Douglas Mercer
January 20 2025
Continued from The Order: A Drama (Part One)
My family moved to Phoenix, Arizona when I was seven years old (1960). Phoenix then was a paradisiacal place—nearly all White. It had an overlay of Indian heritage but this was well before the Indians joined the blacks and the Mexicans demanding what they called “rights.” In 1973 some Indians fomented a ludicrous rebellion called The Second Wounded Knee by taking over part of South Dakota, part and parcel of the Jewish design to cast the White race down from ruling this continent. But when I was a boy, long before this retrograde activism, I was fascinated with Indian culture though I knew of course it was part of the will of providence that our race expelled them from their homelands; yet I admitted their warrior courage and stoic bearing.
The truth is I was an indifferent student. My mind would always chafe at my lessons and leap over what I deemed to be information which I would not require for my destiny in life, which even then I pictured as a grand adventure. There were two exceptions to this: history and politics which, of course, are just the same thing. I was always interested in how man ordered his affairs and after some initial forays I soon came to learn that the powers that be were not what everyone took them to be, that there were cabals behind the scenes who really called the shots. Most people know or intuit this on some level, but very few find out just who these backroom king pins are or have any notion of doing anything about it.
One of the things I learned from Dr. Piece was that my political evolution was a common one among Racial Nationalists. Both Rockwell and Oliver also had become associated with groups which they felt held out hope but soon learned did not have the foresight, vision, and tenacity to be a factor in the future, always because they were reluctant to name the Jews. I was only eleven years told when I joined the John Birch Society, that group named after what was considered to be the first American victim of the Communist (ie, Jewish) Revolution. But as I grew older I saw clearly that for these men one could be as opposed to Communism as one wanted to be but to define the Jewish nature of this ideology was beyond the pale, as if this were a group which claimed to be in an all-encompassing war but were in truth afraid of their own shadow. Also as a youth I joined the Young Republicans, a group which, say, in 1964 still had at least somewhat the clear eyes required but which was by then dissipating into being only another version a kept political party. I saw up close from my stay in Arizona that Barry Goldwater (a Jew let us not forget) was no longer preaching that extremism in the defense of liberty was not a vice and had by then become a doddering toothless fool and a creature of the establishment and a bought politician. Even at my tender age I intuited that when my time came I wanted nothing to do with such time servers.
I did believe in limited government. Indeed, as a method of tax resistance I fraudulently claimed ten dependents; but this was no sin, for one only deals plainly with plain men, and with men who are bent on deceiving you no deception can be too extreme. But I soon learned that my belief in limited government was more dire than the typical anti-tax platform which is where the conservatives stopped. For the government which had been created by the people had subsequently cut itself off from the people and had become an entity unto itself in a conspiracy with those whom it served. The government was in fact a shadowy conglomerate and was unwilling to defend the people who created it, the White people on this continent who had become an unnamed Public Enemy Number One.
Learning this I became fascinated by the accounts our Revolution; these were men who over the issue of a few cents of tax on a stamp had, as Aryan Men, lain down the gauntlet; who had put their lives on the line for freedom, not in some far future, but now. I read the great stories of April 19 at Lexington and Concord where the shot heard round the world occurred; the sons of liberty and the Minutemen and the home-grown militias enflamed my imagination: I imagined myself in the shoes of those brave colonists fighting for house and home, fighting for country and honor. In response to this loose and clandestine group of patriots the folk of the colonies spontaneously came up with Liberty Trees and Liberty Poles. I read in a book once the statement that one should never believe that a small group of dedicated and committed men cannot change the world; it’s the only thing that ever does. I later learned that was said by Margaret Mead, a woman who was an enemy of our people; nevertheless it is a true statement. And one can learn much from one’s enemies who were in similar situations: from Mao and Lenin. Though of course we have learned from Hitler most what it means for that band of brothers who go through struggle and adversity and ultimately achieve victory. And we are now that small group. We are that army. And we have pledged our lives to that victory.
When I think of those Patriots who forged this country I think of what they created. A beautiful country in a New World for the White Race. They were not always explicit enough about the nature of their creation; but what they did all the world has seen. And compared to them how great is our cause? They were after all in conflict with fellow Aryan men; and what they faced was quite little relative to what we do. Going on decades by now our country has been overrun by Jews and blacks; the latter were given civil rights and were given welfare and their criminality is well known and infamous. The Jews poison the mind’s of our children with their degeneracy and filth, they flood our media with images of race mixing, and they teach above all that all men are equal, something which could not be further from the truth. Furthermore the Jews spearhead a worldwide secretive power elite which seeks a tyrannical world government whose primary aim is the destruction of the White race. This entity lurks in the background but all know it is present and everyone willing to can see its results. Indeed the two books which taught me the most have been Mein Kampf and the Protocol of the Elders Of Zion; this latter book is what opened my eyes to the nature of the Jewish threat and that we are at a crucial period history where the stakes could not be higher: victory or defeat. This is why we have created The Order. This is why we have become an army. This is why we have moved from the position of name calling and organizing to where it will always need to go in the end: bloodletting.
I was under no illusion that the America that my people had always loved could be salvaged; my country, I hate to say it, is beyond help or hope---beyond repair. The only sure way now is separation, separation in terms of our communities, separation in terms of our people, and separation in terms of our blood. By living among the general mass of people we would only be infected by their diseases: a mindless craving for comfort, an addiction to the cheap and the tawdry, a worshipping of money and possessions, and an unnatural belief in love and tolerance as the path to a better life. These are the hallmarks of a people being softened up for the kill, the signs of a people about to exit history. While they can’t see it now, they will find it out soon enough. And so I sought to get away from the corrupting cities and determined to go out where the people still lived in close proximity to the ancient land, and where they still had some vestige of the pride in their people and a way of living that was not dissipated by vices.
At the time I moved there, 1974, when I was 21 years old, Metaline Falls had a population of only 285 people. Located on the East bank of the Pend Oreille River as it winds towards Canada this is a place steeped in our history; by 1810 European fur traders were coming through here; then it was mining that became the dominant industry there and when I first arrived I worked for Bunker Hill Mine Company as an electrician; soon I began to work for the Portland Lehigh Cement Company; but such work, though always honorable, did not satisfy my desire to lay the groundwork for my people’s and my own future;
It was at this time that I became familiar with a book called Nature’s Eternal Religion. This book clearly spelled out that it is nature and nature’s laws that we must follow, and that is the White race which is at the height of nature’s greatness. One only has to look around to see the truth of this. The White race is responsible for all of the progress in the world, all of the science and all of the art. In the end it is this that we fight for, that the upward arc our race not be thwarted by our enemies who want to rule us and enslave us. To this end I visited the Aryan Nation compound in Hayden Lake Idaho. This was beautiful country and there I met more of my White brothers equally dedicated to the cause of our people. Their dream was my dream as well: a Whites only homeland. I soon founded the White American Bastion. But soon I had my fateful encounter, and I met the man who gave the focus to my life, a man of great wisdom; an intellectual who had the soul of a warrior. A man of truly legendary status and the man who completed my education; and put me on the Path.
Continued at The Order: A Drama (Part Three)
The Order: A Drama (Part Two)
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