Douglas Mercer
November 29 2024
Nature is a language can’t you read?
Indelible def: not able to be forgotten or removed
Psychedelic (1950s): formed irregularly from the Greek psyche (soul) + delos clear, manifest
LSD-25 is variously said to have been created accidentally in a Swiss laboratory in 1947 or to have been created by the United States Military around the same time in order to perform mind control on the population.
One of the most common experiences of the subject under the influence of LSD-25 it that when they are in an enclosed space they perceive the walls to be breathing.
The Gaia hypothesis also known as the Gaia theory, Gaia paradigm, or the Gaia principle, proposes that living organism s interact with their inorganic surroundings on Earth to form a synergistic and self-regulating complex system that helps to maintain and perpetuate the conditions for life on the planet. The theory is named after the primordial deity who personified the Earth in Greek Mythology.
This does not go far enough; the dichotomy organic/in organic is a false one. Presumably the walls really are breathing.
LSD-25 functions as a decompensating mechanism for the brain; a mental compensation is a reaction formation or defense mechanism which shields the brain from reality. When one decompensates one sees the famous “thing in itself” of Kantian Idealism. This brings terror because, as Eliot said, humankind can bear very little reality. Blake said that when the doors of perception are cleansed (by decompensation) one sees everything as it is—infinite. Presumably our brain evolved in order to protect us from this esoteric knowledge. The god wanted us to live ordinarily in an oasis of sanity or solidity so that we might slowly learn the secrets of the cosmos. Were we to learn them all at once disaster would ensue (there’s a Starman waiting in the sky he’d like to come and meet us but he knows he’d blow our minds) and the hard work necessary for the cosmos' completion would not have occurred. It’s the same as the old story when someone goes on vacation and their cat dies. You don’t just call them up and tell them that their cat is dead. You call them one day and say the cat has taken sick; then the next day you say things have taken a turn for the worse and you’ve taken it to the vet; after a few more days of this rigmarole you finally say that you regret to inform them of the worst. But however this is and no matter how you say it the cat is still dead.