Kit (Part Two)

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Douglas Mercer
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Kit (Part Two)

Post by Douglas Mercer » Thu Jan 16, 2025 11:00 pm

Douglas Mercer
January 16 2025

Continued from Kit (Part One)


There are many blue highways and circuitous byways in the history of England during this period, and none more so than the legendary group which gathered around the author of The History Of The World, Sir Walter Raleigh. In the early 20th century scholars appended to this group the name The School Of Night, as a result of a reference to them in one of Shakespeare’s early plays. But this is only the turning upside down of the truth, for these men were only dark and shadowy due the fact that they lived under an oppressive government which feared truth above all—what they they were were avatars of and servants of the coming light—priests of the Sun. We know that Marlowe was in the thick of this group and his plays served to give veiled reports of their conversations and their ideas. For whatever he learned at the King’s School and at Cambridge it was among these great men that he got his true education. It was here that me met scientists, mathematicians, and hard headed realists who were bent on innovation, discovery and free thought. Raleigh himself is said to have been a somewhat conventional thinker, but he did not condemn or censor and gave his covering power to broad searches for truth. Legend has it that Marlowe read to him an “atheist” speech and if it was so it was the meeting of two men of the most far reaching minds, in word, thought and deed, as it was Raleigh who was conceiving of the plans to travel to the New World, even as Marlow and the others were breaking into new frontiers of thought. The most enigmatic figure of this “school” was Henry Percy, the so called Wizard Earl. The knighted scion of a fierce and rebellious Northern Household he used his wealth to spur new thinking and new ideas. In his home at Charing Cross he amassed a massive library and set up a scientific laboratory; he invited mathematicians to his home and astronomers and men studying navigation, both important to the search in the Americas. Of great import was a man named Thomas Harriot who with a primitive telescope on the tiles a night was the first being to view the moons of Jupiter; he mapped the moon with an exactness which anticipated the work of Galielo and began to revolutionize algebra, helping to pave the way for the math revolution of the next century; Harriot was an astronomer, philosopher, geographer, a great polymath in the Renaissance mold; he corresponded with Kepler, was a pioneer of the telescope, and compiled the first logarithmic tables Marlowe found in him a signal thinker and scholar who shared his passion and concern for the empirical and the demonstrable. Marlow himself, being the poet of the group, was the one that was the most lacerating and heretical; he was fascinated by what at the time were called “jugglers” or wonder-workers and he “blasphemously” said that Moses was a juggler but he was sure that Thomas Harriot could do more than he; Marlowe was also able to glean the tales from the New World and said that the Indians were sure to have been on earth longer than 16,000 years ago, thus beginning the process of moving the age of the earth back further and further; Thus these men were studying optics, engaging in philosophical inquiries, and dealing in new timelines of chronological history, all of which meant that they were undermining the Christian religion; and thus they drew fire. In all of this Christopher Marlowe was brought into very close contact with cutting edge thinking of his time, with speculative ideas, with scientist, sages, and seers.

Of all the sages and seer who lived in London in these years no one was more influential than Giordano Bruno. Faustus alone indicated Marlowe’s debt to this great man, indeed though the historical Faustus gave birth to the image of the character it is Bruno who provides the lineaments: Faustus was Bruno. While in England Bruno was deeply critical of how students were taught in the universities and this contempt is echoed in Faustus’ famous renunciation of orthodox scholarship. Of particular concern were the grammarian pedants who widowed the country of knowledge; Bruno was a follower of Copernicus and it is this “heretical” belief which caused Greene to call him the mad priest of the sun—the sun of course being the entity which was traditionally worshipped by the Aryan race before the alien Jewish superstition supplanted it. Bruno’s version of Copernicus (while recognizing the physical reality of the revolutionary cosmological configuration) was mystical also; his version of heliocentrism, which was disseminated through Raleigh’s school, was emblematic; it was an inner sun of the soul which recognized the divine light and truth. Another contemporary, Thomas Digges, called heliocentricity the revival of the most ancient doctrine of Pythagoras and none promulgated it with more fervor than Bruno. The physical sun centered universe thus became a kind of esoteric hieroglyph for the symbol of the sun, the black hole sun. For our people have always been sun worshippers; and it was under the guise of mystic language and hidden language that our people’s ancient religion was resurfacing. And none other than Kit Marlowe had been imbued with this religion, and with the assistance of the school he attended in secret houses about London, was slowly in the process of presenting it to the public, as clearly as he could, upon the stage of the world.


Christopher (Kit) Marlowe was stabbed in the right eye at a tavern house owned by the Widow Bull. The day was May 30 1593. The murder of Kit Marlowe is one of those shadowy enigmas that they say no man can solve completely. Like all of the history of England in this period it has fallen under the ban of speech and the murder itself is at the heart of the labyrinth which one enters quite freely but finds soon quite difficult to emerge from. What we know is that Marlowe had a far reaching reputation as a heretic and an “atheist”; that latter being the all encompassing term for anyone exercising free thought. What we know is that he had been inculcated in the ancient religion of our people under the auspices of the so called “school of night”; what he had learned was the earth was vastly older than the Church alleged, that the universe and interstellar space were vastly larger than the Church supposed, that the entire Christian religion was a fraud and the product of juggling. And Christopher Marlowe was in on the ground floor of this knowledge; and it just so happens that he was the most famous playwright in London, adored by the masses, respected by his fellows, and assisted by an elite of the secret elite---and feared by the Church and the government for all of these things. For what better way to get the word of this New Knowledge out to the public, and to Europe, than by means of the sacred drama? By means of fiction? By plays upon a grand stage? He had already done this with Tamburlaine and Faustus and there is no way he would have stopped. By 1593 Marlowe’s output was superior than Shakespeare’s. The standard line in English departments today was that Marlowe was a spent force, that he could not have evolved, that had he lived Shakespeare would have eclipsed him: this is pure nonsense. The two would have been locked in mortal combat for going on two decades and would have driven each other higher and higher with their different but complementary geniuses. Shakespeare knew everything and he surely knew of the new learning (“doubt thou that the stars are fire”) but he was by nature cautions, politics, and prudent. His father had been a crypto Catholic and he was well aware of how death stalked the heretic. He was also well aware of what happened to Christopher Marlowe (a dagger in the eye) and so he was not a company keeper, kept his counsel, became a shadowy figure himself, and resorted to the arcane and to mystification, to put the new knowledge in code in his plays for those who were able to decipher. That was never Marlowe’s way, he knew no caution, he threw caution to the wind; he was brave and courageous and took his opponents head on. Whenever it was time to fold he doubled down. We know of course that his death can be seen as a proxy of the battle between Essex and Raleigh. We know that there was the issue of the immigrants from Northern Europe who were seen as “economic blood suckers” and against whom pamphlets were posted signed by—Tamburlaine. Thomas Kyd was arrested and they found papers in his possession written by Marlowe expressing heretical views of Christianity. And Marlowe himself was arrested but allowed to roam London as long as he did not go across the verge. It is all rather obvious and one does not need to read between any lines. The standard academic canard is that it is all a labyrinth and one cannot very well get out of one of those, but that is just smoke and mirrors. When he died his fellow poets knew what had happened but could not say it, or they could say it in code only; and his fellows praised this great man, this great Aryan man, to the skies, saying that he as a “free soul” and in his honey flowing veins he achieved what no English writer has attained.

Whose name in Faustus immortal treasury
Truth shall accord to endless memory.

Fitting, that. For Kit Marlow had bathed in Empyrean Springs and had in him translunary things that the first Poet had. Another way of saying that is that Marlowe with the help of his associates had delved to the bottom of the truth. But Harriot shunned publicity; Bruno could only write secret texts; but Marlowe had the stage of the world to blazon his words and ideas on. And he would have in play after play raised the stakes and raised the stakes some more; for it was what flew beyond him only that he loved; and the authorities in the month of May1593 (the fatal year) tried to cajole him, tried to cow him, tried to threaten him, tried to get him to back down, and tried to talk reason to him. But he did not consider that to be reason, he considered that craven capitulation. For he condemned his life for the love of truth. And when they saw the kind of man they were dealing with, a man in love with struggle, and bravery, and truth they saw that the only way to shut his mouth, to stop him from leading his race out of the labyrinth, was to kill him. So they killed him.


Douglas Mercer
Posts: 10473
Joined: Tue Mar 28, 2023 7:29 pm

Re: Kit (Part Two)

Post by Douglas Mercer » Thu Jan 16, 2025 11:26 pm


Douglas Mercer
Posts: 10473
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Re: Kit (Part Two)

Post by Douglas Mercer » Thu Jan 16, 2025 11:27 pm


Douglas Mercer
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Re: Kit (Part Two)

Post by Douglas Mercer » Thu Jan 16, 2025 11:27 pm


Douglas Mercer
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Re: Kit (Part Two)

Post by Douglas Mercer » Thu Jan 16, 2025 11:28 pm


Douglas Mercer
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Re: Kit (Part Two)

Post by Douglas Mercer » Thu Jan 16, 2025 11:28 pm


Douglas Mercer
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Re: Kit (Part Two)

Post by Douglas Mercer » Thu Jan 16, 2025 11:30 pm


Douglas Mercer
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Re: Kit (Part Two)

Post by Douglas Mercer » Thu Jan 16, 2025 11:30 pm


Douglas Mercer
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Re: Kit (Part Two)

Post by Douglas Mercer » Thu Jan 16, 2025 11:31 pm


Douglas Mercer
Posts: 10473
Joined: Tue Mar 28, 2023 7:29 pm

Re: Kit (Part Two)

Post by Douglas Mercer » Thu Jan 16, 2025 11:33 pm


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