Jews vs. Palestinians

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Will Williams
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Re: Jews vs. Palestinians

Post by Will Williams » Thu Oct 27, 2016 1:20 pm

Israel: Settlers' takeover of security posts 'alarming'
The settler movement's capture of top posts
in security establishment reflects the wider
trends in Israeli society.

Jonathan Cook

Jerusalem - The top posts in Israel's national police force are now in the hands of hardline religious settlers who are seeking to make "alarming" changes to policing in both Israel and the occupied territories, critics have warned.

The settler leadership has made no secret of its intentions to dominate the police force [EPA]

The growing influence of the settler movement was highlighted this month with the appointment of Rahamim Brachyahu as the force's chief rabbi. He lives in Talmon, a settlement close to the Palestinian city of Ramallah in the West Bank.

Roni Alsheikh, who was made police chief late last year, lived for many years in one of the most violent settlements, Kiryat Arba, next to Hebron. According to Israel's Haaretz daily, Alsheikh lobbied hard on behalf of Brachyahu for the chief rabbi position.

It is the first time members of the religious settler community have held either of these top posts. Both have expressed their commitment to accelerating a programme called Believers in the Police, established five years ago, to recruit settlers and fast-track their promotion to officer rank.

Brachyahu has described the influx of religious settlers into the police as "a beautiful partnership, bringing something Godly into something that has historically functioned as not Godly."

He has also declared his intention to place a stronger emphasis on Jewish religious law, or halakha, in policing work. His goal, he has stated, is to create a book of Biblical and rabbinical commandments for use by all police officers as they go about their duties.

That has raised deep concern among Palestinian leaders because Brachyahu has defended a notorious rabbinical handbook for settlers known as the King's Torah. It argues that Jewish religious law justifies killing Palestinians as a preventative measure - including children in case they grow up to become "terrorists".

"Religious fundamentalist, ultra-nationalist settlers are gaining power over many areas of public life in Israel," Aida Touma-Suleiman, a Palestinian member of the Israeli parliament, told Al Jazeera.

"But the transformation of the police is especially alarming, because it is supposed to be a civilian agency. Now there is a struggle in the police about which has priority - God's laws or the state's laws."...

More, here: ... 57139.html
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Re: Jews vs. Palestinians

Post by Will Williams » Sat Jun 24, 2017 10:36 am

Lawyer who says Palestinians don’t exist sues San Francisco university
Charlotte Silver - Lobby Watch
23 June 2017

A lawyer who denies that Palestinians exist is suing San Francisco State University, alleging the administration there fosters a hostile environment for Jewish students.

But faculty and civil rights lawyers say the lawsuit, filed on behalf of six plaintiffs, is yet another attempt at censorship by conflating criticism of Israel with anti-Semitism.

The complaint, filed in federal court in Northern California on 19 June, was prepared by The Lawfare Project, a group that describes itself as “the legal arm of the pro-Israel community.”

Last year, the group’s director, Brooke Goldstein, was filmed asking Israel lobby leaders in New York, “Why are we using the word Palestinian?”

“There’s no such thing as a Palestinian person,” Goldstein asserted:

[youtube] ... DqeS157ZJQ[/youtube] ... -299196117

Palestinian freedom fighter Abu Nidal would have disagreed with this ultra-Zionist American Jewess:
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Re: Jews vs. Palestinians

Post by Will Williams » Tue Jun 27, 2017 9:58 am

Will Williams wrote:“There’s no such thing as a Palestinian person,” Goldstein asserted:
As reported in The New York Times April 1, 1988: Standing atop an ancient West Bank castle, Yitzhak Shamir, Israel Prime Minister, told reporters: “We say to them (Arabs/Palestinians) from the heights of this mountain and from the perspective of thousands of years of history that they are like grasshoppers compared to us.”
Yes, Shitsack, we understand: there are no Palestinian people, only Palestinian grasshoppers. :roll: And there are no American people, either, only stupid cattle (goyim).

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Post by permela » Mon Jul 03, 2017 2:21 pm

Will Williams wrote:Miller called me from jail a week or so ago and told me the court has allowed him to have a researcher that will be paid $60 per hour. Alex Linder was approved to be that researcher and has a thread on his VNN forum where he now writes about his research:

Linder can't pass up an opportunity to get in a cheap jab at me, I see (post #1041):

- I [Linder] informed him [Miller] Judy Thomas of KCStar wants to interview Rounder again, he said he has her number and will call her. Says she wrote an insulting article on rebel flag (offending Will Williams, who talked to her, like a, well, Will Williams). Rounder says she did a couple articles "that bordered on fairness when she first started interviewing me."

I've never seen any article about the rebel flag by Judy Thomas and don't believe Miller told Linder that I had. She wrote an article about me and the National Alliance a couple of months back, lumping us in with the KKK, Aryan Nations, militias and even "racist prison gangs," that irked me somewhat, but I tended to blame that on her editors, not her. I let her know and wrote about her yellow journalism in the May National Alliance BULLETIN, which, I'm sure, hurt her feelings when she received what I'd written about her "story" and the Kansas City Star.

I'm glad Linder is able to help Miller and is being paid to do so. Hope he can run up his billable hours.

Here is the interesting five page Motion for Acquittal of All Charges filed by Miller on June 10th. Sorry about the size; just read all five pages here:
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Re: Jews vs. Palestinians

Post by Will Williams » Mon Jul 03, 2017 5:37 pm

Thanks for fixing that, permela. The rest of Mr. Miller's classic 6-page motion, pleading the necessity defense, is still viewable and worth reading, here:

The last post in that discussion was made nearly a year ago by Fred Streed, also a classic:
I absolutely detest this tendency of people nominally on the White side to immediately start sniveling and crying about how bad it makes White Nationalists look every time someone takes any action. It is hard to come up with anything more counter-productive. The proper response is to blame it on the jew. Glenn Miller? A good White man who cared deeply for his people and became frustrated by an anti-White system which has made peaceful change impossible. It has the advantage of being true. We should always put a pro-White spin on things, every time. We don't have to lie, just use a different perspective, a White viewpoint. Quit playing by the jew's rules, quit being defensive, kick the bastards in the balls and then kick their teeth out when they go down.

The left seems to do this instinctively. They do it because they are cowardly hyenas, it is just their nature. We are on a higher plane and are not motivated by the same love of violence and hatred as the jews and leftist scum, or the lower races. We are not psychopaths who love violence for its own sake, but we should not hesitate to use it as a tool. Detached violence. Violence in countering jew arguments not by verbally defending ourselves but by deconstructing their propaganda and shoving it down their foul throats until they choke on it. Violence by doing everything we can to monkey-wrench the rotten genocidal jew system. Violence in tearing down the curtain and pointing at the kike pulling the strings and yelling "jew." Psychological violence by making the jew worry about the safety of his family. And when the time comes, physical violence to rid ourselves of the various parasites feeding off of Western Civilization.

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Re: Jews & "amen corner" (U.S. Senate) vs. Palestinians

Post by Will Williams » Tue Aug 29, 2017 6:12 pm

Senate Bill 720: Making It A Crime To Support Palestinian Human Rights

U.S. senators are tripping over themselves as they attempt to defend their support for or opposition to proposed legislation that would make it a federal crime to support the international campaign to Boycott, Divest, or Sanction (BDS) Israel for its continued occupation of Palestinian lands. What ties these officials up in knots are their efforts to square the circle of their “love of Israel,” their opposition to BDS, their support for a “two-state solution,” and their commitment to free speech. ... mg00000003
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Re: Jews vs. Palestinians

Post by Will Williams » Sat Sep 02, 2017 2:49 pm

Rabbi who urged Gaza genocide excused rape by soldiers
David Sheen The Electronic Intifada
1 September 2017

Shmuel Eliyahu, the chief rabbi of Safad, sitting behing the kosher CocaCola, has justified the rape of non-Jewish women and the mass slaughter of Palestinian civilians during war. (Mercaz HaRav)

A prominent Israeli rabbi known to have advocated genocide in Gaza also advised that soldiers may rape during wartime, it has emerged.

Shmuel Eliyahu, chief rabbi of Safad in present-day Israel, approved rape by the military in a 2002 article that has gone largely unnoticed.

Writing on, a popular Hebrew-language website catering for religious Jews, Eliyahu contended that Israeli soldiers would lose their motivation to wage war if they are not allowed to rape non-Jewish women.

The comments were made five years before Eliyahu recommended that Israel should use massive force in Gaza.

In 2007, he said that Israel “must kill 100,000, even a million” people in Gaza if that was necessary to stop Palestinian resistance fighters from firing rockets.

Eliyahu’s 2002 comments on rape were highlighted in a recent Facebook post by Ruhama Weiss, a Jerusalem-based academic.

“Don’t weaken his spirit”
In a column called “Ask the Rabbi,” Eliyahu suggested that a biblical law authorized sexual violence under certain circumstances. He was responding to a question – apparently by one of the website’s readers – about whether women could be viewed as “war booty.”

According to Eliyahu, an Israeli soldier should be subject to few, if any, constraints when fighting a war.

“Now he has got to fight, and you shouldn’t be preaching morality to him,” he wrote. “Do it at home, before the war, and not now in the middle of the war. Don’t weaken his spirit. If you forbid him from a beautiful woman and he’s enraptured by her outer charms, then he’ll think about her and is likely to get to the point where the Jewish people will be defeated. What will you gain from that?”

Eliyahu interpreted a biblical scripture as meaning “if it burns in you, take a beautiful woman,” thereby excusing rape during war.

That view is at odds with international law. The International Criminal Court has confirmed that the use of rape in armed conflict is a war crime.

After justifying the woman’s rape, Eliyahu goes on to blame the victim, wondering if she “may have specially made herself up, in order to take [the soldier] down and incriminate him.” Eliyahu even implied that these rape victims ought to be thankful for not subsequently being killed, or kept in sexual slavery for the rest of their lives.

“Notice her life was spared during wartime,” he wrote. “She isn’t even held captive by sword. He cannot live with her, as one lives with women and then sell her as a slave. He frees her!! Free as a bird!!”

Niche of bigotry
The revelation that Shmuel Eliyahu has given such reprehensible advice should come as no great surprise.

The 60-year-old Israeli cleric, whose salary is paid by the state, has carved out quite the niche for himself as one of the country’s leading bigots, inciting against indigenous Palestinians, African refugees, Israel’s gay and lesbian community and even secular Jews.

He has been investigated by the Israeli authorities for alleged incitement to racism – though without being prosecuted.

In 2010, Eliyahu authored a religious edict forbidding Jews from selling or even renting property to non-Jewish people.

Eliyahu leaned on a local resident in Safad, a then-89-year-old survivor of the Nazi Holocaust, to stop renting rooms in his home to Palestinians citizens of Israel, students at the local college. The man eventually asked the students to leave, after he was warned over the phone that his home would be torched if he didn’t.

Eliyahu is a son of the late Mordechai Eliyahu, who served as Israel’s chief rabbi from 1983 to 1993.

When that post last became vacant in 2013, the Jewish Home – a party deeply involved in the Israeli settler movement – urged that Shmuel Eliyahu should fill it. The Jewish Home is part of Israel’s ruling coalition.

Eliyahu’s advice resembles that which Eyal Krim, now the chief rabbi in the Israeli military, has previously given.

In 2003, Krim also sanctioned rape during war in an “Ask the Rabbi” column for

Last year, his appointment as the army’s chief rabbi was delayed for a week. Angered by his remarks on rape, some left-leaning politicians appealed against his appointment to the Israeli high court; their appeal was rejected.

During that brief delay, Krim received the full-throated support of over 150 army rabbis, as well as government ministers from the Jewish Home party.

In recent years, numerous Jewish Home lawmakers have themselves been accused of sex crimes. Allegations against one such lawmaker have been examined by a forum of rabbis, affiliated with the party. The rabbis decided against calling the lawmaker for questioning.

The head of that rabbinical forum was Shmuel Eliyahu.
--- ... -soldiers/
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Re: Jews vs. Palestinians

Post by Will Williams » Thu Sep 14, 2017 9:51 am

Israel, White House Abandon Pretense of Peace Process
Resolving conflict now an 'artifact of history' and Trump couldn't care less.
September 12, 2017
"Don't worry, Bibi, buddy. I've got your back 1,000%."
The remarkable run of international attention aimed at solving the Israel-Palestine conflict has run its course. In the decades from the Security Council deliberations leading the passage of UN Security Council Resolution 242 in 1967 to Secretary of State John Kerry’s peripatetic wanderings, no other issue so animated international diplomacy. This sustained, top-level attention was no mean feat in a world where disasters are the order of the day. But although it often seemed to be the case, the “peace process” could not rivet the world’s fickle attention forever.

The dance ended with a whimper in 2014. Today, there is less interest in a solution to the Israel/Palestine/Arab conflict than at any time since Israel’s creation almost seven decades ago. True, there are other issues commanding international attention. But the conflict’s absence from news headlines and the briefing books reflect much more substantive realities than the simple competition for headlines.

During the golden years after the Oslo agreement in 1993, diplomats and politicians alike contented themselves with the lazy analytical argument that the parameters of a deal were self-evident. Since “we all know what the endgame looks like,” the goal was simply to establish a mechanism that would produce a peace treaty between Israel and the PLO, conditioned by an agreed upon Israeli withdrawal from most (and as time passed decreasing percentage) of the West Bank and east Jerusalem.

Such silliness passed for statecraft during the Bush and Obama years, and empowered a more determined and hard–headed Israeli set of diplomatic priorities. Top on this list was Israel’s relentless expansion of settlements throughout the West Bank—a reflection of the enduring Israeli consensus in its favor. Next was the decision by an aging Prime Minister Ariel Sharon to present Palestinians and his own successors with the fait accompli of an unconditional Israeli withdrawal from the Gaza Strip in 2005, a decision that broke all the rules of the U.S.-led peace process and has been ratified consistently since then in serial wars between Israel and Gaza’s nationalist-Islamist rulers. Today, Gaza remains the most dynamic arena where often clashing, but occasionally intersecting, Israeli and Palestinian interests compete.

The agenda of Benjamin Netanyahu’s Israeli government provides instructive insights into the current state of affairs. Netanyahu’s interest in a two-state solution has always been conditioned by his assessment of the terms of an agreement favored by the U.S., which formally embraced a two-state solution during the George W. Bush administration.

During the Obama years, Netanyahu easily parried Washington’s ham-fisted efforts to secure a settlement freeze—the original centerpiece of its first signature diplomatic initiative. Obama never established an agreed basis for substantive talks. Instead, Obama bequeathed to the Trump administration a historic unraveling throughout the Middle East. Palestine was delivered to the new administration as a scorched diplomatic landscape, characterized by despair and boredom with the continuing conflict.

Trump’s sympathies on Palestine are clearly with Israel’s revisionist right wing. He and his aides have little idea and even less interest about how to approach—let alone solve—the conflict. As a consequence, Netanyahu has abandoned any pretense of interest in or commitment to the evacuation of West Bank territory in order to make room for the creation of a Palestinian state.

“We are here to stay forever,” he declared at a recent ceremony marking one half century of settlement in the northern West Bank. “There will be no more uprooting of settlements in the land of Israel.”

“This is the inheritance of our ancestors.” he said. “This is our land.”
Read more, here: ... e-process/
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Re: Jews vs. Palestinians

Post by Will Williams » Tue Oct 03, 2017 10:14 am

Video: Everyday Israelis express support for genocide
Ali Abunimah 2 October 2017

[youtube]...won't post, see link at bottom...[/youtube]

“I don’t think there’s any answer to it, there’s only one way, I would carpet bomb them,” a young man offers as a solution for Israel’s conflict with the Palestinians.

“The Jews should have the right to hate [Arabs],” the man adds. “I think we have the right to hate them.”

He’s one of a number of everyday Israelis in the streets of Jerusalem interviewed in the video above by Abby Martin, for TeleSUR’s The Empire Files.

Many of them are immigrants, or the children of immigrants, from the United States.

“I think that we need to … kick out the Arabs,” says a young woman who, struggling to express her genocidal thoughts in English, turns to a friend for help.

“We need to kill Arabs,” she manages to say in English, as she and her friend giggle.

“Islam is a very bad disease, not just for Israel, all around the world,” says one man, who later boasts about Israel’s “gentle” treatment of Palestinians and its respect for human rights.

No mixed marriages
Martin interviews a youth from Lehava, an extremist religious organization whose members act as vigilantes against miscegenation, and rampage through Jerusalem harassing Palestinians.

Lehava’s leader has called for the burning of churches and mosques.

The youth explains why the group is opposed to mixed marriages: “Jews is a special nation and we don’t want Jews to get mixed up with a different nation.”

“Israelis have to take over and they have to kick them away,” another man suggests. “It will be better not to kill them, just to go back to Arab countries,” he adds offering what he might consider a note of mercy.

“You can’t deal with these people, there’s no need to try, there’s no need to talk to them,” says another youth. “What we can do is that when they do enough harm, we retaliate. That’s war and that’s the situation that any Jew in Israel has to deal with.”

“The Arabs, may their name and memory be obliterated,” says a religious youth, repeating a phrase habitually heard from Israeli extremist mobs terrorizing Palestinian neighborhoods.

An elder explains that God is punishing Jews for their sins: “He sent the Nazis, and now he sends the Palestinians.”

Feeling the hate
Martin’s film is reminiscent of Feeling the Hate in Jerusalem, a 2009 video made by journalist Max Blumenthal. The video documented young Jews in Jerusalem, many of them Americans, expressing virulently racist views about Barack Obama, who had recently taken office as president of the United States.

After garnering hundreds of thousands of views on YouTube, the streaming service banned the video, and Israel lobby groups claimed it offered a distorted picture.

But there’s plenty of evidence that the views expressed in that film and in Martin’s new one reflect a reality in which roughly half of Israeli Jews consistently say they favor the outright expulsion of the Palestinian population.

And it is perhaps precisely because such views are so popular that the European Union recently hired Avishai Ivri, a “comedian” who openly advocates the mass slaughter of Palestinians, as the face of one of its promotional videos aimed at the Israeli public.

Israeli leaders and lawmakers openly cater to these views by inciting and putting forward their own plans for genocide.

Zionist indoctrination
Many of the people Martin speaks to repeat familiar themes of Zionist propaganda: that “the Arabs” were invaders, that Palestinians have no rights to the land, that Jews “returned” after thousands of years in exile to find a barren and desolate land.

All of these claims are used to rationalize violent state policies that have the avid consent of the people in this extraordinary video.

Martin also speaks with Israeli anti-Zionist activist Ronnie Barkan, who explains the indoctrination Israelis go through from an early age that leads to this kind of violent hatred.

“The need to segregate and not to interact with Palestinians is part of the Israeli identity,” Barkan states. “Israeli identity depends on denying Palestinian identity.”

According to Barkan, much of Israel’s so-called left are liberal Zionists who “speak the language of peace and human rights,” but whose views differ little in substance from those deemed more right wing.

Illustrating this, Martin hears from a man in the street whose opinions are tame compared to others. “I think the occupation does have a role, a big role,” he says. “I don’t think there should be no occupation at all, but in the occupation, things need to be more humane.”

When asked how he identifies politically, the man answers, “Yeah, I am a leftist.”

Action not despair
Watching this video could lead to despair that the situation will ever change, given the extremism characterizing so many on the vastly more powerful side.

But Barkan emphasizes action.

“The views of Israelis about the situation are totally irrelevant to the question of how we change the situation,” Barkan states. “Did it matter what white people think about apartheid at the time? The question is how we end apartheid.”

That is a position supported by evidence. White South Africans overwhelmingly rejected calls to give up their power up until almost the day a democratic transition to a nonracial state took place.

What mattered in the end was that apartheid South Africa was isolated and could not carry on with a racist system in the face of growing internal and global resistance.

The call from Palestinians today is inspired by that history: boycott, divestment and sanctions are the way to increase the pressure on Israel and change the shocking reality revealed in this video. ... t-genocide
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Glenn Miller, 80, has died in prison.

Post by Will Williams » Wed May 05, 2021 8:40 am

Glenn Miller, 80, has died in prison.

"In future, the lives of you young White people will be unimaginable nightmares, even if you suck up to mongrels, just like your parents do now. The more Whites suck up, the worse mongrels treat them. Cowardice breeds contempt." -Frazier Glenn Miller


[A notice from Rev. Cailen Cambeull:]
He was sentenced to Death, but in a final act of defiance, our friend Glenn Miller has robbed the Jewish Serpent of its vengeance by dying from presumably Natural Causes while in custody. As once did another friend of CREATIVITY mentioned elsewhere on this forum, James von Brunn.

Glenn Miller was one of those few men for whom we can rightly honour with the simple but immortal phrase, Lest We Forget.

Reverend Cailen Cambeul
Church Administrator - Creativity Alliance

From Mainstream Media

F. Glenn Miller Jr., convicted of capital murder in 2015, died Monday at the El Dorado Correctional Facility.

Miller’s cause of death is pending an autopsy, but a preliminary assessment indicates he died of natural causes, prison officials said. He was 80.

Miller’s April 13, 2014, rampage outside the Jewish Community Center and the Village Shalom care center took the lives of Reat Underwood, 14; his grandfather William Corporon, 69; and 53-year-old Terri LaManno, who worked with visually impaired children.

Jurors found the murders especially heinous and sentenced Miller to death. Miller, who lived in Aurora in southwest Missouri, was also sentenced to more than 32 years in prison for other crimes, which included attempted murder for shooting at people who were not struck by his gunfire.

During the trial, Miller represented himself and argued the shootings were justified because he was trying to stop “the Jewish genocide against the white race.” None of the victims were Jewish.

Miller told jurors during the trial he regretted not killing more people.

“On most days,” he said at the time, “it’s the first thing I think about in the morning, and the last thing I think about at night.”

The shooting spree on April 13, 2014, at the Jewish Community Center and Village Shalom care center was fueled by Miller’s virulent hatred of Jewish people and his belief in a Jewish conspiracy to destroy the “white race.”

Miller said during the trial he was surprised there were Christians at a Jewish facility and chose that day for the assault because a talent competition was being held at the community center. Underwood was there to compete.

At his sentencing, Miller reiterated his desire to kill Jewish people, The Kansas City Star reported.

“I’d do it again,” he said, “if they ever let me out of here.”

Sources: ... r-BB1gm4EL ... -in-prison ... -in-prison ... 51534.html
Will Williams wrote:
Mon Jul 03, 2017 5:37 pm
Thanks for fixing that, permela. The rest of Mr. Miller's classic 6-page motion, pleading the necessity defense, is still viewable and worth reading, here:

The last post in that discussion was made nearly a year ago by Fred Streed, also a classic:
I absolutely detest this tendency of people nominally on the White side to immediately start sniveling and crying about how bad it makes White Nationalists look every time someone takes any action. It is hard to come up with anything more counter-productive. The proper response is to blame it on the jew. Glenn Miller? A good White man who cared deeply for his people and became frustrated by an anti-White system which has made peaceful change impossible. It has the advantage of being true. We should always put a pro-White spin on things, every time. We don't have to lie, just use a different perspective, a White viewpoint. Quit playing by the jew's rules, quit being defensive, kick the bastards in the balls and then kick their teeth out when they go down.

The left seems to do this instinctively. They do it because they are cowardly hyenas, it is just their nature. We are on a higher plane and are not motivated by the same love of violence and hatred as the jews and leftist scum, or the lower races. We are not psychopaths who love violence for its own sake, but we should not hesitate to use it as a tool. Detached violence. Violence in countering jew arguments not by verbally defending ourselves but by deconstructing their propaganda and shoving it down their foul throats until they choke on it. Violence by doing everything we can to monkey-wrench the rotten genocidal jew system. Violence in tearing down the curtain and pointing at the kike pulling the strings and yelling "jew." Psychological violence by making the jew worry about the safety of his family. And when the time comes, physical violence to rid ourselves of the various parasites feeding off of Western Civilization.

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