SPLC is Hate Group

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Re: SPLC is Hate Group

Post by Grimork » Fri Aug 21, 2020 7:17 pm

The military is definitely not what it used to be. I can speak personally because of my brother finishing his 4 years in the Army in the last few years. I think he is EVEN MORE brainwashed by the egalitarian garbage than he used to be before he enlisted.

He thinks that being "racist" is one of the worst things people can be. He needs to wake up!! Being racist might've saved his life one day.

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C.E. Whiteoak
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Re: SPLC is Hate Group

Post by C.E. Whiteoak » Fri Aug 21, 2020 10:47 pm

Don't feel bad, Grimork. Most of us have kin who "just don't get it." I know I have, and plenty of them.

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SPLC takes a major hit from the Republican Party

Post by goyim123 » Tue Aug 25, 2020 12:15 am

https://www.cbc.ca/news/world/rnc-south ... -1.5697872

It is like I have to pinch myself to see if I'm dreaming. It is great that the GOP is taking a stand against the (((SPLC))) even though it certainly isn't for the same reasons that we hate ((them))). The (((SPLC))) has been a thorn in our side for decades and has put so many good people in trouble with their social lives, working lives, and in extreme cases the legal system or even their lives. The sooner that group fades off into existence, the better!

If only we could get these White Southern Republicans who are fed up with illegal immigration and political correctness on board. It would be a good idea to also get those hardworking White Union Democrats to realize that zio-controlled "neo-liberal and neo-conservative" economics hurt their lives. Making a play for those disaffected White independents/those who don't vote to join our ranks!

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Jim Mathias
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Re: SPLC takes a major hit from the Republican Party

Post by Jim Mathias » Tue Aug 25, 2020 1:02 am

Now that the real ratzim have jumped that SPLC ship, it's a bit late to make these statements. The new crew is sufficiently "diverse" so as to exert the same sort of blunted effectiveness that the NAACP has since Congoids wrested that organization from the Jews.

But why can't conservatives conduct lawfare against them the way the SPLC has gone after conservatives? It's one thing to denounce barrators, but how about showing us some cojones and giving them a taste of their own medicine with all that money they have? I guess we'll have to wait and see. Now if I remember right, the National Alliance does have a legal fund to contribute to so that someday we can meet these hostile groups in court with a decent chance of winning when they commit some sort of tort against us or bring on frivolous and/or vexatious suits against us.

A few years ago, Alliance members came through in spades for me in my legal battle because I was serving Our Cause. We can and should do this for all of us. Please contribute!
Activism materials available! ===> Contact me via PM to obtain quantities of the "Send Them Back", "NA Health Warning #1 +#2+#3" stickers, and any fliers listed in the Alliance website's flier webpage.

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Will Williams
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Re: SPLC takes a major hit from the Republican Party

Post by Will Williams » Tue Aug 25, 2020 11:51 am

goyim123 wrote:
Tue Aug 25, 2020 12:15 am
https://www.cbc.ca/news/world/rnc-south ... -1.5697872

It is like I have to pinch myself to see if I'm dreaming. It is great that the GOP is taking a stand against the (((SPLC)))...
Republican National Committee delegates have approved a resolution condemning the Southern Poverty Law Center, calling the legal advocacy group dedicated to fighting extremism "a far-left organization with an obvious bias."
No shit! Boy those Republicans really went out on a limb with this resolution.

One of my favorite ADVs by Dr. Pierce is this one: https://nationalvanguard.org/2019/07/jo ... canadians/


As you may be aware, the mass media in Canada are as much under Jewish control as in the United States. The undisputed top media mogul in Canada is Israel Asper, who is commonly known by his nickname “Izzy.” With his sons Leonard and David and other family members, Izzy Asper owns CanWest Global Communications Corporation...

CanWest now owns more than 60 per cent of Canada’s newspapers and other media outlets. That’s more than 60 per cent of all of Canada’s mass media in the hands of one Jew. Included are 14 metropolitan dailies and 128 local newspapers across the country, including the Vancouver Sun, the Vancouver Province, the Calgary Herald, and the Montreal Gazette. CanWest also owns the National Post, which is distributed throughout Canada. In addition Izzy owns media in the United States, Australia, New Zealand, and Northern Ireland.

Last month Izzy issued a written directive to his newspapers, instructing them that from now on they must print nothing critical of Israel or of Israeli actions or policies. This is a rare thing. Usually directives of this sort are oral only, and great care is taken to keep them from coming to the attention of the public. But Izzy, with even more brass than is customary for his tribe, made his directive public. He announced that, beginning three weeks ago, December 12, the editorial content of all of his newspapers would be homogenized, and they all would be pro-Israel.

Now here’s the interesting part: if all of Izzy’s Gentile underlings were simply corrupt — were simply paid mercenaries who wrote what they were told to write — then there would be no controversy; all of the local editors and reporters and columnists simply would follow orders. But there is a controversy. A group of reporters and writers at the Montreal Gazette have rebelled, at least for the moment. One of them, Bill Marsden, an investigative reporter, revealed on a Canadian Broadcasting Corporation radio program called “As It Happens” that his editor at the Gazette had instructed him never to report anything that might reflect badly on Israel. Paraphrasing Izzy’s directive, Marsden said:

We do not run in our newspaper op-ed pieces that express criticism of Israel and what it is doing in the Middle East.

Marsden and 54 other reporters at the Montreal Gazette went on strike in protest at what they describe as undue corporate interference with freedom of the press.

Their strike has infuriated Izzy. Izzy’s son David characterized the striking reporters as “childish” and “self-righteous.” He said:

Why don’t they just quit and have the courage of their convictions? Maybe they should go out and, for the first time in their lives, take a risk, put their money where their mouth is, and start their own newspaper.

How’s that for chutzpah, as the Jews like to call it? One can read in David Asper’s reaction to the reporters the thought, “How dare these mere Gentiles, these mere goyim, question what we, God’s Chosen People, decide should be the party line for Canada’s newspapers! How dare they!” I mean it’s not just that Izzy owns the Montreal Gazette, and so he is entitled to set the editorial policy, and other newspapers can set different policies. Izzy thinks that he is entitled to set the editorial policy for all of Canada’s newspapers and determine what all Canadians think.


Hopefully CBC hasn't been bought out by Izzy & Company during the 18 years since WLP exposed the Jewyness of Canadian media. It appears that comments are open under this CBC article if the commentator uses his real name and states his opinion civilly. Give it a try and link back to NV and WB.
If Whites insist on participating in "social media," do so on ours, not (((theirs))). Like us on WhiteBiocentrism.com; follow us on NationalVanguard.org. ᛉ

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Re: SPLC takes a major hit from the Republican Party

Post by goyim123 » Tue Aug 25, 2020 3:21 pm

Will Williams wrote:
Tue Aug 25, 2020 11:51 am
goyim123 wrote:
Tue Aug 25, 2020 12:15 am
https://www.cbc.ca/news/world/rnc-south ... -1.5697872

It is like I have to pinch myself to see if I'm dreaming. It is great that the GOP is taking a stand against the (((SPLC)))...
Republican National Committee delegates have approved a resolution condemning the Southern Poverty Law Center, calling the legal advocacy group dedicated to fighting extremism "a far-left organization with an obvious bias."
No shit! Boy those Republicans really went out on a limb with this resolution.

One of my favorite ADVs by Dr. Pierce is this one: https://nationalvanguard.org/2019/07/jo ... canadians/


As you may be aware, the mass media in Canada are as much under Jewish control as in the United States. The undisputed top media mogul in Canada is Israel Asper, who is commonly known by his nickname “Izzy.” With his sons Leonard and David and other family members, Izzy Asper owns CanWest Global Communications Corporation...

CanWest now owns more than 60 per cent of Canada’s newspapers and other media outlets. That’s more than 60 per cent of all of Canada’s mass media in the hands of one Jew. Included are 14 metropolitan dailies and 128 local newspapers across the country, including the Vancouver Sun, the Vancouver Province, the Calgary Herald, and the Montreal Gazette. CanWest also owns the National Post, which is distributed throughout Canada. In addition Izzy owns media in the United States, Australia, New Zealand, and Northern Ireland.

Last month Izzy issued a written directive to his newspapers, instructing them that from now on they must print nothing critical of Israel or of Israeli actions or policies. This is a rare thing. Usually directives of this sort are oral only, and great care is taken to keep them from coming to the attention of the public. But Izzy, with even more brass than is customary for his tribe, made his directive public. He announced that, beginning three weeks ago, December 12, the editorial content of all of his newspapers would be homogenized, and they all would be pro-Israel.

Now here’s the interesting part: if all of Izzy’s Gentile underlings were simply corrupt — were simply paid mercenaries who wrote what they were told to write — then there would be no controversy; all of the local editors and reporters and columnists simply would follow orders. But there is a controversy. A group of reporters and writers at the Montreal Gazette have rebelled, at least for the moment. One of them, Bill Marsden, an investigative reporter, revealed on a Canadian Broadcasting Corporation radio program called “As It Happens” that his editor at the Gazette had instructed him never to report anything that might reflect badly on Israel. Paraphrasing Izzy’s directive, Marsden said:

We do not run in our newspaper op-ed pieces that express criticism of Israel and what it is doing in the Middle East.

Marsden and 54 other reporters at the Montreal Gazette went on strike in protest at what they describe as undue corporate interference with freedom of the press.

Their strike has infuriated Izzy. Izzy’s son David characterized the striking reporters as “childish” and “self-righteous.” He said:

Why don’t they just quit and have the courage of their convictions? Maybe they should go out and, for the first time in their lives, take a risk, put their money where their mouth is, and start their own newspaper.

How’s that for chutzpah, as the Jews like to call it? One can read in David Asper’s reaction to the reporters the thought, “How dare these mere Gentiles, these mere goyim, question what we, God’s Chosen People, decide should be the party line for Canada’s newspapers! How dare they!” I mean it’s not just that Izzy owns the Montreal Gazette, and so he is entitled to set the editorial policy, and other newspapers can set different policies. Izzy thinks that he is entitled to set the editorial policy for all of Canada’s newspapers and determine what all Canadians think.


Hopefully CBC hasn't been bought out by Izzy & Company during the 18 years since WLP exposed the Jewyness of Canadian media. It appears that comments are open under this CBC article if the commentator uses his real name and states his opinion civilly. Give it a try and link back to NV and WB.
I will give it a read. Thanks so much for the resource.

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Will Williams
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Re: SPLC is Hate Group

Post by Will Williams » Sat Aug 29, 2020 2:38 pm

Defendant Mark Potok has emerged from the shadows after three years:

Mark Potok Returns!

August 29, 2020
It was three years ago this week when we at Watching the Watchdogs first noted the departure of the Southern Poverty Law Center’s longtime Intelligence Director, Mark Potok, from the company that had made him rich and famous (and vice versa) over his twenty year career there.

“I think a lot of people feel, ‘Oh, groups like the Southern Poverty Law Center, they find, you know, the two hundred Nazis running around the country, they build them up into great big groups, they make a big deal about it and then ask for your money,’ right? In other words, it’s kind of a scam. You hype up this little tiny threat into something scary, uh, and then go and try to make money off of it.” (Mark Potok Interview, Track 2)
Uh oh!
When you study the Hate Industry for years and one of the captains of that industry steps up and admits that the vast majority of the claims made by his company are baseless, the feeling can only be described as exhilarating.

Read the entire exhilarating expose of Potok, here: https://rkeefe57.wordpress.com/

PS. This excerpt below from the Watching The Watchdogs article about a new group Potok works with, Moonshot, shows how complicit Big Tech, their Jew-controlled social media and Wikipedia are, working with the "Hate Industry" against anything pro-White:

While all Wikipedia entries must be taken with a grain of salt, the entry for Moonshot claims that the group “receives funding from technology companies such as Google, Facebook, and Twitter,” and “engages in paid work on behalf of governments such as the UK, Canada and Japan.”

Wikipedia also claims that “Moonshot engages in campaigns to direct users attempting to access extremist material to alternative sources,” which is an admirable goal at face value, but begs the question as to who exactly determines what is “extremist material”? Google? Facebook? Twitter?...
If Whites insist on participating in "social media," do so on ours, not (((theirs))). Like us on WhiteBiocentrism.com; follow us on NationalVanguard.org. ᛉ

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Will Williams
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Re: SPLC is Hate Group

Post by Will Williams » Mon Aug 31, 2020 10:10 am

I'm bumping this comment about SPLC being a hate group that I made here two days ago, before it scrolls off the front page due to this new fellow, Vintage67's manic commenting on our forum. Everyone interested in this topic should bookmark this site: https://rkeefe57.wordpress.com/
Will Williams wrote:
Sat Aug 29, 2020 2:38 pm
Defendant Mark Potok has emerged from the shadows after three years:

Mark Potok Returns!

August 29, 2020
It was three years ago this week when we at Watching the Watchdogs first noted the departure of the Southern Poverty Law Center’s longtime Intelligence Director, Mark Potok, from the company that had made him rich and famous (and vice versa) over his twenty year career there.

“I think a lot of people feel, ‘Oh, groups like the Southern Poverty Law Center, they find, you know, the two hundred Nazis running around the country, they build them up into great big groups, they make a big deal about it and then ask for your money,’ right? In other words, it’s kind of a scam. You hype up this little tiny threat into something scary, uh, and then go and try to make money off of it.” (Mark Potok Interview, Track 2)
Uh oh!
When you study the Hate Industry for years and one of the captains of that industry steps up and admits that the vast majority of the claims made by his company are baseless, the feeling can only be described as exhilarating.

Read the entire exhilarating expose of Potok, here: https://rkeefe57.wordpress.com/

PS. This excerpt below from the Watching The Watchdogs article about a new group Potok works with, Moonshot, shows how complicit Big Tech, their Jew-controlled social media and Wikipedia are, working with the "Hate Industry" against anything pro-White:

While all Wikipedia entries must be taken with a grain of salt, the entry for Moonshot claims that the group “receives funding from technology companies such as Google, Facebook, and Twitter,” and “engages in paid work on behalf of governments such as the UK, Canada and Japan.”

Wikipedia also claims that “Moonshot engages in campaigns to direct users attempting to access extremist material to alternative sources,” which is an admirable goal at face value, but begs the question as to who exactly determines what is “extremist material”? Google? Facebook? Twitter?...
From the valuable Watching The Watchdogs site that is linked above:

"So in the long run, while it is good to see Mark Potok back in the game again (he also turned up in an interview on “far-right extremism” as we were writing this post) his return also bolsters our claims that there is a definite “Hate Industry,” consisting of private companies such as the Southern Poverty Law Center and the Anti-Defamation League, that make hundreds of millions of dollars peddling fear, outrage and “hate” to Progressive donors, and other networked players, such as CARR, Rantt Media and Moonshot CVE, who also manipulate the “far-right” narrative for purposes other than financial gain.

There are no conspiracies here. This is simply the age-old quest for wealth and political power. Unlike the players listed above, we do not ask anyone to take our word for anything. Take five minutes and read Christina Ballard’s superb primer on fake news. You won’t be sorry."
[here: https://rantt.com/media-literacy-101]
If Whites insist on participating in "social media," do so on ours, not (((theirs))). Like us on WhiteBiocentrism.com; follow us on NationalVanguard.org. ᛉ

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Jim Mathias
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The ADL is a hate group also

Post by Jim Mathias » Sat Nov 21, 2020 1:03 am

The latest whining from the ADL about recent free speech activity by Whites in San Antonio, Texas. They're getting very worried!

https://www.kens5.com/article/news/loca ... e12a654df0
White supremacist propaganda increases in Texas
The effort to lure recruits for white supremacy membership is concerning for the Anti-Defamation League. Leaflets for the transition into hate are multiplying.

Author: Marvin Hurst
Published: 7:12 PM CST November 19, 2020
Updated: 7:12 PM CST November 19, 2020
What the Jews fear becoming "mainstream" through activism
What the Jews fear becoming "mainstream" through activism
Pro-White literature in San Antonio.png (310.73 KiB) Viewed 7380 times
SAN ANTONIO — The Southwest Region of the Anti-Defamation League said white supremacy propaganda has jumped 44% over last year.

"These groups have clearly seen that the current environment is ripe for their recruiting," Mark Toubin said. "They feel more comfortable being out in the open."

Toubin is the Southwest Regional Director for the ADL. He said the groups' bold endeavors concern him.

"It's the mainstreaming of their message more than anything," he said.

In a year where the message of prejudice is expanding via social media and literature, the FBI's Hate Crime report shows documented cases are at a ten-year high.

"If antisemitism and bigotry and prejudice become some of the norms, then we're in big trouble," Toubin said.

The ADL's H.E.A.T. ( Hate, extremism, antisemitism, and terrorism) map show 735 cases across Texas, including three murders. But the vast majority of occurrences are supremacy propaganda.

Recently, Hollywood Park homeowners received a batch of hate literature criticizing abortion and the Black Lives Matter movement which were emblazoned with a swastika.

Toubin said the national societal change happening might be creating fear. That fear could create an irrational means to cope through bigotry.

"Some people are able to take advantage of that fear and deal with it by providing a scapegoat," he said. "And whether that scapegoat are Jews or immigrants or Blacks or Hispanics or LGBTQ, they are looking for somebody else to blame."

The supremacists, he said, take advantage of online opportunities to spread their message.

He suggests educating against the behavior, addressing racial hatred on social media, increasing the number of agencies that report incidents to the FBI, getting public officials to denounce hate groups, and stepping up against the personal responsibility poison prejudice.

"We can never eliminate hate in its entirety," he said. "But, hopefully, we keep it at a very low level."
As the ADL's "HEAT" map indicates, huge numbers of pro-White literature are being distributed across America. Activists who are out on the streets putting out our message are part of a growing trend of "mainstreaming" pro-White messages---and this is the "big trouble" their map is showing. Take a look:
The more YOU do, the more mainstream we become
The more YOU do, the more mainstream we become
ADL's HEAT map.png (420.18 KiB) Viewed 7380 times
Nearly all of it is literature distributions
Nearly all of it is literature distributions
ADL HEAT key.png (3.84 KiB) Viewed 7380 times
Activism materials available! ===> Contact me via PM to obtain quantities of the "Send Them Back", "NA Health Warning #1 +#2+#3" stickers, and any fliers listed in the Alliance website's flier webpage.

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Will Williams
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Re: SPLC is Hate Group

Post by Will Williams » Tue Dec 29, 2020 12:08 pm

Will Williams wrote:
Thu Aug 08, 2019 3:50 pm
Fox News is safe with Tucker. He'a no dreaded White loyalist. He will lose his bully pulpit with conservative TV fans should he, all of a sudden, come all the way over to be a proud and loyal man of his unique White race.

Tucker is a proud, and very safe libertarian, however. Safe, that is, as long as his bosses, the Murdochs, make him toe the line, while giving millions in extortion to the ADL and the SPLC for their stated aim to destroy any and all pro-White groups like the National Alliance. Their doing that "proves" Fox News is not "racist, anti-Semitic or homophobic." https://www.forbes.com/sites/paulfletch ... ef48413cd4

Does the Tuck still sign off his show each night as "the sworn enemy of group think," like a good anti-racist libertarian? Think about that. Being loyal to one's race -- an identifiable group -- is being a natural group-thinker, and that is good; that's is normal. Just ask one of Tucker's ultraZionist bosses if he is loyal to his group, his race. :lol:

One good thing about Tucker, bless his boyish heart, is that he's been practically the lone voice in MSM to even half-way criticize the SPLC "hate" racket for more than 22 years: https://www.weeklystandard.com/tucker-c ... -like-dees

"In 1996, Weekly Standard contributor Tucker Carlson took aim at Dees in his feature article, 'With Friends Like Dees…' Carlson explained how Dees exploited the bombing of the Murrah Federal Building in Oklahoma City to raise vast sums of money for the Center." http://splcwatch.org/financial/splc-fundraising/

Tucker watchers will be interested in Dr. Dalton's recent piece, "Dissecting Tucker Carlson," here:
https://www.theoccidentalobserver.net/2 ... r-carlson/

Dissecting Tucker Carlson
September 27, 2020
by Thomas Dalton, Ph.D.

For many on the dissident right, Fox News’ primetime anchor Tucker Carlson is a kind of hero. He’s pro-Trump and anti-liberal. He comes off as a true (“paleo”) conservative, and rails against the neo-con agendas of the dominant Right. He calls out attacks on Whites, both physical and ideological. He exposes lies and hypocrisy in the liberal mainstream media, especially at CNN and MSNBC. He is blunt, funny, and smart. What more could a White alt-righter hope for?

Lots, it turns out.

Night after night, Carlson manages to pull off a remarkable feat: He manages to criticize the self-serving lies and hypocrisy of the Left with an opposing but, in its own way, often misleading and deficient presentation. This is no small task. He and his crew of scriptwriters must put in hours of work each day, to prepare for his nightly one-hour performances. And surely they have their own in-house censors and ideological gatekeepers who must approve all final topics, themes, wording, and guest-lists. But they succeed. Carlson’s Fox team is to be congratulated on achieving their goals. Much of what they produce is enlightening and important. But unfortunately, they are to be equally condemned for all their implicit biases, shallow analysis, and vital omissions. In what follows, I will attempt to dissect Carlson and his crew, in order to lay bare both the insights and the deceptions that he offers up each evening.

Let me start with his upbringing and family background. Now, in general, I try to avoid assigning blame for an individual’s faults to his past or his family. People are, for the most part, responsible adults, and must be held personally responsible for their own actions. But in this case, Carlson’s family history reveals a fairly lengthy tale of woe, malfeasance, and assorted immoralities; surely this has some bearing on his beliefs and actions as an adult. At a minimum, it helps us to better understand the man and his motivations.

Tucker Swanson McNear Carlson was born in 1969 in San Francisco to Dick Carlson and Lisa McNear Lombardi. Both parents led troubled lives. Dick Carlson was born in Boston in 1941, to a 21-year-old male and a 15-year-old girl—a situation that today would qualify as statutory rape. Ashamed of her pregnancy, the girl gave baby Dick up for adoption. At the age of two, he was adopted by the Carlson family and took their name. Moving to California in his 20s, Dick became a freelance journalist, eventually becoming involved in a libelous story against the mayor of San Francisco. In the 1970s, Dick tried his hand at banking, but was soon involved in a political patronage scandal and accusations of dubious lending practices.[1] In the 1980s, after a failed run for mayor of San Diego, he was appointed chief propagandist (though of course they didn’t call it that) at the Voice of America radio station, under Reagan. In 1991, George H. W. Bush appointed him ambassador to Seychelles. Today, at age 79, he has settled into a comfortable retirement.

As for Tucker’s mother, Lisa, she was evidently a very—shall we say—flaky person. She married Dick in 1967, had Tucker in 1969 and then another boy in 1973, and then simply abandoned the family in 1975, when Tucker was six. Only a very disturbed woman would up and leave her husband and two young children for no apparent reason. Lisa’s whereabouts since that time remain a mystery.

Dick would eventually marry another troubled woman, Patricia Swanson, in 1979, when Tucker was 10 years old. Fortuitously, Patricia was an heiress to the Swanson Foods fortune, built up in the 1930s and 1940s by her grandfather, Carl Swanson. Her marriage to Dick was her third; at 18, she married a Jew, Howard Feldman, only to divorce a year later, and a second marriage ended in 1975. At any rate, Dick at least “married into money,” attaining by current standards a modest fortune. As they approach 80, both will soon be passing along a fair amount of money to Tucker.

In any case, Tucker led a privileged life from birth, despite his parental troubles. He grew up in the wealthy community of La Jolla, California, and was schooled in Switzerland and at the prestigious Trinity College in Connecticut, eventually earning a degree in history. Drawing on his father’s connections, he held various reporting and journalistic positions, eventually gaining his first television stint with CNN in 2000. Tucker jumped to MSNBC in 2005, and finally to Fox in 2009. In 2016, he was given his own program at that station.

Thus, by all accounts, Tucker is doing quite well for himself these days. His show on Fox recently earned the highest ratings ever for a cable news show. His salary is in the neighborhood of $6 million per year,[2] and his net worth is variously estimated at $20 million to $30 million. At least his critiques of the wealthy corrupt of our country are well-sourced, given that he is a member of the very club that he loves to lambast.

The Tucker Model

Carlson seems to have been a life-long conservative, even during his tenures at CNN and MSNBC, where he played the conservative foil to the dominant liberal voices. So we need not doubt his sincerity on that matter, at least. But like all TV figures, he quickly learned how to “play the game” in order to get his share of airtime. The primary rule: never question, challenge, or ‘out’ your bosses; always stick to the party line. This of course is true pretty much everywhere, but in the news media, when your very job is to be an honest, diligent, and brave presenter of the truth, it seems particularly appalling to have to sacrifice basic morals—both personal and professional—simply to keep your job. Yes, much of the blame goes to the corporate bosses, who demand ideological conformity from their news teams, but blame also goes to the individual TV figures who allow themselves to be used and corrupted for the money and fame (an old story, I know).

This is particularly troublesome for the dissident right, because there are many who view Carlson as a real voice for their concerns, and as a courageous defender of the truth. But all too often, his real concern seems to be for himself and his fellow members of the wealthy elite, and his version of “the truth” leaves much to be desired.

Let’s start with what Carlson gets right. Yes, the Democrats are appalling hypocrites and liars. In the whole Covid crisis, Carlson has made much hay by exposing their double standards on things like mask-wearing, quarantine, haircuts, and salon visits. Yes, they will say and do nearly anything to defeat Trump and win the White House, and perhaps even Congress. Yes, Joe Biden is a near brain-dead dupe of party operatives, lacking in anything like personal principles or convictions. Yes, Miss AOC—or now, “Sandy” Cortez, as Tucker prefers—carries an outsized liberal influence and indeed has many “radical” policies she wants to implement. Yes, Democrats feign being environmentalists of the highest sort, and yet when in power they do little or nothing—witness the eight years of Clinton-Gore in the 1990s, or the eight Obama years. Democrats also claim to “support our troops” but find it impossible to end our hopeless foreign wars and bring the troops home, or to dismantle our global network of imperial military outposts that costs taxpayers upwards of $500 billion a year.

It’s a similar story on the media side: Yes, Tucker’s competing news celebrities at CNN and MSNBC are appalling hypocrites and liars. He rightly calls out the blatant stupidity and ethical lapses of people like Chris Cuomo and Don Lemon. CNN and MSNBC both are utterly predictable in which stories they present and which they don’t present, and Carlson has a field day with this. These are the kinds of things that rightly earn him praise from the alt- and dissident right.

But let’s look a bit more closely at Tucker’s universe. In his world, things are relatively black-and-white. There are good things, and there are bad things. The Tucker ‘goods’ include: America, the American way of life, God (of the Judeo-Christian persuasion, of course), a second Trump presidency, capitalism, free trade, personal wealth, and unrestricted freedom of choice. These things are standard goods for conservatives, both paleo and neo-con, but not necessarily for the dissident right. Many in the DR see America as a failed state, as a disaster—at least in practice, if not also in theory. Many would like to see our present corrupt nation vanish into oblivion. Few in the DR are rich. Many see Trump as an embarrassment or worse, hardly worth defending. And many are at least skeptical, if not downright contemptuous, of the Judeo-Christian hoax and its ridiculous sky-god Jehovah.[3]

More troubling are the Tucker ‘bads,’ which include: racism, anti-Semitism, White nationalism, Black Lives Matter, Antifa,[4] riots and anarchy in the streets, unwinnable foreign wars like Afghanistan, the 9/11 attacks (involving “the Saudis”), Chinese global aggression (especially vis a vis Russian aggression), and climate change “alarmism.” Clearly and obviously for those in the DR, many of these things are in fact not bad, and some are unconditional goods. Let’s go down the list in a bit of detail:

Racism, Tucker loves to repeat, is a great evil. “All men are created equal,” after all, according to his beloved Declaration. Both of these assertions are, of course, utter nonsense. The proper, positive reading of ‘racism’ is (a) to think in racial terms about all aspects of human society, and (b) to have an appropriate self-pride in one’s own race. Any sane and rational person would likely agree with this definition.

Science, genetics, anthropology, and sociology all testify to the overriding importance of race or ethnicity in accounting for human values and behavior. And to not be proud of one’s own race is akin to hating one’s own family; normal, well-adjusted people have a positive self-image, and this applies to themselves, to their extended family, and to all those of their kind. Consequently, there is no meaningful sense in which all humans are equal—not in interests, abilities, values, predispositions, inclinations…nothing. If anything, humans are radically unequal. “Equal before the law” is trivial, relatively meaningless, and functionally-speaking not even true. “Equal under God” is sheer absurdity. Human equality is a fiction. Thus, any thinking, intelligent, and morally-intact person ought to be a ‘racist.’

Likewise, any thinking White is necessarily anti-Semitic, meaning, they recognize Jews as the primary threat to their collective well-being and indeed to the well-being of all humanity. To be openly and proudly anti-Semitic is to take a stand against the gang of criminals—the “planetary master criminals,” in the words of Heidegger—that have been plundering Western civilization for some two millennia.[5]

White nationalism and White interests are of course the raison d’être of White activism. Whenever the topic crosses Carlson’s lips, however, it morphs into ‘white supremacy’ or ‘neo-Nazism’ and is explicitly or implicitly condemned. Whites never have valid interests as Whites, in his mind.

Antifa and BLM are motley collections of confused, self-hating, opportunistic, vicious, and mindless individuals, of all races (including Jews). They are loosely organized, if at all. Isolated hit-squads, perhaps assembled for pay, leap into action under their banners and make a big splash; but for the vast majority of Whites and the vast majority of American cities, they pose no real threat at all. Yes, they are contemptible, as Carlson says. Yes, they should be jailed, or worse. But no, they pose no existential threat to the DR movement. (Carlson’s main concern with them seems to be that they often target the wealthy, which hits too close to home for his comfort.)

Likewise, Tucker hates riots and anarchy because they threaten the comfortable order of the economic elites. But let’s get this straight: There are plenty of good reasons to be rioting in the streets—but George Floyd is not one of them. If we’re going to have riots, let’s do it, for example, over the American Judeocracy that has destroyed any semblance of fairness and justice in our society. Or over the $1 trillion spent every year in this country to maintain a global military hegemony, much of it on behalf of Jews and Israel. Or over the obscene accumulation of wealth by American Jews, amounting to as much as $50 trillion (see here). It’s not the rioting per se that is wrong; it’s the motivation behind it that matters. But Carlson will have none of this.

Both Iraq wars (1991 and 2003) and the war in Afghanistan were Jewish-instigated neo-con wars on behalf of Israel—period. They had nothing to do with American security. To this day, there are still some 5,000 troops in Iraq and about 7,000 in Afghanistan, fighting “terrorists” who might someday threaten Jews in Israel. This is an utter disgrace, and even a crime against humanity. It must end now, as Tucker says—though he will never speak the truth about these conflicts.

As for the 9/11 attacks, suffice to say that, once again, they seem to have been conducted on behalf Jewish and Israeli interests. To demonize the Saudis, as Carlson does, is to distract from the real issues at hand.

Distraction, too, seems to be his motivation for a focus on Chinese aggression rather than Russian. As a widely-detested global hegemon, the US naturally faces continual threats on many fronts. To pick out one or the other of these threats is to distract from the deeper issues involved. The short solution here is: stop being a hegemon, and you will have far fewer enemies.

Carlson claims to be an environmentalist, but it’s clear that he qualifies only as one of the shallow and instrumentalist types. By contrast, many in the DR have legitimate concerns about climate change and would like see this nation move toward less fossil fuels, while expanding protections for wilderness and undeveloped rural areas. Dare I add that the original dissident right, the National Socialists, placed great value on nature. Once again, Carlson seems primarily concerned with the potential hit to his bottom line, and that of his fellow elites.

Tucker and the Jews

Finally we come to the black hole at the center of Carlson’s galaxy. And a supermassive one it is, too. Of that most influential, most wealthy, most corrupt, and most destructive of minorities, he offers us precisely nothing. Jews are all but invisible on the Tucker Carlson Show.

Correction: Jews qua Jews are invisible. He has plenty of them on his show, but they are almost never identified as such (of course not—because that would be RACIST!). Carlson’s regular Jews include Dr. Marc Siegel, Rick Leventhal, Mark Steyn (part-Jewish), and Dave Portnoy. The past few weeks have included several other Jewish appearances, including Glenn Greenwald, Alex Berenson, Seth Barron, Lester Friedman, and Dov Hikind. As on every news outlet, left, right, or center, Jews are massively over-represented. This is not an accident. For his part, Tucker seems more than happy to give the Jewish voice yet more airtime.

Yes, he condemns the likes of Harvey Weinstein and Jeffrey Epstein, and of Jeff Zucker and Michael Cohen, but again never as Jews. Their Jewishness is, for him, utterly irrelevant. Those of us who know better can see consistent patterns of behavior, clannish in-group defense, masterful lying, and an absolute lack of morality in these individuals. This is not a coincidence. We are dealing here with genetic, in-born traits that reach their highest and most ruthless fulfillment in such men. Wherever Jews number more than a fraction of a percent of the population, there will be Weinsteins and Epsteins, Zuckers and Cohens.

A typical Carlson viewer, however, could be excused for thinking that such people as Jews didn’t even exist—unless it involves calling attention to anti-Semitism and Jewish victimhood. Apart from that, the word ‘Jew’ is virtually never uttered. Not even when it is most relevant; and not even when it involves the very people he loves to criticize the most. Consider the highly relevant and surely uncoincidental relationships between Biden, Kamala Harris, and the Jews. Take Biden, who has long had a cozy relationship with Jews, dating back at least to his fond memories of meeting Golda Meir in 1973. In early 2007, he famously stated that “I am a Zionist,” adding “You don’t have to be a Jew to be a Zionist” (true enough).[6] This certainly helped his political future, considering that the Judeophile and Judenknecht Obama soon thereafter chose him as his running mate.

But what secured Biden’s support among the American Judeocracy was surely his family connections. Joe had three children by his first wife: Beau, Hunter, and Naomi. The wife and one-year-old Naomi were killed in a car crash in 1972, but the two boys lived to adulthood (Beau died of brain cancer in 2015). Joe then had a fourth child, Ashley, by his second and current wife, Jill. Ashley married a Jewish doctor, Howard Krein, in 2012. Beau married a Jewish dry-cleaning scion, Hallie Olivere, in 2002; they had two children before he died in 2015. After his death, Olivere (now Hallie Biden) shamelessly began an affair with the alcoholic and married younger son, Hunter—he of the Ukrainian Burisma scandal fame. Hunter then divorced his first wife (Kathleen) to take up fulltime with the Jewess Hallie, but that relationship fell apart in 2018. After getting a stripper pregnant, Hunter then took up with another Jewess, “filmmaker” Melissa Cohen. They married in 2019 and had a boy in 2020.

Bottom line: All three of Biden’s adult children married Jews, and he has at least three Jewish grandchildren. This is remarkable, and surely not accidental. Jews flock to power, and those in power, at least the most depraved and corrupt ones, are only too happy to cement their Jewish family connections. The same holds, as we know, for the Clintons, Trump, and Nancy Pelosi, among many others.[7]

For her part, Kamala Harris married the Jew Doug Emhoff in 2014. As the offspring of an Indian mother and a Black Jamaican father, and now married to a Jew, Harris is a poster child for the degenerate racial mixing that passes for normality in liberal-Democratic circles these days. We can see why they praised her selection for VP.

But rest assured, you won’t be confronted with any of these ugly facts on the Tucker Carlson Show. No sir! Because that would be RACIST!

Perhaps the biggest Jewish problem, from Carlson’s standpoint, is the possible (likely?) Jewishness of his Fox corporate owners, the Murdoch family. The family patriarch, Rupert, now 89, has managed to obscure details of his family background. His mother, the former Elisabeth Greene (1909-2012), is claimed by some to have been Jewish. Journalist Richard Curtiss stated as much in 2003 (see here). There is a weird, possibly-doctored photo showing her looking quite chummy with an Australian rabbi (ibid.). And Rupert’s sister, Anne, apparently married a Jew named Kantor. Suggestive, but far from definitive.

But what is not in dispute is that the Murdoch empire has been relentlessly pro-Israel, pro-Jewish, and pro-Zionist for decades. Whether for personal, religious, or commercial reasons, the Murdochs have found it in their interest to sidle up to the Jews. This stance unquestionably works its way down the entire Fox media network, and thus we are unsurprised that the anchors avoid the whole topic whenever possible. The Jewish Question is, as always, That Which Shall Not Be Spoken.[8]

It is particularly frustrating, though, when folks like Carlson actually provide cover and defense for the Jews. On many occasions, for example, he has stated or implied that Jews are White—that they benefit from “White privilege” or that they are targeted “because they are White.” Let me make this as clear as possible: Jews are not White—not in any relevant sense. Jews are White like Jessica Krug and Rachel Dolezal are Black; that is, only to the extent that it serves their interests to deceive. Yes, Jews’ skin tone matches ours, but that is merely an unfortunate and superficial fact of biology. To further obscure the issue, they use plastic surgery to hide the nose and to minimize the uniquely repulsive effects of Jewish aging. This allows them to circulate in White society unnoticed. But they are not White. Neither are Lebanese, Syrians, Iranians, nor any other light-skinned Arabs or Middle Easterners. ‘White’ refers only to the indigenous people of Europe, Ukraine, and Western Russia. Jews are not White.

But Carlson seems unable to comprehend this fact, and thus he continues to perpetuate the “Jews are White” myth. Apparently he is unwilling or unable to grasp the alternative, namely, that Jews are a distinct ethnicity with distinct genetics, and therefore with distinct skills, abilities, values, and group interests—many of which directly conflict with those of Whites.

His sins against Whites are compounded by the fact that he himself is White. This situation is particularly galling to me and many in the DR. We can at least understand the patent self-interest when Jewish anchors like Wolf Blitzer, Jake Tapper, Rachel Maddow (half), Chuck Todd, Ari Melber, Mark Levin, and John Berman offer us biased reporting or lies of omission that benefit Jews. But for Whites and other non-Jews to do the same is disgraceful. Carlson, at least, manages to salvage some dignity in his willingness to openly criticize Jews, even if without naming them as such. But for left-leaning White broadcasters like Anderson Cooper, Chris Cuomo, and Chris Hayes to provide active cover and defense for Jews is utterly appalling. They are among the leading and most damaging race-traitors in the mainstream media. For them, no punishment can be too severe.

Despite all this, Carlson has a path to salvation. Tucker, here it is: Pick a random night in the not too distant future, and go off script, live, and tell the truth about the Jews. You’re smart, you know the truth, just say it. When the inevitable firing comes, take it like a man. With $30 million in the bank, you’ve got more than enough for yourself, your kids, and your grandkids. Then use your money and fame to become a real advocate for the truth. Speak out against the Jewish monopolization of our power structure, and against Jewish malfeasance at all levels of society.

They say you might even run for president in 2024. Imagine the commitment and support you would gain by speaking the truth. But do it now. There isn’t a moment to lose. We’ll be waiting.

Thomas Dalton, PhD, has authored or edited several books, including a new translation series of Mein Kampf, and the book Debating the Holocaust (4th ed, 2020). For all his works, see his personal website www.thomasdaltonphd.com

[1] Dick Carlson ended up being interviewed by Mike Wallace for 60 Minutes, as part of the larger scandal.

[2] Significantly less than his competitor, Anderson Cooper at CNN, who earns around $12 million per year.

[3] Nietzsche’s account of Christianity is particularly appropriate on this count; see here.

[4] Both the term and the ideology have long roots, having been founded in Germany in the early 1930s. Only in the past four or five years has the concept assumed prominence in the US.

[5] For more on Heidegger, see my book Eternal Strangers (2020).

[6] On this and other related statements, see here.

[7] One wonders what the children of these power-elites are thinking. What sane person would willingly marry into the lowest and most despicable minority on Earth? And then have children with them? Were they bribed? Coerced? Brainwashed? The topic is surely worthy of a book-length treatment in itself.

[8] I’m tempted to call it “the elephant in the room,” but that would be an insult to elephants, so I won’t.
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