Overpopulation: too damned many humans

Old Aardvark
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Re: Overpopulation: too damned many humans

Post by Old Aardvark » Wed Aug 04, 2021 9:19 pm

I know it's not a lot, but every little bit helps. Here are a couple of news stories that should brighten your day.

https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/articl ... ai=9862033

https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/articl ... ai=9862701

This is fourteen taken out of circulation.


Re: Overpopulation: too damned many humans

Post by BBrookshire » Thu Aug 05, 2021 10:23 pm

Excellent bedtime stories. Thank you.

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Will Williams
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Re: Overpopulation: too damned many humans

Post by Will Williams » Fri Aug 06, 2021 10:32 am

BBrookshire wrote:
Thu Aug 05, 2021 10:23 pm
Excellent bedtime stories. Thank you.
zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz :|

Cross posted from "Russian News":

Old Aardvark wrote:
Thu Aug 05, 2021 2:55 am
This is a reply to Wolf and to Will. I believe I saw in some population projections by 2050 (you may have posted them, Will) that China is projected to have slightly fewer people in 2050 than they now have. India will move from second place behind China to well ahead of it by mid-century...
Yes, OA, China's population is projected to slow somewhat. I don't know about India. What I posted were alarming statistics about projected African fecundity in the 21st century, and the effect that will have on traditional White habitats on this planet if not checked and reversed. I posted that to NV, here: https://nationalvanguard.org/2021/07/spiritual-race/ What I posted there a couple of days ago got no further commentary and will soon scroll off and be buried, so I'll repost that here, off topic under "Russian News," then cross post to where it is a better fit, under "Overpopulation: too damned many humans.":

Will W. Williams * National Alliance Chairman

Reply to Jim
4 August, 2021 11:09 am
Jim: The Orange Sticker only tells the result, but not the CAUSE of the problem. The sticker should read something like ABOLISH JEWISH GENOCIDE OF THE WHITE RACE or it must contain just W H O and W H A T is the cause of white Genocide...

TMI, Jim (Too Much Information).

The Orange Sticker is meant to quickly grab the attention of Whites who see it with that alarming truth, not try to explain how it happened. Those who then go to our Websites, or who send the $3 for more information, will not only get an understanding of what’s behind that simply stated truth but the solution in the booklet we’ll send them, or they can read it for free, here: https://natall.com/about/what-is-the-national-alliance/


Do those lying enemies of the endangered White race (subspecies) explain their lie in that billboard? South African author Dan Roodt counters their lie with facts in his essay “The African Planet”:

“Thanks to Western healthcare, food, aid and technology, infant death rates have declined dramatically in Africa. The result is that Africans are proliferating. A population that was 200 million in 1950 is already over a billion. It is expected to be over 4 billion by 2100. Almost half of the population of the world will be African by the end of this century.

“Already unable to sustain a billion people, Africans will be increasingly desperate to make it to White and other non-Black nations. This could mean a Camp of the Saints scenario for the end of the White world. In other words, a declining White population simply overwhelmed by masses of poor Africans. This is what is happening in his own nation of South Africa.” Source: the July/August 2021 issue of Heritage and Destiny magazine, in its review of New Century Books’ 2020 A Dissident’s Guide to Blacks And Africa (that contains Roodt’s essay).

Knowing the facts, ask yourself which race is most endangered, Black or White? Then ask yourself how can the White race guard against its extinction? The Orange Sticker leads one to the answer of that second question. https://natall.com/join-us/

You would think Whites would see the urgent implications and be joining our Alliance in droves once they see we are the one organization working hardest to preserve and advance their race. Unfortunately, that is not the case. They accept what the environmentalists call habitat succession: that our race will be replaced in its habitats WIHOUT A FIGHT, by competing subspecies (races).

Mother Nature is not impressed with those of her creatures who violate Her Highest Law and will not fight for their continued existence and advancement. Let them be replaced by those who will, She says.

If Whites insist on participating in "social media," do so on ours, not (((theirs))). Like us on WhiteBiocentrism.com; follow us on NationalVanguard.org. ᛉ

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Will Williams
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Re: Overpopulation: too damned many humans

Post by Will Williams » Sun Sep 05, 2021 11:10 am

It is not just too many humans, but way too many humans of the wrong color.

Be sure and read Douglas Mercer's latest article that points out some of the alarming demographic statistics, here: https://nationalvanguard.org/2021/08/th ... f-america/

For example:

The most recent Census Bureau estimates by races shows a small decline of 16,612 in the nation’s white population over the 2010-to-2019 period. If this trend is confirmed with the full 2020 census, the 2010-to-2020 decade would be the only decade since the first census was taken in 1790 when the white population did not grow. This decline in the white population is a major driver of the nation’s demographic stagnation. White population gains in recent decades have grown smaller over time, from 11.2 million between 1970 and 1980 down to 2.8 million between 2000 and 2010. But a white population loss between 2010 and 2020 would be unprecedented.
If Whites insist on participating in "social media," do so on ours, not (((theirs))). Like us on WhiteBiocentrism.com; follow us on NationalVanguard.org. ᛉ

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Will Williams
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Re: Overpopulation: too damned many humans

Post by Will Williams » Tue Jul 12, 2022 10:35 am

Will Williams wrote:
Sun Sep 05, 2021 11:10 am
It is not just too many humans, but way too many humans of the wrong color.

Be sure and read Douglas Mercer's latest article that points out some of the alarming demographic statistics, here: https://nationalvanguard.org/2021/08/th ... f-america/

For example:

The most recent Census Bureau estimates by races shows a small decline of 16,612 in the nation’s white population over the 2010-to-2019 period. If this trend is confirmed with the full 2020 census, the 2010-to-2020 decade would be the only decade since the first census was taken in 1790 when the white population did not grow. This decline in the white population is a major driver of the nation’s demographic stagnation. White population gains in recent decades have grown smaller over time, from 11.2 million between 1970 and 1980 down to 2.8 million between 2000 and 2010. But a white population loss between 2010 and 2020 would be unprecedented.
It ain't global warming that is earth's biggest problem, it's too damned many non-White human subspecies replacing Whites, or habitat succession as the environmentalists like to call the process. WikiJews prefer to describe it like this:
The Great Replacement (French: Grand Remplacement), also known as replacement theory or great replacement theory, is a white nationalist far-right conspiracy theory disseminated by French author Renaud Camus. The original theory states that, with the complicity or cooperation of "replacist" elites, white European populations are being demographically and culturally replaced with non-white peoples...
Non race-thinking egalitarian academics frame the facts Mr. Mercer gives like this, as a White racist conspiracy :roll:

Overpopulation is a major cause of biodiversity
loss and smaller human populations are
necessary to preserve what is left

Global biodiversity decline is driven in large part by excessive human populations.
• Population decline opens up important opportunities for ecological restoration.
• Further research is needed into how human demographic changes help or hinder conservation efforts.
• Conservation biologists should advocate for smaller populations, in both less developed and more developed nations.

Global biodiversity decline is best understood as too many people consuming and producing too much and displacing other species. Wild landscapes and seascapes are replaced with people, our domestics and commensals, our economic support systems, and our trash. Conservation biologists have documented many of the ways that human activity drives global biodiversity loss, but they generally neglect the role of overpopulation. We summarize the evidence for how excessive human numbers destroy and degrade habitats for other species, and how population decrease opens possibilities for ecological restoration. We discuss opportunities for further research into how human demographic changes help or hinder conservation efforts. Finally, we encourage conservation biologists to advocate for smaller populations, through improved access to modern contraception and explicit promotion of small families. In the long term, smaller human populations are necessary to preserve biodiversity in both less developed and more developed parts of the world. Whether the goal is to save threatened species, create more protected areas, restore degraded landscapes, limit climate disruption, or any of the other objectives key to preserving biodiversity, reducing the size of the human population is necessary to achieve it.

https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/a ... d=coauthor
If Whites insist on participating in "social media," do so on ours, not (((theirs))). Like us on WhiteBiocentrism.com; follow us on NationalVanguard.org. ᛉ

Victor Arminius
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Re: Overpopulation: too damned many humans

Post by Victor Arminius » Tue Jul 12, 2022 8:13 pm

Take a large room and fill it with people that reflect all the Earth's ethnicity. The first thing you will notice is the room is mostly Chinese and Indian. Out of 100 people, less than 10 people in that room would be White. So if we were to have a true world government it will be run by Chinese and Indians if we organize it on one man, one vote. None of this idiotic Star Trek diversity whereby a starship from the 23rd century is still overwhelmingly Black with a few Negroes and Asians sprinkled in. If we do nothing the future will be more like the Expanse series whereby everybody is mixed Chinese, Indian, and Caucasian. So any population reduction needs to be addressed to Indians and Chinese and not White Europeans who have negative birthrates. However, the United Nations does project Nigeria will be the third most populated nation on Earth by the end of the 21st century behind India and China. They also project China will surpass the United States both militarily and economically by the middle of this century. In a very real sense, White people are clueless about what is coming their way in the future.

China is 93% Han Chinese. So much for diversity being their strength! Was America ever 93% White? Phillip Francis Nolan might have gotten it right. He wrote the original Buck Rogers whereby a 20th-century pilot from WW I is zapped into the 25th century whereby he finds America has been conquered by the Chinese and what few White Americans remain live in the woods and secret hideouts and engage in partitan warfare against the Chinese.

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