Psychiatry, A Jewish Scam

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Re: Psychiatry, A Jewish Scam

Post by fluxmaster » Wed Aug 31, 2022 10:48 am

This discussion reminds me of a scene from a Harrold Covington novel. One of the characters in the novel is a spy in the White House, and his handler is a U.S. government psychotherapist who is also an agent of the Northwest American Republic. When he is introduced to his handler, his handler is referred to as a "legitimate psychotherapist," the wording suggesting that, while much of psychotherapy is pseudoscience, this guy is legitimate.

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Will Williams
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Re: Psychiatry, A Jewish Scam

Post by Will Williams » Wed Aug 31, 2022 2:49 pm

fluxmaster wrote:
Wed Aug 31, 2022 10:48 am
This discussion reminds me of a scene from a Harrold Covington novel...
It would be interesting to see how a legitimate psychotherapist would diagnose Mr. Covington. He was a disturbed writer of fiction, some of which you apparently read. Unless you had felt the sting of his pen personally, however, as a fan of his fiction you may not know of his attacks on legitimate pro-White leaders, fabricating and spreading malicious lies to undermine our cause. See: ... a-con-man/
...Covington claimed that Dr. Pierce was a “federal informant,” that the National Alliance was a “scam” designed to help Dr. Pierce “retire on hundreds of rolling acres in West Virginia,” and made many other false, harmful, and unsubstantiated claims — all made up out of whole cloth, like nearly all his accusations.

Covington falsely claimed that the founder of the Church of the Creator, Ben Klassen, whom my friend Will Williams knew well, was a secret Jew and homosexual who would lure young skinheads into his church, rape them, and then murder them with impunity to hush them up. Ask yourself what kind of a man would create, publish, and publicize such lies.

Covington publicly accused Will Williams not only of being an FBI agent, but also of being “John Doe Number Two” in the Oklahoma City bombing case. Williams took him to court over that and won a significant judgement — the only one of Covington’s victims to do so, to my knowledge...
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Jim Mathias
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Re: Psychiatry, A Jewish Scam

Post by Jim Mathias » Wed Aug 31, 2022 3:18 pm

Many pro-Whites who consider themselves as part of "The Movement" are taken in by conmen like Covington who employ psychology to win others over. That Covington wrote fiction that was more-or-less pro-White took advantage of others who are too willing to believe that "he must be one of us because he makes noises we like" yet ignore his low-rent attacks on other pro-Whites.

There are a number of defectives within the White population as a whole, a lot of drug users, those with mental illnesses of all sorts, and even some who present themselves as "normal" but generally hide some serious flaws that don't show themselves until after a lot of trust is gained sometimes finds their way among us. Our common blood brings us together, fidelity to Our Cause and the Creator's purpose binds us, and others who are like - minded and - spirited will join, and so will the defectives. We all must be vigilant against their entry and stay in our Community. It isn't easy though, and none of us are perfect, but I believe we presently are doing the best we can.
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Will Williams
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Re: Psychiatry, A Jewish Scam

Post by Will Williams » Wed Aug 31, 2022 7:56 pm

That article I linked to above, "Death of a Con Man," at National Vanguard" has an interesting comment below it by Hadding that ties Covington in with psychiatry

Harold's brother Forrest claimed Harold had been diagnosed as schizophrenic. Just because he's mentally ill doesn't mean he's stupid or unable to impress his suckers, even a psychiatrist. :lol:

Hadding: Yes, HAC seemed to have his greatest success in fooling people on other continents, especially Australia and the UK. Some of these people would get very irritated if you told them that the “Northwest Front” was mostly Harold Covington’s sockpuppets. (Then there were the Photoshop images of normal, healthy families posing with his NF tricolor flag.) They wanted to believe that the Northwest Front was a real, significant movement, and they were far enough away that common sense could not inform them to the contrary.

What really baffled me was when I found out that there was a psychiatrist who used to support the National Alliance, who became a major backer for HAC. Is this the proverbial insane psychiatrist?
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Re: Psychiatry, A Jewish Scam

Post by fluxmaster » Thu Sep 01, 2022 12:03 pm

Will Williams wrote:
Wed Aug 31, 2022 2:49 pm
Unless you had felt the sting of his pen personally, however, as a fan of his fiction you may not know of his attacks on legitimate pro-White leaders, fabricating and spreading malicious lies to undermine our cause.
I had momentarily forgotten about his attacks on Dr. Pierce, but, yes, I was aware of them. Perhaps it was in bad taste for me to have posted about him here.

Dan Miller
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Re: Psychiatry, A Jewish Scam

Post by Dan Miller » Sat Sep 03, 2022 8:51 am

The fields of psychiatry and psychology are not proven by science, so it is just a scam, like postmodernism.

And subjecting a person to involuntary commitment, just because they deviated from arbitrary and unscientific social norms, is censorship and violates freedom of speech and freedom of the press.

The person should only be subjected to involuntary commitment if they are proven guilty of a crime that makes them a danger to themselves or others.

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Re: Psychiatry, A Jewish Scam

Post by RCavallius » Sat Sep 03, 2022 10:06 am

Psychology not proven by science? Didn't Franco write this once, too?

No way, Dan! I've studied psychology for years and it is a valid field. Psychology was not invented by Jews. It evolved out of philosophy into its own discipline (Nietzsche was a psychologist), and while some individual theories in psychology are bogus, that doesn't mean psychology as a broad academic discipline is a "scam."

I don't know a whole lot about psychiatry, but I know for sure that much psychological research is heavily empirical and given a lot of support by scientific research. Neuroscience, biology, sociobiology, genetics, etc. are all related to psychology. Psychometrics is not a scam, though the Jews would have us believe it...

You're throwing the baby out with the bathwater, Dan.

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Will Williams
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Re: Psychiatry, A Jewish Scam

Post by Will Williams » Sat Sep 03, 2022 8:47 pm

RCavallius wrote:
Sat Sep 03, 2022 10:06 am
...I don't know a whole lot about psychiatry, but I know for sure that much psychological research is heavily empirical and given a lot of support by scientific research...
I don't know much about psychology or psychiatry, but tend to agree with you about psychology as a legitimate social science, especially since you say Nietzsche was a psychologist -- although psychology majors in college never impressed me. They think they are smarter than they actually are. :D
Dan Miller wrote:
Sat Sep 03, 2022 8:51 am
And subjecting a person to involuntary commitment, just because [he] deviated from arbitrary and unscientific social norms, is censorship and violates freedom of speech and freedom of the press...
Dan's correct about psychiatry, however. The State will use a ruling against a dissident that he is mentally ill, if, say, the individual tells inconvenient truths (to Jews) about Jews. Everyone reading this should be aware of the case of Ezra Pound, a true Jew-hater, for good reason:
Szasz, T. S. (1963). Politics and Psychiatry: The Case of Mr. Ezra Pound. In T. S. Szasz, Law, liberty, and psychiatry: An inquiry into the social uses of mental health practices (pp. 199–211). MacMillan Co.
In this chapter, I shall present and analyze the case of Ezra Pound. This case highlights the significance of the Rule of Law for a free society. It illustrates that psychiatric, as against judicial, disposition of alleged lawbreakers permits the exercise of discretionary power in dealing with them. By means of psychiatric incarceration, the modern government is spared from committing "injustices" that may inflame public opinion. Instead of judging the accused guilty and liable to punishment, he is declared mentally ill and not responsible for his conduct. Then, with "kindness" he is committed to a mental institution. So long as more people do not ask where involuntary psychiatric hospitalization and treatment end, and retribution and punishment begin, this form of liberticide is bound to flourish.
Liberticide: good word

Get the story of Pound, here: ... old-story/

Although written 62 years ago this pamphlet by George Lincoln Rockwell is still instructive, as the Jews tried to have him institutionalized to shut him up: ... ne-asylum/
...Now I stood in Court, charged with “Disorderly Conduct,” and prepared with plenty of evidence to show WHO promoted the disorder and certain of acquittal. But before I could begin my defense, got one of the heaviest shocks of my life, although as our friends will k now, I have been expecting what happened. but I was so wrapped up in righteous indignation at the charges and my facts and arguments that it very nearly caused me to lose my composure when the prosecutor stepped up and said, “Your Honor, I believe I have a prima facie showing here that this defendant may not be of sound mind and may not be competent to stand trial. Under the Federal Rules of Criminal procedure and the District Code, I move that he be committed to the Psychiatric Ward of DC General Hospital for a period of 30 days for observations”!!!!!!!! (So here the Jews attack the 11 White people with 250 hysterical Jews, and the law, government and media and $$$$$$$$$$$$$ backing them up instead of guns and bombs which they now have.)

The murmur of joy from the horde of Jews and the ADL, who had filled up the Court Room was audible. I realized immediately that, with no knowledge of the rules of procedure in insanity proceedings, I would never stand a chance against whatever devilish plans the ADL had cooked up with the prosecutor. In addition, I had had no opportunity to prepare any defense whatever, so I asked the Court for a lawyer and a continuance to get my balance and prepare a fight.
Read the rest of GLR's fascinating story about how Jew psychiatry, and an "insanity" ruling are used by the court to lock up a dissident, at the link above.
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Re: Psychiatry, A Jewish Scam

Post by RCavallius » Sun Sep 04, 2022 6:53 am

Dan Miller wrote:
Sun Sep 04, 2022 6:39 am
Do not tell me that psychiatry and psychology is not a Jewish conspiracy...
Okay, I won't. I think you're off base here, Dan, but I won't argue with you. Are you an Alliance member, by chance?

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Will Williams
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Re: Psychiatry, A Jewish Scam

Post by Will Williams » Sun Sep 04, 2022 9:10 am

Dan Miller wrote:
Sun Sep 04, 2022 6:39 am
Riley wrote:
Sun Sep 04, 2022 1:17 am
From Merriam-Webster:

psychiatry: a branch of medicine that deals with mental, emotional, or behavioral disorders

Dan, please clarify: do you believe there is no such thing as mental, emotional, or behavioral disorders?
Just read Will Williams latest post:


They locked Ezra Pound in an insane asylum to shut him up and they tried to do the same thing with George Lincoln Rockwell.

Do not tell me that psychiatry and psychology is not a Jewish conspiracy to censor dissidents who oppose leftist ideology and want to defend the freedoms of our great society.

Does your Merriam-Webster, Jewish, leftist dictionary cover this information?
I have used online Mirriam -Webster for years and still do for lack of a suitable substitute. It wasn't Jewish in the beginning, but like so many other things, according to Mr. Hamilton, was purchased by the power of the Jewish purse;
I SUSPECT THAT EVEN most National Vanguard readers are unaware that the venerable Chicago-based Encyclopædia Britannica has been owned by Jewish billionaire Jacob E. “Jacqui” Safra, a member of the wealthy Safra banking family, since 1996.

Its longtime CEO was an Israeli, Ilan Yeshua, replaced upon his departure in May 2021 by a Mexican of unknown ethnicity.

Safra, who also owns Merriam-Webster, Inc[/size]., acted in minor roles in three movies between 1980 and 1991, and served as executive producer for fourteen Hollywood films, including eight that he financed for Jewish comedian and filmmaker Woody Allen.

The hardcover Encyclopædia Britannica ceased print publication after its 2010 15th edition, and now exists only in digital form.

The world’s encyclopedic knowledge has thus (technically) been reduced to a duopoly, the egregious Wikipedia and Safra’s Britannica.

More accurately, however, Wikipedia is a monopoly, since it dwarfs Britannica and is “free.”

Wikipedia is available in 327 languages — more languages than there are countries in the world. It boasts over 58 million articles, attracts 2 billion unique device visits per month, and is the 7th most popular Web site in the world, making the online encyclopedia, in its own words, “the largest and most-read reference work in history.” ... ritannica/

Every reader here at WB should also have read Andrew Hamilton's essay as well as his other contributions that won't be found on Faceberg and other Jewish platforms.

Dan, since you read my comment about psychiatry/Pound/Rockwell you saw I made a distinction between psychology (think Nietzsche) and psychiatry (Freud). That is a simplistic comparison, but a way we goyim can look at the two industries.
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