The Feminization of Western Men

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Jim Mathias
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The Feminization of Western Men

Post by Jim Mathias » Thu May 06, 2021 11:18 pm

While this political pundit is up there in his years, he seems to have decided that he ought to speak out about issues of race at this late stage of this life. While he offers no solutions, at least the problem is stated. ... stern-men/
The Feminization of Western Men
May 4, 2021

The Feminization of Western Men

Paul Craig Roberts

In a remarkable interview published on Russia Insider in March 2019, RT’s Anissa Naouai interviewed Danish journalist Iben Thranholm about the disappearance of Western manhood: Dear European Men: You Are Pathetic Pussies. This is a Danish woman’s conclusion.

Thranholm says that Western men have been feminized and Western women defeminized. She says feminists have destroyed men, who are now raised to be women. Consequently, there is no one to protect white women from the sexually aggressive immigrant-invaders brought into all European countries by the anti-white European Union, an enemy of national sovereignty that wants the destruction of European ethnic nationalities. The EU is heavily supported by Washington and American money.

Thranholm’s conclusion resonated with me. For a number of years I have noticed that unless I am among older men I often only hear males with women’s voices, speaking like girls, the same intonation and the same words, “like,” “really.” I hear males who sound like Valley Girls. When you look at them you don’t see male strength, and neither does Camille Paglia who says androgyny is historically a sign of cultural collapse– ... le-paglia/. When I hear idiots in Washington and European capitals issuing threats to Russia, I wonder where they are going to find any men capable of fighting a Russian army.

Iben Thranholm says Western men have been deprived of strength and confidence by feminism. All over Europe, white women of European ethnicity, French, German, Danish, Swedish are raped openly in public by the privileged people of color welcomed in by scum like Merkel, the corrupt French governments, the bought-and-paid-for Italians, the dumbshit British, and the white men just look away and walk on by. Not only has feminism deprived men of any sense of obligation to their women, they are scared to death of being arrested for offending a person of color by interfering with his rape of a white woman. Indeed, in Scandanavia women are not only afraid to leave their homes, they are afraid to report their rape, because the police might charge them with a hate crime for claiming rape by a protected person of color. In Sweden the protection of Swedish women is so nonexistent that it is becoming a right for a person of color to rape a Swedish woman. The treasonous governments, treasonous against their ethnic populations, will not confront the mistake they made by overwhelming their nations with immigrant-invaders whom they refuse to hold accountable. Therefore, they blame the raped white women. And the Swedes are such sheep that they reelect governments that favor immigrant invaders over ethnic Swedes. Who can imagine a Swedish army confronting a Russian army? It would be a five minute war.

The same for all of Europe. The immigrant-invaders have shown that they can walk through European authority like a wet paper bag. There is nothing there but self-doubt and self-hate. Europe exists only as a geographical location. To understand Europe and the collapsing US, read Jean Raspail’s The Camp of the Saints.

How ironic it is. NATO has an army, in name if not in fact, to protect against Russia, which presents no threat. Yet nothing can be done to protect the women of Europe from immigrant-invaders welcomed in by the excrement that comprises European governments. Does anyone less represent German ethnicity than Merkel? Does anyone less represent French ethnicity than Macron? Where in European politics is there any sign of concern for European ethnicities?

Iben Thranholm says that by destroying manhood, the feminists have unbalanced society and left themselves at peril. There are no longer any men.

Here is the interview. Everyone, especially feminists, will do very well to listen. The RT interviewer leaves something to be desired, but Iben Thranholm gets her point across. ... eo/ri12471
Thranholm, a woman, is prohibited from naming the Jew in Denmark under threat of arrest and imprisonment. For that i'll give her a pass on her comments about who is really behind the Jewish total war against all Whites.
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C.E. Whiteoak
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Re: The Feminization of Western Men

Post by C.E. Whiteoak » Fri May 07, 2021 1:26 pm

Fifty years ago nobody could have guessed how far Western Man would sink into the septic tank in just half a century. In fact the US military already has a helicopter crew composed entirely of flying faggots. What if we had to fight a real war against a real country? ... opter-crew

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Jim Mathias
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Re: The Feminization of Western Men

Post by Jim Mathias » Fri May 07, 2021 11:11 pm

C.E. Whiteoak wrote:
Fri May 07, 2021 1:26 pm
Fifty years ago nobody could have guessed how far Western Man would sink into the septic tank in just half a century. In fact the US military already has a helicopter crew composed entirely of flying faggots. What if we had to fight a real war against a real country? ... opter-crew
What if we had to fight a real war against a real country? Our "soldiers" would be ordered to throw their high heels at the enemy and scream like little girls. The enemy would then cull these degenerates from our population. Justice would then be done.
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Re: The Feminization of Western Men

Post by Grimork » Sat May 08, 2021 8:56 am

Jim Mathias wrote:
Fri May 07, 2021 11:11 pm
What if we had to fight a real war against a real country? Our "soldiers" would be ordered to throw their high heels at the enemy and scream like little girls. The enemy would then cull these degenerates from our population. Justice would then be done.
Why hasn't this happened already? Of course enemies of America are watching; they can see what the military has become.

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Jim Mathias
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Re: The Feminization of Western Men

Post by Jim Mathias » Sun May 09, 2021 3:25 am

Grimork wrote:
Sat May 08, 2021 8:56 am
Jim Mathias wrote:
Fri May 07, 2021 11:11 pm
What if we had to fight a real war against a real country? Our "soldiers" would be ordered to throw their high heels at the enemy and scream like little girls. The enemy would then cull these degenerates from our population. Justice would then be done.
Why hasn't this happened already? Of course enemies of America are watching; they can see what the military has become.
Nuclear deterrence and the US being still under (relative) control by its masters is the only reason I can see that prevents a "real country" from attacking us conventionally. Perhaps someone with more knowledge, if it exists, can answer this further.

Other countries might just be waiting for the US to implode too, then pick a time when it's weakest to grab the nuclear controls and then send the troops en masse to mop up the effeminate American military. If I ran a powerful country that's not the US, that's what I'd do.

Currently, I believe the Kung Flu was sent to test and weaken, other infrastructure unconventional attacks may have already occurred for the same purpose. It's my thought that our time, the great test, is coming soon...
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Re: The Feminization of Western Men

Post by White Man 1 » Wed May 12, 2021 7:58 pm

Another reason we aren't attacked is that the economic fallout of the American regime falling would be a disaster for just about every first world country on the map. Things are so closely knit in the financial system across countries that the powers that be are terrified to let that first domino fall. It won't be until the decay really hits a crecendo that somebody like China can move in without too much opposition. That is why our program aims to build our own infrastructure to prepare for this steady but inevitable decay. When the Leviathan falls apart White people will need somewhere to turn to. We need to be the strong alternative to foreign powers and cheap comfort.

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Re: The Feminization of Western Men

Post by FolkishFreya » Sat May 28, 2022 1:45 am

REAL men are hard to find and it is difficult for REAL men to find REAL women these days. Teaching young boys to be more feminine is disgusting and contrary to nature. I never did that with my boys. I did know of people giving dolls (not gi Joe's) to boys. What a mistake and how awful that they robbed their child of any chance of becoming a man.

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Jim Mathias
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Re: The Feminization of Western Men

Post by Jim Mathias » Sat May 28, 2022 11:14 pm

FolkishFryea wrote:
Sat May 28, 2022 1:45 am
REAL men are hard to find and it is difficult for REAL men to find REAL women these days. Teaching young boys to be more feminine is disgusting and contrary to nature. I never did that with my boys. I did know of people giving dolls (not gi Joe's) to boys. What a mistake and how awful that they robbed their child of any chance of becoming a man.
Whether we're a part of the Cosmotheist community online here or in one of our physical communities, we certainly can network at finding mates for ourselves using these resources. I certainly would like to form a new family myself.
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