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Wade Hampton III
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Post by Wade Hampton III » Thu Mar 28, 2019 3:14 pm

Once again something we take for granted to sweeten our
lives was in antiquity associated with one of the most
horrific forms of torture. Most of us are not sociopaths -
people who merely want to hurt, torture, or kill. We
live our lives, go to work, try to find something that
makes us happy, and hope to die a peaceful death one
day surrounded by loved ones. But there are some extremely
disturbed, if not evil, individuals out there who not
only dream of harming and killing other people, but
actually do it. The worst of them devise incredibly
elaborate and sadistic methods to do away with their
victims and commit crimes that are so unspeakable
that they are remembered with fear for hundreds
and even thousands of years.
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In the Christian Bible, the Promised Land is described
as a “land flowing with milk and honey” (Exodus) which
has been interpreted as referring to the fertility of
the land to which the Israelites would be led. For
the ancient Persians milk and honey were used in a
much different manner. Scaphism (originating from the
Greek word skaphe, meaning scooped or hollowed),
otherwise known as “the boats” is possibly one of
the darkest and grossest ways of ending someone’s
life. Scaphism was developed by the Persians and
described by the Greeks who were normally the
intended victims of the procedure. Given how
spectacular the executions could be, it’s reasonable
to assume that, it was reserved for the crime the King
found most offensive: regicide(or at least, murder of
a member of the royal family).
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This is the case of a deranged Persian mind (or minds)
that came up with scaphism, around the 5th century B.C.
It was devised to inflict as much pain and discomfort
as possible for as long as the victim remained alive,
and it was reserved only for people guilty of the worst
crimes (for instance, murder and treason). The method
consisted of trapping the victim in the space between
two small boats or two hollowed-out tree trunks and
force - feeding them milk and honey over the course
of a few days until the person died.
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Zonoras, a 12th century Byzantine historian explains
the procedure in detail: “two boats are joined together
one on top of the other, with holes cut in them in
such a way that the victim’s head, hands, and feet
only are left outside. Within these boats the man to
be punished is placed lying on his back, and the boats
then nailed together with bolts. Next they pour a
mixture of milk and honey into the wretched man’s
mouth, till he is filled to the point of nausea,
smearing his face, feet, and arms with the same
mixture, and so leave him exposed to the sun.

This is repeated every day, so that flies, wasps,
and bees, attracted by the sweetness, settle on
his face and all such parts of him as project
outside the boats, and miserably torment and
sting the wretched man. Moreover his belly,
distended as it is with milk and honey, throws
off liquid excrements, and these putrefying
breed swarms of worms, intestinal and of all
sorts. Thus the victim lying in the boats, his
flesh rotting away in his own filth and devoured
by worms, dies a lingering and horrible death”.

In order for the method to work, it had to take
place in a swamp or somewhere where the boats
could lie exposed to the Sun. The victim would
be tied inside the space between the boats in
a way that left their head, hands, and feet
outside. Then, the person in charge of the process
would feed the victim a mixture of milk and honey,
forcing them to swallow against their will.

Additional honey would be smeared around the eyes,
nose, mouth and genitals, and also in the ears
and the anus, the idea was that it would attract
every insect, vermin, and wild animal in the area.
Very soon afterwards, flies and rats, for instance,
would show up and start attacking the victim, eating
the mixture of milk and honey, but also eating the
person alive along the process. It should be noted
that one cannot usually die from the mass of insect
bites and stings alone. Asphyxia can sometimes occur
if the insects (such as ants) swarm enough to enter
your body through the ears, mouth, and nose, and
enter the lungs. The ‘feeding’ can take place from
the ‘inside out.’

Now, as if the bugs eating them alive weren’t enough,
there was also the inevitable severe diarrhea that
left them feeling weak and dehydrated. This horrifying
symptom was the intended consequence of their enforced
milk - and - honey diet.The honey and milk would give
him/her more than enough nutrients to survive and live
through the ordeal. The more they were fed this mixture,
the more they would defecate inside the boats, but
also, the longer they stayed alive. This point, precisely,
was the cruelest yet most effective aspect of scaphism:
the victims couldn’t die from the diarrhea - induced
dehydration because they were fed milk and honey every
day. As a result, the victims could survive for days
and even weeks in a small hell of bugs, feces, milk,
and honey. As delirium and septis set in, the victim
would have no choice but to empty their bowels inside
the boats, the feces would accumulate and breed maggots
and other vermin that slowly made their way into the
victim’s body and ate them up from the inside. This is
what killed them, ultimately, as was confirmed when
the victim died and the boats would be separated,
revealing their half-eaten body. One can only imagine
what a body would smell like that had been sat in
diarrhea for a few days and partially eaten and
putrefied by insects in a swamp?

Wade says, "I am not going to mention any real names
from the physical world here, but I can easily think
of a 'Two-Ton-Tessie' employed by SPLC where - due to
the sheer physical size of this heifer - this process -
from instigation to termination - could literally take
MONTHS! May the feeding BEGIN!"

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Jim Mathias
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Re: Scaphism!

Post by Jim Mathias » Thu Mar 28, 2019 11:13 pm

Gruesome---and horrible. Is it my imagination or would it truly take some sort of 'sociopath' to perform this sort of action? If so, I'm not cut out for this sort of thing. Quick executions, if they're necessary in a Cosmotheist society, ought to be the rule. I wouldn't even subject certain Sweet Petunias of the SPLC to torture-towards-execution. Not that we Cosmotheists will knowingly allow Jews or their useful idiot lackeys in our community in the first place...

Speaking of mental conditions, I'm due to be sent a report from a psychologist who performed my mental health evaluation over a month ago---as per court orders. What's going to be inside of it? A clue was given to me awhile back, and it's possible that all those who believe I'm afflicted with something aren't going to be happy about it! ;)
Activism materials available! ===> Contact me via PM to obtain quantities of the "Send Them Back", "NA Health Warning #1 +#2+#3" stickers, and any fliers listed in the Alliance website's flier webpage.

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Wade Hampton III
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Re: Scaphism!

Post by Wade Hampton III » Thu Mar 28, 2019 11:39 pm

Jim Mathias wrote:Gruesome---and horrible. Is it my imagination or would it truly take some sort of 'sociopath' to perform this sort of action? If so, I'm not cut out for this sort of thing. Quick executions, if they're necessary in a Cosmotheist society, ought to be the rule. I wouldn't even subject certain Sweet Petunias of the SPLC to torture-towards-execution. Not that we Cosmotheists will knowingly allow Jews or their useful idiot lackeys in our community in the first place...
Hitler felt the same way toward the Jews. Quick and clean executions. It was a mistake that cost he
and the Third Reich their lives, and today Germany is a cesspool of a nation. Draw your own conclusions.

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Jim Mathias
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Re: Scaphism!

Post by Jim Mathias » Sat Mar 30, 2019 10:54 pm

Wade Hampton III wrote:
Jim Mathias wrote:Gruesome---and horrible. Is it my imagination or would it truly take some sort of 'sociopath' to perform this sort of action? If so, I'm not cut out for this sort of thing. Quick executions, if they're necessary in a Cosmotheist society, ought to be the rule. I wouldn't even subject certain Sweet Petunias of the SPLC to torture-towards-execution. Not that we Cosmotheists will knowingly allow Jews or their useful idiot lackeys in our community in the first place...
Hitler felt the same way toward the Jews. Quick and clean executions. It was a mistake that cost he
and the Third Reich their lives, and today Germany is a cesspool of a nation. Draw your own conclusions.
Thank you, I will draw my own conclusion.

The conclusion I've drawn is that Hitler's feelings, quick/clean executions as it relates to the fate of the German Reich of that time excludes other more significant factors as to make your suggestive outcome logically very weak---perhaps to the point of being a non-sequitur. Let's say Hitler had not only gruesomely tortured to death every single Jew in Europe and made a huge publicity deal out of it to attempt to scare the Jews into submission to his aims, it wouldn't have mattered as the Jewish press of that day was using every single incident of a broken Jewish fingernail as a reason to agitate their White hosts into doing their bidding. The desired results (war for Jewry) were achieved either way Hitler would've gone.

One highly relevant factor that did make the difference as to the outcome of that war was the extent of Jewish power to marshal the resources of 3 White-populated empires into the war against Germany/Europe to produce the outcome we see today. That is far more likely than these relatively small factors you mentioned.
Activism materials available! ===> Contact me via PM to obtain quantities of the "Send Them Back", "NA Health Warning #1 +#2+#3" stickers, and any fliers listed in the Alliance website's flier webpage.

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Wade Hampton III
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Re: Scaphism!

Post by Wade Hampton III » Sun Mar 31, 2019 3:06 pm

Jim Mathias wrote:
Wade Hampton III wrote:
Jim Mathias wrote:Gruesome---and horrible. Is it my imagination or would it truly take some sort of 'sociopath' to perform this sort of action? If so, I'm not cut out for this sort of thing. Quick executions, if they're necessary in a Cosmotheist society, ought to be the rule. I wouldn't even subject certain Sweet Petunias of the SPLC to torture-towards-execution. Not that we Cosmotheists will knowingly allow Jews or their useful idiot lackeys in our community in the first place...
Hitler felt the same way toward the Jews. Quick and clean executions. It was a mistake that cost he
and the Third Reich their lives, and today Germany is a cesspool of a nation. Draw your own conclusions.
Thank you, I will draw my own conclusion.

The conclusion I've drawn is that Hitler's feelings, quick/clean executions as it relates to the fate of the German Reich of that time excludes other more significant factors as to make your suggestive outcome logically very weak---perhaps to the point of being a non-sequitur. Let's say Hitler had not only gruesomely tortured to death every single Jew in Europe and made a huge publicity deal out of it to attempt to scare the Jews into submission to his aims, it wouldn't have mattered as the Jewish press of that day was using every single incident of a broken Jewish fingernail as a reason to agitate their White hosts into doing their bidding. The desired results (war for Jewry) were achieved either way Hitler would've gone.

One highly relevant factor that did make the difference as to the outcome of that war was the extent of Jewish power to marshal the resources of 3 White-populated empires into the war against Germany/Europe to produce the outcome we see today. That is far more likely than these relatively small factors you mentioned.
I am compelled to agree with you. However, I am also compelled to advocate medieval and ancient punishments
for the Jews because that is exactly what they have in store for us.

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Will Williams
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Re: Scaphism!

Post by Will Williams » Sun Mar 31, 2019 3:50 pm

Wade Hampton III wrote:...I am compelled to agree with you. However, I am also compelled to advocate medieval and ancient punishments for the Jews because that is exactly what they have in store for us.
It's good that you don't set Alliance policy, Wade, or you would scare off many of the very people we want to attract. We are in no position to start killing people like Hitler supposedly did with insecticide and gas ovens :roll: when they would not leave German soil voluntarily. Nor are we like the Catholic Church during the Inquisition, torturing non-believers with the thumbscrew or the rack or whatever other inhumane devices.

Sterilization of welfare bums and others who are a drain on our race is a starting point, but we are in no position to do much of anything like that now, so let's concentrate on what we can do: build our multimedia and infrastructure and recruit lots of new Alliance members who agree with our values and our program for advancement.

Gentle persuasion is the order of the day for the National Alliance, just like he said at the end of his ADV, "The Destructive Media," here: ... ive-media/
...So long as the Jews control our mass media they will be able to keep enough of our people confused and misled and divided so that we cannot regain control of our government by peaceful, democratic means.

If we are to regain control of our destiny and survive as a people, then we have only two choices: violent revolution to take the control of the mass media back by force, or gentle but effective persuasion to lead more and more of our people from confusion into understanding.

I personally believe that violent revolution is not feasible at this time, and as long as the course of gentle persuasion remains open to us, that is the course we must choose. I believe that the only proper thing for us to do now is to continue building our own media and making them more effective — media like our series of radio broadcasts and our World Wide Web sites on the Internet and the books and magazines published by National Vanguard Books.
If Whites insist on participating in "social media," do so on ours, not (((theirs))). Like us on; follow us on ᛉ

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Wade Hampton III
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Re: Scaphism!

Post by Wade Hampton III » Tue Apr 02, 2019 5:00 am

Will Williams wrote: It's good that you don't set Alliance policy, Wade, or you would scare off many of the very people we want to attract. We are in no position to start killing people like Hitler supposedly did with insecticide and gas ovens :roll: when they would not leave German soil voluntarily. Nor are we like the Catholic Church during the Inquisition, torturing non-believers with the thumbscrew or the rack or whatever other inhumane devices.

Actually the one I had in mind was 'Two-Ton-Tessie' at the SPLC. As you know, I am a supporter and
not an actual member of NA. I openly acknowledge that it is not my position to set NA policy, nor do I
harbor any desire to do so. At seventy-four-years of age and with multiple health issues, I am quite content
to leave policy-making decisions to my more youthful counterparts.

Just a question from the latest BULLETIN: How would YOU deal with the spy/turncoat who sabotaged
the WLP Memorial Library? Just a theoretical question of course, as I realize there is probably no
chance of bringing this person to justice at our own hands.
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