The 1936 Olympics

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Douglas Mercer
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The 1936 Olympics

Post by Douglas Mercer » Sat Jan 18, 2025 1:53 pm

Douglas Mercer
January 18 2025

“The Big Lie” is always laid at Hitler’s doorstep but of course this is just an example of the Jewish Big Lie. In his seminal and timely book Mein Kamp (which is as modern as tomorrow afternoon) Hitler said that the Jews were so impudent that they distort the truth infamously. And right on cue the Jews impudently distorted the truth infamously and said that Hitler was a purveyor of the Big Lie. What a Jew is is a sophist and he proceeds by misdirection, that is he throws fairy dust in the eyes of the world and wants smoke to get in our eyes. The Jew will tell his shaggy dog tales, put on his dog and pony shows, he will tap out and perform his song and dance, and tell you to look over there when you should be looking here. The Jew wants the world to be off on a wile good chase and follow red herrings and not keep its eye on the ball. Hell, they think they can dispense with the Protocols by calling it a “forgery”; but whoever wrote it was a mad genius who told the truth. It’s all there in black and white for anyone who cares to take the time to study it. No, it’s no frame up. It’s a cold blooded and chilling look at history.

If there is one thing that every educated person knows about the 1936 Berlin Olympics it’s that our Uncle was hopping and raving mad when Jesse Owens took home some gold medals. Hell, to hear the Jews tell it after Owens crossed the finish line first Hitler went home and chewed a rug and had a random person hung by piano wire so he could later watch the film of it while he licked his lips in Sadean glee. And of course the story is that Hitler shunned Owens himself. But as with all Jew tall tales and felonious fabrications nothing could be further from the truth. Hitler as a committed race thinker was well aware that negros excelled in athletics; and the Germans did very well at the Olympics so he was not bitter at any sense of defeat. Owens himself said that Hitler did not disrespect him and told the world to stop getting in the way of this man’s hour of glory. In fact it was that old green maggot and maleficent cripple Franklin Roosevelt who would not invite Owens to the White House. Though in truth to satisfy his nagging Sapphic wife he would have liked to have invited Owens, but he had an election coming up and did not want to alienate a core constituency, White Southerners. But the upshot of all this is that the Jews have long blazoned a Big Lie upon world opinion. That black man Jesse Owens showed up Hitler, and by jumping high and running fast he put the lie to eugenics, he put the lie to the Nordic Spell, he put the lie to the Blond Beast, he cut the Superman off at the knees and put an end once and for all to the Aryan dreams; that by winning all those races he showed the world that Kumabya was the way, that Jefferson was correct when he said that all men are equal (self-evidently so), he proved that UNESCO would be right when it said there are no races, and he demonstrated that peace and love and racial togetherness was the way to a great future, that is before his time he showed the world how to sing in perfect harmony. And Hitler knew all of this (say the Jews) so he turned his back on the black man.

It’s all of course a lie, a big lie, a Jew lie, which is the worst kind of lie, rank and fetid as in the best they are.

The fact is that Hitler gave a potted Oak Seedlings to each of the 130 Gold Medal Winners at the games, including Owens. These Oak Seedlings were meant to be taken home to the winners’ respective countries to represent the Olympic Spirit (born in Greece). Today, many decades later, some of these Oak Tree still live, one at a school in Ohio.

In 1936 the German Olympic Committee gave athletes an oak sapling for each gold medal they won. The U.S. team received 24 such saplings; Owens came home with four of them. One of Owens' trees towers over Rhodes High School in Cleveland, where he trained. There is no plaque marking it, but track coach Tyrone Owens says it has long been a source of pride.

Paragraphs like this should cause cognitive dissonance in the ignorant multitude. For readers of White Biocentrism such facts as this are known like the back of our hands. But if any stray reader from the alleged “normal” world should find themselves on these hallowed and august pages I ask you a plaintive and serious question. If you “know” that Hitler snubbed Owens but in fact did not, what does that mean? For someone indeed spent great time and effort, went to a great deal of trouble, to implant that lie in your brain. It did not occur by mere happenstance. It was not an accident. It was done with the purpose of blinding and pulling the wool over your eyes. And if all these years you have walked around with that “fact” in your head, a “fact” you would swear up and down is true, but was in fact not true, then what else are you deluded about? What other illusions do you harbor as truth? Well, all we in the know can do is smile and say that the number of those illusion is as large as the grains of sand on a beach. But the only way to remedy it is to keep your head down, open your eyes, and open a book. And be prepared to be shocked out of your wits. It will be rough sledding but your eternal soul will be all the better for having done it.


The original tree was given to Owens after the 1936 Olympics in Berlin, Germany and planted 85 years ago.

In 1937, Owens’ four trees were planted at Rhodes High, East Tech High, Ohio State University, and the yard of the Cleveland house that Owens bought for his parents.

Last year, the original Rhodes oak was coming to the end of its natural life and did not return to bloom this year, says Thresher, despite years of intense stewardship from Holden, the Cleveland Metropolitan School District (CMSD), and OBCDC.

In February 2017 Bartlett Tree Experts contacted Holden Forests & Gardens for assistance with cloning the surviving Owens oak tree. Grafting, a skilled form of propagation commonly used for trees, was chosen to preserve the genetic identity of the new duplicate trees. Klyn Nurseries in Perry agreed to do the grafting.

A small stem taken from the tree at the high school was grafted on to

Douglas Mercer
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Re: The 1936 Olympics

Post by Douglas Mercer » Sat Jan 18, 2025 1:58 pm


Douglas Mercer
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Re: The 1936 Olympics

Post by Douglas Mercer » Sat Jan 18, 2025 1:58 pm


Douglas Mercer
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Re: The 1936 Olympics

Post by Douglas Mercer » Sat Jan 18, 2025 2:05 pm


Douglas Mercer
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Re: The 1936 Olympics

Post by Douglas Mercer » Sat Jan 18, 2025 2:07 pm


Douglas Mercer
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Re: The 1936 Olympics

Post by Douglas Mercer » Sat Jan 18, 2025 2:07 pm


Douglas Mercer
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Re: The 1936 Olympics

Post by Douglas Mercer » Sat Jan 18, 2025 2:08 pm


Douglas Mercer
Posts: 10473
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Re: The 1936 Olympics

Post by Douglas Mercer » Sat Jan 18, 2025 2:09 pm


Douglas Mercer
Posts: 10473
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Re: The 1936 Olympics

Post by Douglas Mercer » Sun Jan 19, 2025 8:46 pm

The Big Lie About The Berlin Olympics By William Pierce ... -olympics/

Douglas Mercer
Posts: 10473
Joined: Tue Mar 28, 2023 7:29 pm

Re: The 1936 Olympics

Post by Douglas Mercer » Sun Jan 19, 2025 8:52 pm


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