Psychiatry, A Jewish Scam

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Re: Psychiatry, A Leftist Scam

Post by Grimork » Sat Mar 05, 2022 12:52 am

Scott Free wrote:
Fri Mar 04, 2022 9:09 pm

Where can I find Grimork's advice for choosing a mate?
This is what I wrote to young Riley:

Make your own family and raise the next generation to be better and stronger. I know you're young, but you're in your 20's that is plenty old enough to start a family and contrary to popular belief you don't need to be rich either and own a home or a fancy car. That's an excuse, otherwise you are looking at a very materialistic unsuitable woman. My husband made less than 500$ a week when I married him, he also lived with his parents. It took us about 6 months before we actually rented our first home together. Find a nice moral woman who will accept you with the basics of a job and a vehicle, everything else can come later.

Of course for an older woman the requirements will be different, if she's in her 40s and you are as well, she probably will rightly expect you don't live with your parents anymore. :lol:

Scott Free
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Re: Psychiatry, A Leftist Scam

Post by Scott Free » Sat Mar 05, 2022 3:18 am

Grimork wrote:
Sat Mar 05, 2022 12:52 am
Scott Free wrote:
Fri Mar 04, 2022 9:09 pm

Of course for an older woman the requirements will be different, if she's in her 40s and you are as well, she probably will rightly expect you don't live with your parents anymore. :lol:
Thanks :)

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Will Williams
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Re: Psychiatry, A Leftist Scam

Post by Will Williams » Sun Mar 13, 2022 9:20 pm

Steam-Powered wrote:
Sat Mar 05, 2022 3:14 pm

Of course for an older woman the requirements will be different, if she's in her 40s and you are as well, she probably will rightly expect you don't live with your parents anymore. :lol:
BTW, if any such "older women" are seeking a mate with whom to spend their declining years, I'll be single and living in the Mountain City region in 2024![/quote]

Hopefully sooner. As a musician, hone up on traditional Bluegrass. It is a White musical genre and this area is its "birthplace." You'll have earned some brownie points with the local ladies if you become proficient. We even have an annual fiddler's convention right here in tiny Laurel Bloomersy.

Before we leave the subject of Psychiatry, I'm reminded of my friend Hadding's piece: ... the-negro/ Perhaps you can add some personal observations from your work with them?

We can get into the physiological peculiarities of the Negro later.
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Re: Psychiatry, A Leftist Scam

Post by UncensoredDeutsch » Mon Mar 14, 2022 12:40 am

Heil Everyone,

Excellent thread.

I think that many specialist fields were mainly set up for wrong reasons and ofc, filled by subversive quacks.

However, with the subversion and the result of what is happening in our society as well as all sorts of chemicals that we are being bombarded with; flouride for one and forever chemicals another (we have over 80K chemicals and only a small % are actually tested) are definitely causing problems for us hormonally that we DO NEED these specialists now that has integrity and honor to work through and resolve many of the hormonal and other issues such as early childhood trauma, abuse, and the like.

I definitely think that we need to keep those who are an absolute danger to society and themselves in institutions. We do have the right to be safe as a community as well as for ourselves.

Dan has left out vaccines.

I do not agree with the theory of "genes" being the blanket problem for everything as that's just a cover up for what is really happening behind the scenes and why.

But I do agree on the "genes" in regards to vaccination as vaccines do alter DNA and pass it down the generations.

Grimork, loved your posts and suggestions! :lol: ofc, I definitely agree with you for the older woman in their 40's - the guy DEFINITELY needs to be out of the parents' house UNLESS it was for a good reason such as care of elderly and/or disabled parents.

Dan Miller
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Re: Psychiatry, A Leftist Scam

Post by Dan Miller » Sun Aug 21, 2022 10:49 pm

Will himself agrees that psychiatry is a Jewish scam:


So does one of our other members, Mike Sullivan:
Mike Sullivan wrote:
Mon May 12, 2014 5:06 am
The Authoritarian Personality attempts to show that the group affiliations of non-Jews, and particularly membership in Christian religious sects, nationalism, and close family ties, are an indication of psychiatric disorder. At a deep level the work of the Frankfurt School is addressed to altering Western societies in an attempt to make them resistant to anti-Semitism by pathologizing group affiliations of non-Jews.

The ideology of intergroup animosity developed by the intergroup relations movement derived from the Studies in Prejudice series sponsored by the AJCommittee, particularly the Frankfurt School’s The Authoritarian Personality. This work explicitly viewed manifestations of ethnocentrism or discrimination against outgroups as a mental disease and thus literally a public health problem. The assault on intergroup animosity was likened to the medical assault on deadly infectious diseases, and people with the disease were described by activists as “infected.”
Source: viewtopic.php?f=7&t=848

This text reveals the Jewish plot to destroy us and take over our lives by turning anti-semitism into a mental illness to censor any dissent against the Jews and their leftist ideology:
R. Bryant wrote:
Wed Jan 08, 2014 4:13 am
Indeed, the goal of producing political propaganda by using the methods of social science was self-consciously articulated by Horkheimer. Thus Hork- heimer reacted with enthusiasm to the idea of including criminals in the study: “Research would be able here to transform itself directly into propaganda, i.e., if it could be reliably established that a particularly high percentage of crimi- nals were extreme anti-Semites, the result would as such already be propagan- da. I would also like to try to examine psychopaths in mental hospitals” (in Wiggershaus 1994, 375; italics in text). Both groups were eventually included in the study.

This tendency to interpret anti-Semitism as fundamentally deriving from suppressing nature is central to Studies in Prejudice, and particularly The Authoritarian Personality. Suppression of nature results in projection of qualities of self onto the environment and particularly onto the Jews. “Impuls- es which the subject will not admit as his own even though they are most assuredly so, are attributed to the object—the prospective victim” (p. 187). Particularly important for this projection process are sexual impulses: “The same sexual impulses which the human species suppressed have survived and prevailed—in individuals and in nations—by way of the mental conversion of the ambient world into a diabolical system” (p. 187). Christian self-denial and, in particular, the suppression of sex result in evil and anti-Semitism via projection.

A good example of such a reader is Christopher Lasch (1991, 445ff), who noted “The purpose and design of Studies in Prejudice dictated the conclusion that prejudice, a psychological disorder rooted in ‘authoritarian’ personality structure, could be eradicated only by subjecting the American people to what amounted to collective psychotherapy—by treating them as inmates of an insane asylum.” From the beginning, this was social science with a political agenda: “By identifying the ‘liberal personality’ as the antithesis of the author- itarian personality, they equated mental health with an approved political position. They defended liberalism . . . on the grounds that other positions had their roots in personal pathology” (Lasch 1991, 453).

Further, Levinson notes “The ethnocentric ‘need for an outgroup’ prevents that identification with humanity as a whole which is found in anti- ethnocentrism” (p. 148). Levinson clearly believes that ethnocentrism is a sign of psychiatric disorder and that identification with humanity is the epitome of mental health, but he never draws the obvious inference that Jews themselves are unlikely to identify with humanity, given the importance of ingroup- outgroup distinctions so central to Judaism. Moreover, Levinson describes the anti-Semite Mack’s demand that Jews assimilate as a demand that Jews “liquidate themselves, that they lose entirely their cultural identity and adhere instead to the prevailing cultural ways” (p. 97). Levinson sees the demand that Jews assimilate, and thus abandon rigid ingroup-outgroup social categoriza- tion processes, as an aspect Mack’s anti-Semitic psychopathology; at the same time Levinson is perfectly willing to advocate that the anti-Semite identify with humanity and abandon ingroup-outgroup social categorization processes. Clearly ethnocentrism and its concomitant salience of ingroup-outgroup social categorization is to be reserved for Jews and pathologized as an aspect of gentile behavior.

One wonders if these social scientists would similarly advocate that Jewish children should reject their families as the prototypical ingroup. The transmis- sion of Judaism over the generations has required that children accept parental values. In Chapter 3 it was noted that during the 1960s radical Jewish stu- dents, but not radical gentile students, identified strongly with their parents and with Judaism. I have also discussed extensive socialization practices whereby Jewish children were socialized to accept community interests over individual interests. These practices function to produce strong ingroup loyalty among Jews (see PTSDA, Chs. 7, 8). Again, there is an implicit double stand- ard: Rebellion against parents and the complete abandonment of all ingroup designations is the epitome of mental health for gentiles, whereas Jews are implicitly allowed to continue with a strong sense of ingroup identity and follow in their parents’ footsteps.

Whereas the negative feelings high scorers had toward their parents tend to derive from parental efforts to discipline the child or get the child to do household chores, the negative feelings of the low scorers are the result of feelings of desertion and loss of affection (p. 349). However, in the case of the low scorers, Frenkel-Brunswik emphasizes that the desertions and loss of love are frankly accepted, and this acceptance, in her view, precludes psycho- pathology. I have already discussed F63, whose father abandoned her; another low scoring subject, M55, states, “For example, he would take a delicacy like candy, pretend to offer us some and then eat it himself and laugh uproariously. . . . Makes him seem sort of a monster, though he’s not really” (p. 350). It is not surprising that such egregious examples of parental insensitivity are vividly recalled by the subject. However, in the upside-down world of The Authoritarian Personality, their being recalled is viewed as a sign of mental health in the subjects, whereas the overtly positive relationships of the high scorers are a sign of deep, unconscious layers of psychopathology.

This style of high-investment parenting in which high levels of solicitude are combined with powerful controls over children’s behavior is effective in getting children to identify with parental values in traditional Jewish societies. Supreme among these values is accepting parents’ religion and the necessity of choosing a marriage partner suitable to the parents and especially to avoid marrying a gentile. To have a child marry a gentile is a horrifying, catastrophic event that indicates that “something must be wrong with the parents” (Zbor- owski & Herzog 1952, 231). For Frenkel-Brunswik, however, parental solici- tude, accepting parental values, and parental influence on marriage decisions are a sign of pathology—a forerunner of fascism. For gentiles, but apparently not for Jews, rebellion against parental values is the epitome of mental health.

This picture of conflict in the families of low scorers receives the following interpretation by Frenkel-Brunswik: “The foregoing records illustrate the frankness and the greater insight into the marital conflicts of the parents” (p. 369). The assumption seems to be that all families are characterized by alco- holism, desertion, physical abuse, quarreling, and narcissistic preoccupation with one’s own pleasures rather than family needs. Mental health in the low scorers is indicated by their being aware of familial psychopathology, whereas the pathological high scorers simply fail to recognize these phenomena in their families and persist in their delusions that their parents are self-sacrificing, loving disciplinarians.

This inversion of reality continues in the chapter entitled “Sex, People, and Self as Seen through Interviews.” High-scoring males appear as more sexually successful and as having high self-conceptions of masculinity; high-scoring females are described as popular with boys. Low-scoring males appear as sexually inadequate and low-scoring females as uninterested in men or unable to attract men. The low-scoring pattern is then interpreted as “open admission” of sexual inadequacy and therefore a sign of psychological health, and the high-scoring pattern is labeled as “concerned with social status” and therefore pathological. The assumption is that psychopathology is indicated by overt social adjustment and feelings of self-esteem; while mental health is indicated by feelings of inadequacy and admissions of “insufficiency” (p. 389).

Again, psychodynamic theory allows the author to ascribe surface admira- tion and affection to underlying hostility, whereas the surface problems of the low scorers are a sign of mental health: “Some of the records of low-scoring subjects refer rather frankly to their inadequacies, inhibitions, and failures in sex adjustment. There also is evidence of ambivalence toward one’s own sex role and toward the opposite sex although this ambivalence is of a different, more internalized kind from the combination of overt admiration and underly- ing disrespect characteristic of high scorers” (p. 405). We may not see this underlying disrespect and thus have no evidence for its existence. But psycho- dynamic theory allows Frenkel-Brunswik to infer its existence nonetheless.
The tendency to pathologize behaviors related to adaptive functioning can also be seen in the discussion of self-concept. High scorers are found to have a very positive self-image, whereas low scorers are filled with insecurity, self-condemnation, and even “morbid” self-accusations (p. 423ff)—results inter- preted as due to the repressions of the high-scorers and the objectivity of the low scorers.

As with political radicalism, only a rarified cultural elite could attain the extremely high level of mental health epitomized by the true liberal:
The replacement of moral and political argument by reckless psychologizing not only enabled Adorno and his collaborators to dismiss unacceptable political opinions on medical grounds; it led them to set up an impossible standard of political health—one that only members of a self-constituted cultural vanguard could consistently meet. In order to establish their emotional “autonomy,” the subjects of their research had to hold the right opinions and also to hold them deeply and spontaneously. (Lasch 1991, 453– 455)
In the post–World War II era The Authoritarian Personality became an ideological weapon against historical American populist movements, especial- ly McCarthyism (Gottfried 1998; Lasch 1991, 455ff). “[T]he people as a whole had little understanding of liberal democracy and . . . important questions of public policy would be decided by educated elites, not submitted to popular vote” (Lasch 1991, 455).

5. The theme that all modern ills, including National Socialism, collectivism, ado- lescent rebellion, mental illness, and criminality are due to the suppression of nature, including human nature, is also prominent in Horkheimer’s (1947, 92ff) Eclipse of Reason. In a passage that directly conforms to the psychoanalytic perspectives dis- cussed in Chapter 4, the suppression of nature characteristic of civilization is said to begin at birth:
Each human being experiences the domineering aspect of civilization from his birth. To the child, the father’s power seems overwhelming, supernatural in the literal sense of the word. The father’s command is reason exempt from nature, an inexorable spiritual force. The child suffers in submitting to this force. It is almost impossible for an adult to remember all the pangs he experi- enced as a child in heeding innumerable parental admonitions not to stick his tongue out, not to mimic others, not to be untidy or forget to wash behind his ears. In these demands, the child is confronted by the fundamental postulates of civilization. He is forced to resist the immediate pressure of his urges, to differentiate between himself and the environment, to be efficient—in short, to borrow Freud’s terminology, to adopt a superego embodying all the so-called principles that his father and other father-like figures hold up to him. (pp. 109–110)

16. This idea that rebellion against parental values and authority is a sign of mental health can also be seen in the theory of the psychoanalyst Erik Homberg Erikson (1968). Erikson proposed that the most important developmental issue of adolescence was the identity crisis and that going through an identity crisis was a necessary prereq- uisite for healthy adult psychological functioning. The evidence indicates, however, that adolescence is not normatively a time of rebellion against parents, but rebellion against parents is associated with hostile, rejecting family relationships.
Source: viewtopic.php?f=30&t=584

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Will Williams
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Re: Psychiatry, A Leftist Scam

Post by Will Williams » Mon Aug 29, 2022 7:36 pm

Thomas S NJ wrote:
Wed Mar 02, 2022 12:28 pm
You say "left" a lot...
Dan Miller wrote:
Fri Feb 18, 2022 9:43 pm

...leftism...leftist ...leftist...Leftist...leftist...leftist...Left...leftist...
...and "Jew" but once.

Let's call it what it is: a Jewish subversion. Yet so is the entire left/right dichotomy! The left is a more overt anti-White creature of the Jews, to be sure, and any leftist is an ally of that cause, but let's not make the mistake of thinking "right-wing" ideology is our friend.

You also recycle a lot of typical right-wing talking points like your concern with a "freedom of speech" and such; the most important one I want to call out is your assertion that these activities on the part of the Jews and their leftist allies. This is very dangerous! There is nothing stupid about what they are doing; it is calculated for a purpose (our destruction) and is effective to that end...

I am not Jewish. I am not leftist. I am not anti-White. I am not here to subvert the purpose of the Alliance. I am the opposite of all of those things.


What Is Psychotherapy?
Psychotherapy is a general term that is used to describe the process of treating psychological disorders and mental distress through the use of verbal and psychological techniques. During this process, a trained psychotherapist helps the client tackle specific or general problems such as a particular mental illness or a source of life stress.Psychoanalytic Therapy
While psychotherapy was practiced in various forms as far back as the time of the ancient Greeks, it received its formal start when Sigmund Freud began using talk therapy to work with patients. Techniques commonly used by Freud included the analysis of transference, dream interpretation, and free association.

Psychoanalytic Therapy
While psychotherapy was practiced in various forms as far back as the time of the ancient Greeks, it received its formal start when Sigmund Freud began using talk therapy to work with patients. Techniques commonly used by Freud included the analysis of transference, dream interpretation, and free association...

I don't know if Freud was a leftist, but he certainly was a Jew.

Sigmund Freud: Sick Jewish Liar


INTERESTED IN some Freudian statistics?

Item — The President’s Commission on Mental Health (1977) stated that 25% of all Americans suffer from severe emotional stress and 32 million need professional psychiatric care.

Item — A National Institute of Mental Health psychologist declared, “Almost no family in the nation is entirely free of mental disorders.” He added that there are 500,000 schizophrenics in hospitals, 1.75 million un-hospitalized psychotics and up to “60 million Americans who exhibit deviant mental behavior related to schizophrenia.”

Item — In 1955 outpatient psychiatric clinics treated 233,000 people; in 1977, 3.9 million.

Item — Seven million Americans undergo some form of psychotherapy each year from professional and “lay” therapists.

Item — The American Psychoanalytic Association has 2,500 members; the British Psycho-Analytical Society, 300.

If anyone thinks Freud hasn’t made an impact on 20th century America, let him eye the following glossary:

Identity crisis, projection, libido, defense mechanism, self-actualization, Oedipus complex, peak experiences, penis envy, interpersonal relationships, inferiority complex, sibling rivalry, feelings of inadequacy, compulsive personality, paranoiac, extrovert, trauma, phallic symbol, meaningful relationships, infantile sexuality, working through human ecology, latent homosexuality, introvert, acting out, underachiever, castration complex, transference, sublimation, Freudian slip, pleasure principle, bisexuality, death wish, love-hate relationship, id, ego, superego, conscious, preconscious, unconscious.

Does it do any good to stretch out on the couch at $50 to $200 an hour?

Dr. Jerome D. Frank, professor emeritus at Johns Hopkins School of Medicine, says, “Psychotherapy is the only form of treatment which, to some extent, appears to create the illness it treats.” Out of 150 mentally ill persons who applied for treatment at the Kaiser Foundation Hospital in Oakland, California, there was room for only 127. Six months later the rejected 23 were tested. They were not significantly worse off than the 127 patients who had been receiving psychotherapy with all the expensive trimmings.

Want a composite picture of the nation’s 30,000 psychiatrists and psychoanalysts? Average salary, [adjusted for inflation as of 2016] $400,000; 70% male; age 40-49 preponderately Jewish; 75% have been in therapy themselves; 60% are Freudians.

Want a composite of the patients?

Upper middle class, 97% White, 65% female, 45.2% Jewish, 43.6% Protestant, 10.1% Catholic.

Any connections between dope and the shrink profession?

Freud called cocaine his “magic carpet.” He forced it upon his sisters, friends, patients, even his fiancee, informing her it would “make her strong and give her cheeks a red color” and had made him a “big wild man.” Commenting on Freud’s fifteen-year public relations campaign on behalf of cocaine, Dr. Ernest Jones, Freud’s Boswell, explained, “In short, looked at from the vantage point of our present knowledge, he [Freud] was rapidly becoming a public menace.” As Martin L. Gross, author of The Psychological Society (Random House, 1978), which has furnished the meat of this article, writes: “No one has yet evaluated the hallucinatory effect of cocaine on Freud’s mind during the formative years of psychoanalysis. Without cocaine, could Freud have created such improbable flights of human fancy?”

Is Freudianism good for kids?

Says Dr. Louise Bates Adams, co-director of the Gesell Institute of Child Development: “Most of the damage we have seen in child rearing is the fault of the Freudian and neo-Freudians who have dominated the field. They have frightened parents and kept the truth from them. In child care I would say that Freudianism has been the psychological crime of the century.”

Was Freud a hereditarian? By no means. He admitted hereditary influences existed, but his principal emphasis, and almost the whole emphasis of most of his followers, was centered on the effect of the parental and home environment on children.

There have been many books attacking Freud since he first rolled out his couch in a dowdy quarter of Vienna and turned his libidinous attention to the hysterical woes of overfed, hothouse Jewish and non-Jewish upper middle-class females in the Austrian capital. But these books have never received much notice, just possibly because their authors were not members of Freud’s race. Now that a man named Gross has gone after the grand shaman, the media has opened up wide and given the book a publicity field day.

Freudianism is so inherently meretricious that to criticize it is to wallow in the same cloaca, which may account for The Psychological Society’s bestseller status.

Although Martin Gross did supply some facts worth repeating, anyone who really wants to obtain a lucid, three-dimensional picture of Freud and his works should read Henri F. Ellenberger’s The Discovery of the Unconscious (Basic Books, New York), which was never once cited by Gross. This monumental study by a Rhodesian professor now living in Canada demonstrates that many of Freud’s “original” ideas were not original at all and were lifted without compunction from colleagues and earlier pioneers in the quasi-science of psychology.

Source: Instauration magazine, August 1979 ... wish-liar/
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Jim Mathias
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Re: Psychiatry, A Jewish Scam

Post by Jim Mathias » Mon Aug 29, 2022 9:25 pm

I know I don't need propaganda showing a cartoon White man with a Congoid female.
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Robert Burns
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Re: Psychiatry, A Jewish Scam

Post by Robert Burns » Tue Aug 30, 2022 1:45 pm

I don't disagree that the field of psychiatry is rife with Jewish lies, but I do take issue with the statement "psychiatry is a Jewish scam".

The real scam is the American Psychological Association, which is "the leading scientific and professional organization representing psychology in the United States, with more than 133,000 researchers, educators, clinicians, consultants, and students as its members".

They are the publishers of the DSM, basically the bible for mental health professionals in the US, and like pretty much every major US institution, they have been corrupted by the Jewish political agenda and have made such decisions as removing homosexuality from the DSM, not because of any new scientific research, but because it is politically incorrect to say that gays are sick in the head.

However, saying psychiatry is a Jewish scam based on this is like saying that pathology, the general study of disease, is a Jewish scam because the CDC makes all sorts of problematic recommendations regarding things like vaccines and circumcision. The problem isn't that the whole field science is a scam, the problem is that these state-sponsored organizations are knowingly misrepresenting the actual body of research, even going against common sense, and basically promoting pseudoscience.

I just don't think we should be leading people into thinking we believe something that we actually don't.

Robert Burns
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Re: Psychiatry, A Jewish Scam

Post by Robert Burns » Tue Aug 30, 2022 3:52 pm

The thing about Freud is that his actual methods, as far as I'm aware, are pretty much universally understood to be wrong by modern experts. I mainly hear Freud referenced in pop culture movies and such, like "the Freudian slip", not in any real scientific context. Freud's main innovation seems to have been the idea of doing talk therapy, but it would be hard to argue he was really the first to think of such a thing, and pretty much everything beyond that was ridiculous.

I mean, one of the things my AP psychology teacher told us about Freud was that he tried to give cocaine to a patient as a cure for his opioid addiction and it killed him. We discussed his other ideas about things like penis envy and oral fixations, anal fixations etc. Nobody took any of it seriously, including our teacher.

It suffices to say that we all came out of that class with the overall idea that Freud has his place in the history books, but modern understandings of psychology are pretty far removed from Freud's ideas. I assume the only reason he is so prominent is because the Jews love to exaggerate their own people's contributions.

The new standard in psychiatry is CBT, which is credited to Aaron Beck. Just from his pictures and name I had always assumed he was White, but apparently he was also Jewish. So maybe modern psychiatry is more Jewish than I thought, but I still don't like the characterization of psychiatry as nothing more than a Jewish scam. CBT is far from the only method of therapy out there, and it also has proven results in some areas. It's not like literally everything a Jew does is wrong.

I'm no expert on this subject, but when I don't know too much about something I try to stay away from sweeping generalizations. That's all I'm really trying to get at here.

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Will Williams
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Re: Psychiatry, A Jewish Scam

Post by Will Williams » Tue Aug 30, 2022 8:04 pm

Thanks for your response, Riley. I wasn't aware of CBT (cognitive behavioral therapy) but found this informative read about the Jew who many still consider to be the "Father of Modern Psychiatry."

Shrewish Freud: Jewish Fraud


PSYCHIATRY is arguably the least science-based of all the medical specialties, and Freudian psychoanalysis is arguably the least science-based psychotherapy.

Freud’s theories have been widely criticized as unscientific, and treatment of mental disorders has increasingly turned to psychotropic medications and effective therapies like cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT).

Freud’s impact on 20th century thought is undeniable, but he got almost everything wrong. He was not only not scientific; he was a liar and a fraud. A new book, Freud: The Making of an Illusion, by Frederick Crews, may put the final nail in his coffin.


Crews had access to material not available to previous biographers. The extensive early correspondence between Freud and his fiancée, Martha Bernays, has only recently been released, and it is very revealing of Freud’s character flaws, his abuse of women, and his regular use of cocaine.

Freud was trained as a scientist, but he went astray, following wild hunches, willfully descending into pseudoscience, covering up his mistakes, and establishing a cult of personality that long outlived him.

His early work in science was scattershot and lacked follow-through. He “deftly criticized premature conclusions reached by others but never crucially tested any of his own hypotheses.” He was lazy, reluctant to collect enough evidence to make sure a finding was not an anomaly; he generalized from single cases, even using himself as the single case. In an early article “On Coca” he demonstrated poor scholarship, omitting crucial references, citing references from another bibliography without reading them, and making careless errors (misstating names, dates, titles, and places of publication).

His Advocacy of Cocaine

His advocacy of cocaine was irrational. He wanted to justify his own use of the drug, which he took for migraines, indigestion, depression, fatigue, and many other complaints; and he presented it as a panacea. He claimed it was harmless, refusing to see clear evidence that it was addictive. When nasal applications resulted in tissue necrosis, he treated it by applying more cocaine! He used it to treat a friend’s morphine addiction and only succeeded in leaving the patient addicted to both morphine and cocaine. Then he claimed the treatment had been successful! And in his reports, he referred to other successful cases that never existed. There were many instances where it appeared that his own drug use affected his judgment.

He published a scientific study on the physiological effects of cocaine on reaction time and muscle strength. His only experimental subject was himself! In his write-up, he first tried to explain away his failure to test other subjects, and then claimed he had confirmed his results by testing colleagues, which was a lie. The study was riddled with other methodological flaws, and Crews comments that it “may rank among the most careless research studies ever to see print.”

Charcot and Hysteria

Freud spent several months at Charcot’s Salpêtrière hospital in Paris. Another observer, Delboeuf, spent only a week there and quickly realized patients were being sadistically abused and coerced into stereotyped hysterical performances through hypnosis, strong suggestion, peer pressure, and other influences. Freud saw the same evidence Delboeuf saw, but his hero worship of Charcot and his need to ingratiate himself with his mentor made him blind to what was really going on. He believed Charcot had understood and mastered hysteria. Crews comments, “Every stage magician hopes that his audience will consist of precisely such eyewitnesses as Freud.”

Before specializing in the treatment of hysteria and neuroses, he practiced general medicine and neurology. He practiced useless electrotherapy for at least two years and may have continued using it even after he realized it was bogus. But later he claimed to have “soon” realized it was placebo and to have promptly stopped using it. He sent patients to spas for immobility and fattening regimens. He prescribed hydrotherapy. He steered patients to a gynecologist who treated hysterical women with surgical procedures like hysterectomy and excision of the clitoris. He put patients in needless jeopardy, acting on impulsive, sometimes fatal misjudgments. He became so enthusiastic about cocaine that he tried it on everything, even on a case of diphtheria that he misdiagnosed as “throat croup;” he interpreted transient symptomatic improvements as cures and failed to do any follow-up. At one point, he admitted privately that he had yet to help any patients.

In the first years of his practice, he was preoccupied with the rank and status of his patients. He came to specialize in a “disease of the rich,” hysteria, which could never be cured and which generated a continuing stream of income. When some of his “hysteric” patients were subsequently shown to have organic diseases, he still maintained that hysteria was part of the clinical picture. He never admitted being wrong, in one case saying his diagnosis had not been incorrect but had not been correct either. Crews says, “He chose to remain deceived even after having been proven wrong.”

Evidence of Dishonesty

He treated pampered, rich socialites. His attitude towards them was cynical; they provided a steady source of income by not being cured, and in one case he rushed back to see a patient in the fear that he might get well in his absence. He had little sympathy for his patients; he actively despised most people, especially those of the lower social orders. He was a misogynist who believed women were biologically inferior. He treated his wife abominably.

Few of his ideas were original. He plagiarized. He borrowed ideas from rivals but then backdated them and treated them as his own. His debts to others were originally acknowledged but “eventually suppressed in favor of the specious appeal to clinical experience. “He was “actively evasive, malicious, and dishonest” in covering up his mistakes. Crews relates many instances where he re-wrote history, changing the story to put himself in a better light.

He made things up as he went along, constantly changing his theories and methods but not making any actual progress towards a successful treatment.

If a patient disagreed with his interpretation, (“No, I’m not in love with my brother-in-law.”) that only strengthened his conviction that he was right. He violated patient confidentiality. If a former patient improved after leaving his treatment, he took the credit. He was oblivious to the dangers of confirmation bias.

The editors of Freud’s letters and other papers were members of his cult and were dishonest. Comparison to the original documents shows that they changed words and omitted passages that they thought would have made him look bad. They “put the most damning evidence under the rug.” For example, “Out of 284 letters Freud wrote to Fliess, only 168 were represented, and all but 29 of them underwent diplomatic and often silent alteration.”

One of the foundational cases of psychoanalysis, the prototype of a cathartic cure, was the “Anna O” case reported in a book by Breuer and Freud. They said she had recovered after Breuer’s treatment, but that wasn’t true. In fact, she got worse and was hospitalized. After leaving psychoanalytic treatment, she improved on her own and eventually led a successful life as an activist opposing the sex trade. (This was interpreted in psychoanalytic terms as a means of unconsciously wishing to prevent her mother from having sex with her father!) She probably didn’t even have a psychiatric illness, but rather a physical, neurologic one, and many of her most troubling symptoms were caused by the morphine addiction Breuer had inflicted on her. Freud’s interpretation of the case contradicted the facts: he was either lying or venting a delusion of his own.

He found his true métier as a storyteller, using anecdotes from his own case history to illustrate how his mind was “cured” of bafflement over the origin of mysterious symptoms. He described adventures of the intellect. His orientation was more literary than scientific.

Crews says, “Freud was something of a specialist in gleaning precious admissions from people who couldn’t be reached for checking.” His “standard practice was to smear his former associates as soon as they posed an obstacle to his goals.”

Freud’s Obsession with Sex

He was preoccupied by sex, presumably because of his own problems in that area. His own wife called psychoanalysis “a form of pornography.” He saw everything an infant did as a source of sexual pleasure, from sucking milk to excreting. He was obsessed with masturbation and believed it was the cause of most mental illness. He developed a succession of questionable concepts like virginal anxiety, penis envy, and the Oedipus complex. He decided each hysterical symptom was a depiction of a sexual fantasy; he told one virginal patient that her cough was caused by her unconscious desire to suck her father’s penis.

At one point, he was convinced that sexual molestation in childhood was the cause of adult psychoneuroses. He believed everything patients told him, and even made things up for them and interpreted their dreams as distorted evidence of actual events. He failed to distinguish their fantasies from his own, even believing they had telepathically transmitted their thoughts to him. He thought his neurotic patients had repressed their memories of abuse, which he tried to bring to light. At first he thought nursemaids and governesses were the abusers, then he came to believe fathers were the abusers. Eventually he realized some of the stories about fathers were too outlandish to be real, so he switched gears. He decided patients were merely fantasizing about sex with fathers because of an Oedipal repressed yearning for paternal incest, or because they were trying to cover up the auto-erotic activities of early childhood sexuality. Some of the fantasies were bizarre, like an account of female circumcision where the little girl was forced to eat her own labia after it was excised. This prefigured the repressed memory witch-hunt of the 20th century, with its many false accusations of child molestations and Satanic ritual abuses. At one point he entertained the possibility that he had forced daydreams of molestation upon his patients, but then quickly rejected the idea.

When he thought he could get away with it, he would align details of a case history to support his current theory. He “awarded himself a license to invent, suppress, alter, and rearrange facts in the interest of enhanced self-portraiture and theoretical vindication.”

Off the Deep End

One whole section of Crews’ book is titled “Off the Deep End.” Freud developed into a “manic speculator,” who fantasized, interpreted, and guessed. And his speculations were often fueled by cocaine. In a damning admission that his editors suppressed, he once confessed:

I am actually not at all a man of science, not an observer, not an experimenter, not a thinker. I am by temperament nothing but a conquistador — an adventurer, if you want it translated — with all the curiosity, daring, and tenacity characteristic of a man of this sort.

He displayed an expanding grandiosity, saying psychoanalysis was the only possible treatment for certain conditions and claiming impressive successes. In reality, he had not achieved a single cure. He knew his claims of healing lacked any basis in fact, and sometimes he said therapeutic success was not his primary aim; rather, he aimed only to give patients a conscious awareness of their unconscious wishes. He told a friend, “we do analysis for two reasons: to understand the unconscious and to make a living…we certainly cannot help [the patients].”

He claimed that his critics weren’t entitled to pass judgment on psychoanalysis because they didn’t understand it. His criterion for the truth of his ideas was internal consistency, not external reality.

He believed dreams could reveal arcane knowledge and were more accurate than conscious memories. He believed in the paranormal, in numerology, and in occultism.

Conclusion: A Bad Man, but a Good Book

Freud was a despicable person with multiple character flaws. He betrayed his scientific training in a tour-de-force of self-deception, succumbing to all sorts of irrational beliefs. His vaunted psychoanalyses never objectively helped a single patient. It is astounding that his ideas and his cult were so influential for so long. Freud was a fraud, a liar, a bad scientist, and a bad doctor; but Crews’ book about him is excellent. Crews’ detailed, well-referenced investigation of Freud’s descent into pseudoscience is a fascinating read. Readers familiar with the development of alternative medicine treatments will find many parallels.
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Source: Signs of the Times @ ... ish-fraud/
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