Any non-Jewish movies/music, any at all?

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Re: Any non-Jewish movies/music, any at all?

Post by Grimork » Sat Mar 12, 2022 12:42 am

Y'know, this is a great question. Since Jews are so prevalent in the packaging and selling of modern artists and movies, I don't know if I could point out anything definitively untouched by Jews in some way or another. You can even see Jew influence in old B&W movies if you look. The only real chance you have probably is finding a musician who hasn't broken through to popularity maybe someone who is still singing on youtube or soundcloud some platform where they don't have a record label, possibly a local musician.

Far as movies go, that's a lot harder. Movies seem a lot harder to produce for someone on their own than songs. I am interested though if anyone has any ideas.

I just listen to music that I enjoy regardless of the Jewish element behind it. I grew up on heavier music although I don't dislike Classical and it's typically considered very White usually, so I like power metal some examples being Falconer, Kamelot, Demons & Wizards and most of these bands are European, though not all; I think some of the older people would say these are just noisy or a racket, but it has a good range of vocals and typically in a fantasy type theme, that appeals to me. I don't mind electric guitar. I can't say there aren't Jews in the wood-work making money off these artists, but it doesn't feel Jewish to me, and that's the most important part. Maybe one day when we cement separation of the races we can have White industries such as music/movie producers for something other than skinhead music.

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Re: Any non-Jewish movies/music, any at all?

Post by Grimork » Thu Mar 24, 2022 3:13 pm

Hey SP, I came across a Pro-White directory and thought some of the links might interest you: Musicians It looks to be a good variety of different genres.
Steam-Powered wrote:
Sat Mar 12, 2022 10:33 am
Much to my dismay, several classical recordings ended up in the boxes to be sold. Why spend my valuable free time listening to communist and/or Jew's interpretations of Beethoven (i.e. Emil Gilels, Maurizio Pollini) when alternatives are abundant? Some folks don't care for the older wartime recordings, preferring the superior sonic qualities and "false perfection" of albums from the 60's to today. As I've mentioned elsewhere, I'm frankly surprised that the Jews at Warner and the Beriln Philharmonic released the marvelous boxed sets of Bohm, Furtwangler, and Karajan's wartime recordings along with the new complete Das Alte Werk recordings of Leonhardt.

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Re: Any non-Jewish movies/music, any at all?

Post by Grimork » Fri Mar 25, 2022 7:32 pm

No trouble. I will be checking some of these out myself. :)

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Re: Any non-Jewish movies/music, any at all?

Post by RCavallius » Wed May 11, 2022 5:20 pm

Steam-Powered wrote:
Fri Mar 11, 2022 7:45 pm
BTW, I don't consider skinhead punk to be Aryan in nature, it's just aggravating noise to my ears.
Aggravating to your ears it may be, and I will admit that much of it is low-quality as far as the production goes, but it is certainly Aryan in nature. It's not Jewish or Negro.

Thomas S NJ
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Re: Any non-Jewish movies/music, any at all?

Post by Thomas S NJ » Thu May 12, 2022 4:10 pm

This is funny, I just mentioned my musical tastes in another post! :D

I have just moved to a new place and haven’t unpacked my desktop yet, so I’m limited to the old pocket computer to post here and I have never liked that. Still, I think I have one more post in my lazy thumbs today…

This topic really highlights something that I feel is far more important than some might think: the Jews have completely and totally captured popular entertainment. I don’t believe it can be understated how devastating a weapon that is against our Race. So discussions like this are critical, I believe.

The hardest of laborers still require art; I don’t advocate the production of distractions to lull our folk into staring at their TVs just because it’s our message there, not by a long shot. What I do believe is that arts help to bind a people together and moralize them.

So whether your taste is Mozart or Sabaton, we need art that sings to you and connects you to your race-soul. There are slim pickings for us today. While I may listen to more Sabaton than Mozart, I cannot pretend the former is even remotely of the same quality as the latter. And while the lead singer to Sabaton would likely fall over himself to disavow me as a fan if he were ever confronted with “this Nazi guy is a fan of yours, your band must be racists!”, Mozart is safely insulated by the centuries. However, were he alive today, I think he’d cave to Jewish pressure just as quick.
Our people need their arts back, from the low to the high.
Now the thumbs are done. Good night, brothers and sisters!

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Will Williams
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Re: Any non-Jewish movies/music, any at all?

Post by Will Williams » Thu May 12, 2022 8:47 pm

Thomas S NJ wrote:
Thu May 12, 2022 4:10 pm
Now the thumbs are done. Good night, brothers and sisters!

Good night, Thomas. Thumbs? It's hard for me to believe you typed all that with your thumbs.

I heard that President Zalensky's comedy act included his playing the piano with his penis -- ha! ha! -- so typing with one's thumbs may not be that odd. ;) I type mostly with my middle fingers.

Movies, like television, are great tools, but unfortunately are in the wrong hands and used against our people's interests. I can't watch hardly any movies made these days, but a rare, good story well told, without vampires, walking dead people, or without requisite inter-racial participation, can be entertaining.

We had a hundred or so videos in WV 30 years ago that we could view on our VCRs at night. Alliance members would donate them. Call me a sap, but one of my favorites was named Babbett's Feast -- a good story, well told with an all-White cast. I've never seen it since, but it was memorable and is probably available somewhere online. Negroes likely would not care for that one.
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Supremely White
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Re: Any non-Jewish movies/music, any at all?

Post by Supremely White » Sun Jan 15, 2023 9:18 pm

The music part is a tough one, because as a metal head, and a fan of some early 1970s glam rock, I know that many of the musicians are Jews. I am even a fan of some of their works. I love some of T Rex’s stuff, and think that the jew Marc Bolan was a good guitarist. He inspired the queer David Bowie.
I was a fan of KISS for a time in my teens. I love some Dio, and he’s a Jew. Many others who I can’t name offhand.

Although I’m not into country music, I wonder if that’s Jew free, given that it’s White music….yet go to a country dancing club and you’ll still find beaners, and possibly some Injuns.

As for movies, there’s one that stole my heart, made in Sweden, starring Ingrid Bergman before she came to America to work. It was called June Night, or Juninatten. I have no idea if there were any Jews behind it, but wow, there was a scene in there that was so sexy in a way that wasn’t crude or vulgar. It just swept me off my feet. It was back when Sweden was Swedish, and everyone had such doll faces and ideal proportions. IMO, Swedes are at the top phenotype of the Aryan race. How I wish I had Swedish, or even Scandinavian ancestry and looks, oh well, mostly English here.
I found that one on Turner Classic Movies.

The 2014 German movie called Look Who’s Back has me wondering if it’s jewed , I can’t tell. I think that anyone would like it whether they love or hate Hitler. Unfortunately, he had no swastika armband and if they couldn’t find a blue eyed actor to play Hitler, then what about blue contacts? Even nonwhites have been wearing them.
Maybe showing the swastika is verboten in Germany nowadays, but it’s shown in the Scorpions’s video for Winds Of Change.
Anyway, kosher or not, Look Who’s Back is a favorite of mine. Someone on stormfront pointed that one out to me.

Look far from the western world for non-Jewish movies. I particularly like the slow paced poignant Japanese movie from the early 1950s called Tokyo Story. It’s not a crowd pleaser, and there’s not a White face in the whole thing, but I’m a bit of a Japanophile, so it appealed to me. I accidentally came across it on a long Qantas flight back home from Australia some years ago.

My late paternal grammy told me about vaudeville…hmm, Burns and Allen, yep, Jewish entertainment even back then.
Hitler was right.

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Will Williams
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Re: Any non-Jewish movies/music, any at all?

Post by Will Williams » Mon Jan 16, 2023 1:14 pm

Will Williams wrote:
Thu May 12, 2022 8:47 pm
Movies, like television, are great tools, but unfortunately are in the wrong hands and used against our people's interests. I can't watch hardly any movies made these days, but a rare, good story well told, without vampires, walking dead people, or without requisite inter-racial participation, can be entertaining.

We had a hundred or so videos in WV 30 years ago that we could view on our VCRs at night. Alliance members would donate them. Call me a sap, but one of my favorites was named Babbett's Feast -- a good story, well told with an all-White cast. I've never seen it since, but it was memorable and is probably available somewhere online. Negroes likely would not care for that one. [/size]
A decidedly White film from 35 years ago:


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