Russian News

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Wolf Stoner
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Re: Russian News

Post by Wolf Stoner » Fri Apr 15, 2022 2:32 am

I have no especial predilection for “Azov” regiment or for “Right Sector”, although I, naturally, have some sympathies with such units. First of all, “Azov” now isn’t a militia unit like it was back in 2014 but a regular unit inside the overall National Guard structure. They are soldiers, not a political party. The fact that their training is supplemented with promotion of ethnic pride, with study of history, adds greatly to overall motivation, which is the key for any military formation. But they are not a fighting wing of a political movement, as many hostile sources try to present them. Putin’s propaganda machine has an insane focus on this unit; they try to present it as SS and SA, which is absolutely ridiculous.

The main feature of “Azov” that I respect very much is their focus on assiduous study of all military aspects. They have good instructors, people who like their trade, especially good gunsmiths and artillerymen. They are real enthusiasts of military matters. This fact alone is enough to respect them.

But as I wrote in my article “Ukrainian dilemma”, I would not advise anyone from outside to join this unit, or to participate in this conflict in any way. I gave my reasons for this. Ukrainians themselves have no choice at present; they have no such luxury as to choose whether to fight or not to fight. They must fight for their own survival.

Definitely, White nationalists from other countries should refrain from going into Ukraine now. They will be needed in their respective countries; we should no give our enemies such a present as to allow destruction of our people in a foreign war; they would like it to happen. There are enough other people who are willing to fight there. We have more important business. Especially it is the case for North America. You have the luxury of being too far away, therefore, being able to remain truly neutral; you don’t need to take sides; and I advise all our followers not to take sides in this conflict (I am glad to note that this wise position is precisely what NA follows).
I can understand those who support Ukraine; these are honest people who know history and understand what an invasion from the East means for any European nation. We can already see the same pattern in Soviet/Russian behavior. And people in Europe, including nationalists, are greatly enraged. But I advise them to calm down and to prepare for a much more important battle in the future. The ongoing Ukrainian war isn’t yet the event that we should be involved in. But, as I said, our sympathies should be on Ukrainian side. For all obvious reasons. Putin’s regime is too toxic and too anti-national to be associated with in any fashion. Putin’s foreign propaganda was very successful in creating a false image of “conservatism” and “traditionalism”, thereby creating a substantial following among various political groups in the West. Those useful idiots help Kremlin to advance its false narrative about its criminal actions.

I can understand and accept a neutral stance on events in Ukraine, but I would never agree to siding with Kremlin. I was perplexed by the fact that there are too many people from among nationalists in foreign countries who were duped and who repeat RT propaganda.
Patrick Slattery and other RBN hosts sided entirely with the whole set of Kremlin lies, which is a disgrace. It will be an indelible stain on their reputation as free speech proponents. The same is with National Justice Party. Erick Striker ardently supports Putin and Lukashenko. I am sure it will hurt his future prospects on a nationalist political scene. Mark Collett from Britain too has supported Putin, although more cautiously. But I doubt that henceforward he will have a welcome acceptance in Baltic states and other East European countries, which he visited some years ago. All those who support Putin are sure to regret it for simple reason that this stance is politically untenable. With each passing day it becomes ever clearer that Putin and his gang are insane maniacs devoid of logic and having nothing to do with Russian ethnic interests, let alone with the overall White racial interests. Putin is a quasi-religious freak that tries to combine Orthodoxy, Stalinism and Monarchism into a new imperialist ideology and tries to transform history of the Second World War into a foundational religious myth. Putin’s rule has driven Russian society into a state of collective madness; the whole Russia now is like one huge Jonestown ready to annihilate itself and the whole world around it. Any association with this insane system is bound to reverberate negatively for anyone involved.

Proceeding from this all too obvious truth, I advise all our people to distance themselves from Putin’s narratives. As I said, nationalists from North America are too far away and can safely adopt a neutral stance that hurts no one.
I understand this inclination of supporting enemies of your own anti-national system. Biden administration is too obnoxious and too treacherous to support it on any issue. You don’t need to do it. Be neutral. Putin versus the West is a scorpion versus a viper fight; we have no stake in such a fight.

We should closely monitor the events without taking sides.

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Wolf Stoner
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Re: Russian News

Post by Wolf Stoner » Sat Apr 23, 2022 7:50 pm

Here is the link to the commentary by Old Aardvark: ... ment-53326

The detailed analysis made by Old Aardvark addresses the most important strategic aspects of the ongoing conflict in Ukraine. It is why I need to supplement it with some commentaries.

I fully agree with his opinion that American foreign policy in Ukraine was ultimately directed to encircle China. Yes, they needed Ukraine to gain hold on Russia and Russia is needed to block China from all viable prospects of ever being able to challenge American global hegemony. It is the strategic picture. But devil is in details. Although being right in evaluating this overall picture from a bird’s view, Old Aardvark lacks the key factor of having inside knowledge of Russian reality. He judges Russia mostly by its façade, which was carefully upheld and refurbished by Putin’s propaganda machine. It is why he erroneously ascribes to Russia “great” status alongside with China. Russia is not great by any counts. It is a dying-out empire with morally broken ethnic Russian core and infested with restive and highly aggressive national minorities. Russia lives out its last years. Nothing could change this approaching inevitable outcome. I suppose that the invasion of Ukraine has only accelerated this downward slide. Yes, there is a short-term emotional upsurge among brainwashed ethnic Russians who yet believe that their country is great and is going to restore its former status in the world. The hard reality is concealed by the state media. But it can’t last for long; few months at most. Afterward, the grim reality would set in with inevitable moral and psychological collapse among general public. Even now, little more than a month since the start of the war, the real income of an average citizen was reduced to half of what it was. And it is only the beginning. The enormous battlefield losses would require diverting all available resources into military industry, which factor is bound to impoverish civilian population even more. Russians were not wealthy even in the best years of Putin’s rule but now they are becoming really poor.

Putin was successful only in one aspect, namely, the creation of an impression of greatness. He and his media were so apt in this that the idea of resurgent Russia has become an axiom among world politicians in the last decade. Everyone believed it, mainstream Russians first of all. And the greatest surprise of all in the last month was the collapse of this sham. Putin has no clothes and everyone can see it. No greatness whatsoever; only dirt, corruption, moral degeneracy, decrepit industry and profoundly incompetent military.

But I need to clarify this situation a bit. We should not overaccentuate Putin’s factor. Yes, he is an embodiment of all ongoing processes but he is not so much an author of them but a toy in the hands of fate. He is not guiding the events but drifting along the stormy tide of coming changes. The follies of Putin’s gang are not the follies of their own. These are the follies of the overall dying-out post-Soviet Russian society. Their mentality is a queer mixture of bizarre believes, illogical illusions, lack of morals and ardent desire to avenge perceived wrongs supposedly inflicted on them by the “vile westerners”.

I am harsh on my countrymen because I need to be impartial in dealing with these issues. Here I judge not as an ethnic Russian but as a White man whose main concern is the well-being of our race, not only its detached part; because there can’t be a salvation for any particular White nation without the overall salvation and rejuvenation of the whole White race. It either wins or dies in its entirety. It is why I need to judge all our White nations strictly through this mental filter. My main concern is “what is good for Whites”, not “what is good for Russians” (or Ukrainians, Poles or even Germans).

Proceeding from this foundation, I must admit that modern Russians, continuing the overall communist line of the last century, continue to play a destructive role in the overall life of our race. This fact should be stated clearly and unashamedly, without any concerns about someone’s sensitivities and “ethnic pride”. I don’t care if some Russian patriotic buffoons would be “insulted” by my analysis. If they are, they can surely go after their Russian ship. Ukrainians would happily assist them on this journey. I don’t care about Russians as such if their collective behavior and mentality go against the collective well-being of our race. It is the basic idea from which I proceed. I have overgrown long ago the infant illnesses of narrow-minded nationalism. Nationalism makes sense only when it is based on hard biological foundation; therefore, any healthy nationalism should be subordinated to the preponderance of racial considerations. To place a nation before race is to put a cart before horse, which is precisely what many “patriotic” and “traditionalist” politicians do. To disregard race is to disregard the natural reality of life.

These considerations compel me to be especially hard on my compatriots. I know Russian/Soviet history well enough to have no illusions about Russian society. Yes, Russians will play some part in the future but only after being thoroughly transformed and after going through the filter of natural selection. Russians in their modern state are a herd of contemptible cattle ruled by their worst elements. Therefore, it would be an unforgivable folly to expect anything good from such an unholy symbiosis.

I must write this because I am Russian (by the way, I have not even distant ancestry in Ukraine; therefore, I have no vested interest in promoting Ukrainian side and to unjustly vilify Russian side of the conflict). I can write what nationalists from other White nations would not write due to considerations of politeness and because of fear to saw the seeds of internal division among White nations. In moral terms it is much easier to criticize your own nation. First of all because of having the first-hand knowledge of the subject and, second, because you are automatically exempt from any accusations of being a “hater” of this particular nation. Being a Russian nationalist, I can’t “hate” Russians. But I can and must hate those who abrogated their racial and ethnic obligations , who willingly accepted the alien universalist ideology (Marxism in its new Putinist reincarnation in the form of Eurasianism) and try to sold it under the name of “Russian world” (Русский мир). These ruling scoundrels and the mainstream post-soviet deracinated crowd of brainwashed slaves, constitute the bulk of modern Russian society; they dominate Russia. I suppose that the official polling numbers of support for the Putin’s war in Ukraine are correct. 70 to 82 percent (according to various sociological surveys) of Russian population approve Putin’s actions. Little wonder for me; I have known long before that this post-Soviet cattle, whose ancestors were willing executioners of Stalinist regime, would be happy to “repeat the heroic deeds of our grandfathers” (one of the popular slogans among modern Russian crowd). They started to repeat it. There should be no doubts. The beast is out of the cage and it must be killed. There is no other way with mad dogs. I say it because I know through the experience of my immediate ancestors (in addition to the historical experience of millions of other victims of the Soviet system) what it means to be victims of these mad dogs. It is why I have a wholehearted emotional support of Ukrainian struggle against this Stalinist collective monster. Russian people are not a united ethnic entity. The Soviet system was very successful in destroying the best part of Russian society and in dehumanizing the remaining part. This part, those who were spared, were eventually transformed into an obedient herd of cowardly but aggressive beasts ready to be employed against the enemies of the system (both internal and external). Nothing has changed of substance since 1940es. These are the same cowardly but bloodthirsty beasts. They see any weakness as an invitation for attack and the only argument that they respect is the argument of brutal force. You should stop judging Russian mindset and actions according to European mentality. This approach doesn’t work and it is bound to bring only failures. Hitler was absolutely right when he warned his soldiers and officers before invasion in 1941 that it would be the different type of warfare from what they saw in the west. The European customs were not applicable in this struggle with the beast. It was something very different. Now we have an opportunity to see in real what it is. The new events clarify for us the old historical lessons. And we must relearn them and to apply this hard-won knowledge in all our future actions.

Some Russians could be very useful but Russian society as a whole must be destroyed through whatever means. Yes, it must be said by a Russian; it can’t have value if said by an outsider. Russians were transformed to such an extent that there is no viable ways to reeducate them and to return them into their mental state as it was before Soviet experiment. It is simply impossible and impractical. We, White people, have neither time nor means to fuss around “mysterious Russian soul”. All kinds of scoundrels on the Russian political scene like to play this vile card, constantly threatening Europe and America with this mythical “Bear rage” that “if once provoked, would smash everything around”. Enough of this nonsense. Yes, the criminal Kremlin rulers could use nuclear weapons, but it would be the end of them and their nation of deracinated and dehumanized slaves. Maybe, it should be so. I can’t say for sure.

Only the fraction of Russian society could be a part of the future White racial resurgence. But the overall Russian modern society must fall. And it will fall, as I said, due to objective reasons. It would inevitably happen even without war. But war is sure to accelerate this process.

The funny thing is that I can word for word apply Old Aardvark’s sentiments that he expresses about USA but in relation to Russia. He says:
“I could see Putin nuking the White House, the Capitol, the Pentagon, Langley, and the rest of DC; plus major military bases and installations, and New York City and most of the major cities on the east and west coasts, the Texas and Louisiana Gulf Coasts, and perhaps a few of the major interior cities like Chicago, St. Louis, etc. But all these places are where millions of blacks and Jews and low-grade Hispanics live. I say, bring it on. These places will self-destruct in the coming financial collapse of the US even if Putin doesn’t nuke them. Be ready for opportunity people”.
It is brilliant. I share this attitude in full measure. He forgot to especially mention Hollywood; it deserves its fair share of megatons more than any other place.

The US political system is the main enemy of White people in America. The sooner it goes down the better. This simple fact is well understood among true nationalists. The same is with all other governments in Europe, Canada, Australia and New Zealand. The whole post-WW2 global political system is by definition anti-White, irrational and unnatural, therefore, it is bound to fail and all mentally healthy people must strive to accelerate this process.

Kremlin’s political system is not only the integral component of the overall post-WW2 globalist anti-White arrangement, but its crucial part. If Kremlin’s empire falls, the whole post-WW2 system falls with it too. It is not a coincidence that Putin and his gang do their utmost to resuscitate the dead Soviet myth about “great victory above Nazism”. They have made this myth to be the corner stone of their whole insane ideology. Russian Federation under Putin is the epicenter of this vile myth and here the system spends enormous sums of money and efforts to revitalize and to eternalize this false narrative about WW2. This topic deserves an article if its own. Here I mention this aspect simply to clarify the reasons of my utter hostility to Putin’s system. It is the most anti-White and anti-European entity in the world. People in the West don’t know this fact; it is why I need to bring this truth up. Everyone among our people must understand this fact and to throw out any lingering illusions about “traditionalist” and “conservative” Russia. The real Putin’s Russia had shown itself in Bucha where local men were shot in the back of their heads for simple reason of having nationalist symbols in their houses. When Putin’s gangsters in uniform capture someone from Azov battalion or from DUK (Right Sector nationalist units) they torture them in the most insane ways and kill. It is not excesses of war but a deliberate policy of the Putin’s system; they fear nationalists most of all and do their utmost to physically eliminate people professing such ideas. It is why many Russian nationalists fled Russia and joined Ukrainian units to fight against Putin’s evil empire. I don’t understand how it is possible to be nationalists and in the same time to have any positive attitudes to Putin’s system. It is possible in the West either because of acute lack of knowledge about Russian reality or, in some cases, due to the fact that Kremlin has planted its agents of influence inside some of the supposedly nationalist organizations in Europe and America. For any knowledgeable nationalist it is simply impossible to square up his believes with support of neo-Bolshevik Putin’s regime.

By the way, the whole idea about “denazification” was conceived and promoted by the Jewish faction of Kremlin. For many years Putin had a team of Jewish advisors, like Surkov and Dvorkovich, that advanced this idea. Kremlin’s Jews are obsessed with the idea “to kill all Nazis”. They are not a bit different from their revered predecessor Ilia Ehrenburg. These Kremlin Jews were very successful in propagating this insane idea among mainstream buffoons, who now repeat this nonsense as their own thoughts.

The role of the chief Kremlin TV propagandist Solovyov should be especially noted. He is a militant Jew; he openly brandishes his Jewishness on all occasions. He has no qualms in calling to purge the whole of Ukraine from anyone even remotely sympathizing with nationalist ideas. Solovyov is especially obnoxious character but he gained such an influence above the minds of mainstream cattle that he is a power factor of his own. This Jewish Putinist gang has had even more detrimental influence on Russian politics than Jewish neocons had on American foreign policy in the time of Bush administration. But, certainly, when time comes to the final reckoning and to the gathering of bitter fruits of those insane ideas, those Jews adroitly jump out of the sinking ship. It is notable that in the last couple of moths tenths of prominent Putininst Jews fled the country; predictably, some of them emerged in Israel. They have done their work and can now quietly chew pop-corn, looking at TV reports about the ongoing carnage. They are always beyond any reproach; they even try to present themselves as victims too; the same story every time. I think that even Solovyov, whose role in Putininst propaganda machine is well-known and undeniable, will be able to extricate himself from all possible troubles after his boss comes down in flames.

I need to touch on the China issue. It is an elephant in the room. I am almost sure that China played a key part in encouraging Putin to start a war. China is the only winner in what is going on. Proceeding from the well-known investigative axiom, we must place China as the first suspect; for simple reason that it benefits most of all, both in economic and long-term geopolitical aspects, if Russia is totally alienated and isolated from the West. It secures Chinese rear for decades to come and ensures its unlimited supply of raw materials at cheapest prices. And as I already said, Putin would not dare to invade if not given assurances from China.

Here comes the key question: what will be the role of China in the coming turbulent future?
Definitely, China is going to become the main superpower. For all obvious reasons there is no other contender who could challenge it. China adopted de-facto NS social model, which fact gives it great advantage in relation to the universalist western system.

Patrick Slattery likes to repeat his favorite phrase: “it is better to be ruled by Chinese than by Jews”. And he gave multiple reasons why it is so. I fully agree with this proposition. Not because I am happy about the prospect of Chinese dominance but because any alternative to the Jewish dominance is better.

But I disagree with Old Aardvark’s evaluation of Chinese ethnic character. He asserts the idea that Chinese and Mongols are something different. But it is not so. We well know that personal and collective qualities are determined by racial characteristics. Mongols and Chinese belong to the same race and are similar in all essentials. Mongol invasion of Central Asia, Caucasus and Europe in 13th century provide excellent picture about their collective racial qualities. We should judge everything by relying on hard facts, not wishful thinking or superficial appearances. Yes, Chinese like to present themselves as being benevolent, peaceful and law-abiding; and they are successful in creating positive image of themselves. But we should not be duped by this appearance. Americans had an opportunity to look deeper into Chinese collective soul in 1950-53 in Korea. There the real Chinese character had shown itself. They are tenacious, ruthless, vengeful, aggressive and have no regard to human lives. It is the common set of racial qualities that we could see among North American Indians; Mongols in 13th century; Japanese in WW2; Chinese and Koreans in 1950-53; Vietnamese in 1965-73.

There is no ground to suppose that, for some miraculous reason, Chinese would behave differently when all external restraints are removed and an opportunity given to behave as they want. The very moment America ceases to be the dominant military power on the planet, China would start its grand conquest of the world. And this conquest is sure to be exceptionally bloody. In stark contrast to Europeans, East Asians have no moral restrictions. They act like insects; they are driven by pure natural impulses and would try to exterminate all competing forms of life on the planet. We should clearly understand it and should have no illusions about their supposed benevolence.

The Chinese factor will be of key importance for destroying post-WW2 globalist system and Jewish dominance, but we should understand the narrow margin of this game. It would be of great advantage if Chinese eventually destroy NATO and USA but after this happens, they will push as far as they could. And the whole matter would depend on the ability of White people to create the new racial state on the ashes of their destroyed countries; the state that would be able to stop the final Chinese drive to absolute dominance. I suppose that White people will have this opportunity because, beside Europe and North America, Chinese will have many troubles in dealing with India and Arabs; therefore, they will be compelled to divert their attention into other direction, leaving for the time being the destroyed White countries alone, thinking that this enemy is surely dead. It would be precisely the margin of opportunity to create something really mighty, the true White state freed from old delusions and social illnesses. And when Chinese come back again, they would meet not the LGBT military and corrupt states, but the belligerent White tribes driven by the primary healthy instincts but armed with potent weapons. This collision between the true White race and East Asian giant is inevitable at some point.

I doubt that Chinese would ever allow us to coexist with them on equal terms. They could tolerate White people as useful intelligent slaves but never as competitors. Therefore, there is no choice; it is the law of Nature. This world is too small to have two masters; someone will have to be gone. But it is the long-term perspective. It is not the problem of presently living men. I have enlarged on this topic in order to elucidate the fact that the real Chinese ethnic character is very different of what they like to present to outsiders. We should never believe non-Whites in anything, especially such cunning and duplicitous people like Chinese.

Here I need to express in the clearest possible way my vision of how we should perceive all political events. We should free our minds from the lingering vestiges of mainstream perceptions, including the latent imperialist sentiments that distort our sense of reality. Americans, British, Russians are too accustomed to perceive many things as “ours”, forgetting the present day reality. Even such people like David Duke are still too preoccupied with still-born ideas of “Making America great again” or “restoring constitutional republic”. Russians are similarly ill, dreaming about their supposed greatness and genuinely believing that it is yet possible to return territories that belonged to them in the past. The majority of nationalists from those post-imperial countries are afflicted with this illness. Even we, the racial realists, can not claim that we are not susceptible to some forms of this delusion.

The first step to cure it is to detach our perception from the state system under which we live. It has nothing to do with our interests and our destiny. The US government is as hostile to White Americans as Putin’s government or Chinese government or North Korean government. The same rule applies to Russian nationalists. Any Kremlin system is hostile to us because the very idea of imperialism is hostile to ethnic identity and even identity as such in all its forms. Imperialism by definition is a globalist idea, therefore, alien to us. Any imperialism is our enemy.

This approach entails some difficulties for people new to politics, because it requires flexible approach to events. It is calculus, not arithmetic. There can’t be a fixed and precisely defined solution to a complicated problem with many variables.

For, example, the best political position for White people in USA is anti-war and anti-militarist posture. It is the best way to dethrone the existing system because its power is based mainly on its global military dominance. If this dominance is no more, it would rapidly fall under unbearable debts and internal disarray due to falling living standards. Therefore, it is the surest way to follow.

But, for White nationalists in Eastern Europe American military involvement into war against Russia is the most desirable outcome because it would help in destroying our main enemy, which is the Kremlin’s neocommunist empire. The more American arms are coming against Putin’s army the better. Because for nationalists in Eastern Europe Putin’s empire is the main source of existential danger, not USA.

This seeming contradiction isn’t contradiction at all. Different circumstances require different solutions. We should follow our interests, nothing else; what is good for the future White race. All existing political systems are our enemies and the sooner they come down the better; and it is excellent when these systems destroy one another. This approach was practiced by Lenin and Bolsheviks and it proved to be very effective. It simplifies greatly our struggle. We don’t need to care about any existing country or even society; they are all irrelevant now. They must go down and we should assist this process by all means; at least we should have no mercy and no pity to them. We should care only about what is to come; our task is to prepare ground for the coming of the new society which should be entirely different from everything that now exists.

There is an axiom in military art: probe in many directions and exploit and throw all available forces where the weakest point was found. Now, on the global scene, Putin’s Russia is this weakest spot and it should be exploited to the utmost. If Moscow’s empire is destroyed, the domino effect is sure to follow; not at once but surely. American empire must fall too but somewhat later with EU falling apart automatically when American troops are no more in Europe.

We should be glad that situation goes as it is; it is much better than we could imagine in our most optimistic dreams. Our main enemies slide into war, which is sure to destroy all vestiges of their obnoxious post-WW2 global order; the worse the better.

Our main task for now should be the preparation of our own hideouts for the time of tribulations. Surely, we should be as far away as possible from all possible targets for nuclear strikes. If big war starts, hunger would follow in a few months’ time which will develop rapidly into mass starvation. The highly urbanized societies are totally unprepared to survive in natural environment. But what is even more important is the impossibility to feed all those multimillion masses by natural subsistence agriculture. The excess population must die out, there should be no pity about them. The modern liberal civilization has itself created this suicidal situation and there is no way around. People should pay for their unnatural lifestyles. The natural selection mechanism is sure to return as the main existential factor.

I think that the spreading war in Europe is the start of this process of total purification. The events have already passed the point when they could be artificially managed. Now, state leaders, including globalist shadow rulers, are not masters of the events, but toys in the hands of destiny. They are compelled to obediently follow the turbulent current that sweeps everything in its way toward the huge waterfall. Something really big is to follow.

At the end I want to repeat the main point: the modern Russians are not ethnic Russians as they were before 1917 but the product of the Soviet dehumanizing experiment. The Soviet system used the mechanism of negative selection that destroyed the best and promoted the worst elements of society, thereby creating essentially a new society with distinct qualities. The results of this experiment were already evident in 1930es. It is why Hitler and other leaders of Germany clearly stated that the struggle against USSR would be of totally different kind. Now, we should remember this crucial warning. Since then Russians have become even worse because those negative qualities were even more strengthened and are already perceived (by Russians themselves) as inalienable national traits. The modern Russians are not even Russians but Soviets; many of them even proudly declare it to be so. The true Russian society was destroyed a century ago and can’t be revived. There is no way back in history. We should work with what we have, instead of falling into wishful thinking and futile dreams. Yes, there are about 5-10% in Russian population who preserved their genetic legacy together with ethnic mentality but this number is not enough to save the whole society. Don’t think about Russian Federation as a Russian ethnic state; it is not; it is the rump of Soviet empire with all its worst qualities. It must fall and it is the duty of all true nationalists to help in this process.

It seems a very sad conclusion but, as it is usual in almost all cases, every negative fact has its bright side. The impossibility of recreating Russian ethnic state in all its former glory and might compels us, true Russian nationalists, to start thinking in purely racial terms. It compels us to prioritize racial component and to place it at the core of all our thinking and political activities. It would be stupid to do otherwise; it would be utter folly to try to recreate any kind of Russian empire; any such attempt is destined to failure. But if we focus our activity into a racial path, we automatically relieve ourselves from the whole burden of Russian/Soviet atrocities, including the recently accrued shameful legacy of starting a fratricidal war. We, Russian nationalists, must reject all vestiges of imperialism, especially Soviet imperialism. All those nationalists who fail to do so and who continue to entertain all kinds of destructive imperialist delusions should be reckoned as our main enemies. There is no way around. We, racial nationalists, should not allow anyone to play on our ideological field. I am sure that the bloody showdown between racial nationalists and “nationalists-patriots” of imperialist type is inevitable in Russia. At present, “nationalists” of imperialist mindset are still a majority in Russia. These buffoons were greatly encouraged by the actions of the Putinist neocommunist state; they really believe that Putin is their messiah and is going to restore all Russian/Soviet territorial possessions. Certainly, this project is sure to fail; and with its failure would be destroyed the very ideological foundation for any imperialist movements. But before it happens, these buffoons are sure to inflict much damage to all, first of all to the Russian society itself. The Soviet imperialist delusions are too strong in Putin’s Russia and they will not vanish by themselves. The Putinist society, together with its imperialist mental virus, most probably will go down in flames. The task of racial nationalists will be to clear out the mess left by neocommunist maniacs.

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Will Williams
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Re: Russian News

Post by Will Williams » Sat Apr 23, 2022 10:10 pm

Thank you so much, Wolf, for clarifying (here on for Americans the true picture in Putin's Russia. To sum it up in a nutshell you say:
[T]he whole matter would depend on the ability of White people to create the new racial state on the ashes of their destroyed countries...

And you make very clear that the fading post-WWII American superpower will end on the same ash heap as its Russian counterpart. The inevitable destruction is irreversible. The nonracial nationalist buffoons of America are not unlike those you describe in Russia. It is the Nature-grounded White racial nationalist minority that will lead the way, and to paraphrase with apologies an earlier statement by you:

The template for all racial nationalists has
been established by the National Alliance.

Speaking for our organization and its Cosmotheist philosophy I am honored that you chose to join our Alliance and consistently, courageously, tell it how it is and will be for our long-suffering race.
If Whites insist on participating in "social media," do so on ours, not (((theirs))). Like us on; follow us on ᛉ

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Wolf Stoner
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Re: Russian News

Post by Wolf Stoner » Tue Apr 26, 2022 2:59 pm

I fully agree with your approach.
That for which we strive and sacrifice may take generations to achieve. We aren't working for ourselves but for the future of the White race. When constructing a building, large or small, a strong foundation is critical. A weak or hastiliy devised foundation will only lead to structural collapse. Our foundation consists of educating our people, building an infrastructure, organizing and leading ever-growing cadres of NA members
I am glad that my ideas resonate with you. Our strategy of planning long-term allows us to avoid many pitfalls and unnecessary troubles. We should have as low public profile as possible. It is a right approach to engage in personal conversations and attract the right kind of people. It is better to find a few worthy ones through such a laborious work than to gather tens of thousands of mainstream creatures. A cohesive focused small group can do much more than a motley crowd of whatever size.

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Wolf Stoner
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Re: Russian News

Post by Wolf Stoner » Tue Apr 26, 2022 4:33 pm

Thank you, Chairman Williams! The whole post-WW2 system falls apart. I like this development. Our enemies are fighting each other. USA, EU and neocommunist Russia are parts of the same anti-White beast. Their greed and stupidity pushed them into bloody conflict. It is the beginning of their end. Everything is better than we could suppose. They are not as clever as seemed; otherwise, they would have prevented this senseless war. This war undermines their own globalist system and gives plentiful opportunities for other world players, China first of all. I think that these events are not orchestrated. The globalist “elite” lost its ability to control the situation.

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Wolf Stoner
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Re: Russian News

Post by Wolf Stoner » Tue Apr 26, 2022 4:45 pm

Here is very interesting discussion about the war in Ukraine. Radoslaw Sikorski speaks with general Ben Hodges. Nothing special; very mainstream but gives fairly accurate picture of what is going on in Ukraine.

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Wolf Stoner
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Re: Russian News

Post by Wolf Stoner » Sat Nov 26, 2022 4:01 pm

Frodi Midjord aptly ads his perspective about true nature of the Putinist system. I have put a fragment of his program on my youtube channel. Very valuable observations. Frodi is not an enemy of Russia. He always tried to be as unbiased as possible on this question. He simply presents facts and draws logical conclusions.

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Will Williams
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Re: Russian News

Post by Will Williams » Sat Nov 26, 2022 9:28 pm

Wolf Stoner wrote:
Sat Nov 26, 2022 4:01 pm
Frodi Midjord aptly ads his perspective about true nature of the Putinist system. I have put a fragment of his program on my youtube channel. Very valuable observations. Frodi is not an enemy of Russia. He always tried to be as unbiased as possible on this question. He simply presents facts and draws logical conclusions.
Very good commentary by Frodi about Putin's neo-Bolshevism and how American racial nationalists should not see Putin and the Kremlin as allies.

Mark Weber didn't speak in this excerpt. Some readers might be interested to know that Mark wrote for Dr. Pierce back in the 1970s and is featured as author of several articles in The Best of Attack! and National Vanguard.
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Wolf Stoner
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Re: Russian News

Post by Wolf Stoner » Mon Nov 28, 2022 3:41 pm

Thank you for this information. I didn't know that Mark Weber corresponded with WLP. But, certainly, Mark Weber's key ideas are closely related to ours. His main point that he always asserts is the primary role of racial and ethnic identity. I listened all of Mark Weber's lectures and podcasts. He did a great job in promoting historical truth. I somewhat disagree with his too mild stance on Putin but I can understand his reasons for taking such a position.

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Will Williams
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Re: Russian News

Post by Will Williams » Wed Nov 30, 2022 10:24 pm

Wolf Stoner wrote:
Mon Nov 28, 2022 3:41 pm
Thank you for this information. I didn't know that Mark Weber corresponded with WLP. But, certainly, Mark Weber's key ideas are closely related to ours...
Yes, we consider Mark and his Institute for Historical Review (IHR) allies of NA. He did not simply correspond with Pierce back in the 1970s, he contributed articles for the Alliance's periodicals while a student. More about Mark, here:

I learned a new word watching Frodi's video: "Afrophobia." What is that, fear of Africa? :D It was lumped in with Islamophobia and antisemitism as things that are awful. Muslims, Jews and Afro-Americans practice Europhobia which could be an euphemism for fear of racially loyal Whites.
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