State,” about California governor and race traitor Gavin Newsom:
Recently Newsom made some news by appointing an under-qualified Mexican as his Judicial Appointment Secretary. In announcing this race crime Newsom laid the Rainbow Nation blather on thick:

Luis Cespedes has championed the cause of civil rights, equal justice, diversity and inclusion throughout his storied legal career. I am proud to have him join our team and look forward to his counsel as we continue to build a bench that reflects the rich diversity of California.

That means a whole lot of Mexican judges are coming Californians’ way.

The White man need not apply.

Cespedes main recommendation was that he was once a farm worker. And, glory of glories, he once worked with no less a personage than Cesar Chavez. California has a state holiday for Chavez (March 31). And one of the grand ironies of California history is that this man, who has his very own day in anti-White California, used to tell his goons to go down to the border and bust the heads of those he called “wetbacks” — that is, the river-crossing Mexican invaders the ag-money boys used as scabs to break his union.

Chavez knew that these illegal aliens would undermine the wages of his men. By the 1980s, though, you could see pictures of Chavez mugging it up alongside pro-invasion politician Ted Kennedy as they swooned over the new pile of anti-White laws of that decade. Perhaps Cesar got kicked one too many times in the head by a mule or, more likely, he saw which way the winds of the future were blowing, and he got on board the ship USS Mass Invasion to “secure” his posthumous reputation. Indeed, his daughter Julie Chavez Rodriquez joined the Joe Biden team recently as a something-or-other in the field of “Latino Outreach.” Lucky for her there were not too many questions about the head-busters and the “wetback” scabs. That might have been thorny.

California is now a great big tamale ripe for the Mexican picking….
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Re: Commenting on Counter-Currents site

Post by Will Williams » Sat Apr 20, 2024 7:34 pm

There didn't seem to be any interest on Counter-Currents for celebrating April 20th as Hitler's 135th birthday so I introduced that fact before the day is over: ... -movement/ I got to introduce not only Douglas Mercer's tribute to the man from National Vanguard yesterday, a day early, but Kevin Strom's ADV 3-part series for the month of April.

Will Williams: April 21, 2024
There are plenty of holidays that fall on today’s date, 20 April, 2024. A list of them:
2024 Daily Holidays that fall on April 20, include:

4/20 Day (also known as National Pot Smokers Day, Weed Day or National Weed Day
Auctioneers Day – April 20, 2024 (Third Saturday of April)
Chinese Language Day
Healthy Kids Day – April 20, 2024 (See Kerry’s Healthy Kids section on her Healthy Diet Habits website!)
Husband Appreciation Day – April 20, 2024 (Third Saturday of April)
International Cli-Fi Day
International Raw Milk Cheese Appreciation Day – April 20, 2024 (Third Saturday in April)
Lima Bean Respect Day
Look Alike Day
National Cheddar Fries Day
National Pineapple Upside-Down Cake Day
National Pot Smokers Day – (Also known as 4/20, Weed Day or National Weed Day)
Record Store Day – April 20, 2024 (Third Saturday of April)
UN Chinese Language Day
Volunteer Recognition Day
World Circus Day – April 20, 2024 (Third Saturday in April)
Pot smokers are mentioned twice in this list and the lowly Lima Bean even gets its Respect Day. Good grief!

The one 4/20 celebration I expected to see on the list but was not there is Adolf Hitler’s 135th birthday. Anyone interested in that can find more, here: The Legendary Fire | National Vanguard

For his part Hitler recognized the danger in his midst, and saw the German people ringed by world-enemies without, and by Jews from within; he saw everything unsound and unwholesome and unseemly washing over his sacred homeland. He saw racemixing extolled; he saw sexual perversions abound; he saw culture debased; he saw the German people demoralized — that is, he saw Jews at every turn…

And with his fall, that universal devastation that he warned us of has befallen us as well, we who live amid the rubble of our people, we who live in a world given over to destruction, immorality, materialism, lies, and stupidity the likes of which it has never known before.

But the final battle is far from being over — it indeed has not yet even been joined. For great, creating Nature always gets the final say, and is currently preparing a ground for not only its resurgence and rebirth, but its greatest and its most emphatic victory. That is: The legendary fire that was kindled in Greece, moved on to Rome, was reborn in the Renaissance, and was reborn again in England and then in Germany, did not die because it cannot die. It is not mortal….

For those who want more on this day, see here: Month of the Leader, part 2 | National Vanguard
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Re: Commenting on Counter-Currents site

Post by Will Williams » Sun Apr 21, 2024 11:32 am

My comments on C-C yesterday, had been scrolled off of WB's front page by the numerous articles and comments by Douglas Mercer yesterday and today, but that's all right -- his work is especially welcomed here at WB that he has practically adopted as his home site. Some of his most recent pieces put up here at WB are ones that had previously been published on National Vanguard, using pen names. It's "Basement Essays" that were nearly lost but saved here just before Jews closed his personal site.

I decided to link to his classic about John Lennon, written by him as "Kenneth Roberts," on C-C today. ... bertson-2/

Will Williams: April 21, 2024
I don’t know how Instauration treated the murder of John Lennon 40-plus years ago, but it’s doubtful in 1980 that humor was employed to report the murder of the admittedly talented and influential idol of the liberal boomer generation. It wasn’t time for that.

Now, however, not just humor is used but an inescapably sober lookback at what this hypocritical race-mixing icon of the Jew-led counterculture movement really was is welcomed from pro-White spokesman Douglas Mercer, “Imagine There’s No Lennon.”

This reasoned piece by Mr. Mercer first appeared at National Vanguard in December 2020 when he was using penname Kenneth Roberts: Imagine There’s No Lennon | National Vanguard
My fondest recollection of this prize nincompoop was in the days after he died. Radio stations everywhere were playing nothing but Lennon or Beatles’ songs, though strangely one that they didn’t play was “Happiness Is A Warm Gun.”
A search of C-C archives found this from 2011 mentioning how Lennon’s voice was influenced by the homosexual Black screamer Little Richard and by Elvis Presley, widely acknowledged as the first White Rock & Roller who introduced Black music to a White audience: The White Singing Voice in Rock & Pop (
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Re: Commenting on Counter-Currents site

Post by Will Williams » Sun Apr 21, 2024 11:09 pm

Since I paid to get through the Counter-Currents paywall so I can attempt to influence some race-thinkers there, I was invited to participate in a 114-question poll so C-C can better understand a cross-section of the pro-White movement, explained here: ... ment-poll/
I write about my poll result and give some insight to the folks there into my own movement history

Will Williams: April 22, 2024
After completing the survey, I find that I am an ENTJ “Commander.”

[A] staggering 96% of Commanders (ENTJs) say their dream job involves having freedom to decide what they do and how they do it. That’s the highest percentage of any personality type.

96% believe they have what it takes to be a good leader.

Can’t argue with that. I feel for the 4% of ENTJs who don’t believe they have what it takes to command.

After joining the Army as an 18-yearold while still in high school I entered service as a lowly Private E-1. Three years later, after two tours in Vietnam as a Green Beret Infantry officer combatant, I had been promoted to Captain. So, at barely 22 I had already been a commander in real life. Four years of that military adventure was enough for me.

I had no intention while in high school of attending college so never took the SAT test until I went in early on a Saturday morning to a Killeen, Texas, high school near Fort Hood, Texas, my last duty station — very hung over — to finally take the SAT test. I never took it again though I could probably have improved my mediocre score of 1052, barely above the median of 1030.

I entered that score in the survey rather than fudge, but also put my score of 129 on the only IQ test I ever took: allegedly “gifted,” with 130 being “highly gifted.” The Dean of the Architecture School at NCSU in my hometown of Raleigh allowed me in that prestigious school as a 23-year-old freshman despite my shitty SAT score and shittier high school grades because of what he called my “life experience.”

I already knew I was gifted, but at what I’d have to discover later. I did all right as a self-employed architect/builder/developer for a few years, before becoming fully racially responsible, dropping out of the work force, becoming an artist, and paying my dues as a dedicated political soldier, deciding for myself what I would do and how I was going to do it.

Looking back, I’m proud to say that the only employers I’ve had since the early 1980s were none other than mentors Ben Klassen and William Pierce, both of whom had, independently, founded much needed new non-Semitic belief systems, or religions, if you will, for Whites: Creativity and Cosmotheism respectively.
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Re: Commenting on Counter-Currents site

Post by Will Williams » Mon Apr 22, 2024 4:31 pm

Straightening out some disinformation about the founder of Earth Day, while promoting both National Vanguard and White Biocentrism: ... special-6/

Fred C. Dobbs: April 22, 2024
No mention of Ira Einhorn ? The founder of Earth Day who murdered his girlfriend and then fled the country.
Will Williams: April 22, 2024
Huh? Einhorn? Really? If you want to know about this nasty Jewboy, read this that has nothing to do with Earth Day: Special Treatment | National Vanguard

…I’ll give you an example of the special treatment reserved for Jews which has gotten a very slight coverage in the news recently and has been noticed by those of us who notice such things: that’s the case of Ira Einhorn. Einhorn was a Philadelphia-area leader of the so-called “counter-culture revolution” of the 1960s and 1970s, a revolution which Jews like to brag turned America upside down and changed young people’s values…

Ira Einhorn was a smart, fast-talking Jewish con man, who moved in the same circles as other Jews of his ilk in that era: Jerry Rubin, Abbie Hoffman, Allen Ginsberg. Einhorn was much more than just a cheerleader for the Viet Cong. He was a full-fledged New Age guru. He managed to promote himself successfully as a spokesman for everything that was trendy: the marvelous effects of LSD and other psychedelic drugs, pyramid power, various oriental religious cults, transcendental meditation, UFOs and extraterrestrials, CIA conspiracies: you name it; Einhorn was able to pass himself off as an authority on it. He also was a drug dealer. But mostly he was a very wordy and very self-confident Jew-boy, who was able to mesmerize Gentiles young and old and bring them under his sway — especially Gentile women. He managed to convince them that whatever nonsense he spewed on any subject was profound wisdom. This was the case despite the fact that he was fat, hairy, greasy looking, and otherwise singularly unattractive: almost a stereotype of the Jew for whom the name “kike” was coined. Of course, the Jewish media and Jews in the Philadelphia establishment helped Einhorn maintain his “guru” image by taking him seriously and giving him good press.

One of the young Gentile women Einhorn mesmerized was a beautiful, blonde girl from the little East Texas town of Tyler, Holly Maddux. Holly was not only beautiful, but she was also very bright and personable...

[delete what this Jew did to exploitable Miss Holly]

We are letting the Jews as a whole do to us, to our society, and to our civilization what Holly Maddux let Ira Einhorn do to her. And we must put an end to this situation very soon. We must put an end to the special treatment we have been giving Jews, or we certainly will end up the way Holly Maddux did…

Enough about the slimy Jew “guru.” Give credit where credit is due:

​​​​Gaylord Nelson, who founded Earth Day in 1970, was a Giant among environmentalists.

His Earth Day was a watershed moment for environmental politics, kicking off what is now termed the “Environmental Decade” (1970’s) of radical legislative reforms. “After struggling to pass legislation through the 1960s, Nelson was…deeply involved in many of the most important (pieces of) U.S. environmental protection legislation: the Clean Water Acts, the National Wild and Scenic Rivers Act, the Federal Pesticides Act, the Clean Air Act, the Environmental Education Act, the National Hiking Trails and the National Scenic Trails Acts….” See

He was a forceful leader in attempting to convince environmental organizations that they could never achieve their long-term goals unless the U.S. achieved population stabilization. He stated that in order for the U.S. to stabilize its population, it had to dramatically cut legal immigration and enforce its laws to stop illegal immigration.

On Earth Day’s 30th anniversary in 2000, Nelson said : Stabilizing U.S. population is a challenge that could be resolved in a relatively short period resulting in significant economic and environmental benefits. At the current rate of population growth, the population of the US will (rise)… to some 530 million within the next 65 to 70 years. If that happens, the negative consequences will be substantial if not, indeed, disastrous. To stabilize our population would require a dramatic reduction in our immigration rate….”

(181) Gaylord Nelson: “Too damned many people!” – White Biocentrism

Does that sound like what the murderous kike Einhorn would say?

More here about the honorable White environmental activist, former governor of Wisconsin and U.S. Senator Nelson, and Jewish counterculture activist Einhorn who claimed to be Earth Day co-founder though he was simply MC of that first event: Earth Day co-founder killed, composted girlfriend (
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Re: Commenting on Counter-Currents site

Post by Will Williams » Sat Apr 27, 2024 8:30 pm

It has been a few days since I checked in at Counter-Currents. I just saw this comment, made under the piece featuring the C-C poll and saw a good opportunity to promote Dr. Pierce's talks and American Dissident Voices: ... ment-poll/

Unfortunately, I'm back on moderation, but when approved this is what I wrote:

Ondrej Mann: April 27, 2024
Thanks for creating this questionnaire. It’s a great activity. Completing this questionnaire will provide very valuable information and improve our strategy to reach new white nationalists more effectively. This is a real breakthrough, comparable to the regular broadcast of William Luther Pierce’s The Dissident’s Voices.

Will W Williams: April 28, 2024 Your comment is awaiting moderation. This is a preview; your comment will be visible after it has been approved.
The results of the poll will be revealing and helpful. Everyone who has been invited to participate should do so for it to work.

240 of Pierce’s enduring American Dissident Voices shows are available here on CDs: The Power of Truth (Volumes 1 through 12) – Cosmotheism (, or here, for free:

33 years after Pierce’s first ADV broadcast, it is being aired each Saturday morning at 8am, like clockwork — during April the three-part series “Month of the Leader.” Today’s show featured Dr. Pierce’s mentor, George Lincoln Rockwell on Hitler, Natural Law and True Religion: Month of the Leader, part 3 | National Vanguard.
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