Questions from Quora 1

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Questions from Quora 1

Post by David_Sims » Tue Apr 16, 2024 1:03 pm

A question from Quora:

"Is an antisemite someone who seeks the truth?"

Not necessarily. It is possible for an antisemite to be a liar — it isn’t the typical case, but it isn’t unheard of, either.

The Jews do often speak as if antisemitic were synonymous with false, but that isn’t true. Whatever “antisemitic” meant originally, today it refers to any statement that the Jews don’t like for any reason. It remains true that the usual reason the Jews might not like a statement is that it is likely to inspire hatred toward them. However, that doesn’t mean that the statement is a false one.

You might get the impression that I think many antisemitic statements are true. That’s correct. I do have that opinion.

But I don’t claim that ALL antisemitic statements are true. It would certainly be possible to craft and to express a false antisemitic statement. And on a rare occasion, this has been done.


A question from Quora:

"What is the justification for Hamas' actions towards Israel in Gaza?"

The justification for Hamas’ actions toward Israel is that, in 1948, the Jews stole the land that belonged to the Palestinians and massacred the Palestinians in order to conduct the theft. That’s always going to be true. Forever. Israel has no right to exist. It never has, and it never will.

You should understand one thing about the Jewish character: they are cry-bullies. They cry out in pain as they hit you. They refer to an alleged Holocaust as a means of justifying their own violence and their own dishonesty toward others.

We saw the Jewish chief of the Department of Homeland Security, Alejandro Mayorkas, tell Senator Josh Hawley that Hawley should NOT criticize Mayorkas for sabotaging the integrity of the US border with Mexico, which is the exact opposite of what he should be doing, because he is a child of “Holocaust survivors.” He really did that.


That is the Jewish manner of argument.


A question from Quora:

"What are some of the reasons people say America is in decline?"

Every civilization in history has been taught the same lesson — but learned it too late.

Ancient Egypt, ancient Greece, ancient Rome, the feudal states of Europe, the European states post-Renaissance, Weimar Germany, the United Kingdom, and the United States. They all made the mistake of loosening up the social norms and the moral strictures by which they focused their human energy on building their nation: having babies and raising children well, keeping families together, avoiding racial mixing, avoiding the dissolutions of vice — whether or not they knew why they should do these things.

No doubt there were rational explanations for why norms and strictures are needed to take a nation from poverty to riches, from unimportance to world dominance. The reasons are obviously there, whether you know them or not. The wisdom certainly exists, whether you understand it or not. The success of the nations that rose to prominence could not have happened otherwise. But elucidating them in a way that the average person can understand might be difficult, especially when those strictures and norms are preventing the average person from having all the fun he might have if they were dispensed with.

So religion filled the gap, and people were told that God wanted them to accept the norms and the strictures — and eternal damnation and the fires of Hell awaited those who did not.

And it worked, for a while.

But then come the mockers, the agitators, the propagandists who ridicule. "Show us the necessity of the norms and strictures!" they say. "No such necessity exists! They are only a way for the rich to control the poor, for men to control women. They are an excuse for racism."

History teaches lessons in an inferential way that sways the human mind in proportion to the amount of time spent thinking about them. That lesson boils down to this: "No nation has ever climbed far on the civilization ladder AFTER it became libertine." But if someone is rushed, or if he is bedeviled such that he cannot think carefully, then that lesson won't be learned. The truths that history can impart will go undiscovered. And that is the purpose of the mocker, for he is a destroyer of nations. It serves his purpose that the people do not learn what history might teach, so he does whatever he can to prevent this particular education.

We've seen empires crumble as the mockers succeed, time after time. And here, in the present, it is happening again.


A question censored from Quora:

"Why do many black men go gay in prison, more than other races?"

Blacks in general have difficulty postponing gratification. If they get a little money, they’ll spend it on booze, drugs, or hos. That’s why they have trouble saving money for a large and more important purchase.

Male blacks will use almost anything available for sexual gratification. There’s a video, made by an Asian teenager, of one of his black neighbors having sex with a cow. There are literary references to blacks sticking their penises into a slab of meat in order to get off.

Homosexual behavior among apes is sometimes a display of dominance, and this seems to be the case with blacks also. Put them in confinement with each other, and the big blacks will anally rape the little blacks — or anybody else they can get their hands on.


A question censored from Quora:

"How do I exercise my racism?"

Gather good statistical information from authoritative sources that don’t censor it for political reasons. Then filter out the gobbledygook, the gaslighting, the squid-ink, and the defensive posturing and organize the information into its purest and most meaningful form. Blacks are low-IQ savages who commit a lot of violent crime, use a lot of illegal drugs, run out on their family obligations, don’t like to work, usually prefer pretense and fantasy to actual achievement, and are often infected with STDs. At least, as compared with whites, that’s how blacks are.

But, first, get the data. You can’t skip that step. Always start with data, not with theory.


A question from Quora:

"Is it financially beneficial to attend Harvard Law School despite having to take out large loans?"

It depends.

If you are either unaware of Jewish power and how it has corrupted our culture and our government, or you are aware of that but can keep your mouth shut, then it might be worthwhile to go into debt to get an education at Harvard Law School.

But if you are aware and feel a moral obligation to point out this particular danger to the society that you undertake to serve as a lawyer, then you might be wasting your money going to Harvard Law School, because the Jews will use their power to Shut You Down, blacklist you, make a pariah out of you, put a stink on you, and end your career prospects. There’s no point to doing that, is there?

The heroes of our race have already died. The masterstroke of Jewish strategy was to set the most masculine men of the white race against each other, in wars over political squabbles, while the Jews looked on and smiled, made bank loans to both sides, and generally profited from the destruction of the best men we had.

What began in the French Revolution* continued through the American Civil War, both World Wars, the US/NATO bombings in Serbia, is going on now in the war between Russia and Ukraine. Do you think the Jews aren’t involved in that war? Jews set it up! Victoria Nuland, Anthony Blinken, George Soros — they’re Jews.

Now we must find our heroes, or make them, once again.

*This multigenerational Jewish effort to destroy the white race probably began even before the French Revolution. I have occasionally suspected that the Jews formed a genocidal grudge against the white race when the Romans defeated the Jews, first, at Jerusalem, and subsequently at Masada two years later. In the latter of those conflicts, the Jews had been feeling all safe and smug in their fortress and had been going “Nyah! Nyah! Can’t catch me!” at the Romans for many months. Then the Romans proved them wrong with some brilliant military tactics. The Jews who survived swore revenge on all whites, and the oath of vengeance has survived (in disguised form) to this very day.

Jews have made a largely unexamined claim of having been the victims of a genocide, to which they continuously refer as a distraction. But they’ve perpetrated genocide probably more times than I know, and I know of several.

How the Jews proceed with genocidal actions depends on how powerful the intended victim is.

With the Palestinians presently, the Jews carry on genocide openly.

With the Armenians in the early 20th century, the Jews hatched a complicated conspiracy to carry out the genocide of 1915.

With the white race, the Jews have been patient, methodical, careful, quick with lies and clever with propaganda. But you can see the genocidal intention in the pattern of behavior, in how history has unfolded.

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Will Williams
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Re: Questions from Quora 1

Post by Will Williams » Tue Apr 16, 2024 7:38 pm

Beautiful! I'm surprise you haven't been censored more often on Quora, even banned for introducing such truths to the Quora boobs.

Israel has no right to exist. It never has, and it never will.

You will never be censored at White Biocentrism for the vital truths you bring. :D
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Re: Questions from Quora 1

Post by ryanarthur » Tue Apr 16, 2024 9:20 pm

Every little bit helps! If even one person is brought to the true path via your quora posts, they will have all been worthwhile. It's also always great to use alternative methods to spread a solid and useful message, we have to get the word out by any means necessary.

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Will Williams
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Re: Questions from Quora 1

Post by Will Williams » Wed Apr 17, 2024 10:11 pm

ryanarthur wrote:
Tue Apr 16, 2024 9:20 pm
Every little bit helps! If even one person is brought to the true path via your quora posts, they will have all been worthwhile. It's also always great to use alternative methods to spread a solid and useful message, we have to get the word out by any means necessary.


Many more people are being introduced to our truths and having their racial consciousness raised. Maybe Quora doesn't allow links to be included in comments there, but if they do it would be nice if David can put in his comments.

As NA Chairman my main focus is Alliance-building, recruiting new Alliance members. As it is I'm unaware of even a single new Alliance member who has come to us by way of Quora, though many Quorons must agree with David's comments there.

I noticed a comment under an article on National Vanguard suggesting that Kevin Strom should start putting videos up on TikTok. Kevin is already busy enough with existing National Alliance projects. That commentator, if he likes what we do, should join our Alliance and put videos or links to our video channel -- -- up on TikTok himself rather than add to our already overextended, underpaid staff's workload. I know of not a single person who has applied for membership to the National Alliance who has come to us from TikTok -- and that goes for most of the other popular social media platforms.

If Whites insist on participating in "social media," do so on ours, not (((theirs))). Like us on; follow us on ᛉ

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Will Williams
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Re: Questions from Quora 1

Post by Will Williams » Wed Apr 17, 2024 10:12 pm

Will Williams wrote:
Wed Apr 17, 2024 10:11 pm
ryanarthur wrote:
Tue Apr 16, 2024 9:20 pm
Every little bit helps! If even one person is brought to the true path via your quora posts, they will have all been worthwhile. It's also always great to use alternative methods to spread a solid and useful message, we have to get the word out by any means necessary.


Thanks to the Internet many more people today are being introduced to our truths and having their racial consciousness raised. Maybe Quora doesn't allow links to be included in comments there, but if they do it would be nice if David can put in his comments.

As NA Chairman my main focus is Alliance-building, recruiting new Alliance members. As it is I'm unaware of even a single new Alliance member who has come to us by way of Quora, though many Quorons must agree with David's comments there.

I noticed a comment under an article on National Vanguard suggesting that Kevin Strom should start putting videos up on TikTok. Kevin is already busy enough with existing National Alliance projects. That commentator, if he likes what we do, should join our Alliance and put videos or links to our video channel -- -- up on TikTok himself rather than add to our already overextended, underpaid staff's workload. I know of not a single person who has applied for membership to the National Alliance who has come to us from TikTok -- and that goes for most of the other popular social media platforms.

If Whites insist on participating in "social media," do so on ours, not (((theirs))). Like us on; follow us on ᛉ

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