Commenting on Counter-Currents site

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Will Williams
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Re: Commenting on Counter-Currents site

Post by Will Williams » Mon Mar 18, 2024 6:47 pm

A new article that poses the conclusion, why "we" should support the Israeli genocidal war against her neighbor: ... cidal-war/ I and Hamburger Today disagree, and I have an opportunity to link to Douglas Mercer's latest here at WB.

Popeye the sailorman's buddy J. Wellington Wimpy

Will Williams: March 18, 2024
Hamburger Today:[W]e shouldn’t care what the jews are doing in Gaza, but, rather, what they’re doing in America…

Exactly! Why back Palestinians? That is not our war. They don’t control the mass mind in America through control of Hollywood, television and the rest of the news and entertainment industry; Wall Street, Madison Avenue, Academia, the Democrat and Republican parties and the national political process for that matter, and more — Jewry does.

Palestinians and many of Israel’s other Semitic neighbors despise “Great Satan.” We can shed that derisory hate label by finding our collective backbone and finally focusing on the real enemy of everything traditional and normal.

Pull out, cut off all Israel aid and concentrate on exposing, combatting and overcoming Jewish supremacy in the U.S. Go after Jews’ collaborators — politicians, churchmen, academics and in media.

That is the fight in which White America must engage while we still have freedom of expression and a numerical advantage — before it’s too late. It will not be easy but is necessary and is right. Brits have apparently already crossed the point of no return: (180) The Truth Is A Criminal Offense – White Biocentrism

HT, I would “like” your comment for its truth, but my like button is gone again though I never logged out. Logged back in to show my approval and it is still disabled. Just letting you know.
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Re: Commenting on Counter-Currents site

Post by Jim Mathias » Mon Mar 18, 2024 10:14 pm

Will, a part of what's going on with respect to the Jews' ongoing holocaust of their cousin Semites in Gaza and the huge cost paid by Whites subsidizing that genocide here in America might interest you: viewtopic.php?f=8&t=6620&p=32398#p32398

Whether most Whites know it or not, all who are contributors to the Jewish Occupied Government have blood on their hands. I paid a federal gas tax at the pump today, I'm as guilty as others. What I can do to offset that is legally minimize other contributions as much as possible.
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Will Williams
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Re: Commenting on Counter-Currents site

Post by Will Williams » Thu Mar 21, 2024 8:26 pm

A 2-part piece about Lt. Colonel Bo Gritz (ret.) that points out his history as a decorated Green Beret in Vietnam as well as his history as a celebrity in retirement: ... 7-present/ I am not as awed by Gritz as some others are and say why.

Will Williams: March 21, 2024
I dabbled with the Populist Party briefly, long ago as Executive Director of the North Carolina faction, and met “Bo” in 1986 or early 1987 at a PP gathering when he was contending to be PP’s presidential nominee. He was an imposing figure with his martial reputation, chest full of medals and firm handshake, but there was something about him that struck me as phoniness — later confirmed in my mind.

I had met or served with hundreds of Green Beret soldiers in Vietnam. He didn’t fit the mold, despite his obvious valor as a warrior. Most GBs were valorous but just did their jobs as combatants, lacking for the most part Bo’s strong desire for personal advancement as a celebrity. Randy Weaver was more the typical, principled ex-Special Forces soldier who came to distrust JOG. Interviewed a couple of years after the government had murdered his wife and son, Randy was asked what he thought of religion. His response: “It’s all shit!”

When Bo styled himself a White patriot, he came up short.

He worked for the FBI not only in the Weaver incident but also helped them to nab Eric Rudolf. See Andrew Hamilton’s: Eric Rudolph’s Prison Writings: America’s Most Wanted Fugitive Speaks Out | National Vanguard
Even ex-Special Forces Lt. Col. Bo Gritz, enlisted by the FBI, tried to lure the fugitive from hiding. To Rudolph, Gritz is “a loyal subject of the Washington regime,” a “Judas Goat,” a “neutralizer” of American Patriotic anger: “I will never understand men like Gritz.”
Bo married outside his race, fathered non-Whites, even apparently adopted another. Those moral offenses combined certainly make him ineligible for National Alliance membership. His spurious embracing of Christian Identity that, perhaps, later became serious, doesn’t say much for his judgment nor his perception of reality.

To represent himself as a White race preservationist, much less a leader of that cause, the sum total of Bo’s actions in retirement, despite his proven former acts of physical courage, show him to be a moral coward, like most politicians who think they can become president by aiming to please the majority of the herd electorate.

When Rockwell planned his run for president, prior to his assassination, he knew his base. He was an honest political leader of Whites, a revolutionary statesman, not a run-of-the-mill politician — or, as Rudolf said of Bo, “a loyal subject of the Washington regime.”
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Will Williams
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Re: Commenting on Counter-Currents site

Post by Will Williams » Fri Mar 22, 2024 3:52 pm

More about Bo Gritz, but the commentator quotes the well-documented enemy of the National Alliance and other legitimate racial nationalist organizations. I'm not one to let that pass without refutation.

Will Williams: March 22, 2024
S. Clark: … [S]o many like [Gritz] just won’t see things in racial terms. I’m reminded of what Harold Covington said of such types: “They are so close to our struggle and the causes, and, eventually, the solutions, but they come to our door, step up, raise their fist to knock, then, at the last minute, turn and walk away.”

I can’t believe you would quote Covington about anything, S., especially anything to do with the military since he the biggest textbook case of “stolen valor” to ever have claimed to be a leader in the pro-White cause.

See a exact copy of a page of Covington’s newsletter here at a reliable source where he claimed to have served “in two armies in two wars”: Setting the Record Straight: Did Harold Covington serve in the Vietnam War? (

You might want to read some of the other articles at that site about what a lying phony Covington was — ten times the phony of Bo Gritz.

You and others at C-C can chill some of your fascination with Mr. Covington's skill as a wordsmith by learning about his total lack of character as spokesman for Whites by searching for ‘Harold Covington stolen valor’. Considering the source, see a genuine interview with Harold Covington’s brother Ben about his claimed military service, here: Ben Covington Offers Insight Into His Brother Harold’s Neo-Nazi Activity | Southern Poverty Law Center (

…Harold came home one day with military enlistment papers and joined the Army. Harold went to boot camp at Fort Jackson in Columbia, S.C. He made noises about wanting to be a Ranger, but for whatever reason he couldn’t pass the entrance requirements. He was assigned to the 14th Infantry Division and wound up going to Fort Polk, La. And I don’t know what he was running into in Fort Polk, but he started to develop white supremacist contacts and influences from the military. They shipped his infantry division to Schofield Barracks in Hawaii, preparatory to them being rotated overseas to Vietnam.

But he didn’t end up going to Vietnam.

No. While at Schofield Barracks, he apparently started passing around pamphlets — Nazi propaganda, all that kind of crap. They put Harold on restrictive duty, and they ordered him to see the base psychiatrist to be evaluated as to whether or not he was medically fit to be in the military. Ultimately, he was in fact diagnosed as having paranoid personality disorder.

My parents were really upset about the whole white supremacist thing. What the Army psychiatrist told my parents — and what my parents repeated to us off and on over the years — was that it could have been anything. He could have been a Jesus freak, he could have been a Hare Krishna, he could have been anything — anything that the mental illness could latch onto. And it happened that he latched onto the neo-Nazi, white supremacist ideology. He was determined to be medically unfit, and he was discharged from the Army in 1972.

Part of Harold Covington’s story is that he was a Rhodesian mercenary in the early 1970s.
I suppose he wanted to move someplace where everything was white and bright, so after a yearlong stint at the Nazi Party headquarters, he wound up going to Rhodesia, and he joined the Rhodesian Army. In different blogs and writings, he was always bragging, “Oh, I was a mercenary in Rhodesia and I went out and did all this fighting.” But to the best of my knowledge, according to the letters he wrote to my parents, he was a file clerk. He certainly never fired a shot in anger. He started agitating over there, and the [white-led] Ian Smith government said, “We have problems enough without this nutcase,” and they bounced him.

I don’t want to change the topic from Gritz, but can’t let your citing Harold Covington pass without comment.

Your mention of Scholl-Latour is interesting to me since, though I was not captured by the VC, I was listed as MIA for six hours in May of 1969 after a particularly nasty battle with the little yellow zipperheads. BTW, Covington claimed repeatedly to his suckers that I was not neither a Green Beret captain nor could I have served two tours in Vietnam — so you might understand my personal interest in his fans lending any legitimacy to the SOB. Read about my defamation lawsuit against Covington at “Setting the Record Straight”. I won a real world judgment where he eventually owed me $250,000.
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Will Williams
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Re: Commenting on Counter-Currents site

Post by Will Williams » Fri Mar 22, 2024 9:19 pm

Race-mixer and long time Mexico resident Fred Reed tell us how Mexico is better than his former country, the U.S.: ... beginners/ I and a few others take issue with him.

Will Williams: March 22, 2024
C.E. Whiteoak: Gee Fred, I hardly know what to say. Maybe we Anglos have a poor opinion of Mexico because they send all the human detritus up here… Do you really wonder why we have a low opinion of a country that uses the United States as a garbage dump?

“Liked” for truth and level-headedness to a true racial loyalist.

I didn’t see the word Mestizo once in his piece or mention of the obvious biological fact that most Mexicans invading our living space cannot make White babies. Maybe he mentioned reconquistador or LaRaza and I missed it.

Fred and his loving Mexican wife likely hang out with many of those two million American expats he mentioned rather than with Mexico’s Third World detritus. I don’t blame them if they do.

Maybe Fred is a loony Moonie since he admits association with the <cough!> “extreme right-wing” Washington Times?

He is certainly no White nationalist. By his own admission he is ineligible for National Alliance membership. We like it that way.
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Will Williams
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Re: Commenting on Counter-Currents site

Post by Will Williams » Sat Mar 23, 2024 5:44 pm

Finding more agreement on C-C about Mr. Reed.

Will Williams: March 23, 2024
Richard Chance: ..Lastly, “I should note that I have lived in Mexico for over 20 years with Violeta, my Mexican wife.” Why is this person even writing for CC? I would have assumed that, however decent a technician of words one might be, they would at least need to believe in WN or DR principles in order to be a writer here.

Well put, Mr. Chance. Good question. Many Whites write well but very few are principled, uncompromising White racial nationalists. What is a DR principle?

Anecdote: With less than a month left in my military career, stationed at Fort Hood, Texas (changed to Fort Cavazos last year, after an “Hispanic” ugh!), I had a week’s vacation built up and decided to take it down in Acapulco, because I could. Mostly laid around on the beach while Mexicans brought me drinks and felt no more at home among the natives there than I had in SE Asia. I was ready to get back to the world but just happened to sit next to the celebrated drummer of the rock band The Who, Keith Moon, in a bar. I wasn’t much of a follower of rock music and had never heard of The Who — the Who? — but he and I hit it off for those brief moments in time and got good and plastered together, swapping lies. That’s the one lasting memory from my time in Mexico. The hard-charging Moon died a few years later from alcohol-related issues.
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Will Williams
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Re: Commenting on Counter-Currents site

Post by Will Williams » Tue Mar 26, 2024 8:47 pm

More under Bo Gritz article. I link to NV.

Will Williams: March 26, 2024
Bigfoot: March 26, 2024 …I can’t help but wonder if what these NCOs said is still true. Two NCOs who were instructors at the JFK special warfare center at what used to be called Fort Bragg [now Fort Liberty] sent an anonymous email about the lack of standards and the politics at the training school. The website is The article is titled “Green Berets Targeted After Anonymous Email Exposed Lower Standards”. It’s by Christina Wong, January 15, 2019.

Thanks for that site, Bigfoot. It took some maneuvering to find Miss Wong’s article, but it’s there by searching on the site for ‘sonntag’.

I went through the JFK Special Warfare School Officer’s course in 1967 when SF were still relatively elite warriors. SF standards went downhill after Vietnam as elite units usually do after a war — lowered standards, more racial diversity, finally women into the combat arms. You know the routine. From Ms. Wong’s 2019 article:

The issue of standards will likely continue to be a heated topic of debate, as the military continues to integrate more women into the combat arms.

The Obama administration began lifting restrictions on women serving in the combat arms, and services have been slowly implementing those policies.

The Marine Corps, which was the most resistant, has made recent headlines for integrating a female platoon into a previously all-male battalion at Parris Island, S.C., and for its first female Marine officer graduating from the Scout Sniper Unit Leaders Course.

At the same time, the military is facing recruiting shortages, and an ever-increasing demand for Special Forces…

“We have some recruiting challenges, and I think the trajectory is not good over the next few years,” Mark Mitchell, principal deputy assistant Secretary of Defense for Special Operations and Low Intensity Conflict, said February at the 2018 Special Operations/Low Intensity Conflict Symposium, according to

Former Green Beret and Ultimate Fighting Champion superstar Tim Kennedy said Army recruitment challenges hit the Green Beret force especially hard.

“[For] Special Forces specifically, we are gonna have the biggest deficit of eligible… population, to select from,” he said on The Joe Rogan Experience on May 17. “You have to have a certain level of intelligence, a certain level of physicality, just to be eligible for Special Forces to pick you…that pool is the smallest that has ever been in history.”

Sonntag himself acknowledged those challenges shortly after taking command. He said at a symposium in November 2017 that all three of the Army Special Operations regiments are facing serious challenges in “force structure changes, pipeline production, and recruiting.”

“We are currently not meeting our production numbers. The restructuring of the 85th [Civil Affairs] Brigade has created an imbalanced CA force structure. And our recruitment is down. If something doesn’t change soon, we will short the operational force drastically over the next five years,” he said.

Robertson said lowering standards in order to produce more Green Berets goes against a fundamental SOF truth that every Green Beret is taught.

“They were basically telling us to not uphold standards,” said Robertson. “The reason they were doing that is because they were trying to make quota…In Special Forces you don’t sacrifice quality for quantity.”

The lowering of SF standards didn’t begin with Obama. They got lower under Trump and have been getting lower under Biden. Whomever will be the next Commander in Chief will lower them even more. Special Operations will still be predominantly White males. I recommend our males stay away from the military altogether and join the National Alliance instead.

You might enjoy my entertaining experience with newer generations of Green Beret soldiers recently when I was invited to attend a VFW gathering: An Experience with the VFW | National Vanguard is an excellent site that exposes quite well how far “our” military has fallen in recent years to achieve Political Correctness (DEI).
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Will Williams
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Re: Commenting on Counter-Currents site

Post by Will Williams » Tue Mar 26, 2024 8:56 pm

More under the Gritz article's comments, and holding my post to expose Covington fans as not serious racial nationalists, but fans of bad fiction. ... 7-present/

Will Williams: March 26, 2024
S. Clark: Will: I did it again. Mentioning Harold Covington’s name is like the old Three Stooges short where mentioning “Niagara Falls,” sends someone into a rage… [M]y experience with Harold wasn’t like that. I admired his fiction, as my articles in Countercurrents Aug. 24, Sept. 4 and 5 demonstrate.

That someone is me, S. because for 20 years I was the victim of Tubbington’s poison pen that you so admire. His attacks on me are not just personal, however, I have a responsibility to disabuse fans of his by exposing the damage he wrought and is still bringing forth to our cause trough his fans, like you. Perhaps, had you been more active in the cause of racial activism, you would have also felt the sting of his malicious lies, and you would look past his worthless novels to expose him for what he was. But to quote you, you “DON’T CARE” that he was the biggest smear artist and political saboteur ever to pose as a White racial leader.

I won’t be looking at your C-C articles, because I already know that you DON’T CARE what an enemy of our noble cause he was, as he actually claimed to his suckers that he was “the leader of all National Socialists worldwide.” Apparently, he led you, to where I have no idea except down his dead-end path that is still being followed by losers like Atomwaffen and The Base, many of whom are languishing in prison now for following his North West Front scam. They liked his novels, too.

I will recommend this other piece, however, that admires his fiction, from four years ago on TOO — not for the article that you will like, but for some of the comments below it that will no doubt remind you of that three stooges thing: The War on Whites: Harold Covington’s Northwest Novels – The Occidental Observer

You should believe Martin Kerr, an honest man who is leader of New Order, successor group to George Lincoln Rockwell’s NSWPP:

Martin Kerr:
says: May 7, 2021
It is disturbing to see that an attempt is being made to rehabilitate the deservedly poor reputation of Harold Covington. I had hoped that after his long-awaited death in 2018, that the memory of him would quickly and mercifully fade away. Sadly, I can see that my hopes were in vain.

No one did more to harm the cause of pro-White advocacy than Covington. From the mid-1970s until his death, he did everything he could to weaken, harm and destroy that cause…

He attacked whatever pro-White leader who was receiving the most public recognition at any given time. He only attacked those who were trying to do something. Those who limited themselves to writing books or articles he left alone. But those who were in the public arena, actively trying to build a pro-White movement, he attacked relentlessly and ferociously.
Among those he sought to undermine and destroy were Dr. William Pierce, David Duke, Matt Koehl, Ben Klassen, Kevin Alfred Strom, Dr. Edward Fields, Will Williams…

I’m honored that my name is included with those giants of our cause, by another giant. You may consider yourself “in the arena” like those of us that Harold Covington attacked relentlessly and ferociously, but the fact that you weren’t attacked by him suggests otherwise. Sorry.

Will Williams: March 26, 2024
JayeRyanOD: I told Bo Gritz that: “I noticed he hadn’t said anything about race or the fact that because of mass 3rd world immigration migration invasions, our people would be on track to be a minority in North America and thus would probably suffer the same fate as Whites in Haiti, French Algeria or Rhodesia.”

Bo Gritz reacted in terror like I had suggested he openly embrace Man Boy Homosexual sexual orgies. He said words to the effect that he didn’t have a racist bone in his body…

Bravo, Jaye. I’d like to think I’d confronted the phony similarly had I the opportunity you had at that time.
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Will Williams
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Re: Commenting on Counter-Currents site

Post by Will Williams » Sat Mar 30, 2024 10:23 pm

Spencer Quinn wrote about the nigger mess down in Georgia: the trial that attempted to put Donald Trump in prison so he couldn't run against Joe Biden: ... l-it-isnt/ I commented under a fellow who answers to WWWM.

Will Williams: March 30, 2024
WWWM: March 30, 2024 I think Thomas Chittum’s book Civil War II is actually the best predictor of the American experiment…

Civil War II was written by Tom 30 years ago and it was relevant then because in it he predicted that the US would balkanize and along racial lines. Not that hard to predict in 1994 for a non-fiction book.

The novel The Turner Diaries, written from a radical pro-White point of view 20 years earlier turned out to be much more prophetic in what it predicted for Whites, if in a fictional format. Tom wrote from the perspective of a soldier, having served as a grunt in three conflicts: Vietnam, Rhodesia and Croatia conflicts. But read it and you’ll see he didn’t write about Jews at all other than to say something benign like that they were smart. Tom simply wasn’t Jew-conscious.

Dr. Brent Nelson’s America Balkanized, written about the same time, is much more scholarly and came to the same conclusion: that the US would become multiracial because of unchecked non-White immigration. 30 years ago both were correct.

Tom and I became close friends, and I certainly schooled him in the JQ. — introduced him to Dr. Pierce, Tom Metzger and many other top White preservationists; we traveled together often, and he even helped to build my house. I don’t know what he’s up to today, but notice he has a newer edition of CW II on Amazon, which shows us that the Jew does not fear his book, or else it would be banned like our National Alliance books, including Which Way Western Man?

As for Miss Fanny, what I saw of her in that Fulton County, GA, courtroom had me in stitches the whole way for her and her fellow nignogs’ TNB, and it’s still funny — like watching episodes of Amos & Andy. Fanny played Amos’s squeeze, Saphire; her boyfriend Wade was Lightnin’ — funny stuff! And Fanny’s boyfriend’s shyster partner was Algonquin J. Calhoun. If Stepin Fetchet came to Fanny’s defense, I missed that.
For youngsters unfamiliar with Amos & Andy, you don't know what you missed. It belongs in the Humor section:
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Will Williams
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Re: Commenting on Counter-Currents site

Post by Will Williams » Fri Apr 05, 2024 10:39 am

Follow up, changing the subject from the negrification of country music.

Will Williams: April 5, 2024
Fire Walk With Lee: They take credit for everything and responsibility for nothing.

The same people who are ecstatic for Beyoncé supposedly “reclaiming” country music are mad that a white girl from Iowa is currently the hottest thing in basketball right now.


I haven’t watched bastardball in years for obvious reasons but have interest now in the remarkable Miss Caitlin and hope her team wins the championship. That will make the nignogs angry.

A reason I have any interest in her may be that the record she recently eclipsed as the all-time NCAA leader for total points scored had previously been held for fifty years by “Pistol Pete” Maravich who averaged 45 point per game through his college career at LSU, and that prior to the three-point rule that would have made his total points total considerably higher. I went to high school with Pete and even then he was a ball-handling magician, for a White boy.
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