The Order: A Drama (Part Three)
- Posts: 10474
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The Order: A Drama (Part Three)
Douglas Mercer
January 21 2025
Continued from The Order: A Drama (Part 2)
When I met him Dr. William Pierce was he 47 years old but he was, in our circles at least, already a legend; or more than that: a master. To the world of course he was nothing of the sort, he was the Evil One, the figure out of their nightmares, the epitome of the forces against which all their powers must be arrayed. For in his person Pierce put the lie to the image of the White Racial Nationalist that the hoodwinked public holds: ill-bred, lower class, resentful, possibly a skin head with a penchant for mindless and savage violence. Safe to say that Pierce shatters that image and if the media would take a close enough look it would frighten them a hundred times more than their feral bogeymen. For the first thing one notices upon meeting Pierce is that he is a gentleman, from appearances a gentleman of the old school; he is 6’4’ and slender, one of those rangy men with hard and gimlet eyes who used to populate the West and the very image of the hard and steeled men who built this country. He is a throwback in one sense for sure; but no mindless nostalgia haunts his mind, he is more focused on the future and more far seeing and prophetic than any man I have met or am likely to meet. Indeed he is the epitome of a leader, a thoughtful intellectual who nevertheless like those men of the old West was always with a gun on his hip which he wore with a casualness meant to say that for all of his intellect at a moment’s notice he was willing to defend himself; and for all his real sense of equanimity there was an unspoken and coiled sense of violence about him, that surely spooked more than a few.
And an intellectual he was, certainly far beyond my own aspirations in those fields; he was born in 1933 and came from a long line of illustrious men of our race of Scotch-Irish and English descent, one of his forebears being a leader of the Confederacy as its attorney general; his father was killed in an automobile accident when he was just eight, a tragic event which fostered his keen sense of independence and responsibility; when he came of age he studied physics and taught at Oregon State University; one can only imagine what Pierce thought as America moved into the 1960s and one by one he saw every value that his people held dear being overthrown by the rising Jewish Power; negros exalted to high places, Indians, women and gays clamoring for their tawdry rights; and always the Jews behind it all, planning it all, orchestrating it all, even as the public was blind to such obvious machinations. After a short spell working in the Defense Industry Pierce, as an upright, decent and stalwart man, abandoned a life which would have given him comfort and wealth and pursued the lonely and difficult path as a Knight of his people. I met him in 1983 when I joined the organization which he had built from scratch, the National Alliance.
We met in Arlington, Virginia and he graciously permitted me to make a speech at the conference he was holding, outlining the efforts which I was making in the American Northwest. In truth looking back on it I feel like I was in the presence of one of those mythical figures whom the Bards and Skalds used to sing about; he told me he had worked at first with George Lincoln Rockwell whom he admired and liked but whose tactics he considered to be too much a matter of showmanship; he told me of his relationship with Revilo Oliver, a powerfully eloquent writer who had cured me of my false belief in Christianity; and what surprised me most about Pierce was that for all his hands on dedication to organization and commitment to the politics of our situation he was in a manner of speaking a mystic; and he patiently taught me the tenets of a religion called Cosmotheism. This is a religion which to the untutored might seem to be so much New Age mumbo jumbo with its promise of godhood; but as he explained it to me I saw it was nothing of the sort, that many of our great Aryan men had spoke about it under many names in the past, the worshippers of the sun, and the devotees of the mysteries; and that as our people progressed in our knowledge and application of science a few men began to speak of how our race would one day deviate and branch off and surpass the antiquated ways of homo sapiens; for those in the know this religion, which might seem obscure or esoteric, had a noble pedigree among the finest thinkers of our race; and what was more, it was true.
I had been prepared for this by my reading of Nature’s Eternal Religion but what he said went far beyond this; he told me that the universe was a living and conscious organism and that it was seeking its completion under the auspices of our race; that it was our race, and our race alone, who had been preparing for this next step in the dynamic evolutionary process and that our will must coincide with the creator’s will. This was far beyond anything which I had considered and gave me much food for thought; Pierce implored that we must always keep out eyes on eternity, and see all our efforts in that context. This made me see that the war I knew we were in was much broader and more all-encompassing than even I had imagined, that it was a cosmic war, and that we were fighting not just on behalf of our ancestors, ourselves, and our descendants, but for a total victory which would one day be an Eternal Victory.
Of course though we did not speak of it in our small time together what Pierce is most known for is the book he wrote five year ago called The Turner Diaries. This powder keg of a book is a spellbinding and thrilling read and as I swiftly turned its fast-flowing pages it was a great inspiration for me. It is the kind of book that can begin a revolution. It tells the tale of America in 1999 which, really, is not all that far off from what it is now when the government enacts the aptly named Cohen Act and a dedicated cadre of White men go underground and end up overthrowing the government. The book is a gripping read and I am sure that like me for many this book is, as they say, a bible, but in this case the bible is true; in that it delves to the heart of the crisis which our people are experiencing and in vivid and dramatic terms shows how it can be undone. Over time it will become distorted and held up as a devil’s book, a book which has the power to unleash dark forces. But any close reading of it shows that it actually a very calculated and measured book and whatever extrapolation it makes into the future is well grounded in our present reality. Indeed, it the scientist's step by step precision which Pierce masterfully displays which must keep them up at night. For it is not the ravings of an unhinged madman; but the cold outpouring of a sage with an assassin's heart.
Pierce was kind enough to let me speak at a National Alliance Convention in Arlington, Virginia. It was September 1983 and I was tasked with reporting on my efforts to recruit farmers and ranchers in our movement. But what it really was was a call to arms and, if I say so myself, I received the only standing ovation of that weekend.
My brothers and sisters, from the mist-shrouded forested valleys and mountains of the Pacific Northwest I bring you a message of solidarity, a call to action, and a demand for adherence to duty as members of a vanguard of an Aryan resurgence and, ultimately, total Aryan victory. The signs of awakening are sprouting up across the Northwest, and no more than among the two-fisted farmers and ranchers…The task is not going to be easy. TV satellite dishes are springing up like poisonous mushrooms across the domain of the tillers of the soil. The electronic Jew is slithering into the living rooms of even the most remote farms and ranches. The race-destroying domes are everywhere. In Metaline Falls, we have broken the chains of Jewish thought. We know not the meaning of the word mine; it is ours: our race, the totality of our people. Ten hearts, one beat! One hundred hearts, one beat! Ten thousand hearts, one beat! We were born to fight and die and to continue the flow of our people. The future is now! So stand up like men and drive the enemy to the sea! Stand up like men and swear a sacred oath upon the green graves of our sires that you will reclaim what our forefathers discovered, explored, conquered, settled, built, and died for! Stand up like men and reclaim our soil! Look toward the stars and proclaim our destiny! In Metaline Falls we have a saying: Defeat, never! Victory forever!
As I write this and I sense my end I would like to say that I have no regrets; I certainly do not regret that I am certain to die, for no more glorious end can one wish for; and when the fatal thread is to be cut it is unmanly to fight against it. And I certainly do not regret any of the people that myself and my men have killed, far from it. Each and every one, one way or another, every one of them richly deserved it, if for no other reason than they were bystanders or enablers in the downfall of a nation and a race. No, my regret, other than that I could have done more, is that I think that for all the good feeling between us I believe that I disappointed Williams Pierce. He was my mentor and I think that he thought well of me, and I think that he saw in me a man with the understanding, passion and character that the National Alliance needed. He too was a passionate man for all his cold, austere exterior. And he was a far seeing man who was more than willing to live isolated on his compound in West Virginia, to think, to write, to organize, and to coordinate for the future. The sticking point between us was that he thought that the time was not ripe for the kind of immediate action which I was then contemplating and would soon enact; he thought that I would be better off maintaining my membership in his organization and taking the slow and difficult and arduous path of patience and incessant activity.
I must say without pride that part of it was just my predilection not to be led but rather to lead; but, and this is a fearsome thing to say, I think he was wrong, at least in my case; I believed then and still believe now that the deed, if not everything, is something sacred and holy; and that terror and fear need to be instilled into the population in order for them to emerge from their dazed wandering through the graveyard they have built and live in; and if I should prove unsuccessful which, as events close in on me now due to a traitor’s faithless heart, it appears I will nearly certainly be, I still believe that the explosion of my acts will leave a long and fruitful memory for the men who come after me. I am no hothead, our discussions proved that to him. He saw that I was in earnest and that there was none of the make believe revolutionary about me, none of the hobbyism or the cultishness which I can say from my own experience, is endemic to our circles. He saw that I was not like so many merely trying to achieve some psychological escape from my problems. I am as cool and calculating and as far seeing as he. He wanted to start an unstoppable revolutionary force which might take decades to realize—I wanted to ignite it. In the end we parted on good terms; he asked for my resignation from the Alliance and I of course gave it to him. I am sure even though he felt me misguided he wished me well; I certainly wish him well. We both saw in each other serious me who were greatly concerned, greatly disturbed about what was being done to our country and our people.
And both of us — unlike most of those who are concerned — were determined to do something about it, to commit our lives to this necessary and noble task. We both knew that we were under attack by an extraordinarily malevolent, dangerous, and capable enemy who was determined to destroy us, to destroy our world, to destroy our race, to wipe out every trace of us, and to do this by means of subversion and oppression and all the while appealing to the so called “better angels” of our people, That we should fight with all of our courage and devotion and steadfastness was clear to us—but how to fight most effectively was where, in the end, regrettably, we did not see eye to eye. I am sure that he believes that the position I am at now is where all of us will be in the future, probably more near than not. For to say that one is being besieged by that maleficent enemy who wants nothing more than to decimate your race, and then to say that one will never kill, never shed blood, never put anyone to the gun or the sword is to be a coward and a fool—and naïve. The question then is as it always is, one of timing and of ripeness, and on that question one can only consult one’s conscience and heart. And on this cardinal question we differed, each to pursue his own path. So as I now will begin to enumerate the actions that I took, the organization that I formed, and the fate that I am meeting, it was good that I took this time to salute a brother, a father, really, a noble Aryan, and a man whom I am sure will hold us all in good stead; and whose memory one day, like all of the immortals of our race, will live forever.
Continued at The Order: A Drama (Part Four)
January 21 2025
Continued from The Order: A Drama (Part 2)
When I met him Dr. William Pierce was he 47 years old but he was, in our circles at least, already a legend; or more than that: a master. To the world of course he was nothing of the sort, he was the Evil One, the figure out of their nightmares, the epitome of the forces against which all their powers must be arrayed. For in his person Pierce put the lie to the image of the White Racial Nationalist that the hoodwinked public holds: ill-bred, lower class, resentful, possibly a skin head with a penchant for mindless and savage violence. Safe to say that Pierce shatters that image and if the media would take a close enough look it would frighten them a hundred times more than their feral bogeymen. For the first thing one notices upon meeting Pierce is that he is a gentleman, from appearances a gentleman of the old school; he is 6’4’ and slender, one of those rangy men with hard and gimlet eyes who used to populate the West and the very image of the hard and steeled men who built this country. He is a throwback in one sense for sure; but no mindless nostalgia haunts his mind, he is more focused on the future and more far seeing and prophetic than any man I have met or am likely to meet. Indeed he is the epitome of a leader, a thoughtful intellectual who nevertheless like those men of the old West was always with a gun on his hip which he wore with a casualness meant to say that for all of his intellect at a moment’s notice he was willing to defend himself; and for all his real sense of equanimity there was an unspoken and coiled sense of violence about him, that surely spooked more than a few.
And an intellectual he was, certainly far beyond my own aspirations in those fields; he was born in 1933 and came from a long line of illustrious men of our race of Scotch-Irish and English descent, one of his forebears being a leader of the Confederacy as its attorney general; his father was killed in an automobile accident when he was just eight, a tragic event which fostered his keen sense of independence and responsibility; when he came of age he studied physics and taught at Oregon State University; one can only imagine what Pierce thought as America moved into the 1960s and one by one he saw every value that his people held dear being overthrown by the rising Jewish Power; negros exalted to high places, Indians, women and gays clamoring for their tawdry rights; and always the Jews behind it all, planning it all, orchestrating it all, even as the public was blind to such obvious machinations. After a short spell working in the Defense Industry Pierce, as an upright, decent and stalwart man, abandoned a life which would have given him comfort and wealth and pursued the lonely and difficult path as a Knight of his people. I met him in 1983 when I joined the organization which he had built from scratch, the National Alliance.
We met in Arlington, Virginia and he graciously permitted me to make a speech at the conference he was holding, outlining the efforts which I was making in the American Northwest. In truth looking back on it I feel like I was in the presence of one of those mythical figures whom the Bards and Skalds used to sing about; he told me he had worked at first with George Lincoln Rockwell whom he admired and liked but whose tactics he considered to be too much a matter of showmanship; he told me of his relationship with Revilo Oliver, a powerfully eloquent writer who had cured me of my false belief in Christianity; and what surprised me most about Pierce was that for all his hands on dedication to organization and commitment to the politics of our situation he was in a manner of speaking a mystic; and he patiently taught me the tenets of a religion called Cosmotheism. This is a religion which to the untutored might seem to be so much New Age mumbo jumbo with its promise of godhood; but as he explained it to me I saw it was nothing of the sort, that many of our great Aryan men had spoke about it under many names in the past, the worshippers of the sun, and the devotees of the mysteries; and that as our people progressed in our knowledge and application of science a few men began to speak of how our race would one day deviate and branch off and surpass the antiquated ways of homo sapiens; for those in the know this religion, which might seem obscure or esoteric, had a noble pedigree among the finest thinkers of our race; and what was more, it was true.
I had been prepared for this by my reading of Nature’s Eternal Religion but what he said went far beyond this; he told me that the universe was a living and conscious organism and that it was seeking its completion under the auspices of our race; that it was our race, and our race alone, who had been preparing for this next step in the dynamic evolutionary process and that our will must coincide with the creator’s will. This was far beyond anything which I had considered and gave me much food for thought; Pierce implored that we must always keep out eyes on eternity, and see all our efforts in that context. This made me see that the war I knew we were in was much broader and more all-encompassing than even I had imagined, that it was a cosmic war, and that we were fighting not just on behalf of our ancestors, ourselves, and our descendants, but for a total victory which would one day be an Eternal Victory.
Of course though we did not speak of it in our small time together what Pierce is most known for is the book he wrote five year ago called The Turner Diaries. This powder keg of a book is a spellbinding and thrilling read and as I swiftly turned its fast-flowing pages it was a great inspiration for me. It is the kind of book that can begin a revolution. It tells the tale of America in 1999 which, really, is not all that far off from what it is now when the government enacts the aptly named Cohen Act and a dedicated cadre of White men go underground and end up overthrowing the government. The book is a gripping read and I am sure that like me for many this book is, as they say, a bible, but in this case the bible is true; in that it delves to the heart of the crisis which our people are experiencing and in vivid and dramatic terms shows how it can be undone. Over time it will become distorted and held up as a devil’s book, a book which has the power to unleash dark forces. But any close reading of it shows that it actually a very calculated and measured book and whatever extrapolation it makes into the future is well grounded in our present reality. Indeed, it the scientist's step by step precision which Pierce masterfully displays which must keep them up at night. For it is not the ravings of an unhinged madman; but the cold outpouring of a sage with an assassin's heart.
Pierce was kind enough to let me speak at a National Alliance Convention in Arlington, Virginia. It was September 1983 and I was tasked with reporting on my efforts to recruit farmers and ranchers in our movement. But what it really was was a call to arms and, if I say so myself, I received the only standing ovation of that weekend.
My brothers and sisters, from the mist-shrouded forested valleys and mountains of the Pacific Northwest I bring you a message of solidarity, a call to action, and a demand for adherence to duty as members of a vanguard of an Aryan resurgence and, ultimately, total Aryan victory. The signs of awakening are sprouting up across the Northwest, and no more than among the two-fisted farmers and ranchers…The task is not going to be easy. TV satellite dishes are springing up like poisonous mushrooms across the domain of the tillers of the soil. The electronic Jew is slithering into the living rooms of even the most remote farms and ranches. The race-destroying domes are everywhere. In Metaline Falls, we have broken the chains of Jewish thought. We know not the meaning of the word mine; it is ours: our race, the totality of our people. Ten hearts, one beat! One hundred hearts, one beat! Ten thousand hearts, one beat! We were born to fight and die and to continue the flow of our people. The future is now! So stand up like men and drive the enemy to the sea! Stand up like men and swear a sacred oath upon the green graves of our sires that you will reclaim what our forefathers discovered, explored, conquered, settled, built, and died for! Stand up like men and reclaim our soil! Look toward the stars and proclaim our destiny! In Metaline Falls we have a saying: Defeat, never! Victory forever!
As I write this and I sense my end I would like to say that I have no regrets; I certainly do not regret that I am certain to die, for no more glorious end can one wish for; and when the fatal thread is to be cut it is unmanly to fight against it. And I certainly do not regret any of the people that myself and my men have killed, far from it. Each and every one, one way or another, every one of them richly deserved it, if for no other reason than they were bystanders or enablers in the downfall of a nation and a race. No, my regret, other than that I could have done more, is that I think that for all the good feeling between us I believe that I disappointed Williams Pierce. He was my mentor and I think that he thought well of me, and I think that he saw in me a man with the understanding, passion and character that the National Alliance needed. He too was a passionate man for all his cold, austere exterior. And he was a far seeing man who was more than willing to live isolated on his compound in West Virginia, to think, to write, to organize, and to coordinate for the future. The sticking point between us was that he thought that the time was not ripe for the kind of immediate action which I was then contemplating and would soon enact; he thought that I would be better off maintaining my membership in his organization and taking the slow and difficult and arduous path of patience and incessant activity.
I must say without pride that part of it was just my predilection not to be led but rather to lead; but, and this is a fearsome thing to say, I think he was wrong, at least in my case; I believed then and still believe now that the deed, if not everything, is something sacred and holy; and that terror and fear need to be instilled into the population in order for them to emerge from their dazed wandering through the graveyard they have built and live in; and if I should prove unsuccessful which, as events close in on me now due to a traitor’s faithless heart, it appears I will nearly certainly be, I still believe that the explosion of my acts will leave a long and fruitful memory for the men who come after me. I am no hothead, our discussions proved that to him. He saw that I was in earnest and that there was none of the make believe revolutionary about me, none of the hobbyism or the cultishness which I can say from my own experience, is endemic to our circles. He saw that I was not like so many merely trying to achieve some psychological escape from my problems. I am as cool and calculating and as far seeing as he. He wanted to start an unstoppable revolutionary force which might take decades to realize—I wanted to ignite it. In the end we parted on good terms; he asked for my resignation from the Alliance and I of course gave it to him. I am sure even though he felt me misguided he wished me well; I certainly wish him well. We both saw in each other serious me who were greatly concerned, greatly disturbed about what was being done to our country and our people.
And both of us — unlike most of those who are concerned — were determined to do something about it, to commit our lives to this necessary and noble task. We both knew that we were under attack by an extraordinarily malevolent, dangerous, and capable enemy who was determined to destroy us, to destroy our world, to destroy our race, to wipe out every trace of us, and to do this by means of subversion and oppression and all the while appealing to the so called “better angels” of our people, That we should fight with all of our courage and devotion and steadfastness was clear to us—but how to fight most effectively was where, in the end, regrettably, we did not see eye to eye. I am sure that he believes that the position I am at now is where all of us will be in the future, probably more near than not. For to say that one is being besieged by that maleficent enemy who wants nothing more than to decimate your race, and then to say that one will never kill, never shed blood, never put anyone to the gun or the sword is to be a coward and a fool—and naïve. The question then is as it always is, one of timing and of ripeness, and on that question one can only consult one’s conscience and heart. And on this cardinal question we differed, each to pursue his own path. So as I now will begin to enumerate the actions that I took, the organization that I formed, and the fate that I am meeting, it was good that I took this time to salute a brother, a father, really, a noble Aryan, and a man whom I am sure will hold us all in good stead; and whose memory one day, like all of the immortals of our race, will live forever.
Continued at The Order: A Drama (Part Four)
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