News From Southern Africa

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Re: News From Southern Africa

Post by Waffen » Tue Aug 14, 2018 7:48 am

Meanwhile in the jungle Witch doctors are killing their Nigglets and selling the parts as souvenirs. ... -killings/

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Jim Mathias
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Re: News From Southern Africa

Post by Jim Mathias » Mon Aug 20, 2018 12:28 am

Might does indeed make right! Great Britain's race-traitor politicians have rubber-stamped the farmland expropriations now underway: ... te-farmers
Update: In a truly stunning report, Theresa May’s government appears to be backing the Soviet-style policy of “land expropriation without compensation” aimed at dispossessing South Africa’s white farmers.

Breitbart London has seen a letter written by Harriet Baldwin MP, Minister of State at the Foreign and Commonwealth Office (FCO), to Sir Paul Beresford MP, who enquired what the government’s stance on the policy was on behalf of a concerned constituent.

“The British government understands the need for land reform in South Africa”, Baldwin asserted, adding that they “welcomed” promises from President Cyril Ramaphosa that “the process of land [re]distribution would be orderly within South African laws” and be carried out “without negatively affecting economic growth, agricultural production and food security”.

In a follow-up email to the constituent from the Africa Department (Central and Southern) of the FCO, also seen by Breitbart London and confirmed as “reflect[ing] Government policy on this issue” by the FCO newsdesk, the department confirms:

Theresa May is satisfied with having been told that “[the] process would be taken forward on a multi-party basis, through Parliament, and… within the bounds of the Constitution and carefully designed so as to avoid damaging food security or deterring investment”.

It appears the fact that one white farmer is being murdered every five days, and the fact that South Afriuca just changed its constitution to enable the compensation-less confiscation, and the fact that when these exact same actions of forced redistribution or more simply put - confiscation - were undertaken in Zimbabwe, the nation's economy collapsed and social unrest exploded; are irrelevant to the British government, who instead, if this report is true, merely take the words of a clearly corrupt leader as sacrosanct ('socialist activist' Cyril Ramaphosa is one of South Africa's richest men and has an estimated net worth of $550 million).

* * *

This report comes as it is becoming more and more clear that South Africa is going full Zimbabwe... and we know that did not end well.

"Strongman politics are ascendant," Barack Obama warned in South Africa. He spoke passionately about "the politics of fear and resentment" at the Mandela Lecture. He worried that we were entering a world, “where might makes right and politics is a hostile competition between tribes and races and religions.”

While the media used the remarks to attack Trump's meeting with Putin, Obama had shared a stage with South African President Cyril Ramaphosa who had come to power promising to seize land from white farmers. Ramaphosa was the latest in a series of ANC strongmen, including his predecessor, an alleged rapist, beginning with the Communist terrorist whose legacy Obama was commemorating.

President Ramaphosa had vowed early on to seize land from white farmers without compensation. "The expropriation of land without compensation is envisaged as one of the measures that we will use to accelerate redistribution of land to black South Africans,” he had declared. And denied that such racist Communist tactics were unconstitutional. Now he’s moving to modify South Africa’s constitution.

Initially, the ANC, which is partnered with the South African Communist Party, had claimed that seizing land would not violate the law. Now it’s actually going to change the South African constitution.

“It has become pertinently clear that our people want the constitution to be more explicit about expropriation of land without compensation,” President Ramaphosa announced.

When your only rule is mob rule by ANC thugs, it doesn’t really matter what a piece of paper says.

“We will accelerate our land redistribution programme not only to redress a grave historical injustice, but also to bring more producers into the agricultural sector and to make more land available for cultivation,” Ramaphosa claimed in his State of the Nation address.

Zimbabwe had already made great strides in improving agriculture through land seizures.

Land was stolen from the farmers who knew how to work it and handed out to politically connected thugs. Soon the former "bread basket" of Southern Africa was starving. Black groups pleaded with the white farmers to remain. Rural Zimbabwe died. Hyperinflation made the currency worthless. A trillion dollars might not be enough to buy one egg. A former food exporter was forced to rely on food aid.

"If white settlers just took the land from us without paying for it," Mugabe had declared, "we can, in a similar way, just take it from them without paying for it."

Ramaphosa’s rhetoric is an echo of one of Africa’s worst racist strongmen. Land seizures won’t bring South African land into “full use”, as he claims. It will mean productive land falling into the hands of ANC thugs who will be too corrupt, incompetent and greedy to do the hard work of working the land.

South Africa’s agricultural sector will go the way of Zimbabwe.

Cyril Ramaphosa is one of South Africa's richest men and has an estimated net worth of $550 million. How did a socialist student activist make a mint? The answer is an inevitable as it is unsurprising.

South Africa’s agricultural sector has been steadily in decline. Farms used to provide millions of jobs. Now they offer less than a million. Wheat planting has fallen to a third. Cotton to a tenth. A country that once exported wheat, is now importing millions of tons while its agriculture sector fails.

The decline of South Africa’s agriculture has gone hand in hand with what it euphemistically calls its land reforms. White farmers have been murdered or driven off their land. But land seizures, legal and illegal, with compensation or with a hatchet, haven’t made South African agriculture more productive.

Instead South Africa is becoming increasingly dependent on agricultural imports to feed its people.

Like Zimbabwe, South Africa is due to revisit the same implacable economic consequences of land seizures that took the Soviet Union down the road to famine and terror. Toward its end, the USSR, despite possessing territories that had once bulged with rich harvests, had gone deep into debt to buy food from the United States. The African National Congress’ Communist roots are taking South Africa down the same path as its fallen Communist masters. And with the same miserable results.

Comrade Ramaphosa, as Comrade Mandela liked to call him, is less of a strongman, than a weak man. More afraid of thugs like Julius Malema and the greed of his ANC comrades than of dooming his people to hunger. The ANC is populated with thugs who are impatiently waiting to loot South Africa’s corpse. And they’ve grown tired of pretending that they are anything more than a failed state’s Marxist mob.

The constitutional gambit is a desperate attempt to legitimize racist mob violence and ANC corruption. It takes the constant assaults on white farmers and tries to disguise lawlessness under the color of law.

One white farmer in South Africa has been murdered every five days. This ethnic cleansing has been going on with the same regular clockwork as the tributes to Nelson Mandela and his even more murderous wife. The racist violence, the murders, rapes and land seizures, the chants of, “Shoot the Boer” are backed by lies about a shadow white majority somehow still ruling South Africa even after all the years of ANC rule.

The media frequently repeats fake news statistics which claim that white farmers own 70% or more of the country’s farmland. The actual number is less than a quarter. Some of the best land in South Africa is already in black hands. And, just as in Zimbabwe, it hasn’t remedied the agricultural or social problems.

South Africa’s agricultural sector is already on its deathbed. Its corrupt economy is incapable of competing on the world stage. Its exports are not at issue, its ability to feed its own people is. Aggressive land seizures won’t do much more damage to South Africa’s economy, though it will discourage investors and drive out more white farmers, but will bring its society to its knees.

Meanwhile the plight of South Africa’s white farmers continues to be ignored. The ANC genocide has been slowly unfolding for a generation with the complicity of the same leftist leaders who covered up Communist genocides in the Soviet Union, Communist China and Cambodia. But this latest legitimization of land seizures by the ANC will only encourage a further outpouring of racist attacks on white farmers.

Australian Home Affairs Minister Peter Dutton has urged helping the persecuted white farmers of South Africa receive political asylum. But while every “persecuted” group is fast tracked for asylum, the door still remains shut for a productive population that has been targeted for economic ethnic cleansing.

In his State of the Nation speech, President Ramaphos declared,

“We are building a country where a person’s prospects are determined by their own initiative and hard work, and not by the color of their skin, place of birth, gender, language or income of their parents.” Seizing land from people because of the color of their skin and giving it to those who haven’t worked for it is the opposite of that vision.

And yet it’s easy to see why Obama was so comfortable with a politician who could twist the language of equality to justify identity politics theft and the verbiage of tolerance to justify racial oppression.

South Africa, like the Soviet Union and Venezuela, like Cambodia and Cuba, is not just an atrocity, it’s a cautionary tale. Ideology, more than race, connects the scattered strands of the leftist killing fields. To pretend that what happened there cannot happen here would be ignoring the lessons of history.

And a new red famine is growing where the red blood of white farmers flows into the dying earth.
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Wade Hampton III
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Re: News From Southern Africa

Post by Wade Hampton III » Tue Aug 21, 2018 3:05 am

SOUTH Africa has targeted the first two farms for unilateral seizure
after the owners refused an offer of one-tenth of the land’s value.

Wade says, "Didn't the Christian so-called 'Dutch Reformed Church'
make all of this possible? No doubt domestic (USofA) Christians
already have a canned answer : 'Just love Jesus a little more.'
Yeah, right."
:lol: ... 648ea5c53b

Benjamin Bice

Re: News From Southern Africa

Post by Benjamin Bice » Mon Aug 27, 2018 11:05 pm

Media Silent as South Africa Seizes Land from White Farmers

By Bill D'Agostino | August 20, 2018 9:41 PM EDT

The South African government has begun seizing land from white farmers, following an August 1 ruling which amended that nation’s constitution to legalize the practice. Despite the disturbing ramifications of this human rights abuse at the hands of a foreign government, both cable and network news have remained stubbornly silent on the issue.

According to the Johannesburg-based City Press, the South African government has begun the process of expropriating two game farms based in Limpopo. The government reportedly put the plan into motion after the owners rejected offers by the state to purchase their land for as little as one-tenth of its actual value.

It appears that the expropriations are meant to serve as retroactive punishment for apartheid. A spokesman for the ANC – the party in power in South Africa – has admitted as much, asserting that the seizures were “tied to addressing injustices of the past.”

News of these seizures broke in Western media on the morning of August 20, giving networks more than enough time to fit the story into their evening broadcasts. However, none bothered to mention the scandal.

These same networks did find time for other pressing international matters – such as the case of a Norwegian woman who was rescued after falling off a cruise ship embarking from Italy. That story was mentioned on both ABC's World News Tonight and NBC Nightly News.

Back in 2016, CBS Evening News ran segments two consecutive nights proclaiming that the white rhinoceros was “under assault” in South Africa. ABC has reported on that same crisis as recently as October of 2017.

Cable news outlets CNN and MSNBC have been equally uninterested in the ongoing land seizures. As far as print media, Newsweek appears to be the only widely-distributed American publication to have mentioned the story.

The media’s ongoing silence about this troubling development may in part be due to embarrassment from the left’s historic support for the ANC – the party responsible for the land-grabs. But whatever the reason, it appears that as far as South Africa is concerned, the liberal media are more interested in white rhinos than they are in white farmers.

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Wade Hampton III
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Re: News From Southern Africa

Post by Wade Hampton III » Wed Aug 29, 2018 3:17 am

We're All Boers Now!

NTS posted...

I last reported about the genocide of Whites in South Africa in last
weekend's rant... I for one am deeply disgusted that the Black majority
government in South Africa is absolutely going all out now in their
ignorance and stupidity for wanting to see every single White still
living in South Africa murdered or sent fleeing out of the nation
for their lives.... It is disgusting and of course NOT covered by
the Jew spew media that wants to see Whites exterminated everywhere
across this planet!
Sickening! And Jewish!
Sickening! And Jewish!
56894.JPG (53.52 KiB) Viewed 9737 times
I was sent the following video a short time ago, and I absolutely
want to share it with my own readers here... This one comes from
Youtube user "Red Ice TV" and is entitled: "We Are All Boers Now:
Slow-Motion Genocide In South Africa And What You Can Do About It"
and is narrated by Steve McNallen who actually witnessed the horrors
in South Africa for himself... It is a must see by those who need
to get up to speed on the TRUTH about what has been happening in
South Africa and I have it right here for all to see for
themselves... I have my own thoughts and comments to follow: ... icans.html

Benjamin Bice

Re: News From Southern Africa

Post by Benjamin Bice » Fri Oct 19, 2018 11:59 pm

The murder weapon: Two-foot, 82lb rock used to smash South African student to death as she was held down after being kidnapped and gang-raped is shown to court

By Jamie Pyatt For Mailonline
03:49 EDT 19 Oct 2018, updated 12:13 EDT 19 Oct 2018


A massive 82lb rock used to smash in the skull of a university student after she was kidnapped and brutally gang-raped has been presented in court.

Hannah, 21, would almost certainly have died instantly according to experts. However, to make sure, one of her killers also plunged a knife into her neck.

Vernon Witbooi, 33, Geraldo Parsons, 27, Nashville Julius, 29, and Eben Van Nieberk, 28, face charges including murder, kidnap, robbery and rape.

The chilling exhibit was lifted with a struggle onto a desk before the judge at the Western High Court in Cape Town, South Africa, by two strong security guards

Members of the public gallery in Cape Town gasped when the rock allegedly used to kill Hannah Cornelius was produced to the judge in the court room

Hannah Cornelius, 21, was raped and murdered in Stellenbosch, South Africa, after she and her friend were carjacked by four men in May last year

Vernon Witbooi, 33, Geraldo Parsons, 27, Eben Van Nieberk, 28, and Nashville Julius, 29, face a string of charges including murder, kidnap, robbery and rape

There were loud gasps of shock and horror from the public gallery as the alleged weapon used to murder the BA humanities student was produced in the court room.

It was said that magistrate's daughter Hannah and a friend Cheslin Marsh, 22, were kidnapped after she gave him a lift home in May last year at midnight.

She had parked her blue VW Golf – a gift from her grandmother - outside his flat but as they parked a gang of four men attacked them opening both doors.

They put a screwdriver to her chest and put a knife to the back of fellow student Mr Marsh and threatened to kill him.

The court heard one of the gang shouted at him: 'Sit still or she dies'.

Mr Marsh was robbed of cash and his phone and locked in the car boot and then the gang drove to a drug dealers home to buy drugs and smoked crystal meth.

Hannah was wedged between two of the four men in the back seat of the VW and the gang drove out of the upmarket wine producing town of Stellenbosch.

They pulled over and took Mr Marsh into the bushes and made him lay his head on a rock on the ground and then battered his skull with house bricks.

Ms Cornelius was dragged from her car and raped by at least three of the men, before they stabbed her in the neck and crushed her skull with a large rock

Ms Cornelius was dragged from her car and raped by at least three of the men, before they stabbed her in the neck and crushed her skull with a large rock

Parson's tattoo's included crossed swords, a gun, a grotesque sketch of a naked headless female with legs spread open and shoulder stars showing his rank, the court heard

A still from CCTV footage of Ms Cornelius and Mr Marsh who were chatting in a blue Volkswagen Citi Golf (pictured right during the subsequent police chase of the killers) when they were approached by four men
The brutal assault only stopped when the gang were convinced that he was dead.

That afternoon Marsh recovered consciousness and staggered to a nearby home suffering severe head injuries and a broken arm to raise the alarm about Hannah.

Unknown to him her body had been found earlier several miles away dumped by the road and a huge police search was already underway for him and the gang.

She had been dragged into bushes at a vineyard and gang raped by at least three of the men in what was described in court as an 'extremely painful' ordeal.

Hannah suffered severe vaginal and cervical injuries in the prolonged attack.

When it was over it is alleged that the gang then found the large boulder covering a water borehole nearby and manhandled it across to where she was laying.

Heavy bruising on her arms show she had been held down and it is believed that probably several of the gang lifted the huge rock and dropped it on her head.

Accused (left-right) Vernon Witbooi, Geraldo Parsons, Nashville Julius, and Eben Van Nieberk, in court yesterday

Three men made Mr Marsh (pictured after the attack) put his head on a rock then battered his skull with house bricks until they thought he was dead ... KD4VKAb1SA


Re: News From Southern Africa

Post by RetiredAndLivingOnAltairIV » Sat Oct 20, 2018 10:06 am

I think that any discussion of South Africa should never fail to mention that more South African whites than not wanted nigger rule in their country, as indicated here:
A referendum on ending apartheid was held in South Africa on 17 March 1992. The referendum was limited to white South African voters, who were asked whether or not they supported the negotiated reforms begun by State President F. W. de Klerk two years earlier, in which he proposed to end the apartheid system that had been implemented since 1948. The result of the election was a large victory for the "yes" side, which ultimately resulted in apartheid being lifted.
True, there were whites who voted against nigger rule, but the sad fact is that they were outnumbered by those whites who wanted it. Now, whether this was the result of ignorance, Leftist brainwashing, "Western" pressure, or sheer stupidity is up to the reader to decide. Nevertheless, more South African whites than not wanted black rule. As such, many of the atrocities and horrors that have since taken place are (at least in part) the fault of a large portion of the white population of South Africa. Therefore, the only whites worth mourning are those who voted against the ending of apartheid, yet I've little doubt that many of the victims who have fallen prey to murderous niggers in South Africa's cities were the very same people who voted to unleash these animals on society. Perhaps it is only the rural victims of Northern South Africa that we should feel any sympathy for.

Green Area of Map: Voted For Black Rule
Red Area of Map: Voted To Keep Black In Their Place


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Jim Mathias
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Before and after Black farm expropriation

Post by Jim Mathias » Wed Oct 24, 2018 2:10 am

A once flourishing grape and citrus farm of 480 hectare in Limpopo has been reduced to ruins, and chopped orange trees which were used for firewood.

This is the sad reality Solidarity yesterday encountered during a visit to the dilapidated Sunningdale farm, which is located between Mokopane and Polokwane. In 2010, the farm was transferred to the Sunningdale Workers' Trust by means of a land reform process.

Solidarity visited the farm after it successfully represented its member, Mr Hannes Korff, the former farm manager of 13 years, at the CCMA. The Trust unfairly dismissed him and never paid back a loan he granted the Trust. The Trust owes Mr Korff approximately R400 000.

According to Anton van der Bijl, Head of Solidarity's Labour Law Division, this is a significant victory for the trade union, but the reality of the decay on the farm is a tragedy for all. He said the farm had once employed approximately 158 workers. Therefore, 158 families - in total approximately 600 people - are not fed because of a disastrous land reform transaction in favour of incompetent beneficiaries.

One often hears about the disastrous consequences of ill-considered land reform transactions, but the reality hits you between the eyes when you stand amidst the dilapidated buildings and see the many irrigation pipes ripped out of the earth rotting in the sun, Van der Bijl added.

According to Mr Korff, the farm will now be auctioned to pay off the debt, but it will cost approximately R50 million to restore the farm to its former glory. This will include the warehouses, farm houses, irrigation system, vineyards and orchards, shading nets, border fences, and 37 boreholes which have been looted and covered with rocks.

Van der Bijl concluded by saying it is important to remember that this tragic demise of a once profitable farm does not only influence the farm manager, the workers and the surrounding area. The farm mainly exported its products and therefore the economy is also hit by this decay.

Issued by Anton van der Bijl, Head Labour Law Services, Solidarity, 20 June 2018 ... tRFXsJydD8

And here are some photographs at the link below: ... n-them.php
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Re: News From Southern Africa

Post by RetiredAndLivingOnAltairIV » Wed Oct 24, 2018 12:19 pm

South African nigz rockin' to the white genocide beat:


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Will Williams
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Re: News From Southern Africa

Post by Will Williams » Mon Oct 29, 2018 5:48 pm

South Africa’s ANC Attempts to Oust President Ramaphosa!
Don Boys, Ph.D. ... -ramaphosa

South Africa’s National Assembly chose Cyril Ramaphosa as their new president on February 15, 2018 after the forced resignation of President Zuma for corruption. Ramaphosa will face the voters in the General Election next year; however, former President Zuma is making a play for a return to office even though he faces numerous fraud charges.

South Africa’s Sunday Times’ headline on September 9, 2018 screamed, “Exposed: Jacob Zuma plot to oust Cyril” [Ramaphosa], the president of South Africa’s largest political party, the African National Congress (ANC).” The article revealed an ANC “secret meeting” involving the Secretary General Ace Magashule. The paper alleged that former president Jacob Zuma held a clandestine meeting in Durban recently with major ANC leaders including the Secretary General. At that meeting were three members of the ANC—North West chairperson Supra Mahumapelo, ANC Women's League Secretary General Meokgo Matuba and ANC Youth League KwaZulu-Natal Secretary Thanduxolo Sabelo.

The ANC denied that the meeting took place and any plans to dump President Ramaphosa and return Zuma to office in the 1919 General Election. Of course not, they love each other like brothers. Maybe like Cain loved Abel. Bloomberg quoted an ANC email statement on September 9 that the ANC “will not dignify these blatant lies and fabrications with a detailed response.” With that, the ANC, pretending to take a principled position, has simply given itself an excuse not to answer the charges.

Reuters reported on September 10, “The ruling African National Congress (ANC) on Sunday labelled reports that top ANC officials, including former President Jacob Zuma and the party’s secretary-general, were plotting in secret to unseat Cyril Ramaphosa as party leader as ‘Shameless gossip.’”

However, the Sunday Times published a photograph of the three above alleged conspirators at the Maharani Hotel in Durban on Thursday with Zuma. Two of the alleged conspirators declared that they “just happened” to be at the hotel at the same time. Sure. Sabelo said he was driving by and stopped to chat at the hotel because he saw Magashule there.

Ramaphosa consolidated his power after becoming President of South Africa, but it seems his political opponents, led by former President Zuma, are pushing him toward the exit. Zuma has a strong following in the ANC and wants to push President Ramaphosa (with very powerful business connections) off a cliff to provide a clear path back to the presidency next year in the General Election. The Sunday Times reported that a new political party had been formed by Zuma’s close ally Caesar Nongqunga, with Zuma’s blessing. Nongqunga is president of the Twelve Apostles Church in Christ.

The Sunday Times Sept. 17, 2018 issue reported that President Ramaphosa took a swipe at ANC Secretary-General Ace Magashule over persistent rumors that Magashule was involved in the clandestine meeting to plot the president’s removal. He suggested such action was “counter-revolutionary” as Magashule was sitting directly in front of him with other ANC leaders.

The President suggested such secret action was not wise since they were in a “war” and with the General Election approaching in 2019, they all need to work together.

There are many players in this sordid, dangerous story. Many are stirring the pot and many people are getting rich and many are getting dead. The ANC, now fractured into many factions, has been hip deep in intrigue for many years. Some have been ousted from the party, some from the provinces have been promoted to top positions, and others have been killed—by former friends and compatriots. Since 2016, more than 90 politicians have been killed according to researchers at the University of Cape Town.

The New York Times published an article “Hit Men and Power” on September 30, 2018 highlighting that “corruption and divisions have flourished within the A.N.C. in recent years.” It admits that too many have lost the vision of earlier years and are struggling for “influential positions and the spoils that go with them.”

The Times reported on April 16 that “graft has engulfed the country” and “Corruption has enriched A.N.C. leaders and their business allies—black and white South Africans, as well as foreigners.”

President Cyril Ramaphosa has promised to work on the corruption and political murders but refused to provide police protection for whistle-blowers who are in fear for their lives and are in hiding. Ramaphosa himself has been tainted because some of his allies he appointed to office have been accused of corruption. He is trying to hang on to power until the General Election next year. The political murders are not simply taking place in Cape Town, Johannesburg, Durban, and Pretoria but in rural areas. Ramaphosa simply can’t contain all the various, warring factions.

Some new leaders in the nation are more extreme than Ramaphosa appears to be and they are giving him perpetual heartburn.

According to The Citizen, September 17, 2018, Lindsay Maasdorp , the Black Land First (BLF) spokesperson has stated his views reflecting his party’s belief that all white people in South Africa are criminals by virtue of their existence! He also repeated his party’s slogan, “land or death.” The founder of BLF Andile Mngxitama is so far to the left that far left Julius Malema couldn’t get along with him and Mngxitama was booted from the Economic Freedom Fighters (EFF).

In its "Revolutionary Call" published on April 27, 2016, BLF asserted, “We want all the land with all of its endowments on its surface together with all the fortunes underground as well as the sky. All of it belongs to us! We are a people crying for our stolen land! Now we have decided to get it back by any means necessary."

The black racists made clear that “by any means necessary” means without concern for horrific results such as famine, bloodshed, or another Zimbabwe nightmare.

Obviously, Ramaphosa is being pulled and pushed from many sides, many of them more radical than he. He is busy enough trying to stay in power and get reelected next year, but he has so many warring factions inside and outside the ANC, plus the murder for hire of wayward members and multiple acts of sabotage in many major cities. Everyone seems to carry guns or has bodyguards—even low-level provincial (state) leaders. If one complains about the shoddy work done on a government project or publicly complains about political corruption, he ends up dead in a few days. Of course, the culpable politicians often attend his funeral and may even weep copious tears. I suppose such people are in the Department of Hypocrisy.

The Communist dominated ANC is infamous for sabotage in earlier years and now that there are many factions within, it has returned to sabotage plus assassinations—of longtime comrades.

Surely, Hollywood and well-meaning leftist politicians from the west will organize boycotts and protests (as they did in the late 1980s) in support of white farmers who are being murdered by Blacks, and some black ANC politicians who are living under death threats from black hitmen.

Don’t count on it since far leftists—black and white—are the most inconsistent, insensitive, and inadequate people in the world.
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