Dr. Pierce Discusses Shabbos Goy Chris Christie

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Will Williams
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Dr. Pierce Discusses Shabbos Goy Chris Christie

Post by Will Williams » Thu Nov 21, 2013 4:18 pm

Commentary from the October 1983 issue of National Alliance BULLETIN:
Chris Christie angered over National Alliance presence on campus

The reaction of University of Delaware officials and the "in crowd" on the student newspaper staff and in the student government, as indicated in the student newspaper, to an Alliance leaflet distribution was disappointing but not surprising. The student government president, Christ Christie, quoted in the student newspaper article reproduced here, is pictured elsewhere in the newspaper flashing a toothy TV smile suitable for a political candidate. He has the distinct appearance of a young man cut out to become president of the local Jaycees wherever he take up residency after graduation: a fellow who will always go along in order to get along.
Flashing toothy TV smile suitable for a political candidate
What is more interesting is the reaction of the university officials, who acted as if the making available to the students and faculty at the University of Delaware of the names of the men who own and/or mange America’s news and entertainment media were a crime--or, at least, a very reprehensible act of "racial and religious discrimination." This is almost exactly the reaction which member James McDonald received from local officials in San Jose, CA, when he distributed information on the racial characteristics of rapists there (see "The Law" in NV No. 97; http://williamlutherpierce.blogspot.com ... ue-no.html). And it is the reaction which members can expect to encounter more frequently in the future, as the fear of heresy become stronger and stronger among demoralized, frightened, insecure White Americans. Increasingly they will seek the approval of Jews, Blacks, and other organized minorities by turning on anyone who speaks out against the revealed religion of multiracial equality and brotherhood. This fear-conditioned behavior, immune to reason, will not change so long as the unorganized White masses perceive organized minorities as stronger than organized, racially conscious Whites.
The best way for Alliance members to combat this behavior is through boldness: by handing leaflets directly to students instead of surreptitiously placing them under windshield wipers at night, by deliberately engaging then in discussion on the issues, by challenging apologists for the Jews to public debate, by speaking out in social-studies classes whenever the opportunity arises, by becoming as insistent and obnoxious as necessary to gain equal space in the student newspaper, by knowing exactly what their rights and the laws are. The other side cannot, of course, debate the issues on the facts, since the facts are against them. Therefore, the Chris Christie types, when faced with a bold, capable Alliance member, must either back down and look foolish and weak, or they must resort to Jewish methods: lawyerly debating tricks and deception, emotional appeals, organized badgering and heckling, even physical intimidation--especially if there is a large non-White contingent on the campus.
Republican Party presidential hopeful Chris Christie with friends

There are few Alliance members who are usually able to acquit themselves well in such situations; they have quick wits, steady nerves, and strong lungs. Others can develop their abilities in this direction, to a certain extent, though training and practice. But there are many members who will not perform well in such situations. They can use their energies more effectively in one-on-one personal recruiting, in assisting someone else who is experienced and capable at public reaching--or in individual impersonal recruiting activities which involve a minimum of public contact, such as placing leaflets under windshield wipers.
It should be understood, however, that these last-mentioned activities cannot be expected to have a significant effect on public opinion, which is formed almost entirely by sub-rational processes; facts alone, outside a personal-social context, mean very little to the average citizen. Even a leaflet as simple and straightforward as Who Rules America? can hardly be assimilated by someone who is afraid that the information therein may be dangerous or ever controversial. A saturation of a university campus with leaflets will not by itself--without a good deal of accompanying, effective public activity--cause the average White student to change his attitudes. The "verbal and physical abuse" of Jews at the University of Delaware mentioned in the student newspaper article was based entirely on an unreasoning, instinctive dislike of Jews by White students there, not on any understanding of the Jews’ destructive role in White society.
There is some value, of course, in simply disseminating facts and ides, whether the public is capable of making intelligent use of them or not: they are seeds, which will lodge themselves in even the most infertile minds and remain there until the opportunity to sprout and grow comes, perhaps many years later.

See here for photos and proper formatting: http://williamlutherpierce.blogspot.com ... chris.html
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Re: Dr. Pierce Discusses Shabbos Goy Chris Christie

Post by Reinhard » Fri Apr 04, 2014 2:00 am

Chris Christie apologizes for ‘occupied territories’ remark at Jewish affair

Gov. Chris Christie has fallen all over himself and bent over backwards to reassure multibillionaire Jewish fatcat Sheldon Adelman of his undying allegiance to the Jewish state and that he truly does want to serve the Zionist cause.

LAS VEGAS New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie apologized to Sheldon Adelson in a meeting Saturday for stepping on a fault line in Middle East politics during a speech he gave earlier in the day, according to a source familiar with the conversation.

Invoking a 2012 trip he and his family took to Israel, Christie recalled in the speech: “I took a helicopter ride from the occupied territories across and just felt personally how extraordinary that was to understand, the military risk that Israel faces every day.”

Murmurs in the crowd

While the story was intended to forge common cause with Adelson and the several hundred donors to the Republican Jewish Coalition to which Christie was speaking, his use of the term “occupied territories” set off murmurs in the crowd. The term refers to lands in which Palestinians live where Israel maintains a military presence, including the West Bank.

But the term is rejected by some conservative Zionists like Adelson who see it as validating Palestinian challenges over Israel’s presence. Other supporters of Israel oppose the use of the term as well.

Not long after his speech, Christie met with Adelson privately in the casino mogul’s office in the Venetian hotel and casino, which hosted the RJC meeting.

Hastens to 'clarify' position in private audience with mogul

The source told POLITICO that Christie “clarified in the strongest terms possible that his remarks today were not meant to be a statement of policy.”
Instead, the source said, Christie made clear “that he misspoke when he referred to the ‘occupied territories.’ And he conveyed that he is an unwavering friend and committed supporter of Israel, and was sorry for any confusion that came across as a result of the misstatement.”
Adelson accepted Christie’s explanation, the source said.


Importance of mega-donor

The mini-controversy and quick apology highlight both the importance of Adelson as the reigning mega-donor in GOP politics, as well as the tricky terrain that Middle East politics can pose for American politicians courting Jewish donors and voters.
Before the meeting, Adelson ally Morton Klein, president of the hawkish Zionist Organization of America, had confronted Christie about his use of the term, telling POLITICO he explained to the New Jersey governor that “at minimum you should call it disputed territories.”

Christie was non-committal, said Klein, who concluded afterwards that the governor “either doesn’t understand the issue at all, or he’s hostile to Israel.”

Regales audience with Israel tales

Besides the comment, Christie largely impressed the crowd Saturday night with tales of his own trips to Israel.

He also criticized the Obama administration’s approach to foreign policy, which the crowd distrusts deeply.

“We cannot have a world where our friends are unsure of whether we’ll be with them, and our enemies are unsure of whether we’ll be against them,” Christie said to loud applause.

Other governors seek favor

Christie recounted meeting the hawkish Israel Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, an RJC favorite, and being “extraordinarily taken by his strength and resolve.”
Christie was one of three Republican governors to speak to the crowd Saturday night. Gov. Scott Walker of Wisconsin and Gov. John Kasich of Ohio also spoke to the crowd, offering a strong defense of Israel, too.

The three governors are considered likely contenders for the GOP presidential nomination in 2016. Party stalwarts hope their attendance this weekend will help convince Adelson to support an establishment candidate in the next presidential, rather than a dark horse candidate like Newt Gingrich, whom he propped up with millions in 2012.

http://theneworder.org/news/2014/04/chr ... sh-affair/


Re: Dr. Pierce Discusses Shabbos Goy Chris Christie

Post by Michael1488 » Sat Apr 12, 2014 12:46 am

Wow I had no idea Dr. Pierce wrote something on Christie 30 years ago. Even then he had the wisdom to make an accurate prediction (As he was so good at doing) that Christie would enter politics at some point.

That picture of him on the NA bulletin reminds me somewhat of the picture Gliebe had of himself on the National Alliance official website. I've told many in the past that he ran the NA for 10 years like a dim-witted wannabe politician.

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Will Williams
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Re: Dr. Pierce Discusses Shabbos Goy Chris Christie

Post by Will Williams » Wed Apr 30, 2014 12:37 pm

Michael1488 wrote:Wow I had no idea Dr. Pierce wrote something on Christie 30 years ago. Even then he had the wisdom to make an accurate prediction (As he was so good at doing) that Christie would enter politics at some point.
We just added this new Politics section to WB and thought this piece about Christie would be a good entry here with 2014 being an election year and Christie throwing his hat in the ring to become the Republican Party's nominee for POTUS in 2016.

This article had become buried in the News section. I just added the photos which bring home the point that CC is no friend of White loyalists, but just another typical politician trying to please everybody but Whites.

Political Buddies
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John Flynn

Re: Dr. Pierce Discusses Shabbos Goy Chris Christie

Post by John Flynn » Thu May 22, 2014 3:09 am

Courting powerful Jewish donors for the second time in two months, New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie called Sunday for a more aggressive foreign policy that defends American values abroad, but he also said he is concerned about the direction America is heading in.

"The rest of the world watches in desperation and hope that America will realize and act upon once again its indispensable place in the world," Christie, a prospective Republican presidential contender, said in a keynote address Sunday at the Champions of Jewish Values International awards gala in New York. "We must lead."

He charged that America must represent the strongest military and economic power, but also "the strongest moral power for what is good and what is right in the world."

“We see Russian activism once again rearing its head in the world, we see an America that backed away from a commitment made by the president of the United States in Syria, we see a country, our country, permitting even a thought of a terrorist state like Iran having nuclear capability,” Christie said. “It's unthinkable that the America that has led in the way that it has always led this world would permit that to happen. Yet we are sitting in a world, we are watching the vacuum that the lack of American leadership has created being filled and it is almost never filled by virtue, it is almost always filled by evil.”

The appearance offered Christie a second chance to impress deep-pocketed Jewish donors after stumbling in a recent speech to the Republican Jewish Coalition. Sunday's event also featured Gov. Rick Perry of Texas, Sen. Cory Booker of New Jersey and major political donor Sheldon Adelson.


The gathering comes as donors — none bigger than Adelson — begin to size up the crowded field of potential Republican presidential candidates ahead of the 2016 contest. While billed as a nonpartisan affair, there were political references throughout the evening.

Asked if he was running for president, Perry told reporters: "I'm being governor for the next nine months. To be real honest with you I don't know what I'm gonna do after that."

Christie did not talk about his own presidential prospects in a speech that offered aggressive rhetoric but few specifics. He didn't mention Israel, but insisted that America's leaders must send "clear and consistent signals" to those nations it supports and those it doesn't while promoting America's values.

"We need to stand once again loudly for these values," he said. "And sometimes that's going to mean standing in some very messy, difficult places. Standing long and hard for those things that we believe in."

He added: "We will either lead or disappoint. Those are the only two choices. Unfortunately, today, in my opinion, America is disappointing. But it's not too late."

Christie was seated at the same table as Adelson, who figures to play a prominent role in the selection of the next Republican presidential nominee. It was their second meeting over the last two months.

At a Las Vegas gathering of the Republican Jewish Coalition in late March, Adelson met with Christie and several other possible Republican contenders: former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush, Ohio Gov. John Kasich and Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker.

At the time, Christie, a Catholic, said he was overwhelmed by displays of religious tolerance during a recent trip to Jerusalem.

"I took a helicopter ride from occupied territories across ... and just felt, personally, how extraordinary that was to understand the military risk that Israel faces every day," Christie said.

The comment about "occupied territories" drew sharp criticism from some in the audience. The Israeli government and by extension most of Israel's supporters in the U.S. don't consider the West Bank and East Jerusalem to be occupied territory.

After the speech, Christie met privately with Adelson to explain that he misspoke.

With a net worth estimated at nearly $40 billion, Adelson may be the Republican Party's most influential donor. He is known for his devotion to Israel, in addition to an aggressive American foreign policy.

Adelson donated more than $90 million to Republican candidates and their allies in the 2012 election.

http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2014/05 ... on-israel/

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Will Williams
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Re: Dr. Pierce Discusses Shabbos Goy Chris Christie

Post by Will Williams » Tue Jan 13, 2015 5:38 pm

Chris Christie, a disgusting excuse for a white man.

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David York

Re: Dr. Pierce Discusses Shabbos Goy Chris Christie

Post by David York » Wed Jan 14, 2015 12:03 am

I used to wonder why those crazy Jews are always bobbing their heads when they are facing that wall and praying. Then I saw this video by a Jewish insider:
Apparently the Kabbalistic Jews think there is a Goddess of Fertility living in that wall, and so the bobbing is not just fervent prayer, they are actually mimicking sexual acts by thrusting their pelvis back and forth towards the wall. The Idea I guess is that imaginary Goddess trapped in the wall needs someone to fertilize her eggs and bring forth her God offspring. Quite a nutty bunch of people they are. I think if Christie wants to make a better impression on the Jews he needs to go to town on that wall a little rougher than he is. :lol:

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Will Williams
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Re: Dr. Pierce Discusses Shabbos Goy Chris Christie

Post by Will Williams » Sat Jul 04, 2015 10:07 am


Christopher Christie (the man with Christ in his name twice) has finally announced his candidacy to be the Republican Party's choice for President in 2016.
Will Williams wrote:Chris Christie, a disgusting excuse for a white man.

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Mike G

Re: Dr. Pierce Discusses Shabbos Goy Chris Christie

Post by Mike G » Sat Jul 04, 2015 11:12 am

Thanks for the bump, I also was unaware of Dr. pierce discussing him, very interesting.

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Will Williams
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Re: Dr. Pierce Discusses Shabbos Goy Chris Christie

Post by Will Williams » Thu Feb 28, 2019 3:40 pm

Bump for effect!

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