Douglas Mercer
January 17 2025
In hindsight once the niggers were here the die was cast and everything subsequent to that was damage control. Short of killing them en masse or packing each and every one of them like sardines back to black Africa, it was always going to be a witch’s brew and a hornet’s nest; and the former would have been bloody as hell and the aunties and the grannies (Big Bible readers both) and the ghost of Ralph Waldo Emerson would have shrieked and screamed and fretted; and the latter would have been expensive; safe to say no one had the heart for the one or the other. But even so some men tried the best they could to stave off disaster, to hold the line, and apply the tourniquet in triage to a dying proposition; they used guns, they lynched, they segregated, they penned dire pamphlets on the dangers of race mixing, as well they might. For the negros once liberated showed how true Jefferson was that you can’t let the wolf go, but these great White men made the best of what was, after all, a bad business. And compared to the horrors we see today it was as good as it could have been all things considered, as long as you recall that one of the things that you had to consider was the feral savagery of the black man. But under the circumstances of the alleged Victory of the North in the Civil War, that allegedly righteous Puritan Victory over the Chivalrous Cavaliers—they did the best they could and for that we must honor them. But now the so-called leaders of Mississippi want to take that pride away too and clear out some statues from the US Congress. But the least we can do (the very least mind you) is give them all honor; a statue in our degraded Congress is equivocal but symbolism matters. But if they get their way, and you know they will, here comes the niggers---it’s a tawdry tale too often told and it’s about to be told again it seems.
“Lawmakers in both chambers of the Mississippi Legislature are working to be rid of two Confederate statues that have represented the state in Congress for nearly a century, often offering Washington, D.C. tourists a gloomy perspective on the state’s progress in civil rights. During the opening week of the session, Democratic leaders in the House of Representatives and the Senate introduced bills that would either outright replace the statues of segregationists Jefferson Davis and James Z. George inside the U.S. Capitol’s Statuary Hall or create a commission to offer a pair of alternatives who bring honor to all Mississippians and reflect the demographics of the state as a whole.”
Last time I checked Mississippi was 38 percent black, and in case anyone is wondering that’s a lot of niggers, and they trail in their wake all the murders, rapes, property theft, and carjacking which since time out of mind they have been known for. Still 57 percent of Mississippi is White, that’s way too low, but still a clear majority; the problem is a third of them are anti-racist crybabies who probably hate Jefferson Davis more than the dark man, given that blacks are so stupid that when you ask them who Jefferson Davis is they either draw a great big blank or think it is sitcom from the 1970s. And I counter their belief that segregation and keeping the spooks down was in anyway even remotely gloomy; it was sunshine and bright skies when the White man was in the saddle and ruled the roost, what is gloomy and dark is a horde of yellow eyed criminals walking the streets scaring the daylights out of people with their primitive faces and their total lack of inhibitions when it comes to controlling their violent impulses. The most dangerous city in Mississippi is Cleveland with a whopping 52 percent black, and the second most dangerous city in the state is Laurel with an eye gouging 64 percent black. I did in fact look these number up but no one sane needs the internet to know the facts of life; that the more blacks you have the more crime you have and vice versa. In fact this is the fourth law of nature, the other three having been discovered by Isaac Newton. Of course they won’t have a statue of some nigger holding up a liquor store at gun point, no, they want you to believe that when it comes to crime all men are equal, and whatever discrepancy there is between blacks and the Whites in terms of psychopathic mania (and it is glaring) has to do with legacy of White racism. No one who’s really thought about it really believes that, but that’s the story they hold to if only to save some semblance of face.
“If approved by both chambers and signed by Republican Gov. Tate Reeves, the commission will include nine members tasked with submitting a written proposal for replacements by Nov. 30, 2025. Drawing from the categories of art, literature, music, and history brings so many possibilities as to who could be chosen to have a monument erected in their likeness inside the nation’s capitol building. The first names that come to mind when thinking about late Mississippians who had a tremendous impact on the world – B.B. King, Elvis Presley, Eudora Welty, William Faulkner, Jimmy Buffett, Muddy Waters, James Earl Jones, and the list goes on and on. And not to forget about civil rights icons – Mississippi has had a lot of impact there, too, with those like Medgar Evers, Fannie Lou Hamer, Vernon Dahmner, and many others serving pivotal roles in ensuring the same rights were granted and discrimination was lifted and continues to be lifted against African Americans.”
What a crew! When someone would call Elvis the “king” he say no ma’am only one king—Jesus Christ though he pronounced it Jees Chras—and in his home in Beverly Hills he had a one way mirror in the dressing room for the ladies so he could watch them undress, not to mention the placidils and other assorted goofballs he was always hopped up on to keep him going—so he was hardly a role model. As for BB King he was a frog faced nigger who is famous for singing the thrill is gone, apparently he did not find them on blueberry hill; Eudora Welty I vaguely remember from high school English but I had to waste two minutes to confirm my belief that what she wrote could best be pulped; Faulkner’s reputation is vastly inflated, being the author of some twenty odd novels all of them unreadable today; Jimmy Buffet proved that the American public is post lobotomy by making a multimillion dollar franchise out of a song about getting smashed at 2:00 in the afternoon; the other candidates are your garden variety niggers about which the less said the better. If this is really the best that the Magnolia state can do---and very likely it is—it is in very sad and sorry state, but then the very fact that they are ashamed of some true heroes already told us that much.
“Robert Johnson III is trying to capitalize on with his latest bill. Instead of creating a commission to submit recommendations for new statues, Johnson has once again proposed the state go ahead and replace Davis and George with statues of Hamer and Hiram Revels, the first African American to serve in Congress when being elected out of Mississippi in 1870. To him, this would educate the rest of the country on the evolution race relations in Mississippi have seen in the aftermath of an ugly past. I certainly think the national narrative and the national perspective of Mississippi is way off, Johnson said in an interview last week when the topic of race came up. What we live is a whole lot different than what people perceive we are.”
This Johnson fellow is an inconsequential negro who comes from a long and undistinguished line of inconsequential negroes, at least two of them with the same name. It is the truth that back in 1870 America totally lost its mind and allowed negroes into the once august halls of the Capitol, but when they did hopefully they locked up the valuables. And just because Hamer and Hirman got dressed up in a suit and were taught some big words like “subcommittee” and “joint resolution” doesn’t prove anything, hell, Caligula made his horse a Senator and at least the horse did not smell half as bad as Hamer and Hiram and he never bragged about his having some edu-ma-cation. Really those show sessions with all them blacks getting up at the podium and trying to act like they were the new breed of Jimmie Madisons was only a way by the vindictive North to humiliate the White man of the South, though in point of fact they only embarrassed themselves when it proved that the black congressman could not tell a veto from a harrumph any more than they could find their ass from a hole in the ground. Of course a few years on America woke up, sent the negros back to the fields where they grinned that toothy grin, danced a jig, and hit the rot gut; and should any of them step out of line they found themselves at the business end of a rope. But the shame is those halcyon days could not last forever, and now the negro has been totally liberated and has shown anyone who cares to notice that he is totally incapable of controlling his criminal impulses, the state of Mississippi is all set to erase the last vestige and reminder that, despite all appearances, this used to be one hell of a good country