Liberals Lose Their MINDS When ACLU Defends Whites

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Benjamin Bice

Liberals Lose Their MINDS When ACLU Defends Whites

Post by Benjamin Bice » Fri Aug 11, 2017 11:20 pm

Liberals Lose Their MINDS When ACLU Defends White Nationalists’ Rights
August 10, 2017 Joshua Paladino 38 Comments

EDITOR’S NOTE: This post contains profanity.

(Joshua Paladino, Liberty Headlines) The American Civil Liberties Union is staying true to its principles by defending white nationalists’ First Amendment rights, and progressives are horrified.


White nationalist Jason Kessler planned to host his “Unite the Right” rally on August 12 at Emancipation Park in Charlottesville, Virginia. Charlottesville City Manager Maurice Jones halted the event when he announced on August 7 that the event could only be held at McIntire Park, NBC29 reported.
Kessler said he wants the event at Emancipation Park to honor a statue of Confederate General Robert E. Lee. He has refused to move the event and plans to battle Charlottesville in court if his right to peaceably assemble is denied.
The ACLU and the Rutherford Institute released a joint letter demanding First Amendment protections.
“As organizations committed to protecting constitutional and civil rights, we demand that the city withdraw its letter to Jason Kessler of August 7, 2017, revoking and otherwise rescinding the permit for a demonstration in Emancipation Park on August 12, 2017, and provide assurances that the city will allow the ‘Unite the Right’ demonstration as previously planned and approved by operation of law.”
PREVIOUSLY: Hollywood Seeks to Raise Millions for Intolerant ACLU

The ACLU took flak from the Left on Twitter for defending Kessler’s rights, with many asking for the return of their past contributions to the organization:

Some people on Twitter viewed this as hypocrisy on the part of the former ACLU supporters.

The ACLU and the Rutherford Institute said they would file a lawsuit against Charlottesville if they do not allow the event to be held at Emancipation Park. ... ts-rights/

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Will Williams
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Re: Liberals Lose Their MINDS When ACLU Defends Whites

Post by Will Williams » Sat Aug 12, 2017 6:22 pm

So, the "Unite the Right" rally in Charlottesville today was a bust. Imagine that. Social media are outraged at the hate coming from White loyalists

A driver used a vehicle to plow through a crowd of protesters in Charlottesville, Virginia on Saturday after police shut down a white nationalist rally...

Video of the car crashing through a crowd of antifa counterprotesters, here: ... sts-650138
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White Man 1
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Re: Liberals Lose Their MINDS When ACLU Defends Whites

Post by White Man 1 » Sat Aug 12, 2017 10:03 pm

It was a bust, and much more than what the media makes it out to be. I was there, and will have a full report on the rally coming soon.

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Jim Mathias
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Re: Liberals Lose Their MINDS When ACLU Defends Whites

Post by Jim Mathias » Sun Aug 13, 2017 12:06 am

These misguided Whites didn't understand that they were not to be protected by police due to the enemy holding the position of power in the Citadel. To conduct any kind of "march" or "rally", you should have a very large media voice, plenty of friends in the police force, and the politicians on your side. This requires Alliance building to have occurred first, and the WN's had a tiny media voice (on the internet) and no other help in the power institutions. This is why the antifa's were allowed to attack the WN's with impunity and cause a shutdown of the event--which is what the power institutions wanted.

Dr. Pierce made a speech on this in the past and this lesson came to mind in light of this ill-advised melee.
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Benjamin Bice

Re: Liberals Lose Their MINDS When ACLU Defends Whites

Post by Benjamin Bice » Sun Aug 13, 2017 6:02 am

Despite the claims of the faux mass media, it is apparent to anyone capable of still actually thinking for themselves that the Anti-Fa "counter-demonstrators" actually started that shit that went down in Virginia today. They tried to take the fight to the White Nationalists and got their asses handed to them. I don't feel sorry for them.

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