Commenting on Counter-Currents site

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Will Williams
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Re: Commenting on Counter-Currents site

Post by Will Williams » Mon Feb 12, 2024 1:05 pm

Not a bad article by Morris van de Camp, but weak on a solution: ... -election/

Will Williams: February 12, 2024
Joe Gould: February 12, 2024 [T]his is the time for us to meme...


Meme? I don’t meme. I’ll leave that to others. We’re not going to meme our way out of the mess this country and our race are in any more than we’ll be voting our way out.

Morris says: Control of the levers of power fell into the hands of self-interested minorities, however — mostly Jews … Jeff Zients, the White House Chief of Staff. Zients is a Jew…

I suppose that will make for a clever meme, but will it move Whites to organize for what’s needed, racial revolution? — not anti-White CRT, DEI, and more “democratic” elections among politicians controlled by self-interested Jews.

How ’bout a meme: JEWS ARE OUR MISFORTUNE – Natall dotcom.
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Will Williams
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Re: Commenting on Counter-Currents site

Post by Will Williams » Wed Feb 14, 2024 9:09 pm

The <ahem> White leader Jason Kessler wrote another essay at C-C that is opposed to the National Alliance's long-term strategy, so I told him so under it, here: ... ional-law/

I'm under moderation again and have had my "like" button disabled. Perhaps I "liked" the wrong comments? That's OK, but my ability to edit a comment after submitting it has also been disabled which is a little irksome since formatting and spacing usually need some correcting. Corrected here for WB.

Will W Williams: February 14, 2024 Your comment is awaiting moderation.
jaye ryan: February 12, 2024  JK writes: “White Nationalists are often indifferent to what the international community would think”I respond: There ‘s another term I detest “The International Community”… Who the fu** is that?  

Had my ability to “like” a comment here not been disabled, I’d like this, jaye. However, I can’t say that for the rest of your comments to Mr. Goad later.

Determined White racial separatists, not mere “white conservatives,” should not look to the so-called international community (or to any Judaized, multiracial “national community,” for that matter) for permission to withdraw their consent to be governed by those who oppose them. I’ll offer this again as the more reasonable alternative to achieve long-term racial separation: What is the National Alliance? | National Alliance (

I looked at the 2020 Master’s thesis by Mia Abel that JK recommends for his essay to see her, excuse me, their disclaimer:

This content was originally written for an undergraduate or Master’s program. It is published as part of our mission to showcase peer-leading papers written by students during their studies. This work can be used for background reading and research, but should not be cited as an expert source or used in place of scholarly articles/books.

I’ve seen better background reading while waiting in my dentist’s lobby.

JK spanked you, calling you illiterate for poohpoohing the International Community (IC). Your question, “Who the fu** is that?” is legitimate. The UN? The WHO? The World Bank? The IMF? The Nobel Prize committee that you mentioned? To which ones of these and to which foreign countries do determined White separatists offer their separation referendum for approval?

JK offered this response to Donn

…[A] successful secession would be much more likely to succeed if foreign countries were exerting pressure on the federal government to accept the result of a secession referendum in the name of long standing legal principles of human rights. 


Whereas I cannot agree with that statement I certainly agree with JK when he wrote this in his same response to Donn, especially since he capitalized White: 

We cannot match [JOG’s] firepower but we can use our intellects, the greatest natural inheritance we’re endowed with as White men. I’ll risk JK’s calling me illiterate for saying this, but “Human rights?” Now there’s a term, like “human dignity,” that I detest, especially when coming from one who styles himself a leader of “white [sic] conservatives.”


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Jim Mathias
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Re: Commenting on Counter-Currents site

Post by Jim Mathias » Thu Feb 15, 2024 1:34 am

The program of the National Alliance certain is one of separation, and we need no one's permission to advance it. Kessler and others can beg for permission from others all they want, but I believe they're just spinning their wheels and going nowhere. Building a new order, consciousness, and a people is where the action is at. And a loud voice to let others know when we're under attack, of course.
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Will Williams
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Re: Commenting on Counter-Currents site

Post by Will Williams » Wed Feb 28, 2024 4:11 pm

You're correct, Jim Thanks.

Mr. Kessler wrote another article a few days ago: ... der-siege/ He probably thinks I'm picking on him when I comment under his articles, but I'm simply expounding on what he writes with additional information that somewhat pro-White C-C visitors need to know. Since I wrapped up the February BULLETIN this morning, I had time to check in over on C-C again after an absence of a couple of weeks.

Will W Williams: February 28, 2024 Your comment is awaiting moderation.
WeEnjoyRVTrips: February 25, 2024 Tucker Carlson needs to interview Jared Taylor too. I hope he also tries to debate him, since it would make the content go viral (and because Taylor would win).

That wouldn’t be much of a debate if the moderator should ask, “Are Jews White?” ;o}

I had hope for the 27-year-old Tucker when he wrote the article exposing the turd Morris Dees for Jew-owned The Weekly Standard magazine in 1996. Find that here:: WITH FRIENDS LIKE DEES . . . – Washington Examiner

Dr. Dalton brought us up to date about Tuck back in 2020 on TOO with this: Dissecting Tucker Carlson – The Occidental Observer. In that revealing essay Dalton makes clear that, like Jared Taylor, Tucker perpetuates the “Jews are White” myth, writing, On many occasions, for example, he has stated or implied that Jews are White—that they benefit from “White privilege” or that they are targeted “because they are White.” Let me make this as clear as possible: Jews are not White—not in any relevant sense.

While on the subject of sleazy barrator Morris Dees and how the SPLC hate group destroys White dissidents’ lives, read this other revealing article at TOO from a year ago by attorney Glen Allen: The SPLC: A Threat to Civil Liberties and the Rule of Law.

While Hunter Biden is squirming in his chair today, “behind closed doors,” being grilled by Republican House Pitbulls like Jordan and Comer, it is good to revisit what Dr. Dalton had to say about him and the entire Biden family in the above-linked article:

[Joe] Biden, who has long had a cozy relationship with Jews, dating back at least to his fond memories of meeting Golda Meir in 1973. In early 2007, he famously stated that “I am a Zionist,” adding “You don’t have to be a Jew to be a Zionist” (true enough).[6] This certainly helped his political future, considering that the Judeophile and Judenknecht Obama soon thereafter chose him as his running mate.

But what secured Biden’s support among the American Judeocracy was surely his family connections. Joe had three children by his first wife: Beau, Hunter, and Naomi. The wife and one-year-old Naomi were killed in a car crash in 1972, but the two boys lived to adulthood (Beau died of brain cancer in 2015). Joe then had a fourth child, Ashley, by his second and current wife, Jill. Ashley married a Jewish doctor, Howard Krein, in 2012. Beau married a Jewish dry-cleaning scion, Hallie Olivere, in 2002; they had two children before he died in 2015. After his death, Olivere (now Hallie Biden) shamelessly began an affair with the alcoholic and married younger son, Hunter—he of the Ukrainian Burisma scandal fame. Hunter then divorced his first wife (Kathleen) to take up fulltime with the Jewess Hallie, but that relationship fell apart in 2018. After getting a stripper pregnant, Hunter then took up with another Jewess, “filmmaker” Melissa Cohen. They married in 2019 and had a boy in 2020.

Bottom line: All three of Biden’s adult children married Jews, and he has at least three Jewish grandchildren. This is remarkable, and surely not accidental. Jews flock to power, and those in power, at least the most depraved and corrupt ones, are only too happy to cement their Jewish family connections. The same holds, as we know, for the Clintons, Trump, and Nancy Pelosi, among many others.[7]
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Will Williams
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Re: Commenting on Counter-Currents site

Post by Will Williams » Fri Mar 01, 2024 9:36 pm

Will Williams March 1, 2024
It took three days for my comment above to appear. It had appeared instantaneously, as is usual, “awaiting moderation,” also as is usual, and without the capability to either edit or to “like” another’s comment as I had been granted previously.

I notified Greg and he eventually found my comment in spam and told me that I must have logged out — but it had appeared, albeit under moderation, and I had never logged out.

Greg assigned me a new password so I can resume commenting, thus this explanation for why the submission above took three days to appear. Thanks.

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Note that with this latest comment made today my Like and Edit privileges are restored and this one is not awaiting moderation. I had told C-C owner Greg Johnson to remove me as a paywall contributor and cease drafting my bank account each month for the privilege since my comment (above) did not appear.
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Jim Mathias
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Re: Commenting on Counter-Currents site

Post by Jim Mathias » Fri Mar 01, 2024 10:36 pm

Will Williams wrote:
Fri Mar 01, 2024 9:36 pm
Will Williams March 1, 2024
It took three days for my comment above to appear. It had appeared instantaneously, as is usual, “awaiting moderation,” also as is usual, and without the capability to either edit or to “like” another’s comment as I had been granted previously.

I notified Greg and he eventually found my comment in spam and told me that I must have logged out — but it had appeared, albeit under moderation, and I had never logged out.

Greg assigned me a new password so I can resume commenting, thus this explanation for why the submission above took three days to appear. Thanks.

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Note that with this latest comment made today my Like and Edit privileges are restored and this one is not awaiting moderation. I had told C-C owner Greg Johnson to remove me as a paywall contributor and cease drafting my bank account each month for the privilege since my comment (above) did not appear.
They like your money and presented no obstacles to taking it unlike your comments which their moderators often hindered your Alliance-building activities.
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Will Williams
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Re: Commenting on Counter-Currents site

Post by Will Williams » Sat Mar 02, 2024 4:47 pm

Jim Mathias wrote:
Fri Mar 01, 2024 10:36 pm
They like your money and presented no obstacles to taking it unlike your comments which their moderators often hindered your Alliance-building activities.[/quote]

I could say something flippant like, "What good is having $10 per month to pay for paywall privileges at C-C without having some fun while promoting NA, NV, and CCC on their site?"

Actually, if you look at the informative comment I made above this on 28 Feb (that took three days to appear), for example, I'm promoting NV as well as Dr. Daton's scathing expose on the Bidens. What probably pissed off a C-C mod was disabusing some commentator's hope that Tucker Carlson might debate Jared Taylor, both of whom think Jews are White, or at least pretend they are White. It's time for C-Cer get serious. We at WB will never accept such a ridiculous "debate" here.

I'll keep using our forum to show what our members can do posting on other nominally pro-White sites. It would be nice if more of our Alliance members did the same, then reported back on White Biocentrism about their online activism.
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Will Williams
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Re: Commenting on Counter-Currents site

Post by Will Williams » Sat Mar 02, 2024 11:27 pm

A rather silly article by Morris van der Camp honoring an alleged "hero": ... n-patriot/ It gave me the opportunity to promote both National Vanguard and the hard line of Dr. Thomas Dalton.

Will Williams:March 2, 2024
Forget Airman Bushnell.
Scott: March 2, 2024, quoting Hamburger Today:
>> Anything that hurts jewish power is pro-White in the long run. <<
Perhaps so, but Jewish power is notoriously difficult to define.

Dr. Dalton defines it well, here, An Interview With Thomas Dalton | National Vanguard and here, The Primacy of Anti-Semitism | National Vanguard, and in most of his 30-plus scholarly, Jew centric books found here, Thomas Dalton – Cosmotheism (

Our own house is definitely not in order… [F]ocusing, or at least the obsessing, on Israel is a distraction to any resolution of the Jewish Question.

And while I don’t think that the JQ is the only factor relevant to the fate of the Occident and the USA, I do think it is essential to resolve for White interests. [Bushnell] is not the “real enemy.”…


Right, right, right! Forget nutcase Bushnell.

The ongoing, widespread demonstrations against Israel for her massacres of Palestinians in the Semite v. Semite conflict are not the concern of racially conscious Whites. Government funding by American taxpayers for Israel is.

It can’t be said enough that those demonstrations are misdirected and should be against Jewry for that tribe’s stranglehold on the news and entertainment industry, the political process, Madison Avenue, Wall Street and other levers of Jewish supremacy. Fact!

… I am not a Conservative (nor a Christian) and I agree with the American Nazi Party Commander George Lincoln Rockwell that Conservativism is basically “trying to conserve what is already gone.” GLR coherently explained almost sixty years ago why Conservatism was (and is) politically sterile.

I am not in the least impressed by any kind of Bluestockings or Gay Christcucks like Anglin and Fuentes….

I do not have all the answers…


Maybe not all of the answers, Scott, but you’ve hit on most of the correct answers to the Jewish Question. I apologize for butchering your comment. I had to look up bluestocking but agree with everything you wrote above.
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Jim Mathias
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Re: Commenting on Counter-Currents site

Post by Jim Mathias » Sat Mar 09, 2024 2:45 pm

I'm posting here to test WB's operation at accepting replies, especially within this thread to assist Will in troubleshooting a problem.
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Will Williams
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Re: Commenting on Counter-Currents site

Post by Will Williams » Sat Mar 09, 2024 4:13 pm

Jim Mathias wrote:
Sat Mar 09, 2024 2:45 pm
I'm posting here to test WB's operation at accepting replies, especially within this thread to assist Will in troubleshooting a problem.
I appreciate that, Jim. The comment I made at C-C yesterday could not be copied here in this topic due to a persistent "Error Message" each time I tried. Maybe Kevin can fix that problem for me about that comment since it is a good example of how NA members and supporters can promote our Alliance and Cosmotheism on a site where a good number of nominally pro-White writers and visitors gather.

Meanwhile, put up another comment there today, promoting today's ADV and our Alliance, under the same article by Travis LeBlanc: ... -question/ It appears to have been successfully copied to here this time.

Will Williams: March 9, 2024
Alexandra O: March 9, 2024 …The best way to deal with the JQ is to beat them at their own game… If you Whities are so smart, why ain’t you rich?... As for George Soros and his types, go to Wikipedia and read his whole life story. It’s pages long but it is one of the best stories of ‘How Jews Do It’.

The reality is, A.O., that many of us “Whities,” as you call us, are smart, but our wealthiest kin, rather than support smart, racially responsible White preservationists, have insulated themselves from the crime-ridden nigger mess America has become by living in their gated communities or safe areas, away from the increasing danger of living in majority non-White, Black-run cities like Philadelphia. Listen to today’s weekly American Dissident Voices radio broadcast to learn the best way to deal with the JQ: No to Hopelessness; No to a Brown America | National Vanguard. Host Kevin Strom says:
…Previous generations, which I’m a little ashamed to admit includes my generation, egged on by very clever Jews — who told us we just needed to be “fair” and “inclusive” and “color blind” — went along with the Jewish movement to break down all the borders and boundaries that had kept America a White nation for two centuries. We were sold the idea that none of the good things about America would be lost — that things really would not change that much, except that now we’d be more “fair” to everyone. But things have changed. They have changed a great deal. They have changed to the point that our culture and even we are disappearing, leaving behind a mongrel America-in-name-only that is unrecognizable to anyone who lived through the change. It is a worthless, fake America. It is their America. It is a mockery of America. It doesn’t deserve the name. They have stolen our nation, our birthright, and then turned it into garbage.

But we White people are more than just innovators and creators of great art and technology. We are nation-creators too. We created Britain and Ireland. We created Germany and France, Holland and Italy, Russia and Greece — and all the great nations founded by our people. We have done it again and again and again, each wave of creation followed by another; and, until very recent years, each wave greater than the one before it. We can and will do it again. And this time, we won’t be fooled by clever aliens who preach “equality” while practicing genocide and Jewish supremacy. This time, we’ll make sure that the protection of and upward progress of our race is the very basis — the unchangeable basis — of our new nation (Join Us | National Alliance (
The best way to deal with the JQ, or Jewish supremacy, is head-on, not with some rehash of Shabbos goy Bill Clinton’s “It’s the economy, Stupid.” Good luck with your individual goal of achieving $250k per year that you believe will somehow overcome highly organized Jewry’s power of the purse. You won’t be “in the game,” A.O., if and when you achieve that personal goal, any more than you are in it today.

As for your suggestion that we “Whities” study how the anti-White multi-billionaire Jew, George Soros, made his ill-gotten wealth so he can corrupt the U.S. justice system, I’m not reading his GD WikiJew biography. Also from today’s ADV:
…So, who’s running the show now in Philadelphia? Blacks and Mulattos are in almost all the top positions, with some remaining Whites on staff — I wonder how they stand it! — keeping an undeserving governmental structure from totally collapsing. The District Attorney is the Soros-backed Jew Larry Krasner.
Maybe you can move to Philly when you get that $250k, take on Krasner, and restore the <cough!> City of Brotherly Love to its former White glory. Good luck with that.
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