News From Southern Africa

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Will Williams
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News From Southern Africa

Post by Will Williams » Fri Jan 17, 2014 4:05 pm

WARNING: Some of the photos contained within this thread are of an extremely graphic nature. Proceed with caution. - Michael O.

ANC: fake party, fake supporters and fake voters
By Mike Smith

27th of December 2013

Man...Like I said before, Thamsanqa Jantjie is my hero of 2013. He showed the world exactly the incompetence and uselessness of the ANC…and that of the US Secret Service, bodyguards of Obama, by standing inches away from him.


In the mean time he has been readmitted to the Sterkfontein Psychiatric ward.

He has now admitted that he is a great fake.

Jantjie: I am a great fake

No problems mate...You have been forgiven. Thanks for the great laughs.

However there is still just one niggling issue that I am struggling with. The report above states that, “Jantjie has also "interpreted" at the ANC's national conference in Mangaung in December 2012.“

Now why on earth did nobody complain back then?

Is it perhaps that the ANC voters know that the ANC are fakes, but still play along and still vote for them?

Stuff the so called high ideals of Nelson Mandela’s ANC. Thamsanqa Jantjie showed us what the current and future ANC is all about.

Fake party, fake supporters and fake voters...need I say more?

Posted by Mike Smith at 11:56 AM 9 comments: ... chive.html
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Will Williams
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Re: News From Southern Africa

Post by Will Williams » Fri Jan 17, 2014 4:13 pm

Liberals aren't liberal

By Mike Smith
20th of December 2013

During Mandela’s funeral, mourning period, whatever you want to call that liberal circus…the world’s liberals were in awe of this “Great Man” who stood for “human rights”, “freedom from oppression”, yadda-yadda-bullshit…

If you want to understand the liberal mind, then read the book by Dr. Jamie Glasov called “United in Hate: The Left's Romance with Tyranny and Terror”, and you will understand why these liberals are in love with terrorist scum like Mandela.

Ultimately they hate themselves, and therefore hate the world they live in. They want to destroy themselves, but before they do so, they want to destroy everything around them and take the whole world down with them in their drive for self destruction.

Liberalism is a truly a mental disease. These poor things need professional consultation, but even that won’t help. One cannot help inherently sick people. There is no cure for true liberalism. No matter how many facts you produce, how much proof you rub under their noses, liberals will believe the “my little pony” bullshit they carry around in their screwed up heads.

Last night I had a few drinks with one of my favourite LWB’s. Thank God she is not on my “To Shag” list, so I didn’t have to pretend to be a liberal and agree with her bullshit just to get her in bed.

Nevertheless, the usual bullshit about how wonderful Mandela was came up. As usual with these liberals, I made the mistake of pointing out that he was a terrorist and what he was tried for at the Rivonia trial…futile.

Then I realised my mistake and I kept quiet. I just let her speak. Telling me about how it is not about skin colour, that we are all the same, that if you take a black baby and raise him in a well-off white household he will turn out the same as whites, that it is all about the environment, etc, etc…

Now readers of this blog will know the truth and will remember that all these claims are and were easily refuted by me and many readers over the years.

Anyway…I listened patiently. I just let her motor off. Eventually after listening to her school and media indoctrination of the last three decades or so, I managed to get a word in edgewise. I was not in the mood to try and convince her, because, as I have said, after all it is futile.

It was just fascinating to sit there and listen to her and see/hear how the screwed up liberal mind worked.

So I just asked her how she felt about women’s rights and women being beaten up by their husbands. Immediately she came to the defence of women.

So I asked her if it was OK for a man to hit and choke the daylights out of his wife. “NO!!” she replied. I asked her if she would protect such a man. “No” she replied…

When I then pointed out to her that she is doing it right now, she looked at me with that far-away liberal glance…you know the one…like a dog taking a shit and looking far-away into the distance.


I said to her that Nelson Mandela used to beat up his wife Evelyn and even choked her and she thinks Nelson Mandela is a hero. Evelyn Mase stated it in an affidavit for her divorce from Nelson Mandela in 1956.

My liberal female friend didn’t believe me. So I showed her some online proof. She still didn’t believe me…as could be expected.

So I just sat back and smiled…always amazed at the hypocrisy, ambiguity and stupidity of LWB’s…so called intelligent people, right?

Just as quickly as she started the topic, she changed it…like they normally do.

Winning an argument against a liberal is not an accomplishment. It’s piss easy. In fact, poking holes in their arguments, pointing out their cognitive dualism and hypocrisy must be one of the easiest things in the world…all you have to do is use logic and reason. It is to liberals what Kryptonite is to Superman.

However…Watching them squirm is priceless and amusing. Puts a smile on your dial.

It won’t win you friends though. Liberals will hate you with a passion. They are not tolerant to any other opinion apart from their own “my little pony” world view. Makes you wonder why they call themselves “liberals”. They don’t live up to their name. They don’t even know what the word means. In fact, liberals are not liberal. They are totalitarian fascists who will vote for Stalin. A terrorist like Mandela is their biggest hero.

Anyway…Doesn’t matter good riddance.
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Benjamin Bice

Re: News From Southern Africa

Post by Benjamin Bice » Sat Jul 05, 2014 6:01 pm

'No white person will be allowed to own land in Zimbabwe,' says Mugabe
by Staff reporter
02 July 2014 | 7370 Views

President Robert Mugabe has declared that no white person will be allowed to own land except for companies as stipulated in the laws of the country. Mugabe said Wednesday while launching the Model A1 Settlement Permit at Chipfundi Farm Lions' Den in Mashonaland West. "They can own industries and companies or stay in apartments in our towns but cannot own land. We hear in some cases they are being protected by cabinet ministers and politicians within their constituencies. We will deal with that," said Mugabe. "One of the major objectives of the liberation
struggle was to evict the white settlers from the land since they had the option of going back to their countries of origin," he said.

Mugabe said that blacks had to regain the land robbed from their parents by whites. "Unemployment to us is not as statistics would want people to believe. Those in town are double dwellers as they have a plot elsewhere from which they can make a living. Kana usina munda wekurima aaa hameno unenge uyine kwawakabva," said Mugabe, pointing out that children should be educated about the country's history, the current situation and the future. More than 220 000 offer letters issued in the past 15 years to A1 model new farmers are set to be nullified and replaced by the new tenure permits launched by President Mugabe. The new permits are envisaged to allow new farmers to access agricultural funding from financial institutions "if the banks see it fit".

The new permit will replace the letters or documents that where being issued by district administrators and were deemed inconsistent. Under the new tenure document, breaches to the permit such as sub-letting, allowing the agricultural land or pastoral operations to decline to unacceptable levels or abandonment will result in the permit being cancelled after a 90 day notice in which the beneficiary can provide representations on why we the permit should not cancelled. The permits can be inherited and women have a right to own land and will also be given the new tenure document. The land reform exercise has been dogged by reports of multiple land ownership for speculative purposes. Critics have also pressured government to issue bankable title deeds to new land owners but this has been shot down vehemently.

Zimbabwe had some 4,000 commercial farmers before the land invasions began in early 2000. The white population had reached its peak of 296,000 peak in 1975. It dropped to 120,000 in 1999 before slipping to an estimated 50,000 in 2002. Mugabe has been quoted at several fora venting anger at whites. "Our party must continue to strike fear in the heart of the white men, they must tremble…The white man is not indigenous to Africa. Africa is for Africans…The
white man is part of "an evil alliance," Mugabe was quoted as saying at the Zanu-PF congress in December 2000.
Back in 1986, he was quoted saying the only language that the Mabhunu (whites) would understand is the language of the gun: "The more you kill, the nearer you get to your objectives."

Benjamin Bice

Re: News From Southern Africa

Post by Benjamin Bice » Wed Jul 09, 2014 12:09 am

“No white person will be allowed to own land” in Zimbabwe says Mugabe; “Whites will never come back”.
by Steve Goode • July 4, 2014 • 9 Comments

According to , President of Zimbabwe, Robert Mugabe has declared that White people will not be allowed to own land in Zimbabwe. “I was with Mashonaland West provincial party chairperson Temba Mliswa yesterday and he gave me a list of 35 white farmers we hear are still on the land. I am told they are being protected in some instances by cabinet ministers and politicians in their specific constituencies. That is wrong and we will not allow that,” “We will have no mercy for white people regarding the land, they cannot own our soil. ” “Do you want them on the land? ” Mugabe asked the crowd; according to, the majority of crowd replied “no!”

“As for cabinet ministers, I will deal with them, but I also hear traditional leaders in some instances are protecting the whites. They will not be allowed to own land. No! They can own properties and factories according to our laws but not a piece of land. ” “The permits we are launching here should be a clear message to those in Britain and the United States that whatever dreams they have of trying to sneak back through the back door will not work. We want it indicated in our laws that Zimbabwe has truly come back to its owners and the whites will never come back, ”

As of 2011, there were around 300 white farmers remaining in Zimbabwe reported . In 1945, White people were estimated to be about 10% of the population. Today Zimbabwe is 99.7% Black, meaning Asians, Whites, and mixed-race people make 0.3% of the population. There are no “anti-racists” in Africa telling Black people that they should have opened borders and share their countries with the world. There are no “anti-racists” in Asia telling Asian people that they should “mix the races” in Asia and get rid of Asian people. No, “anti-racists” only focus on White countries, because in their opinions being White is being “racist”.

Conditions of genocide are in place in many White countries that are ensuring White people will become the minority. These conditions are mass non-White immigration and forced “diversity”, and everyone understands that these conditions will lead to fewer and fewer White people. That is precisely the point of every genocide in history – removing one group and replacing it with another group.

Benjamin Bice

Re: News From Southern Africa

Post by Benjamin Bice » Wed Jul 09, 2014 12:24 am

South Africa: Black mob attacks, strips white family home bare on West Rand ... s.html?m=1

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Will Williams
Posts: 4519
Joined: Sun Jul 28, 2013 9:22 am

Re: News From Southern Africa

Post by Will Williams » Wed Jul 09, 2014 3:10 pm

Benjamin Bice wrote:“No white person will be
allowed to own land” in
Zimbabwe says Mugabe;
“Whites will never come
by Steve Goode • July 4, 2014 •..
Amazing story in that not one in 1,000 Americans is aware of it.

Rhodesian elementary school picture from 1959

Zimbabwe, later; Whites slaughtered
As of 2011, there were around 300 white farmers
remaining in Zimbabwe reported .
In 1945, White people were estimated to be about
10% of the population. Today Zimbabwe is 99.7%
Black, meaning Asians, Whites, and mixed-race
people make 0.3% of the population.
Wake up, Whitey!
If Whites insist on participating in "social media," do so on ours, not (((theirs))). Like us on; follow us on ᛉ

Benjamin Bice

Re: News From Southern Africa

Post by Benjamin Bice » Fri Jul 11, 2014 12:22 am

White farmers respond to Mugabe's threats
2014-07-04 10:04

Cape Town - White farmers have reportedly described President Robert Mugabe's recent remarks that whites must cede all land to blacks as "extremely unhelpful" to Zimbabwe as a country.

According to SW Radio Africa, the Zimbabwe Commercial Farmers Union's president Charles Taffs said Mugabe's rhetoric sent a very bad message to potential investors and was not conducive for growth. Mugabe earlier this week said the remaining white farmers in the country must go, vowing that whites will never be allowed to own land in Zimbabwe.

Mugabe's comments 'ill timed'

But Taffs said there was no time for racial divisions, adding that Zimbabwe needed to change its narrative when it came to issues regarding land and agricultural production because the country's economy was in absolute crisis.

The report also quoted economist Masimba Kuchera as saying Mugabe's comments were ill-timed and that they will not send a positive signal to investors. BBC Africa posted on its Facebook page that white farmers in Zimbabwe were taking Mugabe's remarks seriously, adding that the remaining white commercial farmers in the country were living in fear. Mugabe and his Zanu-PF party launched the land reforms in 2000, taking over white-owned farms to resettle landless blacks.

Low production

At the time, Mugabe said the reforms were meant to correct colonial land ownership imbalances. At least 4 000 white commercial farmers were evicted from their farms. The land seizures were often violent, claiming the lives of several white farmers during clashes with veterans of Zimbabwe's 1970s liberation struggle.

Critics of the reforms have blamed the programme for low production on the farms as the majority of the beneficiaries lacked the means and skills to work the land.


Benjamin Bice

Re: News From Southern Africa

Post by Benjamin Bice » Fri Jul 11, 2014 12:44 am

Zimbabwe: President Mugabe's new attack on white farmers ... te-farmers

Michael Olanich

Re: News From Southern Africa

Post by Michael Olanich » Sun Jul 13, 2014 6:34 pm

Benjamin Bice wrote:White farmers respond to Mugabe's threats
2014-07-04 10:04
Cape Town - White farmers have reportedly
described President Robert Mugabe's recent
remarks that whites must cede all land to blacks
as "extremely unhelpful" to Zimbabwe as a
According to SW Radio Africa, the Zimbabwe
Commercial Farmers Union's president Charles
Taffs said Mugabe's rhetoric sent a very bad
message to potential investors and was not
conducive for growth.
Mugabe earlier this week said the remaining
white farmers in the country must go, vowing
that whites will never be allowed to own land in
Mugabe's comments 'ill timed'
But Taffs said there was no time for racial
divisions, adding that Zimbabwe needed to
change its narrative when it came to issues
regarding land and agricultural production
because the country's economy was in absolute
The report also quoted economist Masimba
Kuchera as saying Mugabe's comments were ill-
timed and that they will not send a positive
signal to investors.
BBC Africa posted on its Facebook page that
white farmers in Zimbabwe were taking
Mugabe's remarks seriously, adding that the
remaining white commercial farmers in the
country were living in fear.
Mugabe and his Zanu-PF party launched the
land reforms in 2000, taking over white-owned
farms to resettle landless blacks.
Low production
At the time, Mugabe said the reforms were
meant to correct colonial land ownership
At least 4 000 white commercial farmers were
evicted from their farms.
The land seizures were often violent, claiming the
lives of several white farmers during clashes with
veterans of Zimbabwe's 1970s liberation
Critics of the reforms have blamed the
programme for low production on the farms as
the majority of the beneficiaries lacked the
means and skills to work the land.
Hey Ben, if you get chance sometime maybe you can edit and reformat this article so it's easier to read.


Benjamin Bice

Re: News From Southern Africa

Post by Benjamin Bice » Mon Jul 14, 2014 4:05 pm

About all I know how to do on this device is copy and paste.

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